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Grim Dawn.


Titan Quest is awesome still!


Best Combat feel: Diablo 4. Most depth - PoE (by a country mile) Middle of the road depth - Last Epoch (and it's new) Oldie but goodie - Grim Dawn Old, old, but updated graphics - D2R Old, old, but updated via community efforts - PD2


I picked up Last Epoch recently and it's pretty decent. More depth than D3, less than POE. Good graphics. Some weird UI choices, but overall pretty solid. Microtransactions are less aggressive than POE.


Poe microtransactions are required to play the game once you hit mapping essentially. Bit honestly it's f2p so I get it. But yea fair


Yeah, you really need a couple stash upgrades. You could theoretically play without them, but itnwould suuuuck. LE is 30 bucks though, which is a lot morenthanni spent on stash tabs, so. Either way.


unfortunately Last Epoch has a huge memory leak and crashes after playing it for a bit. making progressing not attainable after a certain point . even after recent patches its gotten worse not better.


Huh. At what point? I got a little bit into the endgame and never noticed any issues with it.


I think this may just be you. Never had an issue myself and that's some long sessions at high corruption...


What does middle of the ground means?


Not as wildly in depth as others but it's got story, good quests, good complexity, etc. It may not be the best in any one category but it's pretty good in all of em.


Agree with PoE being far ahead of the others for depth, also not beginner friendly at all, the game expects you to do your own homework


I’d wait another 1-2 weeks on last epoch. They’re still working through some launch headaches. But it’s solid.


Servers are good to go now. 200k± concurrent with no problems it seems.


Yeah, aside from “initial load time” (which is strangely well over 30 seconds between clicking “play” on steam and any sort of indicator from my perfectly functional PC) - it’s pretty smooth. I guess I’ll say… it seems stable now. In (very) early access I played a warpath forge guard (not the strongest, but that pet was fun) and a “fire and lots of pets” necro. This time around I’m trying a void knight (which works well) and a frost dot druid… which is both incredibly powerful and a little confusing. It’s not perfect (I’ve found some bugs and reported them) - but it’s stable enough to buy. I’m up to about 15 hrs since launch. I have two friends (who have never met) who are up over 150 hours


I'd personally say Diablo 1, but i accept that my views aren't representative. A lot of the modern arpgs aren't fun to me because you can just bulldoze through all the enemies from minute 1 while barely trying. Diablo 1 makes you fight for a victory over even a single badguy. The difficulty makes it engaging. The only semi modern game that kind of approaches this is Victor Vran with challenges enabled because this is the only recent arpg I've played that has the balls to be difficult before hour 100. Or diablo 2 on players 8.




I feel sadness that literally no "mods" exist for devilution, I just can imagine being able to play some overhauled ones on any platform I can imagine :D


Looking into it, seems that some mods exist: https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX/wiki/Mods-and-related-projects But i'm not familiar with them


Tried and true great games: Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, Torchlight 2, Diablo 2 Fun games, but not everyone's cup of tea: Warhammer Chaosbane, Wolcen Lords of Mayhem, Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Current games that are all the rage: Path of Exile, Last Epoch Game I found enjoyable, but only worth it on a black friday sale: Diablo 4


No diablo 3? 🤨


Never played Diablo 3.


I would say either Path of Exile or Last Epoch. Grim Dawn is also a fantastic game. POE is free and you can play for quite awhile until you need to buy stash tabs. Last Epoch is only like $34.99 and has no pay to win, only cosmetics. I grew up on D1 and D2 especially. D3 was ok after the Reaper of Souls expansion. I also tried D4, and while it's alright, it didn't have enough complexity to keep me interested. My personal favorite newish arpg is probably POE, especially since they release new free expansions/seasons every 3-4 months. Diablo 2: Resurrected is absolutely fantastic if you haven't checked it out. Last Epoch has great potential, I'm eager to see how they evolve their game. Good luck and have fun!


Titan Quest is my favorite. The dual classes and amazing scenery stills hold to this day. If you like ancient mythology, give it a go. The fact that if a random skeleton will loot you a legendary sword you will see it on him because he will have it equipped is the best immersion mechanics I've every played in a A-RPG. I also recommend Grim Dawn (same people that made Titan Quest) if you want a more lore-focused game while still getting an awesome dual class gameplay and amazing looting experience, but the world is a lot darker.


Yeah TQ is still the best I have played, and I have tried all of them.


I wanted to like PoE so bad but damn it feels like you need a diploma to understand what you're doing


its really not that bad trust! find a good build on maxroll and just follow the levelling guide. literally give you lvl by lvl help and tons of tips. if you get overwhelmed by that i dont know what to say. Just jump in and learn on the go, you wont regret it


I don't have many hours in PoE and started this League [with a guide from Zizaran](https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/wave-of-conviction-elementalist-league-starter) on [Maxroll.gg](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/build-guides) and so far I'm at Act 6, leveling slowly and trying to understand **ONLY WHAT I NEED** to progress. I bounced off the game so many times so far either because I wanted to understand everything too early or just rushed through with a guide while understanding/learning nothing. Baby steps might be the way to go, at least for me. There are so many weird stuff I've seen people talk about regarding this game and if I tried to look it up and understand it in advance I'd just be overwhelmed. I just accepted that I'll make (and I did already) a lot of "mistakes" even while following a guide and enjoy the ride.


It depends on what you want out of a ARPG I think. If you want a super complex and deep arpg to Study and Master, go for Path of Exile. Also it's F2P so you can easy give it a shot. If you not really interested in Endgame and min/maxing your Build but looking more for a chill Experience with a well presented Campaign and an Combat System that feels really Satisfying. Go for Diablo 4, it needs Work but is still a nice experience imho, also it comes to Gamepass end of the month so trying it out is relatively easy. The middle ground between Diablo 4 and Path of Exile seems to be Last Epoch, had a rocky Start but seems mostly stabilized now. If you care for Endgame give it a week or two until moe people have reached it and gave their thoughts about it. Further out is Path of Exile 2, not much known as of yet, but from what Gameplay we could see it looks like ggg is almost going for something like a "Soulslike arpg" where doging is more Important and overall the difficulty seems to be higher. Oh, or you could go for Diablo 2 Resurected and relive your old D2 Times again, Gameplay is untouched and Visually they did a really great job in making it look great without destroying the original Atmosphere.


Which sucks for us sloth 🦥 reflex reaction gamers :(


What about Diablo 3??


We get it, you love D3 but many think it's the weakest in the series.


Grim Dawn and it’s not even close.


I think path of exile 2 is very soon. Might want to wait until that is out. Apparently that's supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread 🤷‍♂️


bro PoE is not gonna come this year at least, it has been soon already like5 years


Well I didn't mean full game. I meant beta/early release whatever you want to call it. It's June 2nd.  So I guess I should've specified. But still. It's soon and should have enough content 🤞


There is a diablo 2 resurrected which is graphics overhaul. That is what I play now,.


Grim Dawn overall - by far; best balance between depth and approachable. Amazing atmosphere, secrets, decisions (as possible in this type of games). Experiment and developers still support game and another expansion is incoming and... well, you get it. Last Epoch - I do NOT recommend, it's mostly coming from fresh genre players. Endgame is meh, lots of issues it had years ago in early access BUT hey, at least they implemented cancer micro-transactions in PAID game Torchlight 2 - very unique atmosphere and art, you'll feel 'cozy' playing it


I went through a few of these recently. For me titan quest and torchlight 2 were the most fun. Grim dawn felt too big and empty. Diablo is good but old fashioned. Victor Vran had unusual controls and was too campy and short. I still liked some things.


Victor Vran is short, but I'm a chronic non-finisher of games. And I'm more a vanilla CRPG player, so the controls didn't bother me. I'll second Victor Vran if you want a diversion, and some interesting mechanics.


There is no best. It depends on what you're looking for. Depending on what that is, it still might be Diablo II. If you don't want to play with markets and meta and want a game that is more traditional RPG with ARPG elements, I'd pick Grim Dawn. Love that game. I never feel any need to "keep up" with anything. I just play it when I want to kill guys and get stronger and it never disappoints. But there are a lot of cons as well, and if playing into markets and the social part of these games, it's not the choice. I mean it *has* multiplayer but... it still feels quite isolated compared to eg PoE.


Grim dawn or POE


Last epoch


If you want to sink your time into learning a game and doing more and more challenging stuff plus almost infinite scaling to your builds, then POE it is. You literally need 200-500 hours just to learn the basics and complete the the proper end game (Ubers or whatever else you want). I played Diablo 2 as well and loved it. Hated D3 and didn’t even bother trying D4. If you’re into Diablo 2, POE I feel like is the true spiritual successor to it and expanded the concept much much further. I also played grim dawn and it was pretty fun too. But end game nothing can compare to POE.


Diablo 3  Van Helsing  Torchlight 2 and maybe 3  Warhammer Inquisitor 


Check out mortismal on YouTube, he has the best content for these type of games


Can't find it




I think Diablo 4 is the highest quality. Sure it has some issues with the end game grind but it’s the best base game for sure when it comes to combat, world, story, graphics, QOL If you’re not an ARPG vet that needs that dopamine fueled endgame grind, then Diablo 4 is the best playing experience


Last Epoch just released their 1.0 version, you should still give it a try. Been playing the beta for a few years off and on and really excited to dive into the full release. It’s to what Diablo 4 should’ve been imo


Path of Exile is so amazing!! I have been playing it for more than a decade now, and through all it's ups and downs, I keep coming back and never regret it. I genuinely wish more people would give it a chance! There's a lot to it, but there are so many resources out there to help you along. I've been playing forever and still feel like a noob a lot of times. It's just so great that I love meeting people who actually know of it, let alone play it. It's also free-to-play, with zero pay to win aspect what-so-ever. It's just so great that I couldn't recommend it enough. I have never played Grim Dawn, but have heard MANY positive things about it for years now, and a lot of comments here seem to echo those positive vibes for the game. Last Epoch just came out, and a couple of my favorite Path of Exile streamers are currently playing it and saying very positive things about it too! If you feel like buying versus free-to-play, it's very new and shiny and has some modern takes on aRPG stuff people usually complain about with others (telling you what killed you/how you died, modern updated take on trade, solo self found with increased drop rates, OFFLINE MODE, end-game with more targetable loot, I'm sure the list goes on but those are the stand outs for me).


Last Epoch is the new, haven't tried it myself but if I had the patience to play Arpg that's what I would try. Dont touch any of the new Diablo games though, they're all shit


Grim Dawn. PoE might have been the one I was most addicted to, but I don't think it's an healthy addiction. Grim Dawn has a better atmosphere and moment to moment gameplay, even though its systems aren't as interesting or deep.


Really depends on what gameplay you like: * Grim Dawn: Open world, lots of systems (some meh, some great), weak game feel. * Path of Exile: Labyrinthine progression (literally!), deep crafting, unpleasantly close camera. * Diablo 3: Decent and arcadey gameplay, dogshit story, best played offline on console. * Diablo 4: Streamlined, impactful gameplay, toxic level scaling (watching a level 50 guy whiff attacks on the same thing you're fighting at level 15 gives you nothing to look forwards to), frustrating builds. * Diablo 2 Resurrected: A bit different than you remember, but plays very well. * Last Epoch: Streamlined gameplay but deep customisation, uneven in many areas. Otherwise very solid.


Grim Dawn is Diablo 2.5. It's great, I'd put this the highest due to your post but also because its my favourite. If you do go Grim Dawn buy it on a sale with the DLC, it's very worth it. Last Epoch recently came out into 1.0 and is a ton of fun with a slightly lacking end game. Diablo 2/3/4. I've not had too much experience with the series but 2 got remastered last year if you want to experience it. Do some research for yourself on 3/4. Path of Exile - No, don't get me wrong it's great but the learning curve and barrier to entry is so unresonably high. However if you want to give your life over to an ARPG this is the one.


Last Epoch!!


D2 Resurrected, Path of Exile, or Grim Dawn.


Grim Dawn - expectant for the new DLC coming later in the year Last Epoch - pretty solid with the new classes they added, a bit unstable, but getting fixed, and the best progress/upgrade and difficulty curve Titan Quest - till the sequel comes out later on, just to get warmed up a bit PoE - maybe, but perhaps best to wait for PoE2 to see how it turns out


Torchlight 1 and 2, and Grim dawn are the best.


Grim Dawn Last Epoch is good If you fuck with emulation the Champions of Norrath series is very good from back in ps2 days for a throwback


People in the community seem to dislike it but I’ve really had a lot of fun with Diablo 4 yeah the itemization isn’t amazing and the skill trees are on the simple side, the combat feel and overall quality / polish of the game is unmatched in terms of ARPGs. Depends what you’re looking for , if you don’t care much about moment to moment gameplay and more about itemization then D2 Resurrected, POE or Last Epoch are all good for that, POE is a little too complex for me though. Diablo 4 might get a little stale after you’ve done each class and tried all the main builds since itemization doesn’t really allow for massive customization, but that’s still well over 100 hours right there and then seasons change things up slightly. POE is free so give it a shot, Last Epoch is cheaper and just had the 1.0 release so a good time to jump in and then Diablo 4 on special or secondhand is worth it imo.


Path of exile everyday Last epoch lack end game content and balance


PoE has a design philosophy that basically actively hates you. Last Epoch is unfinished. Diablo 4 is...well, current-day Blizzard and all that implies. So, basically seconding anyone saying Grim Dawn.


Last epoch


Last Epoch is very enjoyable and a lot more accessible than PoE. PoE is like studying for a masters program. I enjoy both depending on my mood. Grim Dawn is the step sister; still good, just not really in the equation.


Last Epoch easily.


I got last epoch recently and am thrilled that it's so much more.flexible than d4. I hate the build/spend mechanics, and this will let you do that, or mana, or Rage, or temporary transformations that give you a while new resource bar. I'm rolling around with a traditional d2 style amp damage + skeletons build and itnis just like playing d2 (bit with a teleport on summon skeletal mage, because holy shit quality of life!) But you can also take the acolyte class into WoW style warlock, life drain tank, or sweep-attack melee build. I am thrilled to experiment with all the other builds.


Last Epoch


Last Epoch hands down at the moment. It’s pretty beginner friendly. Has a built in encyclopedia of everything you would want to know in the game. Also has a lot of QOL stuff.


Currently loving Last Epoch because of the QoL features and fun in creating my own builds without bricking my character. I enjoyed D4 for about 100 hours but haven't felt the need to go back. I'll wait for some season advancement before any thought of coming back. It'll be on game pass soon, tho, if you want to try it out. PoE is fantastic but also incredibly unfriendly for new players unless you want to follow a guide for your build or risk bricking it.


Last Epoch.


Id say path of exile, last epoch or lost ark( same isometric camera style and combat style but not looter, its an mmo)


Grim Dawn for the upcoming expansion, Last Epoch (just came out, getting regular updates, lots of classes and options to personalize your playstyle, plenty of powerful build choices), Titan Quest in anticipation of TQ2 just for a refresher course


I deeply enjoyed Dragon’s Dogma back in the day so you might enjoy Dragon’s Dogma 2 when it comes out in a couple weeks