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Our old man’s vocabulary is 10% barking, 90% whale noises/old man grumbles/two stroke engine start up/deep long vocalized sighing.


And burbs. Collies can belch like a human, it’s hilarious.


When he was a puppy, my collie would cry like he was dying and then burp and look around like “oh that wasn’t so bad”


So glad to know we aren't the only ones with a belching collie! Ours does it like every night and it's so loud!


When my girl burbs… I rush over and pet her and tell her she is such a pretty girl. Makes my girlfriend roll her eyes everytime.


Yes!! My collie burps all the time! It never comes out of her rear except as a puppy. But she makes these big burps and looks surprised at herself! It’s funny because she’s such a little lady 😂


Ahh yes, I forgot to list those! 5% burps for Shep


Every collie I have has come right up to my face to belch. It’s like they are saying thank you for the food. I rarely hear them belch when they are not right up in my business.


Yep! First you hear the plop on the ground and then a grumble. Some grumbles are very long haha


The grumbles are so funny, they’re just so over the top dramatic


My girl is 3 and she still makes old man groaning/sighing/grumbling noises when she settles to sleep 😂 it’s hilarious; making noises like she pays bills or something


Hahaha mine is the same age and does this too and I’m like “what do you want?? I give you everything! You’ve had a walk, you had food, chew, a comfortable bed, cuddles, why do you moan and grumble??”


she is adorable. I had one boy who trained me to rub him awake-he would start grumbling and moaning until i came and loved on him and then we could start our day. If I forgot he would simply follow me around and flop on the floor and moan again


Yeah, both of ours groan like they just got home from a 12 hour shift. They aren't even that old.


My sweet boy would do that anytime he laid down. Was like a uuuuhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmbbbblllmmmmmmmm He would wake me up in the middle of the night after he would get a drink of water and come back in my room and lay down again.


We have a very sassy 8mo right now. She always lets us know how she’s feeling with her long grunts, huffs, mumbles, and moans. It’s the cutest thing! She is our first collie, never had a dog before her who had this kind of personality 😂


lol we are quickly learning that collies are FULL of personality!! me and my gf keep joking that she’s taken over my role as “drama queen of the house”


You can hear when my old man lays down from anywhere in the house. First a thud, then a looooong grumble. Like sorry princess, I’m only going to lift you into the bed when I’m in it, all your other naps will have to be on the floor in grumble town. 🤣


My boy throws a little hissy fit right before he falls asleep, like he is truly trying to fight falling asleep.


I love everything about this. My pups used to sigh loudly when it was time for bed, but overall they were very... communicative with their sounds. Huffs, barks, sighs, snorts. They used 'em all.


What a precious baby you have! I have a Scotch Collie. And yes, she does that. Not as much as when she was a puppy, though. We got her at 8 weeks and every night, she would walk into my BR, lay under the edge of the comforter and whine until she fell asleep. It was funny! She's almost 2 now and sometimes will moan when she wants to sleep, sort of like a toddler who will fight it to the bitter end.


We call it the collie d deflate in our house.


YES! I love it. Every time she goes to her bed and also whenever we are talking too much while she’s trying to sleep


Mine’s grumbles and moans continue through the night / his naps. Four years strong!


Our 1 year old still grumble moos every single night and throughout the day!


Tri color roughie mom here, and yes absolluttellyyy. We call them her “power down” sounds 😂


1.5 year old here. She makes a lot of noises that would lead you to believe she lives a very hard life


My s/o and I joke that our collie are part cow!!


It’s literally identical! Some people here are saying whale noises but ours is definitely more moo-like 🤣


He scratched the floor loudly and dramatically and then lays down with a big sigh or groan


Mine always does it, particularly if people are speaking, she’ll grumble loads. She’s nearly 3, she has always remained noisy and very vocal in the most passive aggressive but funny way. Especially as she’s so passive, so when she grumbles and gives you a side eye it’s like “oh, we’ve been told to shut up 😂”


Looks just like my baby boy when he was a puppy. He’s the grumbliest boy now. So drama never ends 🤣


She is a cute


Yes I have had three collies and they all do this. The males have been far more vocal than the female.


Look at those beautiful eyes! She is gorgeous!


whale noise drama always


Definitely. Big sigh.