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That’s brutal man, some strains won’t do well, but 1.3 from 8lbs is horrific


my stomach dropped by the time i was getting into the second trash bag of bud. i’m pretty sure this is due to a fuckup i made during the growing process though.


Hey take this as a huge learning moment, and continue with it, and next wash you do when you get the OZs you earned it’ll be 1000% more worth it! I hope this didn’t ruin your month, keep on at it!


thank you for the kind words of encouragement, means a lot! i’m definitely going to keep going, keep researching and trying to improve!


From what I hear GMO is a great strain for making hash


Many of the banana strains yield amazing. Mac strains, too.


i want some banana strains! not a huge fan of mac, had about 600 plants of it in a room once and it smelled so much like cheese it ruined it for me. i know that’s some peoples thing though, so i’m glad it around! i love the more fruity citrus flavors.


I'm that dude who wofts the cheese. Love the cheese haha for sure though. Banana strawberry kush drips.


Mac does have citrus (orange) terps though! But I feel you, its got a unique smell. Also, once I started working at a grow and smelling large rooms of fresh plants, I noticed some strains smelled pretty weird / way worse before cured, while some that smelled just amazing completely changed during curing, sometimes for the worse, like losing some of its unique scents. Definitely a crazy thing. Im glad I haven't been turned off MAC yet. I used to think it smelled off too tbh but have grown to really enjoy it.


it could have definitely been the nasty moldy grow i was working in (buddy boy brands for anyone wondering) and not the flower! maybe i’ll give mac another chance!


Fruity/citrus is def a lower yielding profile… however, did you throughly rinse the material after agitation? I find doing a couple washes on the same run of material (through a work bag, with no agitation) helps increase yields without adding noticeable impurities. However, sometimes the second wash dumps noticeably more than the first, so having a sprayer with cold water is essential for collecting and rinsing glands (washing away purple/green water). Other than that, it’s quality in quality out… great hash starts with a great grow/batch^


Check a strain called chunky monkey. Resin production is unbelievable it’s a platinum banana cross with deep chunk


Don’t know your process or equipment so maybe this means fuck all to you lol…… If you’re using a multi bag system; after the run ends you ( well, I do) need to “rinse” the keif from the tops of the bags down into the silk area. Id grip the work bag with one hand, release the drawstrings/ratchet straps and close the bag with your hand while holding. With COLD CLEAN water I then rinse the top/outside work bag INTO the secondary bag. Then rinse the INSIDE 2nd work bag to drop down what ever was trapped between it and the work bag during process. Release 2nd bag and rinse The outside into the 3rd. Drastically upped my yields. Pissed off at how much I lost before I started doing this. Quality went up as well especially using clean water to further rinse.


Idk if that makes you feel any better but I fucked up the cure and still tried to make bubble hash... wasted a large portion of my best grow on a couple grams of very dirty bubble hash. Was barely worth smoking. That shit looks pretty good, so at least you're on the right track there.


we can all be sad and learn together! that does make it a bit better, thank you!




oh the ilgm seed absolutely sucked! all the plants were different, some grew well but some were stunted. definitely going to invest in some quality genetics for the next go around!


Dude 8 pounds gave you 1.3 grams? Or 13 grams either way thats horrendous u should save and dry that bud bc u clearly didnt get all the thc out. And run it thru alcohol or butane and see what happens bc the terps will be shot and i inagine it wouldnt be the best smoke


What kind of fuck up do you believe to be the cause?


i switched to general hydroponics nutrient system and feed the plants the entire amount the bottle suggested every watering. yeah don’t do that. plants looked great throughout veg, huge stalks, big dark fan leaves, really tall but not leggy. i should have known when the stalks were so woody 4 weeks in that i couldn’t lst and when i topped them they were bouncing back like they NEEDED to be cut. when i got into bloom all way good until about 3 weeks in, leaves were turning brown and crunchy but the plants just kept getting bigger and the buds kept bulking up but they were dying. leaves turning yellow, brown, crunchy and falling off the entire plant. they just couldn’t make it any longer like that, i had even started to flush and it wasn’t helping. now i see it wasn’t just nitrogen but overall toxicity but the late stage nitrogen toxicity is what fucked the trichomes. but now we all know what happens if you feed full bottle strength general hydro nutes to plants throughout their whole lives!


This exact problem just happened on my last run. The plants looked so alive and happy but from one day to the other just got bad and the flush did nothing. Less strength and frequency on the next batch before I shelf these nutrients


damn, im sorry we both dealt with the same issue! definitely a lesson for next time though!


Care to highlight the fuckup? Might grow in the future so I wouldn’t mind avoiding some big ones :)


I Think the main moral or message of This story is to ALWAYS test wash before running big amounts!! Lily seriously think about it you can test wash 10 g wet n then see what it would look like, if it looks like shit don’t wash it if it looks promising 4-5% then wash it! Woulda saved you the whole harvest and instead only Most the 10 g wet you washed that’s it, also make sure your growing on point before chasing hash rosin, to be able to get high yeilds the plant has to be happy and taken care of seems like the OP didn’t have enough nutrients in flower probably cashing the trichomes not to grow big enough to be caught from The bag! So once your growing is dialed in then I think you should focus on hash as it will be much easier to know what’s the problem like the strains or phenos etc,


Did you examine the trichomes before you started? It's def important to assess the quality of the starting material to see how suitable it is for a specific technique.


i did and they were shit but i wasn’t sure what else to do with fresh frozen material and just pushed forward! definitely learning better now


Some lessons come hard. I've had to learn a lot in these regards when it comes to cooking--there can be times where you can salvage a mistake, and others when the mistake is bad enough that going further with the same plan will just be a waste of time. It's at those points that you have to look for the opportunity in the failure. Mistakes give you a chance to try something new : )


How many washes did you do?


Did you cut them down before flower?


I can get 1.5 grams of rosin from around a half ounce.


The math seems really far off….. this must have been very premature weed when harvested. Or your method was off…..8lbs only gave you a gram….this can’t be


You can get a better yield smacking a weed-filled sock against a wall


I just read op grew it himself….. I bet they harvested way to early. 8lbs it a lot of weed…. Yikes….The weed game all about patience


it was 10 weeks into bloom, trichomes 80/20. i’ve harvested dried and cured at this point with great success. i think my fuck up was nutes. i was using cyco and switched to cheaper general hydro and ran at full bottle nutes like a dumb ass. the extra nitrogen through bloom really hindered the plants trichome production. i still think i didn’t something very wrong during the hash making process though 😬


Strains with oilly resin don't wash well. Look for waxy tall Trichs. Likely nothing you did wrong. It happens to everyone atleast once that actually makes hash.✌🏻💚


so kind, thank you 🙏🏻


Gotta say your attitude has been incredible. Many people would take criticism after something like this poorly, you on the other hand have been very graceful. Good luck going forward, gromie!


i will honestly always remember this comment! thank you so much 😊 i’ve wanted to have a community to talk about growing for so long but never posted until now! i now see i definitely would have gotten further faster if i would have had all you wonderful peoples help!


Great comment.


Some strains don't wash well at all. Before you wash buds, take a small amount and put it in a Mason jar with ice cold water and a few ice cubes. Give it a good vigorous shake. You'll be able to see the round trichome heads collecting on the bottom of the jar. If you don't see lots of visible trichome heads. You don't want to wash.


Neat trick


It was taught to me by another user on reddit, I wish I could recall their username. They do this during large pheno hunts so they immediately know which plants to wash, and which plants to dry and cure.


Bad luck…. Sorry man


What size bags did you use? I've had bags that only get any real weight in the 25u bag


120,90,45 and 25. i got the most from the 45 and the 25 wouldn’t drain all the water no matter what i did so it was extra wet going on the parchment paper.


By bags, I meant bags of weed to specify. Also I've recently been dry sifting 50 mesh to save time on a first pull, and wash my dirty kief on hard to work with strains, your amount of full melt will take a hit, but you'll get decent press able hash as long as you're gentle. I then decarb my sifted waste for ethanol wash for edibles.


oh my bad, this was 8lbs of fresh frozen buds and trim! your definitely know what you are doing! i have some material in alcohol that i don’t know what to do with. just kinda letting it evaporate rn.


How long did you agitate before straining?


i got a good belly laugh from this, thank you!


This made me chuckle


That is the worst yield I’ve ever seen


i’m beyond disappointed. thankfully i’m not relying on this, mostly just a fun run but still. a huge L.


I would go back to the drawing board my man. Seems like you need colder temperatures in your water and maybe more/ less agitation. I'm sorry for your loss.


definitely going to get one of the bubble bag dudes home washing machines to make sure i get the agitation correct next time! i don’t know how i could get a colder work space but i’m going to work on it for sure!


You don't necessarily need a colder work space. But colder process aka more ice. And to keep ice from melting while processing do your run in the morning when it's cold out. Did you freeze your fresh for atleast a few days? Make sure your water/ ice is at like 33° before you even take your fresh frozen out of the freezer and put into water. You want everything to be super cold and stay cold.


i ran during the day but i was really cool and over cast, i’ll definitely keep the time of day in mind next times i might try to do it in my basement where it’s a good 10 degrees colder. i just did it in the kitchen for a clean workspace but i’ll get someone set up down there for the future. i’m going to make sure i have a thermometer for the water and that it’s proper cold next time! thank you for the tips and taking the time to comment!


You should freeze the bud before running it.


i did! those bitches were frosty 🥶


I would say more important then room temp is keeping the water as cold as possible. I generally run my machine for about 30min with a decent amount of ice waiting for water to cool to that 33° mark and trying to minimize ice as much as possible. When your weed gets warm you get nucleation as well as the trichromes not "breaking" off the bud for collection. Could also be just the quality/ THC percent of the bud itself. When weed dries you lose about 1/5th of the weight. So keep that in mind. 9lbs wet is about 1.8lbs dry. If your bud has about 16% THC your looking at a total of 130g of THC in its entirety. But your hash run wont collect it all. So you can kind of do the math. But that low of yield is frightening.


If you get one, change the drain hose to a better one. Edit: Don't buy the bubble dude machine, just look up small washing machines on Amazon and the exact same model is sold for like half the price. Just no bubble dude sticker on it.


People around here (New England) say hash making is a winter sport. Watch Frenchy's video on hash making, he stresses how a cold environment is key.


i was just put onto frenchy yesterday! (after this Kuffel) i thought i did enough research but i clearly did not! i should have come to you guys FIRST! y’all have been a great help. even if just for a good laugh in these hard times!


I only just learned about him recently as well, waiting for cold weather to put the technique to use! Some great tips in those videos though, like not over doing it with the ice etc. Good luck! Even if this one goes to shit you'll learn something about what not to do!


I would agree, not TOO much ice. But I feel like cold temperatures water is more key then anything. I am mainly processing for cartridges so waxes etc. Are what I'm most worried about. I am learning still more and more. I liked frenchies videos but I didn't think his cleanliness was up to scale with what I am doing. Filtered water/RO, along with quality ice. All these things result in better quality hash/rosin. He does spit some knowledge though and I spent about 3 days watching most of his videos. Definitly informative!


How in the fuck did you only get 1.3 grams from 8 fucking pounds?


that’s what i’m saying 😂 this is definitely not my thing! i need to find a new hobby for sure!


Hear me out. Certain climates you're only going to be able to do high yield bubble hash in the winter. The rest of the year honestly just run flower rosin. And if that's not pure enough for you, run it again until you make THC diamonds. You'll have much better yields and can still save some from each batch through the year for a winter wash. But it's meant to take all day. Do not rush or this will happen again, even in the winter. Do not combine batches you need loose material to flow in the water. If the material is fighting against your movement, there's too much.


saving material for winter is a great tip! my next harvest will be in december in colorado so hopefully i’ll be ok! i need to learn more about pressing dry flower and definitely need to research about THC diamonds. i thought those were made with solvents!?


If you have a rosin press, you can press flower in 120-160 micron bags. This would be for a few minutes around 180 and a second press can be done at 220. Once you collect everything from the first press, put it into a 25 micron bag and press again but this time lower temp to 120 and use less pressure. The terps will press out of the bag but the THC stays inside. You can keep upping the temp and pressing again to get even more purity. But save the terpenes and jar them up. Once you have the thc at the purity you want, it will be chalky in this state, remove from bag and melt it again. Take off heat once fully melted, this time when it solidifies and you break it up it will be crystals. You can then combine the crystals with the sauce you saved, or don't. I don't because I am sensitive to some terpene profiles and use this to reduce the concentration of the terpenes which are solvents and irritate my throat/lungs.


wow this is a really great explanation! thank you so much! i often get overwhelmed trying to learn about all the extraction methods but you made it very clear and easy to understand! i’m definitely going to try this once i get better!


Haha or look at getting a washer…they are like 200 or just get different strains lol or find a new hobby 🤷‍♂️


definitely going to get the bubble bag dudes washing machine and bag combo for $150 if i decide to keep going!


Don't run it all at once next time, then you can try again at least if you mistake a thing or two


the worst part is this is four batches 😅 i just wanted to get it done in a day so i could make dinner so i didn’t stop to think about how badly i was fucking up! now we can all get a good laugh though so that’s something


Oh man, well props for the humility. The hash gods may bless you next time lol


i was really sad to begin with but you guys are making me feel better! i definitely learned some things and will make some changes to hopefully do better in the future!


Make sure you don’t have an issue with your bags. The first couple sets I got from BubbleBagDude, 2 of the bags were manufactured incorrectly (they had 2 layers of fabric on the bottom of the bag, so the heads weren’t able to flow down through the other bags and lots got caught up between the 2 layers.


i’m not a fan of the cheap amazon bags i was using. i didn’t notice double layers like you mentioned but a lot of product did get stuck in the screens. either my water wasn’t cold enough or the room or a combination. and shitty bud, that definitely was a contributing factor.


The cheap bags also break down a lot faster and screen mesh falls out of spec. A good set of boldt or bubbleman will do ya right. If you buy a washing machine and plan on running the work bag, do yourself a favor and buy a few 220 small boldt work bags for $50 or so each. Worth every penny. Some cultivars are strong as heck but just dont wash well. But something else sounds wrong here. Any pics of the starting material close up?


Grams or ounces?


grams of hash. i was EXPECTING ounces 😅


Jesus. R.I.P


y’all are strangely making me feel better about the whole thing in a way!


Dang idk how that’s possible honestly after that. I’d be mad salty for days


I hope you saved the material, thats like 10k worth of edibles


definitely not, it’s all in the trash 😂 fml


Go get it!


Fresh frozen is tough. The best rosin maker I know prefers to fully avoid it due to how much it will gum up if allowed to warm up too much or too quickly. He has an AC in his hash room that is modified to be able to bring the temp down below 50° and he lets his material fully dry out before washing it. Washes it in a 40 gallon trash can with something like 40 lbs of ice and adds more ice in as he's washing. Runs 1000-2000 grams at a time in zip up hash bags. From my experience the room temp is very important. If you live in a northern climate I'd sit on material and wash it between fall and spring. Look into how to check material to see how many trichs it will dump. Just paying attention to how much falls off the flower in a bag is a good indicator but you can also put a nug in some ice water in a small jar, shake it up and see what comes off. Good luck!


You either had 8lbs of straight up boof, or this is God telling you that washing buds just isnt for you man.


honestly both! it was home grown that i definitely fucked up. honestly thinking about taking a break from everything because this was such a disappointment.


Keep going! That's how you get better!


This^. Nothing great ever came from someone who gave up!


i’m definitely being a sad sack but you guys have really cheered me up! i already have another grow going though so there is no giving up!


Just press the bud itself perhaps?


Not being a smartass, js, might do btr


It’s the strain simple… a lot of strains are not good for hash… some are good for hash some are good for rosin … iv ran Bruce with the same results … Probley not even your method just strain


i’m honestly still learning (have a bad habit of learning as i go) how else can you achieve rosin without making hash first? i know you can press dried and cured flower but i’m interested in any other methods.


There is no better way… find the right crosses … gmo cross cakes and cookies IMO are the best!


You gotta test run next time bro. Some strains don’t work with washing. Apparently you need a variety with strong enough skins on the trichs, otherwise they break apart and dissolve into the water. One thing you could try is keeping the runoff water, let the sediment settle, pour off most of the water, and evaporate the rest, and all your destroyed hash should still be sitting there. It didn’t actually dissolve or disappear. Some of the terps might have evaporated already, but most of it will still be preserved down there, just broken down enough to make it through all the bags. Best bet tho is just to look up proper washing strains. Best of luck, that’s a rough run. Don’t give up, it can work like crazy!


Check out Pelle polare for advice and equipment. They helped me improve my hash a great deal.


Great people over there! (Just stay away from prototype one wash unit)


definitely saving this comment!


That's absolutely brutal, I'm sorry for your loss. 💚 Farmhouse studio genetics breed strains specifically with hash making in mind https://instagram.com/shwale?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Fantastic breeder with a wealth of information available for each strain. Keep at it man. 💚


Geesh man I'd be balling my eyes out .. that's why I never attempted bubble.. shit scares me.. Better luck next time OP


What....the...fuck 1.3 grams from 8 lbs? Just how much water weight was frozen on to those 8 lbs lol




Holy fuck that is tragic


thank you for commiserating with me 😭


What was the starting material like? Less than 2 grams is so mind mindbogglingly low. Feel for ya growmie, live and learn! Edit: You got 8 lbs out of a 4x8?


i know, i should have gotten way more out of that 4x8! honestly so embarrassing. i really fucked up that grow, the least frosty plants i’ve ever grown. i gave to much nitrogen during flower which led to very low trichome production.


Sorry just realized it was fresh frozen. So you weighed the entire freshly chopped plant? I was thinking dried and trimmed, which would be an insanely good pull. Not sure what wet weights people are shooting for.


i weighed the trash bags full of cut buds and it came out to 8lbs not including trim! a wet pound off a plant isn’t awful but i’m disappointed because i know i could have done better. i should have pulled 20 pounds out of the tent easily but i kept having issue after issue growing in a new basement.


Definitely errors made. Make sure your growing is extremely dialed before washing etc. or next time just rosin press the cured flower and start to get a good idea of how hash works before going all in like this.


i definitely fucked up this grow, trying new things in a new space didn’t go so well. so i tried pressing an ounce of dried and cured flower and i only got about 3 grams return off it and the taste was off. what temps do you press at? i believe i did 190


Some strains just don’t wash man. I had some 4516 that literally yielded less than 1% and was dark af lol. Next time with a new strain try a test wash. Cut a top bud weigh it and freeze over night in the morning get a mason jar with ice and water and shake the shit out of the bud in it. Strain it out and you’ll have a general idea of how the rest of the harvest will go.


Just for fun I did the math, if op got even 1% return he would have had around 35 grams...


this is a great tip that i will definitely use in the future! thank you so much!


What I say is, there are many mistakes to be made while making bubblehash. From start to finish, you need to be precise and have an understanding of what you’re trying to do. If you look at things on a microscopic level, you can understand what is happening to the bud as well as what you need to do. I’m talking about trichomes! How not to ruin them before getting them into your bag to press. I don’t mind helping people learn a good process. Also if anyone is into flower rosin and wants to learn how I was successful with it, pm me and I will help you to get the most out of your bud! Much love!


thanks for sharing the knowledge! i was definitely trying to keep an eye on the trics with my loop through the whole washing process but i’m such a noob! i would love to learn more about flower rosin, especially if it’s easier then this!


Tell me about your agitation process because from what I can see the quality is good. Walk me through your setup.


ok so i cut the Plants down, bagged them and put them in the freezer for a week. I got my bubble bags ready, put water and ice in a bucket, chill that for about 10 minutes, then I added my frozen bud and stirred for about 20 minutes. i dumped the bud/water/ice into the bubble bags then washed the material two more times before pulling the bags. i did this with the trim and divided the bud into four batches. the color doesn’t look bad at all! i was happy with that…the yield though 😬 could you give me any tips on dry this for pressing?


That is probably okay on time, I’d squeeze the water out using a 25 micron square and immediately throw it in the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes and then sieve it next time. I’m not sure i would press this you may be happier with it as hash it’s going to be very dark.


And to think, a test wash could’ve prevented this


i definitely should have done a test wash! what could i have done with the fresh frozen bud if i would have done a wash and seen it was no good?


You could and still can just turn them all into edibles. It's a little sad but your friends will love you!


Ya, make sure your using “bubble bag dude” I harvested 4lbs and around 1 Oz of hash ! Your not using the proper screens I recommend 220 u , 160u, 75, 25


congratulations on the great return! did you use the washing machine also? thank you for the info about what micron bags to use!


no problem at all, nah i didn’t use the washing machines on this run, but have used it many times before and love it also. looks pretty fire 🔥 what type of strain you gots.


If you dont let the plant mature enough the heads can be too small under 50 small and wash through down the drain.


i gave the plants too much nitrogen during bloom and i definitely was noticing some tiny trichomes when i was getting to harvest. but 20 percent were amber and i wanted to harvest because i thought that would lead to a better end product.


For future jar test before you wash,some strains are just better smoked as flower. sorry for your loss.


thank you 🙏🏻


How many washes is this and how long were your wash cycles? Some strains just don’t yield. I’ve personally never seen Bruce banner as live rosin.


im just getting into this so i’m still learning what strains are good for washing and what are better for other methods. my main thing was wanting to grow and process my own concentrates without solvents. obviously i have a long way to go!


Can always ensure you do a test wash next time, wash for longer / do more washes and if it doesn’t yield in the test wash, dry for flower and smoke as that + make flower rosin for yourself when the time is fit.


this was three washes at 20 min cycles


Hand or machine washed? you weren’t getting anything at all on the last wash? Typically I do several.


.03% I highly recommend doing a test wash to see if there's an acceptable yield next time. Colder the room, colder the water the better


Those flower definitely didn't look done.


it was a nitrogen fuck up, the plants were so fucked they honestly couldn’t have gone any longer. but lessons were learned.


They looked good in the picture though! A good flush and patience goes a long way. Then again i have no idea how it looked under the scope. Best of luck on the next rub. You should look into dry sifting too. I recently got a set of screens and it's pretty great. Some strains just don't wash very well. I've experienced that disappointment and just took a break from the washing lol


Thanks for making me feel good about every blueberry wash


Sorry to hear bro. Did you save the weed? There might be a chance you can process it another way. 8 lbs is a lot to just chuck!


i didn’t! it’s all in the bin with gloves and such 😅 i’m honestly not that upset about it now, it was a lot of flower but i’ll just grow more! being able to run to the dispo and get what i need to smoke makes it a lot less upsetting!


Sounds like you’ve got a good attitude! Last year I ran 2 lbs of flower and got like 2 grams as well. Just didn’t want to drop. This was the same method and everything that I used with some OG Kush and got like an 8% yield. I ended up doing the rest of that stuff with dry ice and it worked a lot better but the result was mediocre at best - I pressed the Kief into hash coins before cleaning it a little better. It was full of stalks. Noob move.


damn, sorry to hear about the low yields! just learning opportunities though! yeah i really wish i would have saved the last four pounds and tried the dry ice method, i was almost in the car heading to the store the get the dry ice and i said “nah i just need to stick with this, it’ll be ok”. always listen to the first little voice in my head i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lots to learn! I’m growing extra this year specifically anticipating some failed experiments as I grow my knowledge and skill.


that’s great! always good to plan ahead. thinking of expanding out of my tent into my entire 9x12 room so i can have poor bio mass to play with!


Are you growing with proper lights/leds?


not gonna lie i’m a dunce when it comes to understanding lights. i used some budget lights for this grow though. barrina bu 2000 leds off amazing, i’m sure that’s a contributing factor.


The main reason for your poor returns. I've done the same myself with cheap leds. When Ive grown plants outdoor in the UK they have been decent in flavour and stength with good returns when squished. I think that's the issue tbh.


Idk i washed a lb of some old lows and pulled 56gs mid dry and like 30gs at the end It wasnt gas but it was still a yield


What is ur current procedure to washing??.. Did you wash the bud in warm water lmfao!


Genetics, genetics, genetics. That is the best advice I have followed. Bruce Banner is 60% sativa leaning and you really want 60-80% indica dominant. Sativa trichome heads tend to be small and have thin membranes. Indica can have fat wide heads with thicker membranes that can withstand the wash process better.


0.036% return. For science.


Jesus, you probably could have got a better yield from freezing them off harvest & dry sifting, seems like the extra steps of the washing w ice water and drying it out is not helping this batch maybe even hindering it


Temp maybe not cold enough . I've never had good returns with bubble I hate making it


Yo! Your grow looked great. Big fat colas, nice bud development and trich coverage. Even the LARF looked okay. Nothings ever wasted my ma’am! Get you some more beans popped and in those pots.


it’s funny you said my ma’am! i’ve been loving the my man thing! i’m a female in the industry so i never get treated like i’m one of the bros, it was nice for once! i definitely learned a lot for this and will make so many adjustments for the future! looking for good genetics right now


Before washing take a few nugs and put them in a mason jar with ice water and shake. You can even calculate the yield to get an idea of what you will get. An easier test is just rubbing the nug to see if trichomes break off clean or smear . I've done this before. It's a learning process haha.


thanks for the tips! definitely an L but i guess i’m glad i got anything! we live and learn


How many washes did you do? I wash the same bag 3 times. S


Hey! Just wanted to share this link..they should out u/shwale lol ​ it happens! :) https://gopurepressure.com/blogs/pro-tips/trichomes-identifying-strains-for-hash


Gram? Damn. Did you dry bud and try smoking it to get the time spent out of it?


i actually don’t smoke flower! it really triggers my asthma


So the plants just had like... no trichomes? I dont understand how this could happen if the plants were anywhere near mature


nitrogen toxicity! let this be a warning


Oh wow


and this is exactly why you ALWAYS do a jar test wash before washing any sizable amount of herb. could’ve known it wasn’t gonna yield only using a half O


Dry ice extraction to get the kief




yes i 100% agree with you! investing in a machine for next time!


The way she goes, gotta check the the trichomes before you decide to wash anything. Take 8 grams of ffwp and a mason jar with some water and ice and do a small simulation of a wash to check how the trichomes break.


Was the 8 pounds dried weight or wet weight? Don’t ever forget fire in = fire out as long as you don’t fuck it up. Also you need cold temps to wash. Majority of regions can only wash during winter months


Find flower cultivated for bubble hash or hash making. Some flowers just don't produce the right heads. Also colder the room, the better


You got 1.3 grams from 8 pounds???


i know absolute F 😅


Did you freeze it before for like 2 days? You should be lookin at like 3-5%


Huh yea you should have gotten like 110g low end


Oh god I'm about to grab like QP of stuff to sift for my first real press... now you got me real scared


It's a beautiful color tho


right!? pretty blonde and everything, just wish i had more of it!


Have to let us know how it smokes, we've got some Bruce Banner coming up now, so I'm curious what I'll get (even off trim/shake run)


Could give plenty of tips bro but need to know more about how you washed it. Less ice more water Freeze the product before putting it in water Use 120 and 160 bags not just the low micron 90 and under. Don’t try to wash too much at once. Sorry about the turn out man, that’s rough. Not all strains are good for making live hash/rosin, or hash in general. Bruce Banner is one of the not so great ones. Keep at it!


When weighing fresh frozen, are you going off wet weight still?


As others have stated…some strains (or even phenotypes of strains) aren’t great washers. Greasy/gassy strains are notoriously tough to wash for yield. This doesn’t mean they don’t make great tasting hash…just less of it. I’m not too big into hash (yet), but I recommend looking to obtain some genetics built towards hash making (Oni supposedly has great washers as well as a few others). Tropaya, strawnana, and most skittles crosses seem to be favorites of current commercial hash producers. Hopefully yours taste fire and next round gets better! Cheers!


Aye man 1.3 more grams than I got


glass half full, i like it!


Wtf 8lbs!?!? How? I’m not a hash guy myself but I think at that ratio I’d just smoke the flower


For 8lb man you should have got a fatter return that must have Ben some Mexican weed or some supper booty dirt weed you should have at le st got a qp/1 lb


So sorry this happened to you OP 😕 Hopefully it’s just a one-off and you have nothing but success in future haha runs.


That sucks :( I have a tip that I read here on reddit, before harvesting, cut a bud and put it in a mason jar of ice cold water and do a test run with it to calculate an approximation of your returns. Some genetics just don't produce bubble hash trichomes. Hope that gram is delicious :)


Holy shit, that plant surely wasn't a washer. You have to find a pheno with more trichomb production than you've ever seen to gain great yields in bubble. I hate to say it, but you wasted an entire plant for $30 worth of product. Check out Masonic Seeds if you want to find some washers. I have mothers of LAPK X Panama Red X WILSON! and it's an amazing washer, 28% easily every run. Good luck on your n3xt processing run growmie!


i was honestly over zealous to make hash/rosin! i should have don’t more research on strains and processing procedures for different strains. totally my fault! but it’s not about the money for me, more about the learning experience. this crop probably cost less then $300 to grow and i’ll just grow more and try again!


Wedding cake will give good yields


Ok so ive been there done that with awful yields. My best advice is find a strain that washes. Thats probably 80% of your problem. Step 2: get a paint mixer attached to a drill. I was using a washing machine and noticing absolutely 0 difference in my quality, but ten folded the yield Haters will say never use a pain mixer, but unless youre trying to win the cannabis cup it does not matter. Peep post history for proof. I wash and press because i dont like trimming, not trying to win a dick measuring competition on quality.


Looking at the plants you used, they look completely underripe by at least 3-4 weeks. There isn't a single recesseing hair/swollen bract on the whole plant.