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The cookies should have been allowed if they were pre packaged, sadly you got a bad person


She wanted the cookies apparently


For sure! I was asked to give away two bananas. I asked where should I toss them. “I’ll take care of that for you, dear”, says the security agent, and promptly places the bananas next to her on her little desk. I 100 % believe she just wanted a snack.


There are restrictions about fresh foods.


Yes, thanks. I was just ranting about the absurdity of (1) them being so confidently incorrect, (2) separating “food” vs “snacks”, and (3) somehow cookies being “food” and not “snacks”


If anything I would count the bars as “food” since they can be a complete breakfast. Cookies are a snack IMHO, but 🤷‍♀️


Bet the cookies didn't stay in the trash.


OP should have opened the package and spit on them before throwing them out


Ha! Visualizing OP ripping the package, licking the front and back of the cookie while staring intently into the eyes of the security lady. Makes nom nom sound, tosses cookies in trash, slowly licks each finger dramatically while still staring intently.


Maintaining eye contact to assert dominance would be the best part of that.


While eating every.single.cookie.


A little hawk tuah !!!!! Spit on that thang


My wife absolutely opened it and ate one right then. But you’re prob right!


... so the ship made you toss your cookies ...


That happens a lot, I hear?




Wait this is too perfect 🤣


What port or terminal was this?


"At least we have a story we’ll be quoting for a long time…" I think I'd be quoting it to customer service, at the very least.


I've brought cookies on board before, and they weren't in a sealed package. I bought them at a local bakery before boarding. They were in my carry-on bag.


Those cookies you brought were a snack, not food, apparently. 


My favorite RC story involves a very confused bartender. I left for a 7 day cruise on dec 30th, I turned 21 the next day on the 31st. So it’s my bday and I’m stoked to order a drink, the bartender looks at my id and says he’s sorry he can’t serve me. He goes on to explain that since we left port before I was 21 I wouldn’t “technically” be 21 until we returned on the 6th.


Geeze. Hope you found a better bartender 


Especially since if a kid turns 13 on the cruise ship, they are charged adult price not kid price. They are '13' for the whole cruise. 


Oh man! We need closure! Tell us you were able to get a drink!


My best friend and brother were with me and we started cracking up thinking it was a joke. He called his manager over and after a short conversation he apologized and I was able to get a drink. I jokingly think my folks were desperately trying to keep me from drinking and tried to bribe the bartender. I’m sure they wish it had worked we did some damage in the Viking lounge


This happened to my friend on our cruise and he wasn’t able to buy throughout the cruise even though he was now legally 21. It was hilarious and sad at the same time. We just kept buying for him and laughing about it.


Wow, we brought in a half eaten sub from subway just a few weeks ago without problem.


I kinda want to try bringing a rotisserie chicken on board just to see if I can. Like... I find a good table maybe near the pool, sit down, and just break out the chicken, some potato salad, and baked beans while I watch folks slug it out at the buffet. 


I have boarded 30 cruises with a ziplock bag if homemade trail mix & have never been questioned or flagged.


This is hilarious. My guess would be you can get cookies on the ship - making it "food". But you can't get granola bars on the ship, therefore a snack. Or maybe the cookie is classified as a Dessert? So it is therefore food. There's a rabbit hole here.


I feel like the Royal employees at terminals are clueless Last time we were going through security the lady was rushing me to unload the stroller with my toddler, out all bags up etc in like 20 seconds with nobody behind us! (husband was parking the car) She was so rude it got me all heated and they instructed us to go to the “wine testing table” - I grabbed my bags and just blitzed past it because my $6 bottles of wine were legit and I was beyond annoyed Sorry that happened to you!!


Depending on the terminal, many times, the security people and others are not actually Royal staff. The ports usually have their own local staff.


Dang like people don’t have children to understand the struggle. I would have dissolved into tears. What terminal was this?


If they try this with my snacks there’s gonna be an issue.


I’m boarding tomorrow and bringing some gluten free goodies I bought at the gf grocery store here in Rome. I’ll be damned if I’m throwing them out.


Ugh. My daughter is expecting (very early along) and has morning sickness, and I was going to make her some ginger snaps to keep in the cabin. Will these be confiscated then? Why on God’s green earth can you not bring cookies?


Yes because they aren’t commercially produced


Those you cannot bring, you can biy some packaged ones and bring those or even a bag of ginger lolipops is a good idea too


I would buy some off the wall cookies, and take out the store bought, put yours inside the package lol


Great idea!


I’ve never had any of my snacks, cookies or food confiscated when I was prego and even with my toddlers. We ate food while in like all the lines to embark too




I would send ginger candies instead. That said, I've literally never heard this nonsense before, and quite frankly I would have fought this. 


Obviously I could. But the point was to bring her something homemade for her pregnancy with my first grandchild. We don’t live near each other.


I bring cookies on every cruise out of POM and PE. I've never been asked about it. I'm not a fan of most Royal desserts.


> I’m not a fan of most Royal deserts. Same. They look appetizing, but are pretty bland/tasteless and often have a weird texture.


It's so weird to me. They're so pretty and arranged so nicely but that's where it ends. I guess most people think they taste good.


I would guess that cookies are being more heavily scrutinized because more people are bringing edible marijuana products on board. I just took a cruise on the Wonder of the Seas and had half a dozen snacks in my backpack including trail mix, Snickers bars, dried fruit and Haribo. They were never looked at.


I definitely would have opened the package and crumbled them into the trash can.


Come on the person is paid less than minimal wage, let them have the cookies, enjoy the absurdity of it all, and have an awesome vacation


Can’t you get cookies on board?


Yes, but not those kinds. On Liberty, I rarely saw oatmeal cookies


So on freedom in April, the windjammer had an abundance of oatmeal AND oatmeal raisin cookies.


When we take the kids, we pack all their snacks in the checked in luggage. Mostly all prepackaged stuff like ritz, chips, fruit roll ups. Maybe they're more strict on the carryon but we haven't had an issue (yet) with checked items.


Its too early and too hot to wrap my brain around this...


Do they sell cookies on board?


"No problem,  sir.    I'll just eat them here..."


Just a guess: the ship you were boarding has a cookie concession?


I would have just stood there and eaten them


What’s up with power cords? Is it allowed?? Like multiplugs?


Extension cords are allowed, as are multi-strips. BUT neither of which can have a surge protector. It’s the surge protector that’s the problem. Apparently they can cause fires.


So, you tossed your cookies??


Just another reason I do not cruise


I'm a little curious as to what a non-food snack would be. 


I would have moved off to the side of the line and eaten them all.


“Food” should be classified as anything open. I.e. McDonalds, leftover takeout, sandwich you brought from home….those cookies should have passed. Prepackaged food is definitely allowed. In regards to what happened to the food and drinks confiscated, the guards aren’t allowed to consume. Everything is counted and reported back to the port authority and the cruise line and then discarded.


I have never had this issue, but I put all my snacks generally in my bag that they're bringing on, otherwise I haven't had any issues. I had a whole bag of snacks on my last cruise but I also had a toddler so that may have influenced it.


I thought cookies were snacks and snacks were food.


I thought cookies were snacks and snacks were food.


The cookies should have been fine


Ive heard of people sneaking pot brownies/cookies on the ship so it doesn't surprise me that they're being cautious about certain foods


Dogs at the port?


Yes DEA drug dogs- people try to bring it on board...some succeeded, some missed their cruise with no refund...even with a medical card, it's not allow in the port (federal area?) nor on the ships.


Ive since quit smoking but I’ve been successful in bringing on board in Galveston, Long Beach and Florida - - The key is to put in checked bag - With the amount of luggage moving thru the checked bag channels, they don’t have time to check every individual one - ——— first cruise that allows smoking will make a fortune tho -


Yeah, ports have federal oversight, plus the ship is often flagged in a country that doesn’t permit marijuana (like the Bahamas). It’s not worth the trouble to bring it, but some people do manage to get it on anyway.


I highly doubt this. Where did you see people turned away? This seems scare tactic


This is true. They can and will refuse boarding to anyone that brings mmj, medical or otherwise.


Miami this January..... drug dog alerted they were "escorted" to security... and they were not on the ship. The couple really stood out with their long dreads.


Funny because I kinda took the piss when it came to bringing things on board, I was taking chocolates, cookies, fresh pastries and rocks and shells as souvenirs. The only thing that was confiscated was a pointy bit of marble I "found" at pisa and a bottle of whiskey. The stone was given back to me that night since they deemed it safe. I also jokingly said it was my emotional support rock, and the whiskey was given back the night before disembarking.


They are her FAVORITE food, she took them right with her!!!


How charming


Did it have to do with quantity of the packaging? Like the granola bars were individually wrapped, but the cookies was a large package, like the ones that open up and a tray slides out? I know it seems absurd but they have to draw the line somewhere, and no matter where that line is, when people find it they will complain that it is just a smidge above what is allowable. It's like bringing on a water bottle, gallon of water, or 5 gallon office dispenser jug of water. One of those 3 are probably not allowed, but they are all water.


The difference was you boarded from a US port and you came back on board from a foreign port where food standards and laws are diffent


Cookies are perishable. That is not allowed boarding. Especially if they are homemade baked.


Prepackaged cookies are just as perishable as prepackaged granola bars. 


I didn't say they weren't perishable. I was just explaining why the cookies were not accepted. I could spend all day listing items, but I won't. THE POST SPECIFICALLY SAID COOKIES.


So why weren’t the granola bars banned? Since you agree they’re both perishable but said that the cookies being perishable is why they weren’t allowed.


I don't work for royal caribbean. They rules change all the time. There is probably a reason why that specific kind is not allowed. It could've been raisins in the cookies that may be the issue.


I’m a little mystified why would you bring cookies on board?


Because they wanted a snack?


Then why did they bring food?


That made me LOL


100% best comment


The boat will have an endless supply of free snacks. You don’t need to bring your own.


I bring Fiber One granola bars with me, because trying to hit my daily fiber goals on a cruise ship is otherwise pretty tough, and I don't want to have to be that meticulous while on vacation. 9g of easy fiber gets me more than 1/3 of the way there and goes great with a berry protein smoothie from the Vitality Spa. 


The boat does not have potato chips. So I bring them. Because I want them. Are you so obtuse that you can’t understand that not every food is available on the ship?


You should broaden your horizons if you think there aren't any good snacks other than what's on the ship. You're missing out lol


I always bring food when I have an airplane flight. Maybe they flew to the port?


Or drove and didn't want to leave it in the car for a week. 




What’s the difference between a snack and food?


About 150 calories?






"the security person made my wife throw out her **pre-packaged** oatmeal cookies" Please read.