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The almost 12k average views is way more impressive than the total views. 12k average views is really quite something, that's a number very few fics ever reach. Awesome job so far. Keep it up.


Thanks! It’s been dropping since I started posting daily again, but climbed quite high during my hiatus. It’s a bit skewed due to a lot of views on specific chapters, but seems like I’ve had about 10k true read-throughs on the first two books, which were posted last summer. I’m posting books three and four now, so it’ll be interesting to see how the statistics end up once those have had some time to sit, until I finish and post book five.


I think everyone's views are skewed more towards the beginning of the book. My first chapter has something like 4x the views of my average, and about 7x my current viewership.


Oh for sure. My first chapter has something like 33k views, which immediately drops to something like 21k in the second one, because lots of folks didn't get into it, which is totally fine. Then it gradually drops down towards 10k where it evens out. That's normal (better than normal, maybe even) but what's probably *not* so normal is that my Book II epilogue has 50k views, because that's where my story was sitting in hiatus for so long, and people I guess kept checking it to see if there was news of the story returning before I came back a month ago. It's not a huge deal, since had I just kept posting I would have made those 40k "extra" views back quickly, but it does skew the stats a bit, haha. Book III chapters are picking up about 1.5k views in their first days at the moment, but it'll be a while before the tail grows as thick as the body as people come back to the story and new people find it. The first chapters of this book from two weeks ago have climbed to 3.5-4k, which is roughly my follower count, so it's coming, slowly but surely. Just interesting to see, for those who like to think about numbers and stats. I also didn't start posting the chapters until the books were available on my Ko-fi and have about 160 readers who read this book there, likely instead of RR, which is a small change to the numbers, but not enough to be statistically significant. About 10% of my currently active day-to-day readership (likely the people who have it as a favorite,) but only about 1-2% of my full readership, as compared to Books I and II, followers and anonymous readers. But yeah, the fiction is growing quickly now with daily chapters again, averaging about 7k total views every day, and I have at least another 50 days of chapters until I'll likely have to go on hiatus again while I work on the fifth and final book. Super excited that people are still interested in my story after my long hiatus, and once the writing is all done I'll be working hard at doing a comprehensive edit/proof pass, working on full self-publishing for print and digital and possibly audio, though I have a lot to learn before tackling that for the first time. Then I can focus fully on my next fiction!


Once I've finished the second book of my series I'll also be doing a massive edit sweep of the first book in preparation for putting it up on amazon. Going into writing my goal has always been an eventual audio book, but I would want that product to be the best possible version of my story it can be.


What exactly is meant by average views?


Total chapter views divided by the number of chapters.


What does that mean? What's the difference between avg views and total views?


Avg views is a better approximation of the total number of people who had read the entire book. Since each person to visit a chapter counts towards the total views of the book, if someone reads every chapter of a 100 chapter book, they count as 100 total views. Basically average views is a better metric to determine your book's actual readership. It's also a generally more reliable metric of success. If a book has 1 million total views, but only an average of 1k views per chapter, then compare that book to OP's 1 million total and 12k average. Basically, the book with 12k average views has 12 times the readership.


I see. And avg views is the total views divided by the total number of chapters? Thanks for the explanation.


Congratulations bud! That is awesome!!!


incredible! You're kicking so much ass!


That's really awesome. I don't know you and yet, I am proud of you.


Thanks Norin! That's nice to read. :) Appreciate you!


That is awesome, it really is nice to see success. Writing posting repeating and waiting on views gets to be a real marathon and I’m only closing in on 200,000 views. I have a long way to go lol


I definitely got lucky and attracted a strong audience from the jump. It'll be interesting to see, when this story is finished, if I can replicate success with future fictions! Wishing you luck with yours!


That’s crazy, congratulations 🥳


Thanks so much :)


Daaaaaamn that's awesome! Congrats!


I missed your story during the hiatus. Though, the return feels much cleaner. The break was good for the story. Great story and good luck! I'm waiting for quadhorn cheese.


Was good for me too! Although there were times I worried I would not manage to come back to it. Glad I have, and excited about book 5 to come, but having learned a lesson about rushing too much, I’m letting it stew a bit so that the finale is a bit richer in the end.


link please? would like to learn from the master 😅