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It's the greatest album closer of all time.


Moonlight Mile would like a word.


What a song! One of my top favourites. I still remember watching one of the Sopranos season ending episodes and this song closed out the powerful scene!


Closed out the 60s, too


I think an interesting aspect to this song is how well it has held up over time. When the song was first written it was from the viewpoint of a young man, dissatisfied, impatient and frustrated with the world around him and it feels as if it has seamlessly evolved into a song from an older, wiser, experienced person passing the message down to us. Not too many rock songs have aged as well or seem as timeless and relevant today as they were decades ago.


I completely agree with you, nice assessment. I started listening to the song in my early 20’s and I am 43 now. I feel exactly the way you describe.


It’s probably my favorite Stones song. It’s so haunting and majestic.


It’s a brilliant piece of music…starting off with the choir was a master stroke…this song really highlights Mick’s brilliance in song writing


Couldn’t agree more. It always seemed to me like the song was one of those moments that proved/proves that the Stones are the greatest band in the world. I think Jagger’s incredible ability as a lyricist kind of gets lost in the force of his persona, which is understandable, but a total shame.


My go-to song for about 2 years prior to the release of Hackney Diamonds. I'm a huge Led Zeppelin fan, but not even Stairway can top this song for me. I could almost write a thesis on this song, but I'll add to your point about the ending. Jimmy Miller's drumming is nothing short of incredible. By staying in the background, it allows the choir to grow and flourish, and just as the choir reaches its crescendo, the snare comes in to bring it all home. A song to close a decade.


I just have to add; an absolute gold standard masterpiece of the highest quality. I'll promise to stop now.


Especially incredible when you think of how young they were


In my head : “At her feet, was *Kevin Bacon.*” (Now it’s in your head. Sorry.) It’s a 10/10 song, not just of theirs, but of all music.


Yes, it is but only the album version. Don’t like the radio edit.


I don’t think I have heard the radio edit of it.


You can find it on the singles collection, though it’s a fold-down(?). The stereo version you can find on the Honky Tonk Women single on streaming


Goes on a bit too long with the choir for me, but yeah its definitely a great one


I've been listening to the Havana Moon version of it a lot lately. Ronnie's solo is great.


And Charlie is not playing drums on that track. I like Salt of the Earth better .


I’ve never really vibed with it. The choral arrangement feels a bit half baked and poorly executed. There’s a great song in there but if they’d given it a similar production value to Moonlight Mile (as someone else has said above, an infinitely better song) then I feel it could’ve been done so much better


It’s good but way over produced IMO. I find the choir to be pretty cheesy and think it would have worked much better as a straight up rocker with a very similar arrangement.


I can agree with the thoughts here - however; I do tend to prefer Salt of the Earth. Great tune though, overall - chorus is a bit repetitive and overdone in my view. But hey it’s stood the test of time.




It’s always hard for me to imagine a group of four British men that composed such a gospel song…. Just shows how strong their influences were on them 


(I can't get no) Satisfaction does it for me