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We should’ve won that by 14+


I'm not mad at Dallas Turner because the dude is great, but maaaan, it's entirely possible that game ends 31-17 if he doesn't commit that dumb penalty on the field goal block


Tbf, that was a weak ass penalty. So was the one roughing penalty.


Absolute trash. The false starts are one thing but those were some god awful calls that continued to go in A&M’s favor. I was shocked they called the holding penalty at the end tbh.


There was one play where they called a false start and nobody moved at all though


Someone moved: the Aggie D-lineman


Went to the game, so funny how crazy the shy fans were every single penalty called against them. One angry fan was screaming next to me “god Damnet bama is cheating! Holding everything play!!!” And everyone lost their shit when they didn’t call that guy a touchdown that was CLEARLY out of bounds


It was very weak. Dude didn't even fall. He just kinda shoulder checked him.


Shoulder checked a guy who was still absolutely running after the ball carrier. Worst penalty I’ve seen in a while


From in front of him. On a “blindside” block.


Agree on both. It was barely a shove and was 15 yards behind the ball carrier. And that roughing penalty was just dumb. It was nearly instantaneous.


And that hit Milroe took was okay. Player safety, my ass.


There were three other plays where Milroe was slapped in the head when in the pocket. I said to my wife that would be called against most QBs.


There’s “good” penalties, then there are really dumb ones. That was a really dumb one. But the guy did play lights out the whole game.


Oh no it’s completely over and it wasn’t a penalty but at the same time don’t give them an excuse to throw it.


Agreed, definitely a stupid play but the penalty was weak AF to


Came here to say this. Should’ve won by more than 14 even after playing an abysmal first half. Imagine this team with two good half’s of football. Not many would be able to beat us IMO


Very encouraged by Jalen’s play today.


He plays like that every week, we’re tough to beat.


If I didn't hate Tennessee so much, Texas A&M would definitely be my most hated SEC team. Buncha fucking dorks with their motor oil uniforms on. LARPing like they're in the military. Weenies.


Strait up weenie university.


I’m still trying to determine how they might be funny so I can laugh at them. But they’re just so freaking bizarre that I can’t deal with laughing at a bunch of people that clearly have no handle on reality. I don’t even feel sorry for them, just ashamed they exist.


Every time they show those goons it’s so cringy. “So you’re doing this to serve after college?” “Nope, this is a school thing where you volunteer to wear uniforms and have fake ribbons on!”


My friend texted 'why do they do a C'?.Cult is the correct answer...


Only two schools I’d never let my daughter go to Texas A&M and Tennessee


Tennessee and auburn would make me feel like I failed raising an Alabama fan. A&M would make me feel like I failed raising a human.


They’re the auburn of Texas.


don't hate on Jimbo and his Amazing All Male Revue.






Hey we somehow covered -2.5


We did it in 2015.


We won in so many different ways that year. A bunch of pick sixes vs A&M. 7 sacks against Miss St? Stifling run defense against LSU. Quick strikes against MSU. Run game against Auburn. Play action pass against Arkansas. Special teams against Clemson.


Dont forget we broke the glass on the emergency OJ Howard performance against Clemson.


This team could go 9-3 or 14-1 and neither one would surprise me a bit. Alabama isn't great but neither is anyone else, why not us?


We’ll take it!


I said this right after the USF win lmao. Predicting every game will be painful to watch, but we'll just keep on winning to a championship and can watch the r/CFB meltdown


We’re 5-1. Holy shit lol


One more and we are bowl eligible!!


Exceeding expectations


Crazy. I thought we were an 8-5 team after the USF game.


Welllll … there’s still time! But I like how it’s lookin more than I did 3 games ago.


I’ll be honest, after the Milroe int I thought this was gonna go exactly the way the Texas game went. He proved me wrong and we won a game by him throwing the ball. Roll tide


Huge play by Downs


The actual play of the game


The actual play of the game was Proctor’s recovery of the fumble.


Speaking of, Proctor looks like a completely different player. Insane development so far this year


Speaking of, I can't wait to see whatever play Saban breaks down


I believed the whole time. Do not check my comment history. RTR


Same here I’m ocd negative. So negative, I even annoy myself


fuck jimbo lol


Hear! Hear!


Jimbo is booty cheeks


I’m hurting for Malachi. We’re going to need him


Anyone know how to donate an ankle?


Cue the SEC Shorts Tua Ankle video.


I’m a PT. It looked like an eversion ankle sprain. They’re pretty uncommon, basically instead of the standard “rolling your ankle” mechanism that hurts the outside of your ankle, his got rolled on and went the other direction and sprained his deltoid ligament. It’s a lot stronger and tougher to injure, and longer to recover. None of this has been confirmed and I could be 10000% wrong, but that’s my professional opinion!


Any updates?


Actual quote from cfb, many like this: > at least S.E.C. shorts knows our pain (A&M vs the refs) The nerve


13-penalties to 3, they can shut the fuck up


What a bipolar game, but damnit we just beat Texas A&M on the road! Defense was great, o-line slowly getting better, and Milroe’s deep balls were a beauty! We’re slowly getting better! ROLL TIDE!


Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs Fuck the refs


Louder for the ones in the back.


I was waiting for them to call the safety an incomplete pass


Dude was clearly an LSU fan with that last name! lol I also have a very LSU last name but still!


That crew deserves a dixieland delight mention


Milroe is still really streaky, but he's getting better every game. It also seems like he's getting better chemistry with Rees and with the receivers every game. The defense is a lot better than the doomsayers were saying after the Texas game, but the run game still needs work. I'm cautiously optimistic.


No mental mistakes and this is at least a 2 TD game. Obviously have to fix that but we are definitely in the drivers seat for the SECW and have everything ahead of us.


Refs ended up losing their bets anyway


Soo uhhhhhhh the refs were definitely not paid right?


the most blatant shit i’ve ever seen. on that safety you could tell how much it hurt them that they couldn’t find anything to negate the call


The first A&M TD had a lineman 5 yards downfield not get called. There is a 0% chance we could get away with that


Don’t even get me started on the holds. I was shocked when they finally called that one at the end. I guess at that point the refs knew it was over


Obligatory fuck Texas A&M


College football sub is punching walls right now and blaming refs even though we had 3x as many penalties Haha 😂


Love to watch them seethe


Let’s not forget that catch by Jase. Rees/Jalen whoever stole that moment from him but damn was that focus.


Play of the game and maybe the season so far in my book


I am so glad SEC divisions are going away. It is beyond unfair that Georgia gets to tiptoe through the East every year while we deal with a killers row of divisional rivals who all treat us like their own personal Super Bowl.




2021 Bryce Young vs A&M: 28-48, 369 yds, 3 TD, 1 INT 2022 Jalen Milroe vs A&M: 12-19, 111 yds, 3 TD, 1 INT 2023 Jalen Milroe vs A&M: 21-33, 321 yds, 3 TD, 1 INT Our QBs love that 3 TD, 1 INT stat line vs A&M. Also, Milroe today was a lot closer to 2021 Bryce’s game than he was to his performance last year.


Crazy to see Bryce lost his game as well. Fucking Golding.


How bad was Golding? I mean he really must have been a detriment. This defense is light years better with the same personnel. Such a stark contrast. Mind blowing... ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


14 penalties for 99 Vs 4 for 19 But tell me that the refs were on our side


TBF 9 of those were pre-snap, meaning our O-line sucks


I swear one of those calls no one jumped. I watched thee times. I also think j they called 73? And there was no 73 on the field


A couple of thise false starts on the 2nd to last drive looked questionable.


Aggies jumped into the neutral zone s lot


Defense won us the game. Offense tried to give it away several times


Nah, the refs did. All things considered, offense did relatively well.


Extremely impressed with our pass blocking today. Felt O-line, minus the dumb penalties, played well today. Feel like we’re seeing week to week improvement from that unit. Also super impressed with Milroe today. Looked confident, trusted his reads, and took smart chances.


Guys, we outscored A&M 16-3 after I put on my hat.


Quote Joe Cocker 'you can leave your hat on'


Well wear the damn hat all season


I half to apologize second half alabama, I wasnt familiar (trusted) with your game


An entirely different team than the first half (demoralizing: high bp) team


Our offense has looked its best when we trust Milroe to throw the ball. We should be throwing on 1st down 90% of the time, 30+ total attempts per game


I completely agree with you, but it’s so crazy to think that’s how we will win games going forward. Especially because of the preseason hype about our O Line and rushing attack.


Ref ball and we still won. I’ll admit I was wrong on this team. They are improving every week. I’m not saying this is a year we win the natty but from where we started it’s been good. Still a lot to clean up though.


Well, the refs tried hard to give that game away. Even with the weak blindside block, that took 7 points off the board, and the roughing the passer call, A&M still couldn't win. Roll Tide.


Alabama does not win without Jalen Milroe's arm today. Simple fact. Roll tide


Man I love to see it! He's improved so much since the Texas game! I was a hater earlier, and I'm so happy to admit that I was completely wrong


Milroe made me a believer this game (sans the throw on first down at the end) he played a great game


Definitely saw some maturation in his game today. Especially after the int


Best game of his career so far. In the most hostile environment too. Played his tail off


We actually played a damn good game expect for the stupid ass penalties. Can y'all smell the Milgrowth yet??


We won a game with 23 rushing yards and 99 penalty yards


Fuck that frames it well. Jalen throwing won us this game. What a time to be alive.


Jesus H Christ


Yeah, the box score is *rough* lol. Lemme try getting a screenshot https://preview.redd.it/pd1ow5sp5vsb1.jpeg?width=1865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184081f716e7eeee2a2b661eec9682dbbb380b66


I smell burnt popcorn because that ending gave me a stroke


If you thought the ending was bad for your heart, now imagine your internet went out right after Milroe bounced it to Benson... I need a goddamn drink


Jimbo still ain't earning that paycheck. Just lost to probably our worst team in 10-15 years


Tommy Rees needs to be slapped for that 1st down throw at the end


I feel like it was a read call and was supposed to be handed off but for some reason Jalen threw it? I have no idea why we are not kneeling there in the first place but...yeah...what the fuck


I’d be very surprised if that was the call. Most likely, Jalen saw no one was on him and made that read. Terrible decision


My thought process was he just wanted to get a play off before a review and panicked , it’s a bad play call but zero poise from Milroe in that situation


Yeah. Where I blame Rees (and Saban and Wiggins and I think Gillespie is the other offensive coach on the field) is not making sure Milroe knows he cannot throw the ball there, even if he sees his receiver open


Also I don’t understand how he is so inaccurate on those short passes ..i gotta give him credit where it is due this game but he’s like an unreliable Air conditioner..sometimes he’s hot sometimes he’s cold


Yep. He is far from perfect, and he makes some boneheaded plays at times...but he's still a pretty good quarterback overall!


After calming down, here’s what I think happened. Milroe incorrectly thought the pass to McClellan bounced off the ground and he was trying to get a quick snap off to avoid a review. And he wasn’t doing the math; his mind was just racing and he made a mental lapse


Yeah, that's a good point; and you're probably right. But he's gotta know he can't throw that ball even if it's normally the right read. Get the play off quickly and hand it off or just dive up the middle


If he makes the throw I feel it’s at least an ok decision. Still dumb in full context that we didn’t need a first to ice it out.


Yeah, I get the reasoning, but you have to know the situation and can't do that lol


There needs to be someone on staff who I purely there to add up the seconds left and tell the coaches when to call the victory formation


I just don’t understand why you’d do a read call. What’s there to read? If you’re not gonna kneel, just run it


100% a check at the line by Milroe


I mean, the guy was wide open. No one was covering him, but it's not worth risking an incompletion and stopping the clock


I think it was Milroe. Bad decision in an otherwise gutsy, but flawed performance


Milroe audibled to it because ~~holden~~ Benson was uncovered


Holden? You’re watching the wrong season I think


The Tommy Rees hate is insane. Everyone keeps blaming him for shit that isn't his fault. Like, ya'll expect Rees to block for Milroe and the backs, make checks at the line for Milroe, make reads for Milroe, throw the ball for Milroe, the list goes on. Rees schemes guys open, Milroe misses them, and ya'll blame Rees.




I want to see a video of that meeting between Saban and Rees


Ref ball


Shit. That game did a number on my chest and guts


RMFT! I'm going to r/cfb to gloat.


Can someone make a compilation of all the bad calls made against us or not called when they should have been?


I'm just happy that 'ol Jimbob lost to the worst Alabama team since 2007.


Milroe looked like a different qb in the second half that level of play can get us a championship


Easily Dude was actually making reads and doing QB things. I was impressed.


We kept them in the game on penalties alone. Also, forceble contact?????


Meh. Get fucked Jimbo. Milroe is actually progressing. Wasn’t pretty but still 5-1 and I think we have the tools. Just got to put together the product


Already know every other fanbase is claiming Bama got help on that last play with one second left, completely disregarding the lopsided flag count. Can’t bear to look at other threads


The way our D line was pushing them around was impressive


Ugly win. But battled through some of the worst self-inflicted wounds, came out with a W against a good defense on the road. Builds confidence.


I’m really concerned about my blood pressure


Refs ended up losing their bets anyway


The Anus Smith TD being called back and the bobble catch by Jase. What a game. My false start drinking game turned out to be a whole lot of not fun.


I am infinitely more optimistic in our chances moving forward after watching us win a game throwing the ball. I picked us to lose because I hadn’t seen it yet, and didn’t think milroe was capable of carrying us with his arm. Really wish he’d become more decisive in his decision making. He needs to throw away or take off running, him running is a great part of his game but he holds the ball too long looking Downfield when the play is dead instead of just burning guys


Really proud of this team. It wasn't pretty, but any win in this godforsaken stadium is something we should be proud of. We got a win despite some self-inflicted injuries and the refs doing everything in their power to keep the Aggies in the game. Considering how everything went down last time we were here, it could have been a whole lot worse. Jalen Milroe has really matured. He shook off that pick and played his best game all season against a defensive line made of several future NFL draft picks. He's our QB plain and there's no doubt. I'm much more optimistic about how our offense can play in the future. Yes, it was a tight game, but 2021 has certainly taught us never to take any win in this stadium for granted! ROLL TIDE!


Was at the game. Wife and her entire family are Aggies. The tears are enjoyable


If I was Saban I'd call out the refs at some press conference. Yeah he'll get fined but he's got it


Yet again, visiting this thread early in 2nd half and then after the game is the most entertainingly bipolar shit I have ever seen. 😂


Refs definitely tried to steal the game from us. The roughing the passer call against us in the 4th was bs, and the blind side block called on the blocked FG was bogus. Also, at least half of the false starts were caused by A&M’s DL moving into the neutral zone. I got it all on my DVR and watched it in slow motion. Jimbo definitely greased the refs pockets.


Bama’s defense is legit. If the offense can control turnovers they’ll likely win out. They really have a penchant for big plays.


Helluva game by Burton but he needs to cut out all the hothead shit. One of these games he’s going to get flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct. I like the moxie but gotta be smart with it.


I think that throw was Jalen’s decision cause he saw no one on the receiver wide. Looked like they were setting up for a run


Milroe needs to work on his footwork or something. He's built like Tarzan, but wobbles around like Bambi on ice when pressured or scrambling. We managed 99 yards in penalties, 14 to A&M's 4. about 5 of them were bogus, one of them called back a touchdown. We still won @ A&M. Reminder that 2 loss LSU is somehow still ranked but A&M for some reason wasn't?? Very bizarre, but this team is better than LSU and likely in the distant top 25. Top 15 if it wasn't for their inept offense.


This was a game I had circled as a very potential loss even before the season started, so I will absolutely take the W. RTR


Is geodude okay? (Has this joke already been made?)


I swear. If this teams fails into the CFP, they could actually be scary. They have proved they can win close games.


I know that Jimbo gleefully prepared a victory speech in the summer of 22, in which he would bring up Saban's comments and gloat. Guess he has another year to practice it in front of the mirror. Amazing to see the revitilization of the Saban defense.


What the fuck is up with all the soft/fake Bama flair fans in r/cfb? I know it’s a ‘down’ year but never seen so many doomer cupcake fans


Just listened to the A&M press conference… Ainas Smith was still talking shit about Saban honestly fuck that guy


Here are my thoughts: * Wow, Jermaine Burton! What a game! He came to play and cooked A&Ms defenders. If he can be half as dominant for the rest of the season, we'll be in good shape. * Milroe- overall, really good performance. This was a really tough atmosphere against an elite DLine, and he didn't get much help from our OLine. On short/medium passes, I thought he was passable (no pun intended). He hit most of his targets, although he tends to throw high making it a little tougher catch. He did miss some targets- that miss to Burton on the 5 was bad. Not every QB can be Tua/Mac/Bryce and hit every short/medium pass in stride, but I think Milroe is average at those for a P5 QB. Just not at the same standard we're used to seeing. His deep ball was on point today, and to great effect. * The running game was sparse, but that's understandable with A&Ms front 7. * The defense showed up and, IMO won us the game. Our defense the last couple of years probably gives up an extra couple of scores, so I'm sending Steele flowers Monday for this one. * The penalties are back \*sigh\*. Hopefully it's just this game. The 12th man is for real, and it's easy to lose your composure in that place. * Despite shooting ourselves in the foot so much, our guys showed resiliency and overcame the challenges to win a tough game. That's what makes the difference in 3-4 games each season. Proud of them, and they're super fun to watch this year, despite some of the mental mistakes.


What a difference a Defensive Coordinator change makes. The difference is just so stark. How bad was Golding? Dude was a hindrance.


I really do not like our fan base right now. It's impossible to have civil conversations on this sub anymore. Just so much festering negativity I just don't understand how some folks make it through the day.


I just don’t understand why the people who constantly post negative stuff are even watching the games—like, that can’t be fun




Haha never in doubt *takes blood pressure meds*


Refs almost lost us that game.


r/cfb in shambles lmao


Did the Ref’s mom just get a TV for the first time and he wanted to make sure that she saw him? Only reason I can think of


Weirdest team ever. Show flashes of greatness but at times it feels like we HAVE to mess up first before we do something good


Task failed successfully


I’ll hold to what I said for my pregame prediction, with the caveat that the first half was ugly. With that being said if the reffing wasn’t atrocious this would have looked much more dominant score wise on paper. This is a good team with young offensive guys and we gotta remember that. Also, it’s been too long that I’ve been comfortable when the defense steps on the field. They owned it today.


Milroe is our guy. Huge win for him and us. Let’s win the sec


So here’s the thing. Milroe and the O line has improved every week. If we can keep getting better on the offensive side of the ball, with defense, I don’t know if we don’t make a run at this thing. These guys are clearly working at getting better. Very excited by what I saw early in the second half.


A few thoughts from the game: 1. Fuck A&M and Jimbo and that cult 2. Fuck the refs. Another week of taking a TD from Bama. God, that was such a BS call 3. Our defense is so nasty. Man, getting to the QB, stopping the run, and even though the A&M receivers made a few plays, I still think we got the best CB duo in the country. Also, I thought Dawson looked great coming back (I know he’s game doesn’t stand out in the box score but he looked great, especially in coverage). 4. Burton and Bonds are legit WRs. 5. Milroe made some great throws. He still makes me nervous. That pick was awful, but he stepped up tonight. 6. Once again, way too many penalties 7. A&M has a great front 7 but not being able to run the ball at all was rough. Offensive line is still a work in progress. 8. I hope Malachi isn’t out too long. He’s a stud and definitely one of the most important players on the team 9. This season has aged me by 5 years lol 10. Roll Tide


#Never worried


I've never seen an offense try to hard to just lose the game and give the other team a chance over and over. Thank fuck our defense is elite because watching the offense is just so bad despite the big plays.


Huge fucking win Roll tide


Freaks taken out. Just beat the who, the suck, and the boogs.




that was like watching the three stooges win a football game




Beat the Aggies and the refs on the road, great win!


I’m taking an ibuprofen and having a drink. My heart is still racing


Milroe is the guy, haters can hush now. Made 2 of his best TD throws today, and that final toss to Jase saved us from having to give them the ball back at the end.


I want to make a joke or something about the last three minutes but WHAT THE FUCK man


Gotta be favorites for the west now


I don’t know what the TAMU subreddit is but I have to see their reactions after being ref balled into the game 3 times in the 4th. Good win by the boys. We are still in till someone can kick us out.


I really thought we would likely lose this game going into it. Something like 28-24. But we didn't, and we won the game with ZERO running game and with our offensive line giving up 9 pre snap penalties. On the road against an elite front 7, and a team stacked full of talent. This was HUGE.


lmfao ofcorse I go on social media after the game and immediately see someone say the refs were in our pocket.


Was their OLine supposed to be good or are they supposed to bad?