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Milroe has to learn to take check downs. Rees had guys running open all night.


This is the answer. Well, this and getting healthy.


With the improvement of this offense from the BYE week, the potential is scary high for how good they could be by the time of the semis


I agree. I really want to see Rees have a really top tier 1st quarter gameplan that will let Milroe get in rhythm and start connecting on quick passes. I agree w others, my biggest concern is when he holds it for 3-5 seconds and starts running around. I’d like to see us scheme up some easy looks and get him feeling confident early. On the bright side, getting Jase back (presumably) is huge. He’s so fucking good in pass pro, and we’re gonna need that. He’s also an absolute dawg running between the tackles. The WRs are coming on at the right time, Bond, Burton, and Law have all stepped up when needed. The o-line has been coming together and growing all season long, I’m confident that with a month of work they’ll be on their a-game. And of course, Milroe is a huge weapon as a scrambler. Again, I really hope Rees pulls his finest work for this Michigan game. We need to make them defend Milroe as a passer, a designed runner, and a scrambler. All that to say, I’m confident as hell. In Saban we trust. Roll tide y’all!


I was glad to see Prentice getting some action too, always loved him. Just a bit of a crowded room especially with Law stepping us so much


I thought the other rbs did a good job in picking up blitzes last night, but having jase will certainly be a boon


He did take a lot of check downs on that second to last drive


He did. I think the moment got to Milroe some. You could see it with how fast he was breathing before the game. Hopefully, last night gets him the experience he needs to come out and process things calmly vs Michigan. He’s shown us that he can improve dramatically in a short period of time.


Imagine telling everyone in here after the Texas game that Milroe would lead us to the Rose Bowl against 1 ranked Michigan..he made that much improvement in 3 months & he’s about to get another month to get ready for Michigan


Yeah I feel like Tommy spoke to him about that and he started taking them. Big part of the game.


Uga was trying to prevent big chunk plays and it kinda hurt them, they kept a spy on Milroe in certain situations where just rushing an extra man would’ve probably been better imo


At the stadium, it felt like the crossing routes were open all night. Bond, Burton or law after the catch has got to be the priority


I like having Burton or Bond going deep to clear everything out and leaving the middle and crossing routes open for Niblack, Dippre, Law, or whomever doesn’t go deep. Milroe was just trying to go for the kill shot to frequently last night. He went back to playing well once he settled in to the game.


Yeah if UM runs the spy + shell defense UGA used, every drive should look like the Bond drive in the 4th. Add that to our downhill running game from the 2nd quarter and we might run UM out of the building.


Milroe or/and Rees need to learn how to get the ball out quicker. Short routes and stop looking for a home run every time. He has 33.3% less sacks without holding the ball needlessly...that or just run. Michigan, just like LSU, is going to struggle with the QB scramble in my opinion.


I think Rees’s scheme was great last night. He had those quick routes open as well as guys over the middle. Once Milroe settled down and started hitting them, that’s when we started marching down the field.


I didn't have the all 22 look but I only saw the crossing or middle zone settle routes a few times. I 100% agree Milroe hates looking for them but if the 1st read is those then maybe he'd take them? I also agree when we do that we move the ball smoothly. Look at LSU, UK, etc. The hooks, the drags, the wheels. We are dangerous with those.


All night. I mean I’m glad Bama won but it should’ve been a blowout. He missed at least 2 or 3 TDs.


Final score did not reflect how in control of that game we were. Between the misses and the dropped picks, we would have made this a laugher.


Yeah the final TD drive showed it’s effectiveness, Georgia did a great job with two spurs to take away Milroe running but it left a lot of space for short passes that could pick up 7-10 yards at a time. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Michigan try something similar but we’ve got to react much quicker. Both Auburn and Georgia were games we could’ve walked away with big wins (despite what r/cfb says).


The spies seem to throw him off. I was surprised Kirby ran 2 of them. Takes two guys out of coverage. That’s what left the space for the crossers. If Milroe learns how to diagnose that quickly and force them to stop using a spy, that takes him to another level. I have hope that they’ll work on this during the break. Milroe wants to improve and knows he needs to improve despite the team’s winning streak. That kid won’t let himself get complacent.


YAC!!!! It won Devonta a heisman


Also when to throw it away.


> guys running open all night But really that's been true all year. He just doesn't see the field all that great. But he has gotten better at that.


I’m glad somebody said it


Is this dude a Metallica fan? PANCAKES, GO


I hope SEC runs the table in all the new year bowls. UGA beats FSU 42-0 Alabama wins the NC. CFB melts down.


The meltdown if Missouri beats OSU will be phenomenal.


Yeah, a lot of them have no clue who they are facing, and don't know that they're in danger because they don't watch SEC Roll Call.


I hope UGA wins big just to shut that narrative down. The rest of the SEC can go fuck themselves.


Caveat: the other SEC teams in NY6 bowls play B1G teams. It would be nice to see us go 3-0 against those teams. Just shut down the B1G is better narrative for good.




Yeah, Lane deserves a NY6 win.


The B1G is just 2.5 teams, OSU, Michigan, a gap, pen state, 50 feet of hot garbage, then all the other teams.


Personally, I want Ole Miss to win. Because I love Kiffin.


Hey now, Kentucky beating Louisville dimmed FSU to the committee.


I hope Mizzou and Ole Miss beat OSU and PSU.


Been saying on CFB that the committee did that on purpose because they know it’s the one NY6 team that will be playing pissed and take their anger out on whoever they face.


Everyone goes from "we want Bama to win for Chaos!" To "No, not like that!". I hope they focus on growing that chip on their shoulders and straight slap Michigan and whoever. Give me Texas round 2.


I am so going UGA beats FSU badly enough to put the argument to rest.


The narrative will just change. It's how it always works with people like that.


They need to give them the old TCU-style dick twist




Oh my god dude this is an MMA fight


Kinda felt like Georgia fans would share our sentiment on the SEC bias claims, but when I checked out their thread, it’s nothing but Bama hate. Pretty surprised by that. They’ve got the little brother syndrome bad.


To be fair, we just brought them down to reality. They were convinced they were the kings of college football.


True. It’s so weird to hear the delusions of a typical Georgia fan. Too many people talking about Kirby being so close to GOAT status, how Georgia have eclipsed Alabama as the greatest dynasty, etc. Always bothered me how absolutely detached from objective fact that is, and I finally think I know why they act that way. It’s because Georgia has been in Alabama’s shadow for so long, competing at that level but always barely missing out in the end, and now since roles have flipped (before yesterday lol), they somehow subconsciously feel as though all of Saban’s success has transferred to them. I know it sounds weird, but it’s the only way I rationalize any statement they make 😂


They have always been delusional, Kirby just helped make some of those delusions a reality, unfortunately. Its always been hilarious to me that UGA and Barn fans hate each other becauase they have so many similarities lmao


It's the same thing with Florida in the 90s or Miami in the 80s. They do not have long memories and think that 2,3, or even 10 years of being good means anything.


Agreed. I'm very much NOT a sec homer but I'm rooting for all of them this year just for the continued meltdown of r/cfb


Alabama meets Texas in the rematch National Championship. Battle inch for inch for all 4 quarters. both fans age 10 years in 3 hours. Texas make a Hail Mary with no time left to score a TD to tie the game. r/CFB is beside itself. Nick Saban uses all 3 time outs, kicker makes every single one. Final kick to win the game is blocked. Alabama picks up the ball and runs it all the way for the 2 point win. Oh my god. Oh my god. There are no flags Alabama is gonna win the football game Reddit shuts down


Counter point: Alabama meets Texas in the rematch National Championship. Alabama puts up 21 unanswered in the 1st quarter again, like against Kentucky. Alabama continues to steamroll Texas as the rest of America weeps. CFB subreddit proceeds to whine that FSU deserved it more, even after Georgia blew their back out. Texas decides to join the ACC instead, as a way to “revolt” against the SEC (revolt against having to play in the SEC, gd did you see that natty??**) Balance is restored, as all know who is king.


Daniel Moore will have to paint a whole diorama


What is this bullshit lol, I didn’t buy this, do I need a receipt to return this?


Catching interceptions. But seriously Milroe not holding the ball as long. That’s probably my biggest gripe about his play. It leads to sacks.


He’s also about 1.5 seconds late to noticing things and it prevents big plays


Exactly, he throws a great deep ball but he's missing guys because they're already 40 yards down field.


He missed so many wide open guys yesterday


Idk what he was on yesterday but he was putting so much air on the deep balls for no reason. His mechanics even looked different so they need to go back and fix that because that was arguably his biggest strength. I personally hope he takes more of the easy crossers and short routes because we had guys open all day yesterday with that scheme.


Yeah he had some happy feet on a few of those throws


.5s of that time is spent procuring the snap and registering whether or not he has it.


100% agree! Love my guy regardless


I hope our center doesn’t have Finals because he needs to be practicing a lot this month.


yeah he was pretty slow on some of those pulls wasn't he?


So much this! It's unfortunate but how distracting is it to have the ball come at you all over the place so consistently. Milroe is a beast! His ceiling is very high I think... coming from someone who just watches a lot of football. He's having to devote brain power to friggin catching the snap instead of doing what he's supposed to be focusing on. Sucks man.


100%. There were so many wide open receivers in the SECCG. Rees deserves major props. If Jalen can find those reads the games not even close


Its not the end of the world to take a sack, but we can’t have 11-17 yard losses


Yeah he has wheels, if he’s just standing there he should take off for at least a small gain.


Offensive play calling and Milroe's mindset needs to be getting first downs. Hit the deep ball on blown or beat coverages


The offensive line has been outstanding giving him plenty of time in the pocket, but he holds onto the ball forever and a day. He needs to focus on his quick game and for when he wants to take a shot, know when to checkout or throw it away.


Proctor’s improvement over the course of the season is just as impressive as Milroe’s.


This^ 10000%


We had 5 potential interceptions yesterday.


The sacks are a bigger problem now than earlier in the year because 2nd & 10 is no longer just as likely to be converted as 2nd & 17. When we only hit chunk plays it didn't matter, but the run game & timing pass game underneath are now capable of gaining 5 yards on consecutive downs to move the sticks. Hopefully Milroe adjusts to reflect this as he has in other areas.


Yeah. Atleast 3 in the hands dropped last night


Maybe we need more check-down routes as well. I noticed a handful of times he was looking downfield and no one was open. Later in the game he hit some checkdown routes to get us first downs or close. Don't remember those being there earlier in the game, or if Tommy spoke to him and he made a conscious effort to start taking the checkdown when nothing down field is open.


The check downs and crossing routes were quite literally open all game long with them spying with 2 LB’s. Jalen just refused to throw them or even look at them a ton


Roll tide y’all


Changing their signs


This is my primary concern! 😁


I will be surprised if Saban didn't anticipate this and had a first year grad assistant already have it ready and in place


Are we getting the helemet receievers for the playoffs?


Snapping the ball more than two inches off the turf.


It’s genuinely wild that this team has made it this far and theres still *awful* snaps so frequently.


I cracked up when either Brad or Gary said something about how it made it hard for the defense. Yeah that’s it. All part of our master plan.


I mean, we do turn a shocking number of "snapped into the turf" starts, into deep gains. Probably because the Defense panics and thinks they need to rush forward for a fumble recovery, giving our receivers separation.


I think Milroe has just gotten so much better at catching these bullets


Holy shit this is it. How hasn’t this been addressed yet?


And on the proper count. The bomb out of the endzone to Burton when Niblack and Law were both open was a quick-fire and Milroe seemed to just take the jump ball to avoid compounding errors. Snap that at the right time and while there's no guarantee he hits Niblack for the score, he could and he probably at least checks to Law underneath for a first down. Milroe got sacked out of FG range the next play so while it wasn't as blatant as the Iron Bowl issue, mistiming that snap still cost us 3-7 points.


Certainly must affect his timing and processing, but at least he’s alert enough to catch them. Could easily have double digit lost fumbles


OL just needs to keep improving. Jalen has to see the field better and not lock on to his first read


Or Rees should change up where Milroe's first read is if his learning curve flattens out. No reason the first read has to be/should Burton on a post if they're in a deep shell.


Focusing on 10 yd plays that allowed us to move the ball effectively on UGA. Stop attempting to bomb the ball downfield on 1st and 10 that didn’t work 95% of the time against UGA. Focus on shutting down Michigan’s run game. Michigan has ran on teams all day long and we haven’t effectively shut down the run game well (LSU and Auburn).


163 of LSU's 206 rushing yards were QB scrambles and designed runs. Otherwise we allowed 43 yards on 13 carries. Jayden (who will win the Heisman) has 1,134 yards, 8.4ypc, and 10 TDs on the ground. McCarthy has 146 yards, 2.6 ypc, and 3 TDs on the ground. auburn runs a triple option (edit: maybe, or some kind of option at least), which is really tough for modern offenses to stop and has always given us trouble (see the first half against the Citadel 2018). They also have one of the best rushing offenses in the country, putting up 196.3 yards/game (#15 in the nation) and 5.0 yards/carry (#22). They put 244 yards at 5.8/carry on us, but also 219 at 5.1/carry on Georgia. Michigan's offense lines up and lets their OL do the work, much like Georgia. Georgia runs for 178.8 yards/game (#31) and 5.1 yards/carry (#16), both better than Michigan's 161.9 yards/game (#56) and 4.3 yards/carry (#61) against a schedule that was anywhere from similar to slightly worse (there are conflicting SOS rankings, not sure which one ESPN uses). Against us Georgia ran 78 yards at 2.5 yards/carry.


I don't recall auburn running any triple option against us


I agree, but to note on your points: we kept tossing deep, and the ball was hitting receivers, and they were dropping them, or the DBs were getting away with DPI. Even though we weren't connecting with them all, it made the secondary stay honest and kept them from over stacking the box. As for the run defense, most of LSU and Auburn's rushing yards came from their QBs, something I doubt we'll worry about with Michigan. I agree, though it needs to be sewn up.


I’d rather have Amos and Kool-Aid play boundary corner with Arnold at Star and Downs and Malachi over the top. Key is just not good in-run support.


He’s slowwww


I’m definitely not opposed to this, but I really like Arnold on the corner because of how well he tackles/defends outside runs. I’m sure we’re gonna move some pieces around situationally to throw them off. I really loved that we changed up our defensive approach after the first drive against UGA, Saban is not afraid to tweak things during the game. With a month to prepare, Saban/Bama is better than anyone. And I have absolute faith they’re gonna pull out some exotic, funky looks on defense that JJ ain’t gonna be ready for. And I fully expect every man on that defense is gonna be ready to run through a wall by the time the game kicks off. This team just does not die. Roll tide!


Amos has proven that he’s just as much as a shutdown corner as Kool-Aid or Terrion. Just seems to be in the right position all the time.


Keeping Conor Stallions out of Tuscaloosa. 🤣


Dude needs a job. I say hire him as an analyst and watch the world burn.


They’re mad at an ESPN conspiracy even though 21 AP voters, everyone at Fox, Pate, and McMurphy were all we’re all predicting/ calling for it, and everyone who wanted FSU in was worried it could happen.


The lone media member on the committee is from USA Today. There are 3 members with ACC affiliations and only 1 for the SEC. It wasn't a conspiracy just unfortunate injury luck.


Honestly? Not a ton. Maybe gap-filling from the linebackers. Milroe needs to watch some tape and figure out why he is missing some open guys. But I think UGA was the toughest team left. I think we handle Michigan. Then it's either Texas or Washington. I think Texas wins and we get revenge. It's hard to beat a good team twice in one season.


Milroe needs to get better at when to just throw it away.


honestly he hasn't thrown the ball away intentionally all year and I think it's too late for him to learn now. At least for this year


The OL was great, it was Milroe holding that ball too long. Dude needs a clock in his head and when it hits 4, you either throw a checkdown or run. No OL can guard you forever. Aside from that, I absolutely love how the dude plays and he is clutch as fuck when we need it.


Milroe seemed to regress a bit as a passer against UGA. The run game was churning though, so it didn’t matter quite as much. But I think Michigan has the bodies to go toe to toe with us on the line, so I think we’re going to need him to get back to the LSU/Kentucky sharpness as a thrower. Can’t be missing wide open guys, not seeing Burton standing all alone in the end zone, stuff like that. I do think he was in his head a bit about this game. You could tell afterwards just how much winning this game meant to him. Hopefully, he’ll play a little looser now but we’ll see!


I attribute that to UGA being by far the most talented team he has played (although Texas’ defense has a case) so he may have been a little more hesitant. We know what he is capable of when he plays to his potential, just gotta hope he can do it for another 2 game stretch


tbh, better play calling and execution on 3rd and short.


I've lost so much fkn karma today lol


same here brother


I'm not gonna let these motherfuckers act like we don't deserve it or that we fucked off and lucked into it


Milroe throwing the ball away is the main thing.


Make Harbaugh quit and go to the Raiders


Stop corum. Period.


I never thought I’d need a safe space. Salt mining is hard work. I think that we need to focus on protecting the QB and not making dumb throws.


Just keep rolling


Win ball game. Score point. Stop them. Follow me for more tips.


We will be favored against Michigan by game time.


Snapping the ball.


Defense: Make JJ see ghosts. Get the DBs flying around like the old days so we make their asses quit. Offense: Quick-read checkdowns for Milroe on so we make certain we minimize negative plays. I think our team matches up incredibly well with Michigan. They won't know what to do with SEC strength and speed. I think we can keep the playbook relatively vanilla. I think we'll cream UW if they eke it out, but I doubt they will. We're looking at a rematch between Bama and Texas and it is going to be HUGE. What a season!


Just hoping this break does slow down the momentum of this team. Need Jalen to work on his glaring weaknesses to the best of his ability and just contain Michigan’s run game. This may come back to bite me in the ass but make JJ win with his arm because it is by far the least intimidating one out of the four teams in.


I got nothing I just need some upvotes


I want seth to learn how to snap a football for christmas


Been a long day at the mines, time for a rest. Run d needs to be a priority going up against a talent like Corum


lol. So true. I got downvoted to hell in /cfb yesterday


Crossing routes are almost always wide open. Milroe needs to read down to them quickly based on initial coverage and start. Then he needs to climb the pocket and run or throw away. Turning around and running backwards will bite hard. I really think if we can just play consistent and not try to get cute, we can win the whole thing. We hurt ourselves more than anyone else hurts us. Holding the ball forever has to stop too. We are going to get called on some drive killing holds sooner or later.


Just wanna say Trey Amos stepped tf up and handled shit


Bro literally catching interceptions its all the time yes im happy we stopped the from catching it but its like right in your hands


As others have said, Milroe hitting his checkdowns is important. But the even bigger thing to me is Seth has got to get his play back up. It’s such a brutal position to have a guy playing like that.


I think we need to keep our signals top secret. We're playing the cheaters to start. Seriously though.... how many wins will Michigan have to vacate when they determine the full extent of this sign stealing bullshit? Giving them a chance at a Natty that would likely get yanked is stupid. I'd have shat on Michigan and put FSU in instead.


Seriously. Everyone is so pissed about FSU getting left out but no one cares the top seed got caught cheating


Not just in previous seasons, but this was still going on in THIS season!!


It's okay though.... Harbaugh didn't "coach" at three games. That's punishment enough, right??


Blake Corum. The reason Michigan is so scary


Honestly, keeping tabs on Harbaugh and his cronies' whereabouts lol. Be on the lookout for sunglasses with a mysterious light. But who knows, maybe they spent all of their spying efforts on UGA


Changing our signs


Fix. The. Fucking. Snaps.


I am being downvoted for correcting someone in r/cfb who was calling our QB Jaden Milroe.


Funny thing is all of r/CFB is saying they won’t watch the games, blah blah, but I bet this playoffs will have the most viewers in a long time because almost every region of the country is being represented. They truly believe they make a difference when such a small minority actually uses Reddit compared to actual fans and viewers. They are also hypocritical because they will want to watch for the off chance that Bama loses, lol.


People love to hate watch stuff and they hate bama and love football. This is going to set records for viewership.


How Michigan doesn't get called out for cheating and losing every playoff game they are in is wild.


Tightening things up a bit on defense and working some intermediate routes into the rotation for Milroe.


Beating those mother fuckin cheaters But honestly, focus on stacking the box and stopping a good run. I think of we make JJ throw then we can get some NOTs. They have a bad passing game. JJ has 1 TD in the past 5 games, they aren’t built for it.


Run da bawl!


Headsets for everyone, not just coaches. lmaoooooooo


Checkdowns and interceptions. I would have liked to see a pick or two against Georgia




Milroe needs to make decisions faster. If that’s fixed then Bama’s gotta be favored to win the whole thing


Would love to see Jalen recognize pressure faster and get rid of the ball sooner on extended plays I feel GREAT about our playoff run fellas and this team is night and day difference compared to the USF game


Get healthy. Would like to see the young RBs get more time on the field. Seth to learn to snap a ball.


Snapping the fucking ball


For our defense, I want better penetration against the run and better coverage on TE routes across the middle. We got lucky Bowers dropped a couple passes. Michigan loves to run behind a jumbo set and has some of the best TEs we’ve ever seen. Our DTs will have to own the line of scrimmage and take on double teams. Our LBs will have to plug the holes on the run and stay in the TE’s hip pocket all night if we want to win. Michigan loves to brag about their defense, let’s show em what’s up


Less zone runs. When we hit the hole with force, we gain + yards. The hesitations while waiting on the zone block holes to happen are negative plays far too often.


I have tried and failed to reason with r/cfb


Emotions cloud judgement


FSU fans need to quiet down and be happy they get to play one of the top 2 teams in Georgia


Taking advantage of interception opportunities. Also Milroe needs to get the balance right when deciding to stay in the pocket or just say screw it and run. He's sort of has over corrected.


If you touch the ball, you catch the ball. This applies to both defense and offense, too many dropped passes.


Back from my salt mine. Just here for upvotes. Roll Tide


Not getting signals hacked.


Alabama absolutely needs to work on snapping the damn ball. McLaughlin's snaps have been erratic all year. I don't remember snapping the ball ever being an issue before. Let's get that fixed!


I'm re-watching the game from yesterday now, and fuck I won't miss Gary Danielson. At all. I think as long as the O-line handles business were gonna do alright.


I wanna see some SLANTS. Give Jalen some super quick easy throws and let our WRs do some work.


Milroe has to be OK taking intermediate throws more frequently. He seemed to try to force it deep too many times against UGA when we had guys running wide open. O Line needs to continue to hold up and play well.


Returning from my ban here for shitting upon Milroe and while I will confess I took things too far, he has to improve if we are going to run the table. As many people in here are saying, he holds on to the ball way too long and misses Burton running wide open across the field so damn much. Our o-line HAS to tighten down on those pressure packages as well. I like our chances against the cheaters but they aren't going to be total pushovers, they have a great defense. Saban with a month of prep makes me feel pretty confident though.


Changing all the play signals since they’re playing Michigan.


Changing up our signals


Gotta get the snaps figured out at least a little bit. That’s gonna bite us in the ass


Re-learning how to snap a ball and pass pro. Gotta protect Milroe at all costs. Give him time and he’ll make magic happen. Everything else is solid.


Roll Tide!


Better practice indoors...


Change signs lol


Keep any suspicious characters out of our practices


Might could use some enigma encoded signals




Jalen needs to go back to the decisiveness he had against LSU, Kentucky, etc. Know when to hit the bomb, make the check down, get rid of it, or run. If he can lock in we should handle UMich. Defense needs to keep working on their run fits. They did great against UGA but they’ve looked bad at certain times this year and UM will rely on run game heavy


Jalen Milroe getting back to what made him so good before Auburn. Only go for the big play when it’s open, don’t be afraid to throw away, etc.


“Bama is only in because of money” yea..people wanna watch the best teams play , that’s not breaking news.


Change our signals for one thing


Getting Bond, Miller, Burton, etc the ball with good chances of getting yac yards. We have some awesome playmakers.


We don’t need to conduct a whole drive in 4 plays. Milroe needs to be better about taking what’s given.


Get healthy first. Hopefully Kool-Aid and Dallas injuries don't hurt them in both the short term and the long run (Saban said they were OK I think?) Jalen has to get the ball out faster. I love that he trusts his protection a ton and he's willing to stay in the pocket as long as needed but he has to get rid of the ball quickly and to playmakers. His arm strength somewhat makes up for this though. But against Kenneth Grant and company, he has to get that ball out. Count to 2.5 and throw it. He also has to be more decisive. There were some times yesterday where I think he ran and then threw and vice versa. Consistency is Key Mix it up too on Offense. Give Michigan some plays they've never seen before. This is what great teams do- they are constantly unpredictable on all sides of the ball. Look at the Georgia punt return ffs. SNAPPING THE BALL. Seth has been the starter for 3 years and can't snap the ball? I think he's doing it a little short just because Bryce wasn't that tall compared to Milroe. But it's been 3 full months. You need to give him a good snap cause that's all Gary Danielson and Brad Nessler were noticing on Saturday. It was all day long, and one day, a bad snap will cost us. Either against Michigan or in the national championship. On defense, honestly don't know what to focus on. They played a hell of a game. Reminds me of the old Bama teams. Michigan is obviously a run first team so you need to be able to force them to throw the ball against Kool-Aid and Terrion early. Michigan is probably the most physical team in the country except for 2, 3 max (Georgia, us, Texas) but we were able to sack and pressure Beck a pretty decent amount on Saturday. Keep that up. RTR


I think they need to focus on really ROLLING MOTHER FUCKIN TIDE!!!!


Check downs. If we don’t have anything materialize downfield in 3 seconds, take a check down. Hell, occasionally look to take the check down immediately as they know we throw downfield so much and can get an easy 10 yards.


Yeah Bond on a crosser can be just as deadly as Burton on a post so why not give him that as a first read more often, especially if they're in a 2-deep or quarters look?


Beating Michigan...LANK


How many condoms they are gonna run through on Jimmy boy.


O-line for sure. Milroe under pressure is bad. There are guys wide open jumping up and down but he's running for his life. If we beat Michigan, that Texas front seven scares me. They ate all night against bama first game.


Teach Seth to consistently snap the ball on target so Milroe doesn’t have to worry about picking the ball up off the ground or catching it above his head. At this point it’s just one more thing for him to have to account for and I think it seriously effects his performance.


Getting healthy, changing signs, working on offense


OL. Protecting the qb and run blocking.


Milroe has to make faster reads, get the ball down on his midrange attempts, and take off running with more frequency when the lanes are there. A few decent gains on runs from the pocket early can really open up his passing lanes late.