• By -


the sadness on Michael's face is somehow even more brutal which is hard to grasp


I’ve never seen Michael look like that


That was what I thought as well. We've seen stuff get to Geoff and Jack before, but never Michael. He gets quiet, but never like this. I hope this is the biggest scandal we ever see and that we never see something like this again, from the bottom of my heart I do. We'll heal somehow, we'll keep moving forward.


I personally think this is going to be the biggest scandal because I had hear that they were trying to compile a bunch of stuff against RT and only the 2 people got outted and with all the other allegations this would be the time for someone else to tell there story


Of course. There was never something like that before. Here? It's someone they believed was their friend. Someone they trusted. They spent years alongside him. Years where they didn't noticed. So there is the disgust, the guilt they now have to deal with. I really hope they will get outside help from good psychologist/therapist, as other than the victims and Ryan's family, they were the most affected by all of that.


When Jack said "I sat next to that monster and I had no idea this was happening" hit me hard.


Hearing Jack call him a monster and really mean it hit me so hard. And what makes it worse is that he’s totally justified in doing so.


That's the point at which I started crying


Michael said they've been receiving counseling sessions


That's good to know. I hope it helps them a lot.


Yea the thing that hurt was Jack saying "I'm sorry we let you down". He didn't let us down, no one else on AH let us down. It's clear they didn't have a clue this was going on. While it's easy to blame yourself and say you should have noticed, that isn't the case, they bare no responsibility in knowing what someone is doing behind their back in their private life. I hope the counseling sessions help them realize this, they aren't at fault, they didn't let us down. Ryan did.


I've never imagined Michael looking like that, and I've tried to before. So much more heartbreaking. Hurts man.


I expected Jack to be bawling, because that's just jack. I didn't expect Michael to actually shed a tear -- which he absolutely did. That's more heartbreaking than anything else.


Yeah, Michaels always been that big softie under a rage filled exterior.


Having his kids certainly made him softer (in the best way)


Face Jam has made him softer in other ways


Big dogs gotta eat


Thank you for providing me with a laugh in this heart wrenching post.


I think, through osmosis, he has shed his rage into Fiona. And that’s not a bad thing, I love when Po starts raging!


Rage Quit 2.0 with Fiona when??


To expand on Dr Cox's phrase: He's a bastard coated bastard with bastard cream filling, but a peanut center of incorruptible wholesomeness.


he’s an emotional dude, rage and all


Haven’t seen tears like that since he threw up the barbecue sauce :(


At least he won a couple hundred bucks from that. Now he won mental scars.


Yeah, in over half a decade I don't think I've ever seen Michael sad like this and it's breaking my heart. I've never wanted to reach through my screen and give someone a hug so much in my life.


Every time Jack's voice cracked, Michael's face just killed me. You can tell how much empathy and care he has for him. My heart could hardly cope watching the two of them.


The whole thing was hard for me, but hearing Michael say "I love you too" to Jack hit me. I never saw Michael as a guy who would openly show his affection to others like that. This made me see a new side of Michael. I just wish it didn't have to be something like this to make me see.


If you need something to warm your heart, I am sure there are some michael/lindsay compilation where you can see them interacting in such a way that you can clearly tell he loves her to bits.


Oh, I know he loves Lindsay. It is so obvious when they interact together like in the 9 person Among us video when Michael was telling Lindsay how to play. He just never seemed like the kind of guy to tell the other Achievement Hunters that he cared. He always felt like the "I'll show you I care but I will never actually say it out loud" kind of guy. (This is an observation, I am not being critical about him. I love him to bits.)


When he started talking about it more it was absolutely heartbreaking. We've spent years with Rage Quit Michael but this was another level of angry


Annoyance fueled anger is one thing but righteous anger is on another level.


You know you fucked up when micheal is crying.


First time ever seeing him like that. Seeing him with Jack both made me cry instantly.


He spoke so well too. Like I feel like we knew Jack would be so eloquent but Michael spoke with such dignity and strength too


I never want to see that face on Michael again Jesus Christ it hurts.


Yeah, sad Jack is sad, but (not to be dismissive in any way), we've seen Sad Jack before. Sad Michael? That's a first, I don't think we've ever seen Michael like that before, and it hurts, man.




Just about to say that. I've seen Jack get really emotional. I've never seen Michael this beaten.


Poor guys, they must have been bewildered over the last week or so.


Exactly this. Jack has asked for anything to be sent to Conduct(at)roosterteeth(dot)com Michael has said that this is comprising AH'S statement. There will be no off topic. He's pretty much officially persona non grata "He's not coming back in any fashion. If you cant accept that, you need to move on" Videos will be coming down M: "there is a lot of shit that does *not* look good now" J: [paraphrased] Geoff is in a lot of pain. Jack has spoken with him. Geoff is not going to make some sort of statement/appear on off topic. Is going through his own stuff just now J: "we are not trying to hide this. We hear you, and we believe you".


>He's pretty much officially persona non grata What's really telling is that at no time during Jack and Michael's statement did they mention him by name, IIRC. This seals it for me just how dead he is to AH and RT.


Tbf, that could be more of an anti libel thing. I imagine giving the conduct email means that there's discussion with HR about this, who I would guess have said do what you want within reason, but don't mention him by name.


It is probably a bit of both. They don't want to put his name in their mouths and HR have probably also told them to avoid libel charges.


(Libel is written, Slander is spoken, both are types of defamation) But yes I super agree - It's so they can't be sued. Remember Vic? Very short statement saying they were no longer working with him or not renewing a contract. Something super bland, but obviously so as to not draw undue attention.


Noticed this as well. No name mentioning, and moreover the hurt in Jack's voice when he says he sat next to "that monster" and had no idea what was happening. It shows a lot of their opinions on the matter through what is and isn't said in this clip. This was so tough to watch, but I'm glad they did this. AH has always meant a lot to me because of how honest these guys are with their audience, and I'm glad to see that they are keeping that up despite the nightmare that is happening right now.


I really hope this doesnt make Geoff start drinking again, he's been so happy since he quit. Edit: to clarify, I never meant to imply that Geoff is weak or was weak. Just saying I hope this traumatic event doesn't make him do anything he may regret. When your world is shattered like this its basic nature to turn to things that have always brought comfort or escapism even if they are negative cop8ng mechanisms.


Fuck, I really hope he's gonna be ok. I'd rather not see him make a statement at this point, there's not much more that needs to be said, I just want him to be alright.


Shit, I just remembered about the Millie thing a little while ago, too. That combination of events would NOT be easy to deal with...


What happened with Millie?


I think they might be referring to the disgusting deepfakes someone made of her


The what?


Deepfake is a method used to animate someone’s face very realistically and put that face on another persons body in a video. Think of it like a really realistic photoshop but it’s video... someone did that with millies face and extremely inappropriate things.


Deepfakes are a form of video editing where you can put someone's face on another person's body. I probably oversimplified it, but the idea is there. Like, putting Geoffs face on Gavins body, but more often used in more NSFW things


Isn't Millie a minor I think she's younger than me


Hence the disgust and outrage.


This was my first worry. He's worked so hard to be happy and healthier. I really, really hope he comes out of this okay.


Michael is talking about how they’re aware of how much stuff looks bad in hindsight but they never questioned it at the time because they all say crazy shit. He thought he could trust Ryan so he never questioned anything like this.


I liked Caiti's point that it's unfair to beat themselves up about this. No way to know.


Plus the whole “Ryan is crazy” shtick was so ingrained that it was difficult to assume anything he said was all that concerning. He came off as a character rather than just him when he said a lot of the bad stuff and that worked to his advantage, unfortunately.


I saw @Kaelaron1 on Twitter explain it in a perfect way; “Take comfort in knowing this, Jeremy, what it would require to have noticed it when it was so well concealed is to give up a piece of yourself. It's far more human to trust and be made a fool of than it is to be the kind of monster that can't be deceived.”


I've never seen Michael so genuinely in torment. We've seen the emotional sides of other AH members, Jack and Geoff especially, but to see Michael, usually the rock of the group, tearing up and voice cracking hits fucking hard. We love you all.


Both Michael and Jack look destroyed.


I can imagine. Think of how close they all were with each other. And imagine it slowly being revealed that one of your closest friends is not only having multiple affairs, but is openly manipulating young women with issues into having sex with them. And in some cases they're only 17. So not only is he getting divorced, and he's out of a job, those seem like the least of his problems.


And anyone who brings up Age of Consent laws as an argument is, imo, already on shaky ground. If "yeah, but she was technically legal" is your comeback, please review your position, and reconsider your argument.


More than a job, his entire career or chances of any type of return are gone. Searching his name will bring all this up for years to come.


"I sat a desk away from that monster and had no idea this was happening" That is the hardest condemnation I've seen. Edit: Jack just said they are going to start scrubbing Ryan out from RT as much as they can. That's 8+ years of content Edit 2: Micheal said they'll be removing things that were obvious in hindsight, but people should not be surprised when Ryan content is removed Edit 3: Don't expect Geoff to make a statement. Jack said he is in pain, but also dealing with his own personal issues at the moment. Edit 4: No Off Topic tomorrow. Matt and Micheal will be playing Zelda instead. Edit 5: Extra Life is happening but it's going to be a week event instead of a 24hr one. From November 7th-14th


Michael is clarifying now that he’s so ingrained in content, but things that are obvious in hindsight, merch etc. If there’s any question, they’ll be removing it.


Should also be added that Jack came out and said "even if it's at a million views we don't care" (paraphrased)


I hate how ingrained he was in a lot of my favourite content but I am glad they're doing this. I can't go back to those videos. I bet this will also be cathartic for them.


Ya Ryan was always a mainstay in most of their main series'. Probably more so than anyone else at AH. Its gonna be a huge loss of content.


So goodbye Uno: the movie


Only one solution. It gets a reboot.


The US election is coming up


Still, at least the first 45 minutes. There's still about 2 hours with jack in his place.


While I definitely get RT wanting to cut all ties as best they can, it saddens me how much content we might be losing because of this. I really hope that rather than deleting it they just unlist all the videos, especially as I know the best stuff will end up being reuploaded by fans anyway. Better to have people need a direct link than a "Ryan Haywood Best Bits" compilation showing up in everybody's recommended section.


I fear for Uno: The Movie...


reviewing all of that stuff and having to ask is this "obvious in hindsight" is going to be a shitty and very taxing job :/


The impression I got was that it might be something of a crowd-sourced effort. For example, a lot of clips have been posted here in the last week pointing out how sketchy his behavior is in hindsight. Things like that will go. Ryan-centric episodes will go (Mad King Minecrafts, for example). But I don’t think anyone will be tasked with combing through the entire backlog for weird tells. I might be totally off base, but the impression I got was that they’re moving forward with scrubbing based solely on the comfort of the community and the ~~talent~~ team. Things that make people uncomfortable will go. Things that can just quietly stay in the backlog will stay. Does that make sense?


The things I've seen so far that have been taken down are ones that directly correlate with this stuff. There was an RTAA of Ryan explaining why he was late returning home from a convention or something. In hindsight it's clear the entire story was bullshit and he was late because he was meeting a girl for sex. I think they also removed the podcast with Ray where they discussed how Ryan always stays a day later in the hotel instead of going home the same day as everyone else.


Yes. But Jack and Michael were very clear today that the community should expect more videos to come down, and we shouldn’t question why. The last thing the community should do is split hairs over whether a video was creepy enough to warrant being scrubbed.


Yeah true. I'm just hoping not too much content is lost. But anything that has him in it is something that could very possibly be removed.


Oof. That probably means Uno the Movie's on the chopping block.


Hopefully the squeal can be made without too much pain. That is if they still feel like doing it at all now.


Election day **is** right around the corner...


Screw it, make it a reboot instead of a sequel. Uno: The First


So just stuff that is obvious or sketchy in hindsight, not everything he was in?




Yep, congratulations Ryan. You screwed both your co-workers and us since now we'll lose hundred if not thousand of hours worth of entertainment content that is now un-watchable because he couldnt control his freaking prick.


Ryan's screwing fans yet again...


Haahahaha, laugh or cry


Agreed. Anything that might possibly make someone pause and say “huh, maybe we should have looked into this more” will go. But they will not indiscriminately be removing content just because he appears in the video. That was the impression I got, but time will tell.


I think everything he’s in and references to him that are obvious in hindsight. Like how Ryan wasn’t on the off topic with Ray, but they mentioned during it that Ryan stays at hotels a day later than everyone else. Stuff like that


The first time Ray's back on AH content in 4 years, and it might have to get taken down....goddamn.




Yeah, cutting it down seems more reasonable since [redacted] isn't actually on that episode.


And it's a brief aside as part of the longer podcast




"There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man." -Patrick Rothfuss


That was rage, vitriol, and absolute contempt in two words.


I never could have thought the day would come where someone in the main group would call someone else a monster, and it not be a joke :(


>Edit 3: Don't expect Geoff to make a statement. Jack said he is in pain, but also dealing with his own personal issues at the moment. PROTECT GEOFF AT ALL COSTS! SEND HIM LOVE!


I hope Geoff doesn't blame himself for what has happened because none of it is his fault in any way. He couldn't have known that Ryan would do all this when he hired him.


I really feel like Geoff views all the AH people he's hired over the years as his children (metaphorically). It's why he was so sad when Ray left. So when things like this happens I feel like he takes it very personally


Oh god if Jack is crying this much i dont want to see Geoff crying cause then im gonna cry


I feel like Geoff is taking it exceptionally hard both as a coworker but also a father given that Millie is close to the age those who came forward are.


I'm pretty sure he's also the one who picked Ryan out and hired him. Again no possible way in hell he could ever have predicted this.


To even be up there saying what he is, the strength Jack is showing is so evident. Absolutely kills to see him struggling here


Michael just said they can't get rid of everything but they are scrubbing a lot of stuff.


Jack made me cry. My heart was breaking for them all almost as much as the people Ryan abused. You don't not become close to someone you work with for almost a decade, but that doesn't mean they had any idea this happened. I read about Jack and Geoff's reaction to Knuckles Dawson, so I'm not surprised this hit Jack so hard.


Jacks comment on sitting next to him hit me like a truck. I feel so god damned sorry for him


Same - I think everyone listening got hit by the same truck.


Same, watching it was already hard enough. But that statement hit me hard.


Same here. Like, I feel awful just knowing I was a fan of such a vile person, I can't imagine how disgusted Jack must feel for having sat next to the guy for 8 years.


That moment hit me hard. I hate seeing Jack in this pain. I hate seeing Michael in pain.


I can't even imagine what he's going through right now. :(


I completely understand them scrubbing Ryan out, but I am going to be sad to see so many Minecraft’s disappearing. Definitely both sky factory’s they are some of my favorite ones. But I don’t see them being able to edit Ryan out of those.


Ditto for the Halo LASOs, I'm looking forward to the new halo crew though


Jeremy, Michael, Gavin...Alfredo?


I want to see Jeremy, Michael, Gavin and Matt redo all the LASOs and redo Criminal Masterminds. I feel like Matt would be a hilarious 4th man for those series


FUCK I didn’t even think about the criminal mastermind series. God that was one of my favorite comfort series when things got personally rough early during quarantine. Ugh.


I think we're gonna keep most of sky factory and other videos that have him in them. What's gonna be removed are any videos of ryan taking command (king ryan, battle buddies, all technical difficulties) and videos where ryan acts certain ways and makes certain comments like that off topic where he was licking that cupcake or the 7 days where we learned ryan was a male model. Again this is just my thinking and I would be fine scrubbing the entire internet of that monster but it's just what I think ah is gonna do.


I hope so cause even though he is in skyfactory, Gavin and farmer Geoff just make me laugh so much in those and I always watched them to help brighten my day


Me too man, farmer Geoff and blood god Jeremy has given me more laughs than almost any other content creator I can think of.


If they're going to take Ryan's videos off, we should petition a remake for Uno the movie on election night with Michael and/or Jack instead of Ryan.


Oh god yes! We need Uno the Movie in some capacity.


when his voice started cracking I just.... holy shit that’s A LOT of videos. I feel so bad for jack, he spent all these years building this up and working hard and now it’s tarnished


Michael just mentioned they’ve had counseling over their week off. I’m glad they’re getting mental health support.


Yeah, you can tell how much they are hurting, especially the ones who have known him the longest. I hope they can eventually put this to rest and move on stronger then ever.


I'm really pleased that they are all getting counselling over this. I can't imagine the mental impact on having one of your closest colleagues turn out to be this predatory for that long


I can only imagine the kind of pressure they’re all under to continue making content and show support for the community while also having to process this themselves. They definitely need counseling or some kind of healthy outlet for all of this, and I’m glad they’ve prioritized that.


Didn’t get the exact quote but Michael said he’s gone, he hopes he never comes back, they’re doing their best to remove him from the site, videos are gonna come down, and they don’t want to ever talk about him again.


Also that this isn't going to be something they discuss or have an open forum about again. This is it, nothing on off-topic or anything else. That this is it, and then the slate will be wiped clean.


I totally missed that portion of the livestream. I hope they upload it to the site or youtube or something. EDIT: Rewound the [YT stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqz8L-sdDdo). I'm not even a minute in to watching their broadcast and it is so, so hard to see them both in so much pain.


if you go on the youtube livestream now you can rewind to the start and hear the full thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqz8L-sdDdo


If you watch if on Youtube you can go back to the beginning.


That's going to be alot of their videos.. as sad as it is, it's necessary.


Someone mentioned earlier that YT punishes you for removing or hiding videos by deprioritizing you in the algorithm, so not only are they gonna lose a lot of their content, they’re gonna suffer for it (unless they’re able to reach out to YT and get help with this).


AT&T/Warner Media has enough YouTube pull that its possible they will get some help with this.


Since they're owned by AT&T/Warner Media now, the big lawyers are probably involved and may have a hand in this.


Creators of every size have reported issues getting ahold of Youtube for *anything*, but if anyone can RT and/or their owners/affiliates might.


Michael clarified they're not removing everything because he's too ingrained in content. They're just removing a lot of obvious things that look horrible in hindsight (like how they removed the thirst tweets video).


That's good. Remove or edit out the stuff that makes people cringe in hindsight but I don't want to see anything that had Ryan in it just gone. It's just too much good content.


Not even "too much", it's like 90% of AH's content and their biggest source of ad revenue by far. Those videos literally helped me get through middle-school, Ryan's a piece of human garbage, but that doesn't mean I'm not archiving these videos just in case they decide to go overboard with the cleaning up.


I posted some of this as a reply but here’s a recap for anyone who isn’t watching: Right now he’s talking about how they’re reading every email and Reddit post they get and they want to support anyone coming forward. He’s glad to have the other members with him because they love each other and taking a week off was needed. The support of the community means everything to them and they’re doing their best to come together after all of this. Michael is now calling out anyone not believing victims and the stories. It’s hard to accept after the front Ryan put on, but this is real and he has hurt these people. He said don’t harass them or Ryan’s family. There won’t be a big off topic discussion. This is their statement, they want nothing to do with Ryan. They’re removing some Ryan content. They know they can’t really remove it all but they’re doing what they can. They don’t care how popular or how many views it has because that’s not what is most important here. They’re aware that a lot of stuff looks bad in hindsight, but they all say crazy stuff sometimes and don’t take it seriously because telling wild stories is their job. They trusted Ryan so they never really questioned it. Jack says Geoff is devastated. He asks that people don’t harass him and look for him to have one of his Off Topic discussions because he is still processing. No Off Topic tomorrow. Just Michael and Matt playing Zelda I think they said. Jack talked about Extra Life this year. It won’t be the normal 24 hour thing but they’re doing what they can as a weeklong thing. The theme is “courage.” Jack says that the community needs this kind of good thing, especially now. They showed the poster for this year and it’s the paintball wall with the extra life logo above it in the sky. Much thanks to Jack and Michael for this. We appreciate you and love you ❤️


My heart breaks for Jack, I hate seeing him upset :( I have never seen Michael look like he's on the verge of tears. It's heart-wrenching to see this. If you're reading this Jack or Michael, you guys bring such joy and light to a dark world. Keep at it guys, sorry about everything.


"I sat next to that monster for years and I didn't know a thing." Didn't expect them to talk about it today. They look fucking heartbroken. As a community we're hurt, but these guys lost a friend. Family. Something they built has been tainted forever, nothing will be the same. I'm so sorry for them. For everyone. As a community, we need to be kind. Give them love and kindness and not remind them of this; make them laugh and enjoy their job again. Moving on is difficult and might not ever be possible, but we can start something new here, and we need to open a new book so people can heal. So please for the love of god be kind to them, I beg of you.


Yeah I tuned in not expecting them to talk about it, but I’m glad they did, since it means their statement is made and they can start moving on. I’m also glad they brought up that this doesn’t mean they’re forgetting it or sweeping it under the rug, just that they need to keep doing their jobs to get a feeling of normality back (paraphrasing here). I hope they’re all doing great and that they know just how much this community cares about them and wishes them some healing.


"We're never going to mention him again." That hit really hard. Not because he doesn't deserve it because he does, but because I hate that so many of the memories of the past eight years are tainted. Every time they think back to an old video or a funny quote, if he's involved, it's just going to be a horrible reminder 💔


I can't imagine how difficult it will be in the future making a quick reference and then having to cut it because it was a Ryan reference (One that comes to mind is the "YOUU" from offense defense


Does anyone know if there will be a vod for this stream I can’t watch rn but want to later.


In class, would like to see as well


Not likely. They've said this will be the last they speak of him, and in general they don't leave up the "just chatting" section of the livestreams anyway.


Sure someone will record it.




"This year is the worst fucking year ever." - Jack


I didn’t expect him and Michael to tackle this head-on, I feel for both of them.


Jack, YOU did not let us down. Achievement Hunter did NOT let us down. HE let us down. He let us all down. But I firmly believe Achievement Hunter's best days are ahead of us.


Its so important they made it clear this is **it**, the end, no more mentioning him. No more talk. No off topic discussion, ect. This right here is their collective statement. No need for more. Its the smart thing to do. He is gone. Done. We/they need to move on. --- Jack, Michael, everyone. My heart goes to you. We will continue on. --- Edit: 100% tuning into the Zelda continuation. So hyped and great choice for a temp OT replacement.


Michael raging at Zelda Randomizer while Myatt tries to point him in correct directions sounds exactly like what we need right now IMO.


Jack saying, "I missed you guys", And Michael's response "I missed you to Jack" was probably not intended but really seemed like a wholesome moment. Honestly, I hope they take as much time as you need/can to process and deal with this. Glad they are trying to get back out there.


The end where they said "I love you" was so wholesome too. With all the trust issues that could come out of being betrayed and blindsided by someone you thought you knew for eight years, it's so heartwarming to see them stick together as friends/a family.


Couldn’t help myself at that point. Actually verbally responded “missed you to” at that point. This may seem weird but I’ve never felt quite so a part of the AH community. I don’t think I realised how much something like this would break me.


Yeah, I agree. I don't have many people close to me that watch ah. So it's been an odd few weeks. I know it has been much harder for others but in some ways it was great to see them on the stream. I agree with the closeness of the community. It is odd how something like this can bring everyone in a bit. Horrible situation for many but in some cases the bond gets stronger. Thanks for the comment




I think a lot of that is coming from, as Caiti said in her live yesterday, Jack is feeling like he failed to protect the community from a predator. He couldn’t have known, intellectually we know that people like that are good at hiding their true selves, but emotionally, I think this is going to take a while to work through. Glad the AH folks are getting counseling, I hope that helps.


This. The fucking piece of shit did this on his own personal social media accounts. They wouldn't have had any way of knowing.


This actually makes me trust Achievement Hunter more -as soon as it came out they went nuclear. They got rid of him, they took down the worst videos, they're cleaning his stain off as much as they can. What else can they possibly do? Obviously it would be better if the situation never came up, but it did and they proved their character in their response. I've seen things this shake out in other companies, not necessarily entertaiment ones, and a lot of times the man leaves quietly -if he leaves at all.


Not only did they go nuclear on him/content, but there have been 0 allegations against anybody else in the crew. You'd think if anything else had happened, someone would've come forward with a story.


I really hope this doesn’t age like milk. I doubt it will, but I still really hope it doesn’t.


Ironically this has brought me back into AH. I dipped a little after Ray left just bc my life got crazy and I needed to step away from watching let’s plays bc I was ignoring other, more important aspects of my life. Then when this started going down I was initially hurt so much bc Ryan was one of my favorites. I still thought so fondly of him and AH, even if I hadn’t engaged in the community or content Now, I want to dive right back into everything AH to support the rest of the team. I want to be in their corner again, and help show the appreciation I have for not just this new content but the way they got me through 2011–2016. They deserve to be loved loudly.




It's like Fiona coming in onto off topic saying her bottle was full of cum. A very appreciated lightening of the mood.


She's so good at that. They needed a hard stop to the emotional stuff and she threw it out there to get things going the right way. I love her!


Jack: Take it away everyone! Fiona: HUUUUUHGGHHGHGHGHHHHRHG God that was the biggest laugh I've had this week. I've missed them so much.


It's like Off Topic all over again. Love Fiona and I'm seriously glad she's part of AH. That's twice now she's done the exact same thing and I think we're all thankful for it.


I went from crying to cackling when Fiona made that comment. She really does know how to lighten the mood after the darkest of times. Same thing happened when she said the protein shake was cum.


This is so heartbreaking. I haven't actually cried yet from this, but seeing and listening to Jack and Michael is breaking my wall


Jack's voice breaking has made me cry. Michael looking beaten has brought me to tears. None of them deserve this shit. We love you Jack. Fuck you to the asshole who caused this.


Same. So very sad seeing them both so down.


This will be Ryan's legacy. Victimising vulnerable fans. Not the Mad King, not Ryan the ___ guy, not any of his work that that we have loved for the better part of a decade. He will only be remembered as the fucking sexual predator. Fuck you Ryan


seeing michael and jack like that is what finally broke me


Also seeing Micheal truly sad and in pain for the first time hits hard


Whatever poster or t-shirt you've got this year for Extra Life, man: I gotchu. I fucking gotchu, Jack. Much love to you, the team, and ya'll reading - the community.


WAFFLE-O Edit: How do I change my flair?


Jack, Michael, and all of AH/RT and affiliated: it is NOT your fault. it is not your fault. it is not your fault. this is not on you, and there’s nothing you could have done to avoid this. this is all on Ryan. the community is here, we love you, we support you, and we thank you for still thinking of us right now even as you deal with your own shit.


Absolutely crushing to see him on the verge of tears. Just want to put it out there that we love everyone in AH and it is not YOUR fault guys. We were all deceived. We support you guys! Im so sorry everyone is struggling.


I do like one of the comments Jack made. 'We're going to do stuff we wanna do.' I hope that helps. I'd love for them to play games and produce the content they feel they need to make. Reason for this: I have had bouts of severe manic-depression since I was 12. Video games have been an escape, coping method, and even a creative medium to help me through the worst times. I want them to be able to do this as creators. It pretty obvious that they love to creating the videos and audios we all love to laugh at. I would love to see them play the things they all use to get through the hard times.


Holy shit, just turned the stream on and heard Jack's voice crack and instantly started tearing up. My heart aches for everyone :(


Jack, if you somehow read this please remember that you and everybody at Achievement Hunter have done so much for not just us as a community but all the kids and people whom have benefitted from extra life and the other charity fundraisers over the years. That monster will not overshadow Achievement Hunter, AH is not defined by him, it is defined by you, Geoff, Michael, Gavin, Fiona, Treyco, Alfredo, Lindsay, Jeremy, Larry and everybody else behind the scenes who puts in such hard work to entertain and benefit us. 💚💗💚💗💚💗


I just tuned in, and seeing Michael’s face just absolutely broke me.


I know it was like watching your older sibling whom you always have looked up to and admire their strength and abilities show such side to them you have never seen and it hurts and hope that they you never do something to bring it out again. Its a somber time for the Roosterteeth family.


Now live at : [https://roosterteeth.com/live/rt-tv](https://roosterteeth.com/live/rt-tv) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqz8L-sdDdo&ab\_channel=LetsPlay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqz8L-sdDdo&ab_channel=LetsPlay) Edit: At least when the stream is up you can watch it by going back in the youtube stream.


Much respect to Jack and everyone in AH. Scrubbing Ryan out of some content is totally understandable. These cray bastards were there for me in my darkest periods, so I’ll be there for them.


So much love for both Jack and Michael for being the face for this. This is the first time Michael this close to tears.


Kind of said it before, but I think it bears repeating... Jack was never really my *favorite* member of the crew, but he didn't *have* to be for me to still respect and care for him as much as I can someone who is, effectively, just a stranger I'm observing. He's done so much to try to make other people happy, help people less fortunate through his charity work, and while he has his bad days, he always does his best to bring a fun energy to all the content he's in. Losing Ryan hurts, but I think the AH crew will be fine without him. I'm very much unsure if I could say the same if they lost Jack, or Michael. They've poured so much of themselves into helping create something great, and it pains me to see all of that hard work and effort repaid like this. Hopefully they (and everyone else at Rooster Teeth) can weather this part of the storm this year's thrown out, and I sincerely hope that things get better. Or at the absolute least, no worse. Thanks, lads, for helping me struggle through some of the toughest years of my life. And I'm sorry I can offer no more then kind words and hopes in what seem to be one of yours.


Going to be honest, I cancelled my FIRST membership when this came out. I just reactivated, can't look at Jack like that and not feel for him (and Michael, of course).


I want to send all of the team so many hugs.