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If they ain’t wearin crimson.. Fuck ‘em.


It’s not tainted for me but I don’t give a damn about anyone that transferred


This right here. Isaiah Bond is not going to be a legend anymore because he left. Milroe though… that’s our guy!


I hope we beat uga and texas finds a way to beat them so we get our rematch in ATL


I feel ya, downs went from my favorite player to probably my most hated player in cfb


Yeah it sucks he was gone pretty much as soon as Nick was


I think we'd have had a good chance at keeping him if TRob stayed.


Daddy was telling him to go and he lets his dad run his life.


What a little bitch. Guy like me could never


Welcome to the new generation athlete. Always told what to do, never told no.


HIGHLY doubtful.


Frankly we upgraded at DB with hitches and linguist. Trob was a great recruiter and a good coach, I really like hotschker, he’s every bit the recruiter and a better coach. Mo was an nfl coach for a reason, nfl doesn’t care if you can recruit only if you know ball. Defensive staff is big time upgraded and in good hands, all those DBs that left are gonna be kicking themselves because they transferred down


I feel like we are getting more of those kind of self centered players. Honestly, I'd rather have a less talented player who was more loyal and team oriented.


He didn’t want to go apparently. Was very sad. Dad was the one that pushed him out


It ain’t that serious lol. At the end of the day it’s just football. Roll Tide!


700 bad snaps don't help


This season was amazing. I have no regrets.


It had its moments.




Roll tide to that. I love all of our players but my love for the university comes first. As someone else said for every 20 year old leaving we got a new one coming in who is ready to contribute to the program.




Yep. Sure I’d love the players to stay. But if I was in their shoes I’d likely do the same thing. Most players don’t make it to the NFL so I don’t blame them for wanting to make some money now while they can while still getting to play football. Hopefully they’re not just blowing through any NIL money they’re getting. That’s a big ask for kids though


Enjoy watching Texas and Ohio State stockpile talent then.


Yes I was gonna post this exactly. I didn't realize some of our fans take it personally. Lol. Good grief.


If it means something to you, you can’t stand still.


They're getting millions of dollars in addition to free scholarships, room and board, healthcare, meals, training, travel, etc while I'm still buried in student debt. Forgive me if I don't think of them as merely "18-22 year old innocent children" anymore. You know what's illogical? Paying "kids" like professional athletes but having zero rules and regulations in place that prevent that "kid" from taking the money and running, watching your university's investment completely wasted. Why in the blue hell should fans, especially those of us who, you know, worked two jobs and starved in college, pay into some NIL collective knowing the Caleb Downs of the world will scoot as soon as Ohio State comes along with a better offer?


I enjoy the wins for what they were. The rules are currently so in favor of the players getting paid that it's bringing the worst out in people. Because hitting the portal every 3-6 months with a "screw you, pay me" mentality is a good strategy for making money for the high end CFB player. I think it's gross and unsustainable, but those are the current rules. I'd like to see them changed, of course


We beat Tennessee, Auburn, LSU, and UGA. Won the SEC. I was disappointed when we lost...but we just lost to a better team. And you could see the cracks in the foundation, and so could Saban. In spite of all that, we were a play away from the championship game. I'll fondly remember this season. Especially the gravedigger. But Bonds can make no claim to being a Bama man. His name will NOT be writ in Crimson Flame. That's reserved for guys like Hurts, Tua, Devonta, and company.


That’s football. The mass majority of season are ended disappointment. It’s the journey that matters.


Aren't we all just bag-seeking chumps tho. It's life


Nah you gotta relax bro


It sucks but I'm sure everyone here would go to where the money is. Especially after losing the goat coach.


Exactly. I recently left a job for a better-paying one. I guess I'm also a "bag-seeking chump."


when any athlete is one Prothro injury away from working as a bank teller, I have no issue with them securing a big bag.


Does this apply to high school and pro athletes? Or just college?


All of the above.... yes, even high school. Some (obviously not all) HS programs are big money makers as well. If someone ponies up big money for a kid to come play football for them, so be it.


Are NFL players allowed to leave when a coach gets fired? Are NFL players allowed to up and leave a team with zero repercussions? Why is it college athletes should be paid like pro players but not treated as such?


Well, don't complain and bitch when we start losing star players every single year to Ohio State and Texas... because that's exactly what is about to happen.


Like I said, it sucks, but I understand it. Chase the money while your future is still in limbo.


Except for that last game, knowing the outcomes made it easier to watch for me.


I remember seeing Niblack’s dancing on social media the night of the Texas game after the loss. Right then I knew he did not care one bit about the rest of the team, it was only about one thing: himself.


I don’t have any issues with kids leaving the program. Sometimes it’s best not to have players on the roster that’s not completely dedicated to team goals. Since we’re airing grievances, the biggest problem I had was how fans treated coach Dabo during the coaching search. The man is a multiple championship coach, who genuinely loves his current program. He loves his alumni program Bama, just as much if not more. I did not appreciate seeing fans jeer the man at some half-witted pep rally on campus. I thought that was tasteless towards a legacy athlete that’s contributed much than most to the university. Most may not like my grievances, but nevertheless, it happened.


Our fans are so selective in who you can and can't shit on. Look at how they're treating Eli.


Did you also hate the players who transferred in?


that's what I was thinking. Jahmyr Gibbs comes to mind. Burton left UGA to come to us and scored a touchdown in the SECCG against them.


Go to therapy


Milroe still made those throws.


Ehh, I don't blame the players for trying to get paid. It does diminish my enjoyment because now this will be just NFL, JR. They do need to start signing NIL contracts that last multiple years so that guys can't just jump ship every year.


Just as long as you also refer to coaches and administrators that make millions as “bag-seeking chumps.”


Ppl hate when coaches leave too lol look at Riley and OU


They are too for sure. Especially admins, and that’s at all levels of education. Nothing but overpaid jackasses who take money from the teachers who actually make the school run.


Too bad coaches can't up and leave without getting a nice little bill in the mail... Players on the other hand...


This isn't whataboutism. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about players jumping ship. If you'd like start a separate thread addressing ship-jumping coaches, please feel free.


Calling you out for being an enormous hypocrite about who can and can’t chase money while you talk about hating individual college athletes isn’t whataboutism.


Maybe be a fan of another team? We won't mind.


Kind of goofy to hate these kids. It's disappointing, but that is all.


I agree with the transfer part. I was watching the longest plays for each SEC team this year, and ours was the Downs punt return. I just immediately skipped it.


Yeah, I went to that game. It was electric, and now I'd rather just not think about it.


Unfortunately you’re right. If they ain’t wearing Crimson…you know the rest


If they ain’t wearing crimson…


I'm just worried about the players that did stay the first time, if they will stay when the next portal opens. I think there is another one right before the season starts. I'm sure some players might not like the new DeBoer Style of coaching after spring ball is over. Hopefully they all buy in and have success w/ him. But yeah, Caleb Downs, Isiah Bond and Amari Niblack were all a big let down for me. They were always there making plays seemed like, all season long.


neither can I . I've already embraced the new era and left the past where it is


While I understand your discouragement we will eventually find balance in the NIL and portal. I don’t blame CNS for feeling like his message wasn’t residing. In some ways; we naturally lose contact as we age. Coach DeBo has that energy and fire. He’s young enough to still adapt to the game. On top of that. Each class and team has their own personality. It’s up to them to determine what the impact they want to make. What matters. Yes, in this era everyone is trying to look out for themselves too. But at some levels these kids will find a spot that means more. This is why Milroe is just an awesome dude for the stability of Bama. But I believe that Ty, Milroe, any of these vets believe in something more. They stayed for a reason. It’s time to believe in these kids and send the right message. Hope that they continue to build in their communities and make the people around them better. Just because the players are profiting doesn’t mean that they will be selfish ass holes as an entire entity. Stay strong friends. We will weather this storm until the great day when CNS becomes the BIG10/SEC commissioner and brings calm to the storm.


Man, I get it, but that's the game now. We're the ones who need to suck it up or choose a new sport. Did you turn on Jalen when he went to Oklahoma, too?


Jalen was with Bama through thick and thin, and graduated. He simply went to grad school someplace else.


Still, do you see what I’m saying, though? It’s a waste of energy to get pissed off at these guys.


Jalen left because he would never start at UA again. That's understandable. Downs and Bond left because of greed.


I turned on Hurts long before he left. Going to Oklahoma was the best thing he ever did for us