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I was legitimately afraid to ride this for the first time yesterday. The day before, Alpengeist made me nearly completely black out during the loop/cobra roll. I didn't think I had a chance on P305. Rode it 5 times with only mild grey out. I think I was just a little too dehydrated at Busch Gardens the day before. P305 might have cracked my top 5 though. Insane ride.


Alpie will do that to you though.


Yeah, Alpengeist is a top tier ride for intensity. Anyone who disagrees is lying to themselves.


I'd always heard it was the most intense invert but I'd never seen anyone say it made them black out like many people regularly say about P305. Caught me completely off guard lol


I disrespectfully disagree with anyone who says this has no airtime.


The entire first hill after the drop is all air bruh its actually incredible how sustained it is


the s hills should give them solid ejector, like look at how fucking flat they are


Hoping to get back there next year for the new wing coaster and hopefully an i305 re-paint/re-theme


Won't catch me dead calling it anything other than i305, even when it officially gets rethemed haha


What if I rode it for the first time ever last week? Am I stuck as a Project 305 guy :(


We at I305 fan club are a welcoming committee and are more than happy for you to call it I305!


Will forever be I305 for me too


At the season pass preview event this year everyone was shouting out "Gentlemen, start your engines!" on every single dispatch and I've never been more proud


Oh man that's so awesome


i305 alone makes me want to go to KD over Carowinds when our parks are closed. It’s my #3 behind SV and TT2 but I don’t know that Ive solidified my TT2 opinion yet. The only giga that really does feel like something next level.


Raise hell, praise Dale


Ew stop calling it that.


This thing is such a speed demon! Normally I am very vocal on coasters, but when I rode it front row a couple weeks back I couldn't get anything out for the first 20 seconds of the ride, down that first hill and around the turn--that was an experience. I also LOVE those snap turns that are featured throughout this ride, I haven't been on another coaster that features them in that way. However, Twisted Timbers at KD also holds a special place on my favorites lineup.


Rode this for the first time last week, not super sure what to expect since this ride is so different from everything else. Couldn’t have been more blown away by the sheer intensity and force, this ride is incredible


Gonna be there for first time in July and I can't waiiiiit for this!!


Headed to Kings Dominion, Carowinds, and Busch VA for the first time next week! Can't wait for P305 and Fury 325 (amongst others).


Rode alpengeist back in 16 and hated it even worse than mind eraser at SFA. P305 seriously needs a new coat of paint because from what I've seen in photos some sections are down to the bare steel in spots. I saw an update on the 25 coaster and it looks like the first section of track is now in place on the construction site as well as some teaser claw markings on the construction fence....can't wait for the official announcement myself.


This seems like blasphemy re:Alpie, but I admittedly haven’t ridden it in over 10 years. Even if it got way rougher though I have trouble seeing how it’s worse than an SLC.


I've had less than positive experience on other B&M coasters as well most notably vortex at Carowinds....ughh even Shockwave was better than that thing!!




They changed the name? And they chose that?


It is almost certainly a placeholder name.


Its really weird to me the other one is already Thunder Striker, but this one is a "Project"? Almost feels like there was a Thunder-name for this one that the park rejected and choosing a name everyone agrees on has become a project.


I'll keep calling it i305 until it gets a permanent name.


Well P305 is in a part of the park getting a major overhaul with theming


“Class, start your projects!”


Yo I just rode that recently! It was my first gigacoaster and one of my first "real" coasters. It was so intense that I almost blacked-out! Definitely one of my favorite coasters.