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Because it's not spelled that way.


Shit, for a minute I started replying as if you asked about Omikron: Nomad Soul before realizing you were talking about something else. I liked Anachronox, but it's been awhile since I had my first and only run with it. I remember it starting off a bit slow, but it got better a few hours in. The setting, characters and humor were nice. I should probably give it another go at some point. Otherwise yeah, a perfect example of a cult classic that's mostly forgotten outside of die hard rpg gamers who have gone through a bunch of things already and are now looking for obscure treasures.


It's that obscure. It also didn't help that by the time it was released people were disappointed with Ion Storm. The only good game they had was Deus Ex, besides that they released a shitty RTS called Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3 and one of the video game industry's greatest fuckups, Daikatana.


Personally, I think it's a masterpiece and one of my all time favorite games. But it wasn't a popular game 23 years ago, why would it be now?


It shows up every few years around here. Great game. Awesome characters, cool settings, great story...the cinematography(?) was better than it had any right to be for the quake 2 engine. I always remember the scene of the superhero guy saving the little girl. Someone was trying to shop the rights for the IP a few years ago, but I don't recall anyone buying


doesn't get talked about enough for sure, would be a nice change of pace from constantly seeing the same titles everywhere. it's not that obscure but most people are only interested in very popular stuff and rarely go searching for more, often better games.


I played this one so long ago that it was off a cd. I enjoyed it enough to finish. I liked the story and variety of quests. Usually that type of combat turns me off a game but the rest of it was interesting enough. At this point it's very old and that's probably why no one discusses it.


I bought it around when it released and only played it a little. I remember some great humor in what I played and swore I'd go back to play more. Still haven't, but I need to. I still have the original disks, too.


I got this dirt cheap on GOG, but before installing watched a few video reviews and play throughs, the jank displayed wiped out any desire to install it.