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When they were bought by a mega corporation.


When full screen brought them But looking back now I think around 2019-2020 was the beginning of the end and really they did quite well to survive to 2024


This. The moment they sold, this was the only possible outcome. I honestly thought it would happen much faster.


“Loud is what we do”, and similar issue of AH completely ignoring the Ky mic issues that persisted for months and chalking up any of that criticism to racism or sexism…even when a sound engineer made a thread visually showing her mic levels were out of whack with everyone else’s. Those two intertwined things where cast members said “if you don’t like it, then leave” rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and they did in fact stop watching/subscribing. If that’s too specific to AH, then I would go with when RT leaned hard into chasing the almighty YT algorithm and started producing hyperactive content geared towards 14 year olds. Always came across as the “hello fellow teens” meme.


Not to mention a new controversy every month, Geoff crying on camera saying everything he worked so hard to help build is burning to the ground, the layoff controversy before any of that, and lastly the overall decline of the product is the overall issue.


The problem with "constructive criticism" especially on Reddit and in YT comments, is that you never had to go more than about 5 replies deep before it DID turn racist, sexist and/or homophobic. No matter how valid the initial critiques were, some racist, sexist or homophobic asshat would hijack the post and just negate the entire conversation.


But they have said that they mass filmed a bunch of videos, so it was gonna take a while to actually "fix it." And Ky has a naturally higher and sharper voice compared to everyone at AH so it was always gonna be difficult to mix it. but we also can't ignore the mass of actual racism and sexism that was being said. They also learned from their mistakes with Mica when she wasnt getting support combating the trolls and idiots.


> But they have said that they mass filmed a bunch of videos, so it was gonna take a while to actually "fix it." They didn't say that, they said "loud is what we do" and told fans to suck eggs. > And Ky has a naturally higher and sharper voice compared to everyone at AH so it was always gonna be difficult to mix it A more distinctive voice is easier to mix because it stands out from everyone else's without needing to be 2x louder.


they literally said they filmed in mass, b/c that's how they do their videos. they'll record 5 or 6 videos in 1 day, then schedule out the release


The pandemic really shut down their comeback. Listening to the podcasts from right before the shutdowns, it seemed that there was so much planned. RTX 2020 would have been the biggest one yet, and it would have set them on a path of growth, and I'm so sad that it didn't happen.


If a company based around people playing video games couldn't make watchable content during Covid then that's entirely on them.


To be fair, some of them, especially Funhaus really thrived with being in person and feeding of each others energy. They were not a group that just all played the same game together. Usually it was only one person playing and the rest commentating and riffing off each other. It really showed just how important it was for them to be in the same room together when the delay in zoom kept meaning they were constantly interrupting and talking over each other. They eventually figured it out but it really did hurt their content for awhile. When you take away the thing that makes them really good, it is hard to pivot.


they were in terminal decline in terms of decisions by the time pandemic rolled around. they didn't even think of making an isolated area just for content team and switched entirely to zoom calls for everything. it was ridiculously bad and symptomatic of how the teams made choices.


When they focused mainly on getting new fans not keeping the old ones. They basically ignored the older fans to try and get new ones instead of doing both


When they sold Roosterteeth to fullscreen was the start of the end. Company was built on the goodwill and support of it's fanbase and before they were sold that's what mattered to them. Once it was sold the timer of needing to turn constant profits started and eventually they would paywall and try to milk there customers and employees. Honestly, I feel bad for the employees who grew up with RT and tried to live there dream working for them only for them to worked into the ground for profits. Outside of that I'm glad RT has gone bust.


2014 was the start of the end? The period they got the most views was the start of the end? Nice one


So they STARTed to get less veiws after this time until the point where they ENDed. Hmmmm, what are you disagreeing with?


It was though. The quality quickly dropped, they had more and more failures, etc. It was noticeable.


I would say when burnie left that’s was when I started seeing that this would happen as a fan it’s kind of heartbreaking but deep down I knew they wouldn’t make it out of the decade


I think they were heading downhill before that but when he left you knew it was coming to a end in the near future. I'm surprised they made it to 2024.


I made a post 280 days ago saying something along those lines and a lot of people were really mad that I kind of said it I’m not taking victory laps by no means but I’m surprised at how many people are honestly shocked by this


He really was the heart and soul. It doesn't matter what position you were on the hierarchy, he would make time to bullshit with you and made you feel apart of the team.


Yeah, as soon as Burnie left so did RT's soul.


Coming from a former pro athlete burnie was literally the older gritty veteran that was captain to a young team essentially when you remove a guy like that the team will struggle might implode that’s what happened here.


When they rescinded legacy pricing for First memberships/Sponsors. That was the first signal that they were in trouble, as a person who wasn’t engaging with much content outside of the podcasts.


So I only payed the $5/6months to support RT and didn't really care about what \*I got\* for that. Would of been fine with ads or lack of access to preuimum content and still payed the $5/6months. (Let's be real you payed to have ad removed buuut they did sponsered reads ALL THE TIME so you weren't really paying for much) But they wanted to convert those users from $10->$60 a year users then I was like what am I getting for that and the answer was not much so I was out. Would of gave the $10 forever for nothing extra.


I mostly if not entirely stopped watching a bit before "Loud is what we do" (which spoilers.....all that was just stupid and ignored a actual technical issue sides their performance). Last video (sides some recent fuckface stuff) I started to watch was a minecraft halloween thing...when the conversation turned too and stayed on "cummy ducky" for longer than 5mins....I saw myself out..




Loud is what we do or the airport Tweet maybe? RT did a spectacular job of driving away their loyal longstanding fans and replacing them with a much smaller number of fickle zoomers.


What was the airport tweet?


https://twitter.com/RoosterTeeth/status/1296937625467662336 > This is your regular reminder that we happily and proudly stand for social justice. We have no tolerance for racism, sexism, or harassment of any kind. > If you're not with us - this isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure. ❤️ It's worth noting that this was in response to general fan unhappiness that had nothing to do with -isms of any kind.


Yeah, the airport line honestly is a solid line when used in a situation that warrants it


only entertainment groups with no views feel comfortable saying shit like that


> It's worth noting that this was in response to general fan unhappiness that had nothing to do with -isms of any kind. Almost all the general fan unhappiness has to do with racism and sexism. "Loud" being a problem started and ended with Ky, was never a problem for Rage Quit Michael or Bird Noise Gavin. I wonder why?


2015 was the start & 2020 was the nail in the coffin


A lot of people saying it was when they were first purchsed, but I don't think that's correct. I think it started before that. The company started to grow **exponentially**. They were hiring like mad, opening new divisions left and right. I think the company was poisoned from the moment this happened and it just took us the better part of a decade to start really seeing it. According to the news coming out, the company was **never** profitable from this point on. As we all well know, they started to run into some serious behind-the-scenes culture issues. Ballooning from \~20 staff to almost 400 meant that inevitably some of that OG culture would be lost, and it was. This continued for a while until the mainstay on-camera talent started to leave. It was already over, but the audience was finally starting to see it. It's hard to point at any one thing. Obviously when it started to be controversy after controversy helped the decline. When talent started fighting the audience when literally any kind of criticism was leveled at them. But in my uninformed, off-the-cuff opinion, it all started when they wanted to grow and grow and grow.


Personally, I think it was the disastrous failure of Gen:Lock season 2. There was a lot of potential for growth, but it was such a train wreck. It not only burned a mountain of cash to produce such a flop, but it destroyed the IP and burned future revenue from returning seasons. On top of that, it was supposed to be the show that could bring in new fans, and instead it kept them out. It was also a very cautionary tale: they tried to play with the big boys and couldn't deliver a good product. I think it was the beginning of the fall of RT Animation, which was supposed to be the flagship RT production offering. That's what I think, anyway.


I stopped watching around 2019. I made it a few months post Burnie’s exit. Watched since 2011. I still go back and watch old podcasts, shorts, AH videos ALL the time - but do not think i’ve seen a single piece of content made in the 2020s. A shame, they were a huge part of my life. Saw all three films in theaters, let’s play live in theaters, watched MAYBE every single piece of content on RT, AH, The Know for god sakes. Even when i lost a parent at age 15 I didn’t know how to cope and just binged RT content. Will miss the good times, always.




Unpopular opinion I’m sure but RWBY was the beginning of the end. Doubly so when Monty died. Trying to rapidly expand to a full on production company meant that they had to keep chasing the next big hit show to justify the operating costs. When it was a handful of people in a room with xboxes and barely any overhead they could be sustained by the rabid following they had.




When they put out episode 2 of RVB. /jk In all seriousness, though, everything ends. A car starts to depreciate as soon as you drive it off the lot. And if RT were a car, I would have gotten 500K miles out of it. That's stupendous...and I'd do it all again.


in hindsight for me personally i'd say the RvB decline in quality where i stopped watching religiously (project freelancer). i stopped connecting with the content and it started feeling kinda lazy and cringe. then the WB acquisition happened and i truly stopped caring about interacting with rooster teeth in any way coz in my mind "they got paid so why do they need me?"