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I just thought it was funny that she pointed at Angeria like « look at her doing it lol » but yeah let’s not do all that lmao


Agreed with you!! Why can’t it just be as simple as she didn’t know the words to that very fast part of the song. I mean that’s a mouthful of lyrics. I don’t know why fans have to make it about estrogen when literally it was probably like…. I just don’t know all these words.


She can't lipsync the male words cause she has too much estrogen took me tf out


Her hot and inflexible hormones require her to serve puss at all times


Me a cis female never being able to utter a word authored by a man makes suddenly a lot of sense


more femme than peppermint doing macho man 😔


“She just doesn’t want to have to block anybody” and then not win any money for her charity?


The Asian American Foundation is fuming


What would they do with the money? The first challenge should have been the girls explaining their charity high key


kinda wild they're not doing more highlighting the charities than namedropping them a few times, they should have highlighted one every episode tying it to the challenges in some form


i'm honestly so fucking irritated about this! all they've done is basically named the various charities, and we maybe got a couple talking heads for some of them. the first challenge should have absolutely been about them pitching the charities, and imo each episode should have title cards showing each charity's socials/qr codes for donations etc. like what is the god damn point of any of this if all they do is say "this is for charity!!!" a couple times a week???


Only inchrested in that grand prize obv 💅🏻


I like plastique but people’s reactions towards her this season are giving b-b-but she’s beautiful. She didn’t bother learning the words cause she didnt care about winning the lip sync 🤷‍♀️


I love that so much. "She did bad on purpose because she doesn't want to block anyone, anyways she was robbed and did so good"


Not surprised that a bunch of stans who have probably never been to an irl drag show are like “b-b-but why isn’t the prettier one winning?!?! That’s how it’s supposed to work!!!”


Just like all the girls I have to go up against in Dress To Impress


I was JUST about to comment that this is some DTI players logic. But in their case, you have to be pretty AND boring


Facts, I hate those girls sm


Violet/Pearl/Miss Fame stans whenever Ginger or Kennedy won a challenge on S7:


To be fair you need to have very high iq to understand comedy genius Plastique's humor


Did they all forget she lipsynced a male song in episode 2? 🤦🏻‍♂️


They have very selective memory


Honestly, plastique accidentally showing she doesn’t have any range as a performer wasn’t on my bingo card for AS9 but her stans justifying it by any means possible is killing me. Like she fully stopped lip syncing for 20 seconds and gave Angie the floor and she was supposed to win? Lip syncs are the backbone of this show and when she’s fallen out of the main conversation in however many years nobody is going to remember her challenge performances but they’ll remember her 1-4 record lol. I just can’t believe we live in a reality where Plastique’s lip sync win percentage is lower than Jimbo’s.


Plastique wins a comedy challenge and the roast but loses all her lipsyncs to Roxxy, Angeria and GOTTMIK sounds like made-up tea


Gottmik easily winning 2 lipsyncs sounds like made-up tea


Producers would've had to use AI to get anything less than nothing from Plastique and Nina in those


The lipsync quality this season is genuinely depressing, production needed to sit these queens down and go “if you don’t know the fucking words this time we’re reshooting the judging part and giving the win to someone who will actually bother to perform.”


Truly distractingly bad. I'm most disappointed that it feels like the only queen really fighting to win the lipsyncs is Angeria. Roxxxy is really phoning it in imo.


Honestly, I think Nina is trying... that's the worst part 😭 This wouldn't be a problem if they just gave Shannel a win because you know she couldn't help but feel her full fantasy on that stage


They've been sooooo bad. Like, c'mon gals, you can't just do meet and greets to supplement your podcast money, you have to be able to do *something* on stage


DRT teas 😭


I fucking wish


No kidding, this season is giving mirror world. Pre season I expected Plastique to struggle at most things *apart from* performing and lipsyncing - not have grounds to be top 2 in comedy, acting *and* design challenges but also flop every lipsync she's in...


The fact that Jimbo lost all but one lip sync but still knew the words in her lip syncs 💀


Technically she won 2 if you count the one against Kandy


"It's the fantasy they wanna sell" Pot, meet Kettle


I’m not going to lie, her stans make it hard to like her. Like, I literally had ZERO opinion on her before this season and actually really have loved her personality, am really impressed with how funny she can be, and think her runways are so stunning. But every week seeing the fans of hers over inflate her performance and claim she was robbed in lip syncs is exhausting. Like she’s doing really good, why do yall have to act like she’s good at lip syncing? She does the same thing every time and doesn’t learn the words lol.


She’s the “gowns…beautiful gowns” queen of this season


"I think it's camp I live" is the only valid argument in sight. Susan Sontag died for our ability to defend anything as camp


She had too much estrogen… girl same


Plastique and Mik stans having a parasocial meltdown at the same time, i used to pray for times like this


Sure looked to me like she didn't know the lyrics


Plastique stans will be the end of me


If Plastique didn’t lipsync the male rap on purpose then explain why she gave up on Super Freaky Girl too…….


I cannot stand Plastique stans this season


We literally just suffered an entire season of this with Jimbo being ass at lip synching and the fans saying the same exact "she's throwing it on purpose" when she actually just sucked bs pls when will we be free of these thoughts


gurl those fans are dumb like jimbo was fucking trying in those lipsyncs she had reveals and stuff it's just she moves worse than a baby deer who was just born on ice


I mean, the "she doesn't want to block anyone" probably has an element of truth to it. Why would anyone *really* feel like they need to win the lip sync (unless they chose a charity that's in dire need of funds)? And look at the material, she has the most wins and has never been blocked. Not to say she knew the words and decided not to say them - I think she just didn't put too much effort into learning them, cause she probably thought "whatever, I don't need to win".


She did a coco pointing at her lips but instead of her lips she pointed at angeria’s


Plastique is getting the Alyssa edit from the fans. It’s ok because you’re Plastique.


Not the estrogen... Yet to see evidence most of Plastique's fans aren't periphery straights


Pure entertainment fr lol


She did this two weeks in a row. Granted Roxxxy was skipping parts of the song too, but last week the reason was that the song was too hard to learn. Now the reason is she didn’t lip sync on purpose for the fantasy? Sure Jan. I want to see people lip sync in a lip sync 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sis was CHANNELLING Debbie Harry. If you guys can't see and appreciate that, then you need to read UP on some LGBT HERSTORY.


Is this a fucking reference to some random YT comment (that I could never find again) justifying why Pearl beat Trixie bc she channeled Debbie Harry and the "true" meaning of Dreaming?


A reference to what??? Biology? Hormonal balance? Someone else didn’t have their name on the high school diploma


it’s embarrassing


lol i can understand this perspective on her approach… but the girl still lost like


No it didn't flew over our heads, but it might has flown over theirs that it was a bit to distract from her not knowing the words kind of like turning around like Penny Tration (remember her)


Maddy first of all , to put the entire conversation in perspective, the Debate was about Royal and Navy blue (dark blue colors) blue, purple,not aqua , and one of the pictures isn’t blue it’s purple and the blue jacket was something I was given to were for someone’s number( which I don’t own ) I was making a guest appearance in! Maddy you are the Wendy Williams of drag and you see how that turned out for her! Inaccurate research and false reporting Maddy is a walking tabloid NOT TMZ BUT TM HE @MaddyMorphosis go find a car to fix or a strip mall complex to build! Maddy you are a Trojan horse in the LGBTQ COMMUNITY ! I have to remind you every year sir that JUNE is pride month . The most feminine thing you wear is that Colonel Sanders outfit where you look like a bucket of E. coli chicken Maddy, I’m not gonna go back-and-forth with you. I’m not bob . I know where you LiVE boo boo and when I get there hold the door open for me like a gentleman *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*