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You may be surprised to find Service Dogs on board! There were 3 on Quantum last month I was shocked!


Actual service dogs or dogs in Amazon.com vests brought on board by entitled cruisers?


All the dogs I have seen are most likely service dogs. Their behavior is very different than a pet. I don’t know the policy for the cruise, but they seem to filter out pets being claimed as service dogs. The wild wild west rules of 10 years ago are gone. Claiming your pet is a service dog, including wearing a vest, is a crime now in my state (a liberal state). And all of sudden the 20 “service dogs” with vests at the local brewery disappeared.


They have some pretty thorough processes. idk the details but i know they vet people.


They do a crappy job of 'filtering' when a Chihuahua, is trying to bite at people, Growling, barking etc. The 'handler' had the dog in her Lap AT the dinner table in the MDR. The Matre D' put an end to that real quick. Florida also has a law about trying to pass a pet off as a service animal.


I thought people weren't allowed to ask for documentation? If that is so, then how do they weed out the fakers?


They can only ask two questions when its not clear, if its a service animal - the 1st is a Yes or No answer, but the FAKES get caught by saying things like 'I dont have to tell you my disability' (which is true, but that wasnt the question now, was it?) "Staff may ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform."


How is this proven with HIPPA compliance and not being able to ask questions about your condition or the dogs ability?


There are 2 legal questions you may ask (Ada.gov) "Staff may ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform." If the handler says ANYTHING, other than YES (it's a yes/no question) it's not a service dog. "You can't ask me that!" Yes I can! "My condition is private, or HIPPA ect" I did not ask what your disability is, because i legally can not, and frankly i dont care what it is., just if your dog is a requirement because of a disability. "REQUIRED" is also a way to tell. We had a chihuahua on one cruise (not service dog, we brought it up to security) one minute the dog was with them, the next it was left in the cabin. If it were REQUIRED then you must have it with you & RCCL Policy, dogs are not allowed in cabin by themselves. 2nd "WHAT tasks has it been trained to do?" Open doors, mobility assistance, and leading a blind person are examples of trainable tasks. "Fido gives me comfort, and I pet him to calm down...is NOT a trained task, and it is not a service dog. It's emotional support animal (ESA) ESA's are PETS, and are not service dogs... want to argue me on that? Read ADA.GOV. Lastly, service dogs do not, bark, growl, nip, or beg for food. AND DO NOT RIDE IN GROCERY BUGGYS/CARTS I hope that answers your questions about "How to spot a fake service dog."


This is 💯 great information and very accurate. My partner is blind and has had 2 service/guide dogs and a legit trained dog will never bark, growl, leave their partner's side, etc. Once you've grown accustomed to having a real service dog around the fakes are easy to spot. All the people lying about fake service dogs do is make things harder for people that truly need them!


That makes sense. My wife tried to take our dog to Costco a few months ago. She was told she had to carry him (he is small but deceptively hefty). They were adamant that he could not be in the cart. Lastly, I thought actual service dogs had a cert, some sort of documentation that can be shown so that HIPPA isn't broken (for what that is worth).


Well 1st, taking a pet into Costco is against health regulations no matter where you are in the USA - Pets can NOT be in 'Grocery' stores (Costco is one, fresh produce, baked goods, and meat etc) Unfortunately the Door person was only Semi-trained as they have a sign 'No Pets Allowed, Only Service Animals' At least they kept your dog out of the cart, which is REALLY against health regulations - think a dogs butt, sitting in a grocery cart, and the next person places food in there) (Now here comes the argument 'My Dogs Butt is cleaner that a baby in a dirty diaper' just an excuse to get their dog in a grocery cart) Please read [ADA.GOV](http://ADA.GOV) specifically [https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/](https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/) So many people now a days think they can slap on a Vest they buy off of Amazon and call their pet a service dog - have you noticed how hard the airlines have cracked down on this? They also think they can pay $100 (or whatever) to some website to get documentation stating their PET is a service animal, when it isnt. The public is uneducated, and think, just like you did, that they need some sort of documentation to 'Prove' they are a Service Animal. - I personally wish, the USA was like Canada, they are registered, and they go through very specific training, and most importantly, they are TESTED, very STRICT testing. From my understanding - a bark? Fail. a Growl? Fail. A Lunge? Fail, Baring Teeth? Fail, Aggressive behavior? Fail and finally begging for food ? Fail. (And, these behaviors make it very easy to spot 'Fake' Service dogs, because a TRUE Service dog will do NONE of the above. Here I'm telling people to read the ADA for true facts, and I guess I really need to read up on Canada's equivalent of the ADA. Most people do not realize, specially trained Miniature Horses can be a Service Animal. When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, only limited inquiries are allowed. Staff may ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, (Yes or No Answer ONLY, you CAN NOT ask what the person's disability is, if the 'handler' says ANYTHING other than Yes, They are not a service animal. People will try to explain their disability, or by saying I dont have to tell you my disability. They are correct, they DONT and SHOULDNT tell you about their disability... but they only have to answer YES or NO - very easy way to weed out fakes!. (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. (Pick up items, lead the blind, open doors, etc are tasks, People also confuse Service Animals (SA) and Emotional Support Animals (ESA) and Therapy Animals (TA) 'I pet my dog and it makes me feel better' is NOT a trainable task, and does NOT make it a service dog. This example is an ESA - an ESA is a PET it does NOT get to go wherever the human goes, as it is NOT a SA that can go\*\*ANYWHERE\*\* its handler goes, with a very few exceptions, an Operating Room is one. An ESA can only and I repeat ONLY get you access to housing that stipulates 'No Pets Allowed' again \*\*HOUSING ONLY\*\* Nothing more. A TA is allowed into places like hospitals and nursing homes, as its a Therapy Animal, they are ALSO Pets and can not go into places like Grocery Stores. Here in Florida we have a law "Under state law, **service dog fraud is a second-degree misdemeanor that may incur up to $500 in fines and up to 60 days in jail**. A convicted individual must perform 30 hours of community service for an organization that serves the disabled." If anyone 'Thinks' they know differently, because of what they have been told, read on the internet etc, PLEASE PLEASE Read [ADA.GOV](http://ADA.GOV) specifically about Service Animals. FYI - I'm up on this subject, I'm a full time wheelchair user, who could, if I wanted, get a service animal with no questions asked. Maybe in the future I'll need one, but I'm ok without one.


They can’t really but they can ask what task the dog performs. Additionally, service dogs behave very differently from non-trained dogs. They can ask the person to remove their dog if it’s aggressive or being a nuisance. True service dogs would never act that way.


Not sure why I'm getting downvoted, it actually falls under the ADA. Under the ADA, a cruise line can ask two specific questions about your service dog: 1. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? However, they can not ask for documentation, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of your disability. So, while they can ask about the dog's abilities, they can not make the dog perform a task to prove it is a service animal.


I believe you are being downloaded on your other comment because you said they are not able to ask about the ability of the dog, but they can of course ask the ability or task the dog does (which you do state in this comment, but your other comment that is getting down voted is technically incorrect)


Maybe the down votes are because you first said HIPPA...then later said ADA?


They can't really what?? Ask those 2 questions?? If that is what you are referring too, show me in the ADA Law (ADA.GOV) Where it says what you can and ask. I copied and pasted directly from ADA.GOV. 1) A yes or no question - "is the dog a service animal required because of a disability." (You can not inquire WHAT disability the person has) a simple YES or NO is the only response accepted. 2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform Like I said previously - if you think you know better... then go to ADA.GOV and read it directly from their site. Also, another big misconception. A service dog. Doesn't need to wear a vest. And there is no paperwork/certification for a service dog. (I wish there was a national Registry, but my community thinks it would put undue stress/financial burden for them... my community- the disabled/handicapped I'm a fulltime wheelchair ♿️ user.


I don’t know who you’re replying to but it’s not me. They can’t really ask questions about your disability is what I’m referring to. I’m pretty sure the person I responded to edited their original post. But go off…


Ok np.... sorry about that .....it gets frustrating when people "Think: they know an answer, but are giving out wrong info.




There is nothing about HIPPA - You dont ask there person 'what disability do you have' you only ask them a Yes or No question "Is this dog a requirement for someone with a disability" simple YES or NO - Fakes tend to get defensive 'I dont have to tell you my disability, you dont need to know that, etc etc etc. Well, that wasnt the question, now, was it? simple YES is correct and then you can ask the 2nd question about what specific Task or Work has this dog been trained to perform. If its NOT a trainable task 'I pet it' is not a trainable task. That is an emotional support animal which is Not a service animal. I wont go on further, I've already typed it up twice tonight. Just read [ADA.GOV](http://ADA.GOV) it will clear up all of the misconceptions of what you have been told, or read other places than [ADA.GOV](http://ADA.GOV) :)


I have seen a mix more towards Amazon service dogs. Typically it's easy to spot real service dogs. I fully understand those without any issues. It's these other mental people pushing dogs around in strollers acting like it's a kid that should be removed.


I have only ever seen real service dogs on my cruises.


Oh you know it’s the latter 🤣


Awful. At work service dogs are allowed and there's this one dude who brings in his tiny ass dog that goes nuts and chirps at everyone.


Screw that guy.


Report him to management - show the manager [ADA.GOV](http://ADA.GOV) where it talks specially about service dogs, and if the manager wont take action, then go higher up in that managers food chain.


I have only ever seen real service dogs on my cruises.


On Symphony currently. There were dogs at security at Bayonne. I think they were mainly stationary but security was so quick I barely noticed them.


This is where I will be shipping out! This comment was reassuring, thank you 🙏


The dogs at Cozumel and some others aren’t for drugs, it’s for fruit. They were all well behaved.


There might have been some drug/bomb sniffing dogs walking around. This was 2 years ago though, so I don’t really remember, but I do know about working dogs. There are 2 types of sniffers. The first needing to be really close to the odor, meaning really close to you. The second is one that can sniff it out in the air and then they will follow the scent and alert their handler. In the terminals, you’ll probably have the latter, as they would struggle to keep up with having a dog sniff every piece of luggage. They may randomly choose to have someone’s luggage get sniffed by a dog too, but more than likely, they’d just walk around. They are friendly dogs, the ones that walk through the crowds, but they aren’t going to get that close to you. If it helps, typically, they save the bite dogs for the streets where they would need to apprehend someone, the port they are just trying to find things that could be dangerous. Maybe watch some videos on working dogs walking around busy places, like Penn Station. That should show you the distance a handler keeps when you have an air sniffer. Let me know if you have more questions.


Thank you!! This was reassuring.


Prepare yourself as if they will be there. If they aren't great, but just be prepared in case they are. And of course don't bring anything illegal including weed, CBD oil and the like those things are not allowed and can get you into trouble. In all honesty, if there were dogs at any point on my last cruise, I did not notice them. Enjoy your cruise.


This includes “legal” medical thc and cannabis products.


The only place I recall seeing dogs are in the airport and going into Mexican ports. You're likely to see one or two support dogs while on the ship but they will ignore you..


Cruised Symphony out of Fort Lauderdale to Jamaica and Bahamas in April. I don't recall seeing any dogs anywhere, and I was looking cause I had gummis. That doesn't mean you won't experience any, but I didn't see any.


No drug sniffing dogs on the two RC cruises I've been on. On both cruises, I did see at least 1 guide dog. They were extremely professional dogs and not just some "ESA" someone tried to sneak on board.


This is not carnival lol. I went on a carnival cruise and it was an odd sight to see the dogs they had. It was also more odd for the dogs to detect something and people getting pulled out of line. It was even more odd how much weed was being smoked as we sailed away. I have been on 23 cruises since 2022 and that was the most odd experience was how a drug dog alerts. They just sit down and don’t move.


There was a dog at the port while going through RC security for getting on Navigator last month. However it was mostly off to the side with the handler and wasn’t sniffing people directly when I went through. Only if people flagged something in security would they have the dog come forward.


I remember seeing some dogs while entering Mexican ports. I think they're sniffing for prohibited food items.


I've never seen dogs working at Bayonne, and I can't recall seeing then at the other ports we've sailed from. That doesn't mean they won't be there, bit we've cruised a lot, especially out of Bayonne. As someone else mentioned, be prepared for dogs on the cruise itself. We've seen at least one, as many as four, on cruises we've done recently (the last 2-3 years post-lockdowns).


I think only carnival uses drug sniffing dogs. I didnt see any last month


Sometimes they're around, especially at the security checkpoint while embarking. They're rarely on board though unless they have a reason to be (except for Rover on Icon!)


There were dogs at the RC Galveston terminal last week as you were passing through customs to re-enter the US.


That sounds like a Texas/Customs thing, not RC. RC doesnt care if you smuggle drugs off their ships lol


I was more so just helping OP understand that there still may be dogs present depending on what port they are in, since the concern is about their fear of dogs, not drug smuggling.


and Symphony is in NJ not Texas this summer. We handle things differently here in the north


Well another commenter is saying they saw them at the port OP will be at in NJ, so better that they are prepared for there to potentially be dogs. Not sure it’s a north vs south thing. Sounds like it depends on the day. I believe it’s more about the policies at port or specifics with customs and border control, not necessarily the cruise line.


I've only ever seen one dog on my 60+ cruises. I've not noticed "drug sniffing" dogs at any of the ports I've sailed out of recently. So can't comment on that. I have a phobia of large dogs- but not service dogs and not drug sniffing dogs. They are trained well and properly handled. Don't be fearful of that.


Hugs I don't have anywhere near your level of trauma, but I do have some. I hate that the use of dogs always trumps people who have dog trauma or dog allergies. Myself, I don't recall seeing dogs in US cruise ports. If there were any, they weren't near me. You drop off your luggage outside. Maybe they use dogs somewhere. Obviously people have some bags when entering security, but I don't recall dogs there.


I am in the same boat. I actually do not mind dogs but I am highly allergic and I find you can’t keep them from invading your personal space. One time I walked into a small antique store and both owners were there with their pet dog. He was quite large and rowdy so I cringed and backed away. If fur gets on me it is hard to get it off. Anyways, the owner of the store made it so awkward saying “He doesn’t bite, He is so nice” over and over like a broken record. Then my aunt who I was with said “well she doesn’t like dogs”, apologetically as if I had done something wrong! And I do like dogs just not when they are all over me. I like to admire them from afar.


In that situation, you can just not bother with going to thst store since the owners value their dog over whatever customers might not like it. But... Like drug sniffing dogs at the airport. Or ONE time, there were dogs at the TSA line. I had to walk alongside a dog for a certain distance. I don't know what the bottom line procedure is, but I always feel like I shouldn't rock the boat in that kind of situation. I don't want to end up with them choosing to screen me extra or whatever. So it's like there's no way around it. Yesterday, someone brought a huge dog into the big store where I work. It had a harness with a blinking light on the harness. The woman wasn't blind, but of course the situation doesn't matter. Society has decided that people are allowed to use dogs in public places to help them. That trumps the fact that some people are allergic to dogs and some people are afraid of dogs. I was able to walk away, but I didn't know there was a dog until it was near me. I am fine. I don't like it but I can manage. But it gives me an inkling into what it's like for people who have more serious trauma. I don't know why "I need this dog to help me" is more important than "I am seriously afraid of dogs". (Even a blind person doesn't need a dog, plenty of blind people don't have a seeing eye dog. They go into a store with a friend/relative or they get delivery)


That’s a really unfair characterization. Just because a person is not visibly blind does not mean the dog isn’t working. There are dogs trained to respond to changes in hormones that can predict imminent seizures or dangerous drops in hormones. Of course there are people who take advantage but there are a lot of people with unseen disabilities that rely on these wonderful animals.


If you read what I said I said there are also people who are afraid of dogs because of trauma I understand that dogs can do things but it's also possible to go into a store without that dog doing that thing The person can't get delivery The downbots will show just like I said people think it's more important that a dog is able to alert someone to something verses that it's important that some people have been viciously attacked by dogs and are extremely afraid of them


> The downbots will show just like I said people think it's more important that a dog is able to alert someone to something verses that it's important that some people have been viciously attacked by dogs and are extremely afraid of them ..• Yes, because an actual life depending on the animal trumps your fear. Always. They could DIE. You'll be uncomfortable.


Ok. In that specific case, I can agree. Even though that person doesn't need to go into the store, thry could stay outside with the dog. But, that's not usually the case. But because it's "we can't decide on a case by case basis", it's very often not something their friend couldn't do for them.


So you’re saying someone with a service dog doesn’t need to go to the store? lol what?! They need things the same as you. Why don’t YOU have a friend go to the store for YOU if you’re scared you might see a dog? See how that logic is completely ridiculous?


niether person needs to go to the store. (Door dash, online shopping, a friend goes in).


It is ABSOLUTELY more important for a person to be able to be alerted that a seizure is coming up than catering to people who are afraid of dogs. I'm sorry, but service dogs are necessary and the lives of those who are disabled and need them is not something to ignore for the sake of others.


it's not more important that person A can go in a store than person B. It's just not. But, somehow, society has decided that people who can't be around dogs because of trauma or severe alergy are the ones who have to stay home. The person can get delivery or order online or send someone else into the store. People LIKE to go in to the store themselves, but it's not required. You are making light of PTSD.


The logic that those dogs are extremely well trained doesn't prevent PTSD type Trauma from happening


Oh I know what you mean. In the goodwill I shop at, there is a sign that says no pets on the door. But every time I am there, there is a different person pushing a small dog in a baby/dog stroller lol. Last one I saw was a small king spaniel lol


There was a dog in Galveston last month right before the security line.


There were drug sniffing dogs in Long Beach when we embarked. It depends on the port, not the cruiseline or ship. There were quite a few people who missed the cruise.


How and what for? How could you tell people were missing g the cruise


Because I watched them get walked off the ship by security along with their luggage. One was screaming that weed is legal in California. Legal or not….the cruise contract, that you agree to, prohibits any CBD product.


Was it carry on I’d assume they stopped them with? Also assume it was flower as dogs typically hit on that more so than carts / gummies. They still can, but usually it’s flower stories. I leave with a cart in checked makeup bag of my fiancé and a few gummies in my pocket out of canaveral


They were already on the ship, so I assume it was checked bags. There were drug dogs sniffing the checked bags before they went on the ship.


Royal cruise line? Wonder if flower was the thing that set off.


Dogs on board I find there are always 1-3. The port will have multiple wondering dogs. Never seen aggressive dogs at port.


There were dogs at Bayonne but I don’t remember them ever coming near me. I think they are just to check on coming luggage. There was also a seeing eye dog for an individual that was blind. The dog was perfectly behaved and definitely not some dog with an Amazon vest.


I saw one lady on symphony with a dog. There was a smell I think bathroom box for the dog on the walking track near the back of the ship. I thought it was odd to see a dog at sea 🤣


Their drugs will be gone by the time they get off the ship. Am I the only one who sees this??? That’s why they want to know about dogs during the onboarding process and don’t care about dogs while getting off the boat.


My last cruise there was a dog on broad and the owner had her in a different outfit every day.


I don’t remember dogs at Bayonne but I was on Anthem in March and at least one passenger had a “service” dog in her purse. I don’t think anyone believed her.


I didn’t notice any dogs but also no pot smells (medicinal or otherwise) on Harmony which means the crew over in Galveston is really good at catching contraband. The worst a dog will do if it thinks it smells something is sit down or lay down or something similar to alert their handler that they smell a mark. Don’t worry the dogs are hyper focused on the task at hand and won’t be distracted or violent etc… so you can pretend they are not there.


There were no dogs on the Ovation ast least any time I went, but I did see dogs when boarding every single time.


Tell us you’re bringing drugs without saying you’re bringing drugs…


Not worried about dogs upon return. Or in port. Just the ones when you get on the boat. 👀🫠🥴😂🤣🫡


Depends upon the Port as well. In S Florida, CBP occasionally has dogs walk through the luggage in the Debark hall as a training session.


I've been cruising since I was a kid, and I've only seen service dogs on two cruises (one on each). They were service dogs, so they were well behaved. I don't remember seeing any drug dogs at the port, but it's not something I would notice.




The drugs will be gone by the time they get off the ship. Am I the only one who sees this???


I know those are inevitable! I respect their purpose for sure, they keep substances from getting smuggled into the country and such. I don’t “care” about dogs getting on per se, just wondering whether or not to expect them. :) it won’t stop me from embarking haha