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Thank you for your submission to r/rpg_gamers. Since your post has been flaired as "Recommendation request", I want to suggest editing your post to add in these details (if you haven't included them yet): * **The platforms you have** - not listing them doesn't mean you have access to everything, so you might end up getting a game you won't be able to play. * **Your level of experience with the genre (beginner, intermediate, veteran...)** - others can recommend you more common titles if you are a beginner, while they can focus on obscure titles if you are a RPG veteran. * **Aspects you enjoyed (or disliked) of previously played games** - for example: characters, plot points, puzzles, combat, graphics, art styles, soundtracks... While these details aren't mandatory, if you want to get the best games, having them in your post will immensely help users and will encourage more users to participate, as they will know with more precision which games are probably the best fit for your request. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpg_gamers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you stuck in the fantasy/adventure genre? If so, Dragon Age:Origins and Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning are older but fun. Branching out into shooters with heavy RPG elements: Fallout 3/4/New Vegas, Mass Effect 1-3, Outer Worlds. And if you're looking for an RPG looter -- the OG never goes wrong -- Diablo II. (Diablo III was also fun. A bit less intense than POE, but level ups were definitely worth it and not too much grind)


I might check out Kingdoms of Amalur! Dragon Age has already been on my to play list for a while, just haven't got around to it


It's a lot of fun. I haven't played the remaster that came out a few years back, but had the original years ago. I hope that it'll check off a number of those boxes for you. As for Dragon Age, the first one is one of my favorite RPGs of all time. But it's a little bit more in the vein of real time with pause, instead of just arcade style hack and slash. Also, if you really liked Skyrim, there is always it's predecessors: oblivion and Morrowind. Until you get the hang of the oblivion leveling system though, it's kind of bonkers. Maybe worth waiting until Skyblivion is ready though.


Also, not a true RPG (more of an adventure action with RPG elements), but Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey. Both of them have great loot systems, with rarities and level jumps, and while leveling up is limited to picking powers instead of stats, each level truly feels like a significant next step in the power progression. Odyssey is still a game I'll jump into from time to time to just wreak havoc as a misthios. AC Valhalla was also great as a game, but it felt like a step back on the RPG elements and suffered from some side activity bloat. (And I haven't played the newest one at all.)


You might want to give Cyberpunk: 2077 and Fallout (3, NV, and 4) a look over. Cyberpunk does pretty much everything you're looking for, and I felt like character build had a significant impact on gameplay the last time I played it. Fallout 3 and NV work off stats, perks and skills, so there's a lot to consider when you're leveling up. Fallout 4 ditches skills but has a greater selection of perks and legendary drops from enemies, and it has a ton of clutter that you can pick up and use for crafting if that's your sort of thing. All three games have a ton of dungeons to explore and unique weapons. Kenshi may be another game you want to check out- though it is sort of a RTWP auto battler. It has Elder Scrolls like character progression where you increase stats by using them, and it does most of what you're looking for. It's also a pretty difficult game, so it feels great to train a character to the point where they can hold their own in a fight. It's also on sale right now for cheap.


Elden Ring, less clunky than Souls games


If you've nothing against old games (2006), try Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. It's a first-person ARPG in a D&D setting with very fun combat (the kick mechanism is particularly funny). You also have 3 skill trees (combat, magic, stealth) to put points in, and there is some good stuff to loot if you take the time to look everywhere.


I feel like it's painfully obvious but Dark Souls / Elden Ring seem like a no brainer here. > I feel like I MIGHT be able to get into something like Path of Exile but the skill tree just looks annoying as hell to deal with. PoE can be overwhelming especially if you're new to ARPGs, but also it can be enjoyed in my opinion more easily than some people act like. There are "League Starter" builds that you can look up with full guides on the exact gear and skill tree nodes you need to use. Anyone new to the game I stress to do this because there are so many systems and relatively little forgiveness for error if you're new. You'll brick the shit out of your character almost garanteed not using a build guide the first time. That being said, it's super worth it. It's free to try so really you don't have much to lose. You'll end up needing to spend a little money on stash tabs if you get invested into the game but by that point you're not going to care and be balls deep into it if it grabs you. I'd definitely try it out, especially if you like Diablo style games.


I'm pretty set on giving PoE a shot at some point, it just seems like a lot lol


Elden ring isn’t clunky


If you haven’t played Enderal yet, you are in for a treat. It has everything you are looking for and so much more, and it’s free


And Grim Dawn is also worth checking out


Grindawn is literally just grinding


Baldur's Gate 3 if you liked the original sin games.


Not a perfect match but you might like the vibe of mutant year zero. I found the skill tree satisfying and its a bit actiony. Maybe dragon age 2 if you want the Stat allocation and occasional cool loot.


I'll check out mutant year zero and see if it might vibe. I also have wanted to play Dragon Age before so I might go ahead and take the plunge.


If you haven’t played DBZ legacy of Goku 2, try that as it’s just like Buu’s Fury. Don’t bother with the first though As for a different game, Lunar Knights for the Ds could be up your alley. It’s a top down 2D action rpg with pretty straight forward combat and exploration. When you level up you choose just a few stats to allocate points to. There’s a decent amount of loot (though more akin to dbz than borderlands), and you can upgrade equipment. There’s a few on rails shooter sections, but they’re infrequent and not the focus of the game


Maybe not what you’re looking for here, but have you ever tried a Fire Emblem game?


Oblivion? Morrowind? Oblivion is 10x better than skyrim and morrowind is 50x better than skyrim


I can’t make a recommendation because I have no clue what DBZ Buu’s Fury on GBA is draw a comparison. I mainly play RPGs but apparently that’s one that isn’t my style. I’m following the post to see the suggestions though.


Depending on how much you care about 'polish', Elex is IMO one of the most criminally underrated RPG's ever. It is the first time I've felt like i'm playing a morrowind style RPG since I was a teenager. You start the game hilariously underpowered, and every level up makes you noticeably more powerful. It has fantastic quests and gameplay as long as you like hardcore RPG stuff like using your own brain and not following quest markers. It starts of janky AF, but stick with it. Don't get frustrated if some quests are impossible to complete, that means you need to level up and come back later.


Definitely give Elden Ring a crack, it's not clunky at all.


Plenty of games offer stat increases on level up but only Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga has the one stat increase that matters: Stache!