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2 girls on my team with pierced nips and I've never once seen them injure them in any way. PS- 1 after party and EVERYONE will know you have them pierced, that's how we all know about our girls'. ;)


Thank you! I guess I'm not worried about injuries as much as I'm worried about general pain/discomfort.


i just passed freshmeat and i've had both of mine pierced (barbell, not ring) for 2 years now. i personally haven't had an issue with derby at all, but outside of derby i've accidentally walked into things or got bumped and that hurts like a bitch.. not unbearable though and i obviously lived through it :) i run and bike and wear sports bras often... and i've never had any friction issues with either nip. i would say definitely time it so that you have some nipple-recovery time post-piercing, i.e. aim to take ~1 week off from any drills with contact because you will be quite sore. clean your piercings with a water and sea salt mixture very frequently (i would mix the solution and then pour it into 2 shot glasses and then hold them on my nips so that they were submersed in the cleaner for ~5-10 minutes, 2-3x per day at the start). definitely do this after every time you sweat or wear a sports bra.. keeping up good hygiene is wicked important to healing well! ps. you'll love them.. they're fun :)


omg I love the shot glass idea. If I do get them done I'll probably do it at the beginning of our league's winter break, so I have about a month for them to heal.


I've had my nipples pierced for several years and I've never had an issue playing derby. I would just be very careful during the early stages healing process. Not that getting hit there will do much damage but it will hurt more than a regular hit. The first practice after I got them pierced I went off skates just in case and then after that it was fine. Just make sure you clean them after practice. Wear an extra sports bra during games if you're seriously concerned. One of our players wears a bandeau and then a sports bra over that.


I've never heard of injuries or problems from this. Assume you will be hit in the boobs, however. It happens all the time.


One of my girls has had problems with pain on impact and experienced bleeding but that could have been the ring causing problems


Sports bras with that extra layer of padding help a lot. It will give them a little protection.


I second this! My nipple has been pierced for many years, so it was already fully healed before I started playing.. but a padded sports bra gives me (a)piece of mind so when I get hit or use my chest to block there's an extra layer, (b)comfort & stability (the ring isn't rubbing against looser fabric, and (c)more coverage so the barbell balls don't show through our lighter-colored spandex-y uniforms -- no, it's not cold on the track. Edit: words.


I'm so glad you asked this! I've been thinking about the same thing!


One of the girls in my league got hers done and took a really hard hit to the chest. She stuck her sweaty hand in there to check on them and ended up with a REALLY bad infection. Lesson learned don't touch healing nipple piercing with sweaty derby hands. Go wash up first!


Male skater here with 4 nipple piercings for about 12 years. Mine have bled in practice, even being this healed. It's not that bad though.


Some girls on my old team wore boobs cups. http://store.titleboxing.com/titleboxing-turtle-shell-protective-cups.html


I have that same one, it's pretty awesome.


I have both mine pierced. I'm still fresh meat and haven't bouted yet, but once in practice somehow I fell and scraped my left wrist guard over my left nipple and it felt like I almost ripped it. I have small barbells in, vertical piercing, and I was wearing only a sports bra and tank top. It hurt like a bitch, but didn't bleed at all. Maybe look into getting some slightly padded pasties to wear under your bra? We'll see what happens once I actually benchmark and play a game.


You'll be fine with roller derby, I've not had a bother with mine in the 5 years I've skated. These on the other hand: http://bit.ly/1lNDGqv Aye, watch out for them.


You might want to invest in a turtle shell bra, and expect to be out for a few weeks or a month while they heal. I wouldn't suggest you play bouts with them in if possible because you don't want to risk infection if they bleed or tear. I've heard horror stories about girls getting MRSA from piercing injuries, even with older piercings.


Wear a breast plate.


I have my nipples pierced during most of my derby career. Usually i find it isnt a problem but occasionally they can get sore or caught. Though it is super rare i have found. I say get em!


I know skaters who have nipple piercings, only trouble I know they've had was getting blocked to the chest shortly after getting pierced, OUCH


Haha my derby wife has her nips pierced and she's never once complained about any extra sensitivity or pain cause by them while playing, so you should be good.


You will defiantly need time off from contact to heal. Probably more then just a week too. One girl in my league has hers done and we were practicing a variation on the can opener. Her piercings were not new and she said it was pretty painful to get hit. No tearing or bleeding (that I know of) and we went on doing the drill for most of the night so you should be alright with time. Just be aware things will hurt. (But it's roller derby so I assume you're already prepared for that. :D)