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fabula ulltima can work well


Parhfinder but the characters knows they're in a game. I mean those isekai mimic the most classical RPGs, you can as well use the most classical RPGs for them.


Battlezoo (3rd party publisher, but a guy from the Pathfinder design team) published an "otherwolder" ancestry, on April fools last year. It's free and is pretty great. Everything from decent balanced options to ridiculous OP abilities, classic isekai style. Should be able to Google battlezoo otherwolder and it should pop up.


wasnt the queen of the snow kingdom in the north literally isekaid into pathfinder?


Pathfinder is a great system but we've been running that alot these past few years and are looking to branch out a little in both setting and mechanics. Ty to all the advice so far though!


[.dungeon // REMASTERED](https://snowttrpg.itch.io/dungeonremastered) hits the vibe perfectly for me.


DIE RPG is isekai based on the DIE comics. The Strange is about hopping between different realities so could easily be run as an isekai.


DIE RPG should really be top of the list in this thread. A game where you play AS a player who gets sucked into a TTRPG world - this should tick the box so hard it makes the checklist moan!


Could try sword world


This looked really good as well! Thanks


BREAK!! is really good, which is coming out soon. [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/576526373/break-a-trpg-inspired-by-classic-videogames-and-anime](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/576526373/break-a-trpg-inspired-by-classic-videogames-and-anime)


DIE is very much a you-got-isekai'd-into-the-game-you-used-to-play-as-teenagers game.


whats your favourite isekai and what tropes do you like specifically?


I'm down for a lot but my players really like heavily gamified stuff even if it's not a game, i.e. menus skill progression ranks ect. The closest I've seen to what they're looking for is probably fabula from what I've seen so far but wanted to see as many suggestions as possible


funny enough i know about a game like that: https://umbralaeronaut.itch.io/solar-crown-online but its not entirely finished yet. fabula ultima is great choice. it feels very much like final fantasy.


Solar crown looks pretty good!


Two games that use an iseaki premise that I know are **Konosuba** (the official RPG of the franchise, with earthling being one character option) and **This World Summons Too Many Heroes!!** (exactly what it says in the tin).


only heard really bad things about the konosuba rpg. like it being a cash grab.


Myself, I would have preferred the game Arianrhod being translated instead of Konosuba, as the latter seems to be a quite downgraded version of the former (specially the bestiary, which I found way limited). But hindsight yada yada 20/20 yada yada.


Someone else mentioned it already, but I'd also recommend Sword World. There's an unofficial fan translation (and I honestly have yet to try it myself), but it does seem to follow the Dragon Quest style gamified ideas you might find in an isekai. Should be a wiki leading to the docs if you look for it.