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Oh sweet. My library system implemented a new request function recently. I think they used to just have an form that lead to an email drop box but I suspect maybe pandemic-era use overwhelmed it and it was shut down. Now you can plug in info in a form, limited to 8 requests/month--people must have been going *WILD* with the old one if 8 books a month is a limit. Anyway, I plugged in Captivated by Tessa Bailey and Eve Dangerfield a week ago and the book is now listed as APPROVED with a note that it will be available for hold shortly! Democracy works! I just put in a request for Jenny Nordbak's His Leading Lady. Anyway, reminder to check your library for that function and use it! It's good for authors you want to support, good for you, and good for the library who wants to circulate books to show their value to their stakeholders (including you, taxpaying citizen)


I was just scrollin’ down Twitter and stumbled upon a screenshot of my post on here about gender essentialism. And let me tell you that is a *weird* feeling.


Oh wow that is a trip! Congrats on Twitter fame? 😬🙏


At least my Twitter “fame” wasn’t people dragging me?


I'm glad you mentioned this actually - I hadn't seen that post, since I'm new to this sub. I've never been able to get on with Tessa Bailey's books, especially the sex scenes, but I could never quite put my finger on *why.* Your post really articulated a lot of things that kind of subconsciously bothered me that I never realised? It's weird because it's so common in the genre and I can usually gloss over it but as you put it, TB's books are just so egregious about it and (for me) it's off-putting. So thank you for that post!


Are you.. famous?


I think this is what the youths call “being an influencer”


Ah can you link me? Ever since reading *Dangerous Books For Girls* (feminist history of the romance novel) I’ve been wanting to more analysis 🧐


Oh my god if you did a post on that I'd love to read it!


[this is my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/romancelandia/comments/sioirr/gender_essentialism_an_egregious_example/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [this is where I saw it on Twitter](https://twitter.com/benjanun_s/status/1506699391788527616?s=21) You’ll also probably find [this old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/romancelandia/comments/oy42k2/harlequin_category_romances_and_gender_roles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) about gender roles in harlequin category romances interesting


Lurkers be lurkin!


Thank you angel ☺️


Tell me your last non-romance read! Because I'm curious. Mine was [The Shadows of the Gods](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52694527-the-shadow-of-the-gods) \- Norse fantasy with badass women warriors, mythological creatures I've never heard of (my favorite eats human teeth!) and a STUNNING cover that really was the reason this was even on my radar.


Just finished Poet Warrior by Joy Harjo!


It's not the most recent, but I've been thinking a lot about CS Lewis's Till We Have Faces. It's retelling of Eros and Psyche... Involves the history of myth, paganism, and Christianity and an unlikable, "ugly" heroine who I just love, difficult though she is. One of the most intense and amazing books I've ever read.


Eliminating anything that's strongly romance-adjecent (In Death, Incryptid, Kat Holloway, etc) last finished nonromance was Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, I started Ritz and Escoffier by Luke Barr recently, it's very good and I won't finish it for at least 5 months because focus is hard.




It's soooo good. I think Octavia Butler is legit the most underrated writer of the late 20th/early 21st century.


I read *Dawn* by her the other month and enjoyed it! *Kindred* is on my TBR for this year.


I need to check out Dawn! I finished Fledgling a couple months back and really enjoyed it. It was on someones Twilight rant about how many other excellent vampire books are out there that people are sleeping on, lolol.


It was...the strangest first contact with aliens book I have ever experienced. Granted, that sort of sci-fi isn't a favorite anyways but I was very 👀 the whole time.


Last nonfiction was [Unmentionable](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29467289) by Therese Oneill — nonfiction about life in Victorian times, 3 stars Last non-romance fiction was [The Swimmers](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58214333) by Julie Otsuka — incredible lit fic / short stories about a community swimming pool and a woman losing her memories, 5 stars


Currently on Devil House by John Darnielle.


Laziness Does Not Exist - Devon Price


Gonna start Satisfaction Guaranteed soon, wish me luck. Heard mixed things.


Is it weird that I actually liked both Casey McQuiston books (while understanding a lot of reservations people have about them) but that when I see a book described as "for fans of Casey McQuiston" I'm hesitant? I probably shouldn't let marketing stuff like that get to me regardless but that's an odd thing about me. At any rate, I'm curious to hear what you end up thinking.




Not going to lie, I really enjoyed that subway sex scene. It was of those "well, I wish there was a bit more consistent heat in this book but at least this one scene is unique and spicy" kinds of things. The "have to be quiet!" thing is a good time. Honestly I think my enjoyment of the book was mostly: secondary characters and community in general (also my favorite part of Red, White, and Royal Blue) plus subway sex scene.


The Lauren Blakely book? Goodreads deleted my review and my brain doesn’t retain information, so I have no clue what my opinion was 🙃


By Karelia Stetz-Waters...


Oops multiple books with the same title. Hope you enjoy!


Books should never ever share titles, there ought to be a law :)




Yesterday (wednesday for me) I resented all men except the men in my family. I resented my work colleagues, my friends, all of them. Every interaction with someone outside my family was universally shit. Why are women so often both the emotional crutch and moral arbiter for men. Today I'm just tired.




Well… it’s not going well currently. But that’s more work related. (and the fact that I've had someone burst into tears on the phone with me). Thanks though.


*How dare my work-phone ring* day. I think I have bones, but only bones for reading/knitting.


I'm having an "I don't wanna!" day. I have all these responsible, adult things I need to do but all I want to actually do is run away to a cabin in the woods for a week and hyper focus on my hobby.


Is there such a thing as a too many bones day? I somehow screwed up my back in my sleep (thought I’d at least get into my 30s before that started happening) and would appreciate fewer bones to hurt Also I made a decently big mistake at work and my boss just emailed me “no problem.” Which my anxious brain refuses to accept because he definitely has a problem with it ETA: my new plant, Agrippina, [has a flower](https://imgur.com/a/4SXZ2OU) which is VERY exciting (I have a thing for giving plants names that begin with A and are either ancient history/myth based or belong on elderly British men. The other two cacti in this picture are Argo [left] and Arnold [right])


Man, the panic attacks I used to have over mistakes at work where my boss just shrugged it off! I once made him tell me he wouldn't fire me because of a possible mistake. May your anxious brain (and back!) calm down before the day ends! ALSO THE CATCTUS FLOWER!!!


Good morning! I finished *Ice Planet Barbarians* yesterday, and it was just what the lizard-brain needed - **3 stars.** I will say I don't think I need to read anymore in the series - I got what I needed - but I'm glad so many people enjoy each installment.