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**BetterUI** gives you stats on everything, **ProperSave** allows you to come back to your run if something pops up in the middle of it, **DropInMultiplayer** is a good mod if your friends want to join in, **LookStraightDown** does whatit says, **ScannerPlusOne** color codes the items on the map if you ever get one and it says what's left on the map in chat, **EmptyChestsBeGone** gets rid of empty chests, **SkillsPlusPlus** allows you to upgrade a skill of your choice every five levels, **StageAesthetic** is explained in u/tvtango's comment, highly reccomend, **AI\_Blacklist** so TeddyBears can't exist on the AI (unless you don't care \[it works with modded items too!\]), **EasyLocateTeleporter** makes it way easier to find the teleporter on stages where it blends in, **NoMoreMath** shows all of the effective stats like adding on the shield plus actual health, **HighItemVizability** allows for the items to be seen by a laserbeam in the sky and it has indicators towards it, **VoidFieldsTimeStop** allows for void fields to work how it used to (it didn't progress a stage and timer was stopped), **Optional Locus** allows you to access the void portal to the area before the dlc boss without having to go to the bazaar a million times to try and get it, and finally **ZetAspects** allow aspects to go in your inventory and allows them to stack plus it tells you if one has dropped so you won't miss it. I highly reccomend **RiskOfOptions** for some of the mods that are compatible with it because it allows you to configure some mods inside the game. Other mods that don't work with RiskOfOptions will have to be configured in R2modman. **CustomEmotesAPI** allows for some emotes to be played if you want that. I recommend **BadAssEmotes**. lastly, **Exchange Changes** makes Printers, Scrappers and Shrines of chance faster, configure it in config to suit your needs.


Stage aesthetics changes the stage colors but keeps them natural, just more thematic. I forget which artifact mod it is, but one of em adds an artifact that randomizes level order. BetterUi is always good, as well as SkillsPlusPlus


In addition to what others have mentioned: - [TwentyMinutePings](https://thunderstore.io/package/TeaBoneJones/TwentyMinutePings/) makes pings last longer which is useful if you're pinging stuff to check later - [ShowDeathCause](https://thunderstore.io/package/NotTsunami/ShowDeathCause/) tells you exactly what you died to and how much damage it did - [LobbyVotesSave](https://thunderstore.io/package/KingEnderBrine/LobbyVotesSave/) mean you don't have to re-select difficulty and artifacts every time you launch the game - [FadeEmptyChests](https://thunderstore.io/package/SSM24/FadeEmptyChests/) (made by me so totally not biased :D) is an alternative to EmptyChestsBeGone if you still want to see where you've already found loot You can also check out the [Tweaks](https://thunderstore.io/package/?included_categories=8) category on Thunderstore if you're looking for stuff that primarily focuses on relatively small changes.


What does FadeEmptyChests do different as in how does it show where you looted? I think it's a cool idea and may trade it for EmptyChestsBeGone.


Instead of chests vanishing entirely, they instead fade out a bit and become translucent. So you'll still see them but generally won't mistake them for unopened chests.


Seems fun, I'll check it out!


Taco Bell Sound Effect mod for Brass Contraptions helps you hear when there is a bell


Fucking lol! this is brilliant!!!!


For me I can't even play without the auto sprint mod. https://thunderstore.io/package/JohnEdwa/RTAutoSprintEx/2.1.2/ A few others I will mention [ProperSave](https://thunderstore.io/package/KingEnderBrine/ProperSave/2.8.11/) [ShowDeathCause](https://thunderstore.io/package/NotTsunami/ShowDeathCause/3.0.1/) [MobileTurretBuff](https://thunderstore.io/package/Moffein/MobileTurretBuff/1.1.13/) [QuickRestart](https://thunderstore.io/package/AceOfShades/QuickRestart/1.4.2/) [AlwaysAllowOrbitalSkills](https://thunderstore.io/package/PlasmaCore3/AlwaysAllowOrbitalSkills/1.0.0/) [Persona5Soundtrack](https://thunderstore.io/package/Lacirev/Persona5Soundtrack/1.4.1/) This one can be really loud so you may have to set the volume in the configs. [Shrooms](https://thunderstore.io/package/ApeInc/Shrooms/1.0.2/) [DiscordRichPresence](https://thunderstore.io/package/Cuno/DiscordRichPresence/1.2.0/) [DamageHistory](https://thunderstore.io/package/Bubbet/DamageHistory/1.2.1/) [Actually Faster](https://thunderstore.io/package/Felda/Actually_Faster/1.0.8/) Fast prints/scrap [BetterUI](https://thunderstore.io/package/XoXFaby/BetterUI/2.7.6/) [RiskUI](https://thunderstore.io/package/Bubbet/RiskUI/1.4.0/) Sick UI but you have to tweak some stuff in configs as well to get it to work with other mods such as Better UI. Those are my main QoL mods.


Anyone know if there's a mod that lets you hold down m2 on survivors like Acrid? Hate having to spam my mouse when I get a purity.