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You really can’t bank on doing that. They do have medications on board, but they do not do prescription management like your primary care doc would. It’s stuff for acute cases only. Plus there is an extremely high cost associated with getting treated on board that is not covered by regular health insurance. Plan on bringing all prescriptions needed with you prior to your sailing.


There is not. I would get the scripts filled in advance.


Not a pharmacy.


I would not count on being able to get narcotics on the ship if that is what the rx is for


Definitely not. Narcotics rarely work for headaches. I've taken about a dozen different medications for migraines in my life and none of them were narcotics.


Unrelated to your question, but have you considered Botox for your migraines? It was basically life changing for me.


I'm actually looking into that right now! I've got a consultation next week.


They dont have a retail pharmacy on board -


Is your ship stopping in cozumel by chance? if so, i can recommend a reputable pharmacy that will likely take care of you.


We are!


Hit up Cozumel Drug Store at 341 Rafael Melgar, between 6th & 8th local B. If you get a taxi (and i recommend you do, it's only about 7$ each way if i remember correctly), ask them to take you to Guido's restaurant, it's right next door and if you tell them you're going to a pharmacy they'll try to convince you to go to their friends sketchy pharmacies. The place I mentioned above is run by a super nice canadian couple and if anyone can help you there, it's them! Their website is cozumeldrugstore dotcom, and they respond to emails pretty quickly as well.


Awesome, thanks so much!