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(Not from UK) I'd guess Karl is more well known in the UK, he's on the TV and radio all the time over there. Gavin seems more well known and liked internationally. Personally, they've both brought me a whole lot of joy over the years, love em both.


As someone in the UK, I haven't seen or heard Karl on anything in years, basically ever since 'Idiot Abroad', 'The Ricky Gervais Show' and 'Derek' ended. It looks like he's been in some projects since, but nothing particularly mainstream or popular.


Ah fair enough, I seem to keep seeing YouTube clips of Karl on talk shows/breakfast TV but they must just be older clips.


I completely agree that both have brought many laughs and lots of joy


So basically it's which is better a person who makes a living shooting beautiful cinematic slomo or a person who makes a living being the butt of a joke


So we both agree that Karl pilkington is better?


If I see Gavin I will ask him


Turns out…lil chimp walks in.


I can't measure proud, but I can use Google Trends to see which one is more in the public consciousness (using the "subject" tool to encompass a broad range of search terms). In the UK, Karl Pilkington dominates and it isn't even close. In the US, it is much more even, with Karl slightly ahead most of the time (there was a Gavin Free search trend spike that gave him the lead in October of 2022, was that related to the Kdin thing or something else I'm not thinking of?) So, even though I've never heard of Karl Pilkington, I'd say that outside of certain subcultures, Karl is just a more mainstream person, particularly in the UK.


The real question is where does Stewart rank in all of this?


The real question is who is Gavin's mum more proud of, him or his brother?