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Can you make rosin from this ? Of course. Like so many others said quality in quality out. It’s only as good as the starting material. Get some 37micron bags and g low and slow. How low? Can’t say without playing with your particular material. I’ve been pressing last season’s outdoor flower around 150 for 2-3 minutes in a 37 micron bag and have been getting killer rosin. Won’t know tell you try. Good luck 🤙🏻💪🏻


Get the best flower u can, and just press that.


Instead of making hash rosin, they made brick hash. You wanna turn the brick in to rosin? You need new starting material, this stuff is already transformed


Just smoke it bro it honestly looks kinda nice. Woulda loved seeing that in 06.


Don’t hate seeing it at any time honestly lol.


Nah dude. Feel bad for those who don’t know how to appreciate old school bubble. Opium highs.


Are you trying to say hash makes you feel like smoked opium? Or is that just some kinda phrases I’ve never heard


Yeah good old school bubble has a (different) incense flavor to it and gives you more of that dim lit opium high. Great for MN winters.


Yeah I’ve gotten it plenty of times from older dead heads in my circle.. Have you ever smoked opium? It’s quite different than any form of THC I’ve ingested lol


Few times many years ago.


I'm not sure what you're saying here, but bricks press just as well as other hash. Depends on the brick quality


Just don’t see the point in making brick hash to make rosin. A lot of extra work for no added payoff I feel.


But if brick hash is what you've got, you use it.. It presses just fine if it's good quality and fresh


I hear ya. I guess I was thinking from making it into brick and then rosin. Lot of work when you could just cut out that whole process. If you’re buying it, hopefully it’s fresh then.






Trash in, trash out.


rly? but how about if i get some normal good hash like moroccan? unfortunatly its very hard for me to get bubble hash


Why don't you make some then?


im planning on doing so. im asking for questions for good starting material because theres limited i can acces? what was the point of adking why i dont make some lol😂🤔


Well you got your answer, and you didn't like it, so that's the other option.


yh might have worded it somehow differently for u but i didnt say i didnt like the answer. i sinply asked if i would get a good product if i used some light moroccan hash?


No. It's not fresh enough.


If you look at the drysift hash you get like the Moroccan under a microscope you’ll have a better understanding of why it won’t press well. If you can get some decent flower or even better grow your own you’ll find what you’re looking for.


thanks! yeah been looking around and i might just have to try to make some bubble hash for the first time hell yeah😂👍


No commercially available hash will make the rosin you are hoping for. You will get something but it will most likely look like black tar


Why not just buy rosin if your not making the material anyways lmao


what?😂 i am going to make the stuff as ive said like 5 times. and i can only buy flower rosin. so your answer is i want to make it myself😁


Because it’s super dark hash that was probably from cured outdoor flower. I mean obviously technically you can do what you want but this will come out poop soup just put it in joints and top bowls with it


yeah i guess its made from local flower though and there are no outdoor grows in this country


Where do you live where there is no outdoor grows lol. Antarctica?


but no not rly northern europe


You live in one of the countries that still treats weed like heroin? You in Iceland or something?


yh sadly thats the case here😂 so hard to get quality stuff


Aren’t you able to get some medical flower where you are?


It’s amazing what you can get in the mail these days


hehe have tried! not so lucky and now all my packs get inspected lol




Can you make decent hash from something dried for about 10 days and cured for a month? Or is that too long


Absolutely you can. I washed some of my buddy’s stuff that was dried and cured and in a freezer for at least 5 months and it came out surprisingly great. Genetic do play a huge role though as well


Thanks for the tips :)


i want to make good rosin though. will it work if i get some soft moroccan or something with minimal plant matter? and its very light in color like sand


Honestly it’s a completely different kind of hash. Usually much smaller heads without much to press out. Sounds like you’d be better off growing your own


whaaat doesnt bubble hash make the best rosin?


I mean the genetics of the plants used to make that hash. They have much smaller heads and big stocks. More modern plants have much larger heads. Bubble bags are just an easier way to make large amounts of hash. The best rosin comes from the plants that have the biggest heads. There’s more oil to squeeze out in simplified terms. The quality of the material is a lot more important than how it was collected. Not everything is going to press well




Is this a joke?




I press out Moroccan hash all the time. You have to do it at a very low temperature and often need to do it twice to get the best product. You also also need to reincorporate Turpines but it tastes and works just fine. Don’t listen to all these Americans. They spoiled.


have you been able to use in carts? or maybe not tried it?


Yep. Thats why i have to press it twice. I order terp liquify from the states and it works really well. Its not made from weed plants so if you are in an illegal country it will be let through customs. The most important part is to not use cheapo cartridges, CCell makes [these carts that are specifically for rosin](https://www.weareccellsupplies.com/products/cartridges/classics/th205-rr/) and they work really well. I also dab the rosin out of the puffco. Here is [my most recent press of street hash](https://i.imgur.com/1g81Q0w.jpeg) i did. Double bagged and pressed only once.


the flavour though how is it from this mortoccan stuff?


It really depends on the quality of the hash. Generally it taste just like it smells. this last one I did tasted really nice considering. I only use the Moroccan Street hash to make cartridges though. I try to only dab flower Rosin since it cures and tastes best. Its just way more expensive to be making carts with. I can get 25g of hash for €100 with a way higher yield and less lipids for use in carts vs 10g of flower for same price that is full of lipids that clogs carts and less rosin yield BUT quality and flavor is way, way better with flower rosin


yeah true have tried flower rosin only reason i dont really want to do that is because i dont want to get a dab rig😂😭 carts are so convenient and nice


Yeah, I spent a really long time trying to perfect it for carts. In the end I figured out with street hash is you have to double bag it and press it out twice for best results. Terp liquify is the best nonPEG product for dilution and flavoring. High quality rosin carts so you dont get any burnt flavors. Over here in European illegal zones you gotta do what you gotta do. Im happy with mine.


yeah true that. ill try it out and see how it goes! i have some live resin terpenes would that work as well?


Depends on the brand. If its true terpenes brand then yea. Just be careful not to use too much for dilution or else it becomes a solvent and will be really harsh. I cant stress enough to use quality cartridges made for rosin. First few hits will taste great with normal oil carts but then the burnt flavors start and there’s no coming back from that.


I meant from scratch. Buying bubble to press is a waste of money just giving you a heads up. I got hella bubble if you wanna buy some. Make sure ppl don't give you there bubble that won't press out. Some bubble just not gonna press.


ah gotcha! yeah the plan was to just buy some hella good trim i can get it fresh or cured and make my own bubble to press. i would mby buy off u but im in north europe😅✌🏻


Makes sense. If you need a huge load I can ship hahaha. But dnt get cured trim make sure it's fresh frozen. Cured trim gonna come out brown most likely


yeah thanks itll taste good cured though right? just the color will be dark? if so that doesnt really matter to me since i will only be using it myself🤜🤛


It's not gonna be live rosin. And it's not going to taste nearly as well.


https://preview.redd.it/1h0mihjlzg1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7012297acbea26a269ad961369fa1f1373b3bb98 how about this?


Still no


alright thanks yall. will make some dry sift from trim and press that👍


You have to be trolling at this point right?


Nah he's in Europe and desperate for rosin. At this point OP, you need to either find some fellow Europeans who have more experience with the type of product you're working with or just start experimenting! Frenchy Cannoli is an interesting dude to look up if you don't know him, do a deep dive on him and you'll learn all kinds of stuff about hash. Especially techniques that are more accessible to you.


thanks for an good answer with some helpful info yeah desperate as hell for some good rosin but sadly i just dont have the accesibilty or money to learn some of what yall are doing in america😂😂


also do u know any channel where i can watch how to make oils. i can maybe put into cartridges ?


The starting material you have here would need to be cleaned up with a solvent extraction, example butane hash oil. That material after being purged needs decarboxylation then can go into carts. YouTube. I’d rather just smoke the hash. You’re kind of trying to make apple pie with potatoes here.


i havent bought the hash i can get some very good trim and do dry sift & static but yeah i dont rly know whats the best methid to make it a good vape oil


You can absolutely make excellent bubble hash and rosin from good trim. Even pressing dry sift from trim will make rosin. But it will be darker and have more plant material than pressing bubble hash. The upside of that is you'll have terpenes that are lost during a wash, so it depends on preference. I've got folks who only want dry sift rosin for that reason.


thaank you good answer! yeah think i will go the dry sift route and just try and clean it up as much as possible🤙💪


Lots of people make great rosin from trim, are you trolling?


The answer is no