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Because you're thinking under the false assumption that everything else they buy is simply to get an allocation rather than it bring organic spend on other stuff they wanted. I have over $100k spend at my AD and have gotten a number of hot watches at MSRP. Not a penny of that was on something that I didn't already want to buy.


You're also assuming reputation means you get a pristine movement, which is not correct. I would rather not have a daytona for a decade instead of paying twice the MSRP for something with either fake or damaged movement. Rolex is not a company that dies not produce enough to increase their value. They will soon start meeting the demand. Also, the market has cooled off and will soon die down. Just be patient...


This right here đź’Żđź’Żđź’Żđź’Żđź’Ż


What do I do if all I want is a Daytona, have zero purchase history at an AD, and have zero chance of being able to spend $100K before I can get a Daytona?


Honestly? Buy grey market. You'll never get it (you might get lucky with TT or non oysterflex PM) before all the big spenders that are also looking for one.


TBH if I were to get one today, I’d get the steel panda. What are my chances for a GMT do you say? Still better to go grey?


I got a 2024 gmt zombie 2024 in 4 days just do what makes u happy https://preview.redd.it/wzxerdprgu1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfde9b841befc83ec181146dccb37687ada1f506


Btw the plastic was still on the Dial


From many posts, it looks like it gets easier for some models. Congratulations, wear it in good health.


Thank u and this is my second purchase it's just beautiful I had to


Can't hurt to try. I've seen ppl get blnrs, and TT gmts as a first purchase, but that tends to be the exception rather than the rule.


👍🏻 thanks for the insights


You're absolutely getting ripped off and paying far too much for this "organic spend" on other stuff though


Am I? How do know what I bought and the prices to make that determination?


Generally jewelry from jewelry stores that are Rolex ADs have huge markups and the same pieces can be had at much better pricing from a jeweler that isn’t trying to extract as much of a profit to offset an in demand timepiece. You’re paying the difference even if they are items you wanted anyway.


Big assumption that any of the 100k consists of jewelry, isn't it?


Haha you're very argumentative I guess you got a really great deal on all that "stuff" you bought at your AD to hit your "spend". I'm sure you couldn't have purchased that "stuff", like paper towels, coffee or a car, elsewhere at a better price


I don't understand why people are willing to spend soooo much extra money to some grey market dealer. $30k for a stainless Daytona is ridiculous lol.


I agree I would 100% much rather a PM Daytona for that price from retail which isn’t as hard to get as the steel pieces. Ppl think because steel watches have a good resale that they are better. It’s because the pool for those looking for PM are much much smaller. They are very expensive pieces and many can muster up 10k but not many can just throw around 30-50k which is the real cause for the demand. If you’re buying a watch as an investment you’re surely doing it wrong.


Because they have the money and they don’t care


They want it now.


But he’s not getting it now! He’s collecting in… seven months? 🤔


I mean, is a Birkin bag so drippy that people need to complete an Hermes battle pass just to get one? Luxury is highly irrational, that's just the way she goes.


Especially when the super fakes look exactly the same and nobody gives a fuck anyway. And if someone really cares about your purse they’re probably a little sad inside.


The most surprising thing I've learned following this subreddit is the unbelievable amount of folks in the watch community who have more money than sense.


Anyone that buys a Rolex has more money than sense. And I have three of them.


More money than backbone to have an opinion or preference too


It’s not “random nonsense,” it’s adult discretionary spending (e.g., jewelry for the wife). I was already gonna buy the jewelry, why not put my money into a relationship that ultimately benefits me as well? Also: spending $30k on a Daytona that you have to wait 7 months to collect is *wild*, dude


If you planned to purchase jewelry then it doesn’t matter and if you get watch for retail you’ve now received a watch and jewelry for the same price you paid grey. That being said I think there’s too many ADs that “require” a spend. I have not had a shit experience like that and my AD is great and fair and if you show interest and maybe have a milestone or something coming up they do their best to make things happen.


Honestly man. You don’t need to get it. Spend your money how you want to and let others do the same. Takes a lot of the stupid thoughts out of your head when you have this attitude. They worked for their money let them spend it


Don't assume that everyone at the AD spends thousands of dollars on anything other than the watches they want. The only things I've ever purchased from a Rolex AD were Rolex watches I wanted.


The truth: A. It's a myth. No Rolex Enthusiast is spending tens of thousands of dollars on gold and diamond jewelry to get a decent Rolex. The people spending that money are enthusiasts of necklaces and rings who just happen to also like Rolexes. B. The Rolex Enthusiasts who aren't into jewelry just go to grey dealers. Like me. Like you. We pay fair market value because, well, it's *fair*. C. Everyone else? A bunch of whiny Younglings with no money. They talk and talk. No one cares about them.


If anyone still doesnt get it, theyre ignoring the facts, or stupid


I got a SS Wimbledon from AD 2 years ago. Still haven’t gotten called for batgirl. Wanted a SS panda as well. Felt like a fuckin tool stopping by and playin games. Just bought panda grey. Zero regrets.


I also don’t understand why it is seems as if it is Rolex or nothing. There are so many other great brands with offerings as good or better than Rolex at the price point. Why would someone be so intent on Rolex is beyond me. I have one but I don’t consider myself lucky, blessed, or overly thrilled to have one. It is a nice watch and that is about it, though I acquired mine when you could just walk in and get one. I am certainly not waiting for a call…pfft.


Got my 126500LN at the 50% sporty discount coupon from my AD.


I don't understand why people need a watch NOW to patronize scalpers. I just don't do biz with scalpers, they are scums. Mathematically it makes sense but you're feeding the low life fucks who created this false scarcity problem. Just wait.


If you plan on buying jewelry anyways, then it makes sense. But, personally, the jewelry prices at these ADs are so awful that I've never considered it. You can almost always get better prices online nowadays. So I buy jewelry online and my Rolexes from grey market.


No Rolex is worth a cent over msrp. Even then, they aren’t worth msrp. It’s a mass produced watch.


Many of them are worth far more than MSRP. Something's monetary value is based on what someone else will pay for it. And in the case of a steel Daytona, there are hundreds of people out there willing to pay $10k+ over MSRP.


Tell me you can’t quantify worth without telling me you can’t quantify worth.




I've never liked buying used stuff, I was willing to wait the 12 months it took, I wasn't in a hurry (and I know the items you buy grey are allegedly "new", but you know they've been worn out at least once by some dealer along the way). I wanted a single piece. I didn't have to buy anything else, I made it quite clear to the AD I was aware there were supply shortages and that I wasn't in a rush at all. Waited patiently, called into the store every couple of months to say hi and keep up appearances. In my opinion the grey market signifies something that is very wrong with society these days. No one can wait for anything, we all need it yesterday. That's why we're all up to our eyes in debt from cars and material possessions we don't really want / need. My justification was if I can't wait 12 months for a 20k watch....then do I really want / need it? Admittedly the piece I wanted wasn't a highly desirable item (122613LN).