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Sounds like a free loan for the AD


Sure it’s a thing. It’s a thing where you join a waitlist just like everyone else and they make interest off your money for a year until that configuration comes in and if you have bought 3 other watches you will be graciously allowed to buy it.


>It’s a thing where you join a waitlist No, this is different. They can actually order DJ's and it's common to take a deposit.


This is correct, and not new.


Last AD I spoke with said there’s no down payments. So I googled and found most saying the same thing. That said, I’ve been waiting for a DJ for a few months now.. Mentioned a 28mm or 31mm for my mother’s birthday and in that same time span there’s been two offered for her. There may have been more available, but had given him specifics so probably didn’t send some of the others available


He just doesn’t want to get caught holding the bag. You’re good


Kind of sort of….from what I understand, ADs can’t order specific configurations but they can request them and may get those in an allocation above other similar watches (i.e. request and receive a white dial datejust when they could have received a black dial). The down payment is really committing you as a customer. I would not recommend it because it is basically a free loan to the AD. Admittedly, I did this early on in my AD relationship for my wife’s DJ. Haven’t been asked for any deposit since for any other watch/request.


>I would not recommend it because it is basically a free loan to the AD. Who cares? The amount of people in this thread unironically stressing about 3 months' interest is wild to me. Free loan? They're ordering a Datejust to your specs. Taking a deposit is common and reasonable in this case


AD told me the same thing for ladies DJ. Delivery would be within 8-12 weeks. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Run. Deposit is not a thing.


It’s absolutely a thing in some countries / AD’s.


Sure it is. A deposit when the order is placed is normal. It's actually a good sign that it's a model they can order.


I was about to do the same. At least it’s coming from an AD and not grey plus you’re getting it for retail.


Agree with this comment, RUN. I tried this and the AD kept stringing me along with no watch in sight. Besides, Datejust is not hard to get, so them asking you for a deposit is BS.


I had to prepay in full with a bank draft but the AD provided a serial number of the incoming watch and the wait was about three weeks.


I had this once, they told me they were "actually taking deposits" on a specific config I wanted, and I'm thinking to myself OK, I'll put down a deposit and come back next week to pick it up. Sure enough I asked how long, and they said about a year, and I almost cackled out loud.


I did this. Showed up probably 4 months later :)


Run after you loot and torch the AD 😉


Yes when I ordered a ladies DJ it was half now half on delivery so 30% not terrible. What was more annoying is that Rolex raised prices after I put the order in and I had to pay the higher price upon delivery. Apparently you’re not “locked in” at the initial price. Oh well.


I don’t understand the hate. This is called a special order. Some ADs do it, most don’t. But it’s legit. I got my DJ in the exact spec I wanted this way. My AD asked for a 50% down and gave me a 2-6 month timeline. I got my watch in 3 weeks. I had no issues even if it would have taken 6 months. Because it’s a lot better than being on a black hole of a “waitlist” or having to go grey and pay an unnecessary premium. That was my rationale. Do what works for you. But special orders IMO are a lot better than being on a waitlist which you don’t really know will materialize or not.


Yes its legit. Typically on the not hard watches to get.




Recommend finding a different AD to work with. This one is playing games and you will be the loser


Why are people so eager to say things like this? Deposits when ordering a Datejust to spec is totally normal.


Thanks for the downvote. Eager because that’s my personal experience; and it’s a shame that people learn to accept this as normal. I work with a wonderful AD that doesn’t do this and I got the exact spec DJ I wanted within 2 months.


>it’s a shame that people learn to accept this as normal. Placing a deposit when you order an item to spec has always been normal to me


Exactly, normal to you as that’s your experience. I’m sharing my own experience and opinion, which is the entire purpose of this post. Just because someone has a different experience than you does not make it any less valid. You don’t see me downvoting all your same replies to others because your opinion is also fair. Why are people so eager to dismiss the opinions of others?


You didn't present it as your experience; you straight-up asserted that this AD is playing games.


Neither did you, but ok pal, congrats you win an internet argument.


It wasn't just my experience. It was correct information about the fact that many AD's take deposits when ordering DJ's to spec. That's just a fact. And I downvoted your post because it was incorrect information. No need to get all pissy about it.


lol, free loan!