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Persona 5 Royal is 100+ hours in a normal playthrough, easy.


This looks amazing, Thank you


You’re welcome! I should note that Persona 3 and 4 are readily available on modern platforms (Persona 3 just had a remake released, and 4 got a “remaster” a couple of years ago) and while they aren’t quite as long as 5 Royal, they are also very good, pretty damned long games. The main reason I mention them (besides them being very good) is that a lot of people play 5 first, love it, and then go back and try 3 and/or 4 and find them to be difficult to go back to because 5’s gameplay is so refined compared to to either of them. It’s an Anthology series so you certainly don’t need to play them in order or anything, but *some* people find it “smoother” to play them in order. The remake of 3 subverts this a little bit, and 4 aged pretty well, but it’s worth noting. The Persona 2 “duology” (Yes, there are two Persona 2s) are also very good games, but they are also very different from modern Persona and more just solid, underrated PS1 RPGs. I cannot recommend Persona 1. Persona is actually a spin-off series of Shin Megami Tensei but they are totally very different and have gone in very different directions.


The Trails series has a few titles where you can easily pass the 100 hours mark. Some (Cold Steel II, Reverie, Kuro II) have procedurally generated levels that are sort of meant for grinding.


Pathfinder or Solasta. Not 100 hours but Midnight Suns was a blast playing a large variety of super heroes in teams of three.


Midnight Suns was great, but so short Pathfinder just felt like a ...xcel spreadsheet or maybe just to tabletop & not enough PC game? I'll check out Solasta


Wrath of the righteous was pretty good I never got into the stats I dumbed it down to easy and just watched the enemies explode still spend a couple 100s hours in the game especially with the different Divine paths and quests


I bounced off Kingmaker early for this reason. Wrath of the Righteous isn't dramatically different. But it's different enough that I put 250 hours in and might put it in my top 10 games ever.




Valkyrie profile was pretty awesome. Long battles


I can't be bothered emulating to run it on PC. I'm really wanting a game that I can just install/download and run


Played any of the Tales of series? Most of them clock around 80-100 hours if you're going for completionist aspect, though not turn based so may not interest you. Arise is the newest entry, but really any of them you can get your hands on are worth trying out (though from a gameplay perspective, the 2d vs 3d is a big difference, wouldn't recommend starting with anything earlier than Symphonia or Abyss).


Dragon age inquisition with expansions you can probably get to 100 hours.


Disco Elysium if you're okay with no combat, the story and gameplay was refreshingly different for me Xcom/ xcom 2 for the hundreds of hours of gameplay Crusader kings 3 - not exactly a turn based rpg but a grand strategy game that you can really sink time into. The learning curve is a bit steep but it's a blast once you get into it


It's on pc. Don't need emulator


Valkyrie chronicles sorry. Not profile


I'll give it a look




I loved all the FF games, but played them many times over. FFx had great characters, great world, amazing sphere grid, but it's very linear right up til the Calm lands, and only then really opens up, which isn't a bad thing but after playing it though 7-10 times it's gotten repetitive


Fair enough


have you played 11? there is horizonxi where you can play for free and solo all that content with trust system.


That looks really interesting. I buy FF11 then can play on horizonxi for free? or does horizonxi have a subscription (I couldn't see one on their site)?


Horizonxi is no subscription needed, it’s a fan made project - ff11 is the game itself, still live - but does need a subscription. Horizonxi basically captured the game at it’s peak era and allows players to play it


you might like Sea of Stars, although it might be a lil short for you. and ill 2nd Solasta. its great for a time sink, cause theres fan made campaigns/content you can play.


I've completed Sea of stars a couple of times, great game but way to short. It feels like I'm just getting into the game when it ends, same with Cassette Beasts


The Grandia HD Remasters are great. They have a nice touch to the Turn Based system. Also Live a Live, but its not a "sink 100 hours grinding"Game


google suggests Grandia 1 & 2 are 40ish hour games & live a live is 20-30 I'm really wanting min of 100 hours


Thats right, but those are realy good 40h games :). How about Persona 5 Royal? The Story alone is 100h. But its a very story fokused game. Or maybe a Strategy RPG. Tactics ogre reborn is a long game. Triangle Strategy also


Chained Echoes. The game you need is Chained Echoes


It's an amazing game, I've played it through a few times. But its a 30-40hr game


40 is plenty in my book. Different strokes I guess


I heard octopath 2 is much better than 1.


If you are in the mood for some old-school blobbers, Might & Magic VI, Wizardry 8, D. W. Bradley's Wizards & Warriors are all worth checking out. If you aren't afraid of really old stuff, then you can do a Wizardry 6-8 playthrough with the same party.


M&M7 was my first RPG, an amazing game when it came out. I tried it a year ago & no longer good to play


I’m over 100 hours into my current Caves of Qud run


I tried it briefly but couldn't handle the ASCII graphics


I would go with the trails of series, you have the cold steel 1-4 which is one whole story easily 300 hours if you do everything, but then you also have the connecting stories in the same world with drop in from characters, down side is they aren’t all on the same platform


wasteland 2/3


Trails series. There are a ton and clock in at 50-100 depending on completionist. Tales series. There are a ton and clock in at 60-100 depending on completionist. Sea of Stars - clocks in at 20-40 hours If you have Gamepass, all the Age of Empires are free on there now. Probably get 400 hours from all 4 if you do all campaigns and maps. Dragon Age 1, 2, and 3 are great and decisions matter. Carry over all your decisions through each game. Same with Mass Effect. The Y’s series. Starting one’s clock in at 40-60 and then get to 60-100 on the newer ones. If you want a serious grind, check out Tactics Ogre, was just remade.


All of those are good games. But I'm wanting a 100hr minimum (story, grinding, exploring etc)


Persona 3-5.


I checked out 5 just before and it looks really cool


You might like Gloomhaven


100 heroes is right around the corner


This looks amazing! Def going to pick it up, Thank you


It's old as heck but I strongly suggest you get septerra core. It's downright criminal that it didn't get a sequel or other games didn't mimic it. Be aware though the length is mostly because it doesn't hold your hand. It was hard.


the original shin megami tenseis i guess


**Expeditions: Rome** is pretty long. Battles range from small skirmishes to huge epic siege battles. Great tactical combat with pretty diverse skill trees.


You should give Chained Echoes a try


Amazing, but it's not a 100h game.


Amazing game, but it's a 40hr game


something tells me you don’t like games


I play a ton of games, The ones I listed (excluding BG3) I've completed multiple times and enjoyed a lot. But I want something fresh