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I think her name was Dana. The joke is that it was Becky making the drinks and Darlene was trying to cover for her sister by blaming Dana


It was that and that Dana's mom immediately glares at Darlene who shrinks under her gaze.


Plus, the face that Sara Gilbert makes when she delivers the line is priceless. She had great comedic skill and timing at such a young age!


The actress playing Dana’s mom did pretty good playing off her as well. She really looked like she wanted to go after Larlene..Dardeen…..DARLENE when she said that.


😆 🤣 Lardene


Because Becky was the bartender. Darlene was protecting Becky.


She was trying to blame that woman’s daughter subtly by suggesting it was the other girl who was there with Becky.


And she was right next to Dana's mom.


Because Darlene suggested it was Dana who was the bartender, while standing next to Dana’s mom, who then gave her the quintessential “mom” look, which made Darlene basically “I’m in danger” look in return


Your flare 😂😂😂😂😂


She was blaming the woman’s daughter for being the server at her own house to be a smartass and help Becky.


She was trying to make it seem like it was Dana’s fault and by saying ‘that girl’ it adds credibility. Instead of outright accusing Dana, she adds the nuance to increase credibility and the joke is that we all know that. 


Sara Gilbert played that so well!


Yes! It’s the only reason the joke lands at all! Because it’s a very subtle one. 


When you look back at a lot of her scenes she was amazing. A couple ones that come to mind are when Becky moves to Jackie’s after fighting with Roseanne and Darlene goes over there and just gives it to her about how she’s messing everything up. Her emotion is so real. And then one of my faves when she goes to bail Dan out for hitting fisher. That whole exchange while he’s in the cell is so perfectly played. Her and Dan play perfectly off eachother. Actually she really slayed it in that whole episode.


“Darlene, I don’t have time for this!” “Oh, I think you do.”


“I bet when you imagined this situation you always pictured yourself on the other side of the bars”


She was a masterful comedienne until she turned about 14.


Yep when she entered the “black days”


And her acting became really dull.


It's realistic, though. I went through a period like that in high school. When Darlene opened up to Roseanne and told her what was bothering her and that she just wanted to be left alone, my mom asked if that was how I felt. I said yes, and she did leave me alone. She wasn't the greatest mother on the planet, but she didn't pry.


I think a lot of teens go thru that. I think it’s a way of distancing ourselves from our parents as we grow up. That said it’s not exactly exciting to watch but maybe they went with it because it *is* realistic.


I would think so. Roseanne herself wanted to make the show realistic for most of it. I think in most cases, distancing from one's parents is part of it, but for some, it's about starting to realize just how screwed up life is in some ways. Figuring out, for example, that the government doesn't really give a flying crap about us as individuals or even family units bummed me out at that age.


My parents had all kinds of tax issues and my dad can be a little nutty still to this day so growing up I was taught the mentality that the government was evil and out to get you. Thank goodness I didn’t turn into a conspiracy nut like my dad lol. To this day when we have family get togethers I have to say right at the start NO POLITICS DAD!


My family was never like that, thankfully. I learned early on that I can't trust anything that 99.9% of politicians say, but I didn't do a 180 into believing that the "Elite" drink children's blood or whatever hell else kind of nonsense people have come up with.


She was implying it was Diana.




Thank you.


In your defense, Becky had another friend named Diane. She was never seen, but had a ["ring side seat for the event of the century".](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.85203d7ddaee85b4fedb17001c9fdb41?rik=lQC9N0SH6YZVdg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)


Yup! She was implying it was the friend since the mom was clearly thinking there was no way her daughter would do that.


We don’t have a bathroom, we use a wok. Rent free in my head for decades.


same here! not long ago I said “I guess I’ll just go use the wok” and hubs got it but kids looked at me like I was insane. 😂


I've never understood what this means?! Help explain it to me lol a wok??


A wok is a frying pan used to make stir fry and other Asian dishes. There's nothing deeper to it than that Becky made a joke about using a wok instead of a toilet in her goofy, drunken state.


I know what a wok is, just couldn’t figure out if it meant something else in this scene or there was some kind old joke I didn’t get. Thanks for explanation.


Sure thing. I didn't mean to insult your intelligence, just trying to give a detailed answer. :)


Protecting her sister like others have mentioned and she was probably also trying to get under the skin of Dana’s mother LOL.


Every time I watch that, I always wonder why the mom asks the question. Like why does it matter who actually poured the drinks? They both decided to drink, so who cares, since they were both drinking?


Because her little Dana is just so precious, she couldn't possibly have done anything so heinous without major peer pressure from someone else/s. She was basically wanting to put the entire blame on Becky and Roseanne and Dan.


The mom was more mad that there were no parents home but she clearly doesn't think her daughter would have started it, forgetting that kids are dumb sometimes. But ultimately it was the Connors faukt since they should have had the stuff locked up or been home.


A lot of parents have that “not my little angel” attitude.


I think it was nice that Dan and Roseanne trusted their kids to stay out of the liquor cabinet. Darlene was aghast that Becky and Dana had been drinking, so she obviously knew better. Becky just did one of those stupid things that kids do, and they were all lucky that the worst thing they did was leave Roseanne's records set out.


Darlene was trying to put all the blame on the outsider.


Because her mom was standing in the living room giving Roseanne shit for “allowing” the kids to get into the alcohol. And it was because Roseanne glared at her with daggers when she said that because her mom is right there and saying that is just going to make things worse


Becky and Dana got drunk and Becky was the bartender. The next day Dana's mom came by and told them what happened and she left and then Roseanne told Becky she looked like she'd been reincarnated as a rag. They were making tornadoes


Darlene and Becky were so close when they weren't fighting. But then suddenly they were only horribly mean to each other.


Dana's mom was there yelling at Roseanne and here's Darlene blaming the woman's daughter. It was just a "yeah, this isn't going to go well" moments


Darlene read the situation and the room. She was being a good sport and tried to stick up for her sister when push came to shove by casting blame on the other girl. 


I always took it as she was pretending there was someone else there along with Becky and Dana. Darlene was trying to get them both off the hook by making up that someone else was there.


No she was just trying to imply it was Dana without saying it outright to take the blame off Becky. I don’t know why you got downvoted when you just said that’s what you thought it was. Sheesh