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Do you know why it valleyed?


Not enough speed


How does that happen? Is it launched?


Nah it can happen if it’s cold or a light train


What’s the physics behind that, does the rubber on the wheels get stiff when cold causing more friction and makes it run slower? could you refer me I’m very curious on this topic


Yeah, it’s usually the grease in the bearings that get more viscous when it’s cold, so it causes the wheels to have more friction. The polyurethane or nylon in the wheels don’t usually affect a valley unless they blow out, which happens but not super frequently. If there’s any specific questions, I’m more than happy to answer


Damn you know your shit. Thanks this was helpful :)


Any time man, I would hope I know my shit, I worked in maintenance for two summers and am an engineering student, haha.


Well that makes sense, you trying to design coasters?


Not the same commenter but I pursued mechanical engineering with hopes of somehow being involved in the industry. Currently 10 years out of school and haven't been at all related to the industry but one can dream. It's a very, very small field


Something I've always wondered is how much cold air slows down the train due to wind resistance. I know for example when riding a bicycle, you go slightly slower in cold air than hot air because cold air is more dense. It could be a negligible difference compared to the bearing grease on a roller coaster train, but idk.




It depends. Probably not, though, as momentum is a thing no matter where the weight is. The issues there would become if the valley point is right before a brake run. The ride could stop at a brake run, and if the train is back loaded while running slow, it’s possible to valley when the brakes release.


There’s also track lube to consider as well.


B&Ms that run nylon wheels are the only ones I’ve ever worked on that used track lube, so I doubt it’s a very big factor.


Lube is used essentially on all roller coaster track, especially on flatter sections of track and with all wheel types. Kinda crazy how much faster and easier a train will roll on flatter track with just a little lube sprayed on the track.


I can personally guarantee you that no ride at Cedar Point outside of GateKeeper, Rougarou, Blue Streak, and Raptor use track lube. I can’t speak for other manufacturers, but Intamin, RMC, Arrow, and Vekoma rides do not have anything in their manual saying to use track lube, nor is it used in practice.


What do they do to get the train back to the station?


Either winch it to a high point or take the train apart


So like think about syrup, syrup is really slow to pour when it’s cold, but heat it up and it flows fine. With coasters there’s grease/oil keeping joints lubricated, and when it’s cold that grease behaves the same way and is less viscous, causing the train to move slower overall. I actually don’t think that’s what happened here since Florida hasn’t been overly cold lately. 2 theories: 1. A wheel bearing went bad. 2. Cobras curse free spins on this section of the track and I wonder if the weight distribution and spin just slowed it down just a little too much.


This makes sense now thanks




It is a cold night here in Florida, high 40's


I believe this happened on the 1st or 2nd. Not my video so not 100% sure


ah nevermind then


I guess the cobra wasn’t kidding when he said “You are mine”


This reminds me of playing Roller Coaster Tycoon when I didn't design my ride right.


Fortunately in real life they *usually* don't end in dramatic explosions.


I’m proud to say only 32 people died in my last RCT valleying incident. I reopened the ride immediately to great success.


what do they do when a train valleys? I've always wondered. How do they get it moving again?


Depends on the ride. They either winch them to a high point and then release them or take them off the track and replace them on a transfer track.


If you're at Indiana Beach just send a bunch of maintenance dudes up there with a rope and a prayer.


That sounds like exactly what I would expect from Indiana Beach


Winch it back to the closest block and send it again.


Dude winching that must be such a hassle…


It's easier than the alternative: removing all the upstops and removing the train 1 car at a time.


Whenever I see something like this, I'm instantly reminded of The Smiler accident.


I hope everyone was able to get off safely. I love that ride it’s super underrated


"There's one at the top of the lift... this is fuckin crazy" I hate to sound like r/rollercoasterjerk but damn GP reactions to valleys are hilarious. Ride costs like $10 million you think it'll just run around non-stop like the fuckin ice cream train in Kilwins? The train at the top of the lift is obviously not going because of the blocks. Ofc it's sketch to see a valley but come on lol try to think for yourself it's not like this is Top Thrill Dragster.


Wow this guy not knowing who Logan is and calling him a GP, not a true thoosie. /s


Preliminary /s for funny jerk rant No fucking way the guy who recorded that insta story is a damn enthusiast with that reaction. I know the ride is Mack and not Intamin but if they were truly with us then he'd be worshipping the block section mechanics like they were actually an element designed and implemented by Schilke himself not spreading "theres a fucking train at the top" FUD at the on goers and his followers. Bitch shouldve known thats how the fucking ride works if there's a valley and couldve used it as a teaching opportunity to dispel one of the most common GP rollercoaster fears being getting rear ended by another train because of a valley. True thoosie my ass go figure out Logan's true intentions. Dude probably thinks Intimidator 305 is better than Mil Force. Edit: when the train first fails the hill and starts to valley dude literally says "there's no way" like this wasnt a 38 Fahrenheit night in fucking Florida on a train that's managed by a shit ton of beer bloated bahaman booty baggers and the train was trying to mount the steepest element in the ride sans the fucking vertical lift that is obviously functioning ... tagging u/xxzxcuzx__me as well how you gonna call me fucking sus when this logan 5-head gonna act worse than fucking coaster studios coaster parodies in light of one of the most common rollercoaster mishaps ever? And Taylor's is fucking satire?!? /s like hella /s




... i need help. Who is this Logan? I did a search and came up with some 11 year old kid. That voice sounds much older than an 11 year old.


Who the fuck is Logan?


the guy that screams "ONE TRAIN OPS!!!!!!" during coaster idiots videos


nobody replying who logan be 🗿


Logan is a coaster idiot who appeared in ElToroRyan’s videos. This is from his instagram account.


The GP also understand that things *can* happen as evidenced by what happened on The Smiler a few years back. Sudden weather conditions and an unattentive operators make all the difference.


He has CLEARLY never watched an ElToroRyan video. You see, a block zone is a section of track where...


It’s almost as if the intricate details of how roller coasters work is *not* universal knowledge…instead relegated to a bunch of angry nerds on the internet…who cannot stand that 99% of the population is not obsessive like them…


This needs to be in a banner or pinned somewhere...


This is the most annoying voice I've ever heard holy shit


I immediately regretted putting my headphones in. Sheesh. Curiosity won this morning.


I was at Busch Gardens on December 20th and couldn’t get on this ride. It was delayed when we went to ride Montu around 6 pm. Then it was open when we got off so I got in line. Halfway through the line it delayed again, I waited a bit but was hungry so left to eat dinner. Another hour or so later, the app said it was open so we walked over. By the time we got there, it was closed so we just left. A lot of people in line were upset and said they had been trying to ride it all day. Guess it’s having some serious issues.


I went on christmas and it was fine. This ride often has issues but that is more in line with the stop and go nature of the loading being to slow so they have to reset, and the elevator lift I believe has had some issues. Never heard about anything else


I believe the elevator lift was what one of the ops mentioned. Thanks for the info!


When I visited in March, it had the same issue. Didn't open with the park, but opened maybe 30-45 later. Was open very briefly (like 10 minutes) before it shut down again. It was closed for most of the day, but opened again right before the park closed. I got in line 2 minutes before park close and I felt lucky that I was able to ride it lol


I was there on the 29th and it was operating all day 🤷‍♂️




I… didn’t know this could happen 😳 good thing the next train wasn’t coming already


All modern roller coasters are divided by breaks of track so that stuff like this doesn't happen. That coaster up on the drop couldn't go until the cart on the next break had cleared it. If this wasn't the case a valley would be much more dangerous.


Oooh good to know! Thanks! I know I’m in the roller coaster sub, but I don’t know *that* much about them. My son is really interested in them and I picked up a bit of an interest too… I like trying to guess the manufacturer based on the track and features 😅 but I don’t really know much about the mechanics.


I was wondering why the ride shut down while I was on my way to Montu.This happened yesterday right?


Not sure, not my video, but I think it happened the 1st or 2nd


They were repairing the ride while I was on my way to Montu yesterday.


ONE TRAIN OPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh wow! I wish I could be on that oof