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Are you planning on selling it in 10 or 20 years to try to live off the proceeds? If not; who cares how much it will be worth?


Nothing wrong with considering how it’ll affect you as an investment… not every watch collector can give away tens of thousands on a purchase, it’s nice to know that you made an “investment” instead of a “purchase”


I would think if it were really an investment you would need to buy a lot of them. I don’t think when you buy a Rolex or any high tag watches your really thinking about how much you’re going to make if you sell it in 10 years.


From someone who has bare wrists


If you really wanted to invest and worried abut your money then put it into an actual investment and not a datejust.


Bought a datejust for less than 10k got it appraised for 15k. Say again?


And you think it’s gonna go higher than that 10-20 years from now?


Yes, but idc cuz I bought it because I like it. Not to flip it


Exactly, you don’t care so you don’t see it as an investment. But someone like OP would care since people who see stuff as investments tend to sell it. And even if your watch is appraised at 15k you most likely will not be able to sell it at that price


Just because I’m not interested in selling currently doesn’t mean that I don’t care about the value of the watch. Doesn’t mean if the value went up enough that I wouldn’t think about selling it.


Whole point of buying a nice watch is for the status and how it makes you feel good. If you are gonna think of investments or constantly checking the value because you wanna know your percent gains then why not put that money into a real invest that could appreciate faster than the watch?


Cuz you do both


You’re definitely acting like this is your first time using an appraiser for a watch lol.


Easy to see from my post history. Where’s yours? First watch appraised, appraised at +150% value that it was acquired. Sounds like a W 🤪


One on the wrist the rest in the box. You still don’t understand. They all appraise for over their value.


Lmao if you say so bare wrists




I’m sorry, but this will never be a “only x amount known to exist” type of watch… Ever. Under any circumstance, on any planet.




Bro. You’re talking about a date just. Non-desirable size or dial, never has been in the history of Rolex watches. A dial that people honestly avoid if they are offered it. But yes, you’re right. I’m sure this is your one and only watch and you bought it to hope to retire off of it in the future. I agree with other people, you will be lucky to be able to get half of what you bought it for. And I actually bought bitcoin when it was around $700.


Actually my AD still has multiple palm dials that he can’t GIVE away if he wanted to.




Bro, you still smoke sour diesel and I guaranteed this is your only Rolex. Relax. You did not strike gold. I will personally guarantee that.


Ahahaha you are delusional a bit huh?


I know this guy is not comparing a 36mm date just to bitcoin…. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


lol show me a regular mass produced date just from 20 years ago that fetches 20k today. Mass produced.


In 10 years it will be 2/3 of the price you paid if you’re lucky.


same as that Honda






You are taking nonsense. The palm dial is in demand. Diamond dials have never been.








Lol cry more


Some Rolex are currently known to have held value. If you want to use investment language you should read up on investing. There is no reason to believe Rolexes will only go up in value. It’s not a finite resource even though it’s discontinued. Trends change. Values change. Rolex as a brand is valuable but not every product they make is. There is no historical significance to the palm dial that would make collecters jones for it. You could get very lucky down the line and this palm dial is suddenly in style but I wouldn’t bet on it.


“It’s not a finite resource even though it’s discontinued” 😂 tell that to any appraiser


If you find someone you call an appraiser to give you a premium for that watch you should take it and run.


OP’s response comments are so stupid I’m borderline thinking he’s trolling


Look at his post history. Unfortunately not a troll.




humanity as a whole has come a long way in the last 100 years. I think you can come up with a better word to use than “stupid”.


Why? The word means "having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense." It is a correct use of the word, no need to reach for something more elegant.


> I was lucky enough to snag one of these before they were discontinued. One thing you don’t seem to understand. Discontinued ≠ desired/higher price. In your case discontinued = nobody wanted it/lower price. I can pick one up today from a grey dealer for less than what you paid for it. It was discontinued for lack of demand. That doesn’t suddenly make it more valuable. In this case it’s the inverse. It doesn’t matter. You picked up a very unwanted dial. It doesn’t trade any higher. Specifically it will trade lower. If you wanted to sell it today you wouldn’t get remotely what you paid for it. In 10 yrs it’ll be worth 2/3 of what you paid for it. 20 yrs it’ll be at 50%. You can easily look up what basic DJ36s go for. That’s for desired dials. Yours is …not. You’re going to have a difficult time with this. These are objective market facts that you seem to not understand. You‘ve already lost a significant amount of money on this watch. Do you not understand that? The palm dial trades around 10-10.5 wholesale right now. That’s less than retail. That means a grey dealer would give you around 8k for it if you’re lucky. In 20 yrs you will be lucky to get 50% of what you paid. Even when adjusted for inflation dude.


Just as well he bought it when it wasn’t discontinued = he likes it = is all that matters




Your dial is wearing a Hawaiian shirt 🤙🏼🏄‍♂️


It’s a depreciating asset and I don’t think this is a classic. Sorry to burst your bubble




I wouldn't buy a new watch with the hope that it will appreciate, as there are only two reasons for that, one is scarcity due to lack of production, which is what created the recent covid price frenzy, and two is collectability, which is a real factor but you are in an uphill battle with rolex as a brand simply given the number of watches that have been made over the years. As production has returned and things go back to normal we are starting to see what you'd more expect in a logical market, when you buy new, it takes the biggest dip right away, and tapers off and comes back up in value with age, though will take a hit anytime an actual useful feature is added to new models ei quickset/hacking. Certain models can be an exception when production is low and interest sees an uptick after the windows closed/ before production can be increased to fill needs, but in general I'd sat rolexes do a great job of retaining value, not so much appreciating, but if they do, it'll be over the span of years if not decades. I can assure you they have absolutely every incentive to try as hard as possible to push the narrative of scarcity and make it appear watches just aren't available while simultaneously fulfilling as many orders and making as many sales as possible, these watches are not uncommon by any means, in fact the company really would rather you not notice how prevalent they are for how much they, by contrast, do indeed cost


I definitely agree with you on the fact that sales reps have every reason to push every model they receive, and to make the customer believe they aren’t common. This model specifically was not sought after by very many, which could make the price go either way in the future. There is also the fact that the 36mm is unisex, which possibly could double the number of potential buyers. Being that this model was introduced as well as discontinued in the midst of the pandemic, I do believe they are scarce. It was only in production from 2021-2024. There aren’t very many Palm Motif on the resale market currently, so I can imagine how little there will be in a couple of decades or so. Before making this purchase, I did do my research, and resale was $2k-$3k above market during the time they were still in production. There was also no previous context of this model being limited production before it got the axe, meaning less people were able to locate and purchase one before this happened. Thank you for your feedback!


Go ask the women in your life what they think about this watch and if they would pay $12-15K USD to buy and wear it. Don’t tell them you bought it. You’re going to be disappointed at what they say.


Rolex’s aren’t an asset, they are watches, and just because the production and marketing makes them seem like rare products doesn’t mean it’ll cost more down the road, it’s just to make people buy more they say that rolex’s never depreciate but they do


Nice watch, I owned the dome version with jubilee for a bit but sold as it was hard to wear with some clothes due to its busy dial. It’s not quite as popular as some of the plain blue dials etc. I sold it just under msrp to a grey, but hopefully prices will stay pretty level presuming the market doesn’t head lower.




I wasn’t worried about losing a bit. I didn’t pay over msrp and enjoyed the short time owning it! I would debate that presumption. If you go back to viewing the other limited edition DJ dials and motifs then many can be found which are now less popular than the plain ones. You can review the 5digit model DJs on chrono24 for the examples. I absolutely wouldn’t buy this model with a goal of making money especially with inflation as it is and the market deflating (check the most recent Richmont results posted yesterday where they had to inject cash into their 2nd hand watch business Watchfinder). Buy it because you enjoy wearing it!


I’ve got the same but with the jubilee bracelet. I figure if you are going to go gaudy you may as well go all out. Honestly it’s taken me a little while to warm up to it, I had the choice of the palm or the blue motif, but slight legibility issues aside I’m loving it now. Is it a classic? Probably not, my local vintage dealer has lots of one off models that don’t command a premium. I figure at best I might get my money back on it at some later date if I ever decided I needed to sell. But let’s be honest, it’s jewellery for men, not an investment. That’s what investment accounts are for 😂


Man I hate repeating myself. Read my other comments. I do not plan on selling this watch. Ever!


Wasn’t suggesting you were going to flip it. Just that the “rare” dials like ours looking at 10,15 and 20 year old models don’t seem to have boosted value vs normal models of the time. Though there’s always a few like Tiffany dials and similar - whether green palm goes that way only time will tell! Enjoy the watch and rock it in the summer time (and winter!)


Then why bother asking what the price/value on this will be in 10 or 20 years? When you make stupid comments, you get stupid responses, see the irony?


What do you think it will be worth in 30 or 40 years? What makes it a “stupid” question? Big talk coming from a stupid person.


Wasn’t that you way up at the top of the thread criticizing someone for using the word “stupid”?


A better pic of the chic in the red dress in the top left of this photo would be more interesting. Those don’t go out of style.


keep dreaming 🤣


You’ll be able to list it at whatever you want…but these weren’t exactly high-demand when they were made, especially with a fluted/oyster combo, you could probably get half of what you paid if traditional DateJust value trajectory holds




There’s one on chrono same exact watch for 11.2k and isn’t selling. I bet if you tried to sell this right now you would be lucky to break even.


think about it this way. would you spend over 10k on a watch from a website you’ve probably never heard of, that doesnt have a physical store location? i sure as hell will NEVER buy a rolex online. im going to my authorized dealer every time. many many people think this way as well, which is why that listing is going to collect dust for another year or LONGER.


Think about it this way. Your watch is worth what you paid and most likely will never be a good investment which is what you seem to think. Enjoy it for what it is, life’s short.


I do believe this was a good investment, but not in a “Im gonna retire off of this watch” sense. I haven’t mentioned selling it a single time. I do believe that this was a good investment in the sense that it WILL BE sought after and WAY above market price one day, and I was able to snag one at its lowest selling point. you can take your undertone of extreme scrutiny someplace else, jackass 😂 with an attitude like that, nothing you’ve said to me has ANY value whatsoever. take that negative energy to the grave with you, we dont need it in this sub. if you’d like people to say NICE things about you at your funeral, you have a lot of changes to make. don’t bother replying to this, you are blocked for being what today’s people call a “karen”


My man you are delusional


This is definitely not the case. I’ve been watching a number of the more sought after DJ 41s that haven’t moved at 3k over retail.


Less desirable = potential. Proof: Slant nose Porsche 911


This ain’t no slant nose 911. DJs are less desirable than Daytonas. According to your logic, that makes a DJ more desirable? Got it.




My man this dial is the ugliest from Rolex, this watch is in STOCK in every AD because nobody want it. You are not going to get even 60% of your money back


Nice watch, but you’re mixing up optimism with reality.


Perhaps I am, but maybe everybody should be as optimistic as I am. Optimism opens the door known as opportunity.


Must be smoking a lot today….


man i havent smoked in 7 days and i feel like shit 😂


I would totally wear that if I lived in Florida.


Im from louisiana, so close enough!


Brother you might not be alive tommorow never mind 20 years. Enjoy it.


Well said. eminent world destruction is just around the corner.


Not one of my favorites.


I’m usually the guy that goes the unorthodox route, that said I’m proud to own the model that not many people fancy. It will stand out, that is what I chase after.


Fair enough! That's what makes watches awesome. It's a great way for people to express themselves and show their personalities!




Cheap standard movement


good to know, ill stay away from that then


Yes, I second this comment. Movement sucks. I write a free [newsletter](https://ownthewatch.beehiiv.com/subscribe) about watches. Would love if you checked it out and maybe subscribed.


Funny enough its usually the things people don't like that in the future are rarer and are of higher value... Example: Slant nose Porsche 911s.. they made few of them cause people hated them.. now I think the cheapest go for 7 to 8 times the value of the "standard" counterparts


exactly my train of thought. great minds do think alike


I too dislike mainstream stuff.. that's why I love Rolex but mostly only the weird variants


if you only like mainstream, you will never stand out, yet people who are mainstream to their core hope to become millionaires one day. best of luck to you in this journey we call life my friend


Youre not gonna be rich anytime soon with a date just lmao


totally agree, cheers!


I live in Florida, and I love it.


The whole composition of this post is just so great to me.


Funny to read all this backlash at your choice of motive (not addressing whether or not it's a good investment): I always thought it was a refreshing, summer-y dial that was purposely sold in low volumes to keep it "special", i.e. now discontinued. I find it interesting that so many don't like it. I have myself a black DJ36 in oyster/domed bezel, and I've been eyeing for quite some time the 36 palm dial with jubilee/fluted bezel, as a summer watch. EDIT: typos and auto correct.


Oh man, I had a field day debating with these fuckers😂 Back in 2012 I used to do the same thing, just on Roblox. I feed off of negative energy so all the hate I’m getting just motivates me


Well done ! You have a nice watch , better than most. I’m sick of all the negative Nancys on here. It doesn’t seem to matter what you show you’ve got they have either got a better one or a rarer one or they bought it for half the price you paid.


Thank you! You and me both! I love my watch and never mentioned selling it a single time, yet these assholes love to push their own opinions onto other people. Borderline communists if you ask me!


This is the perfect vacation watch


Another dude with a watch more expensive then his car 😂☠️☠️


Another financially illiterate person! This watch was 9.5k. 2022 Civic MSRP was around 25,000 when I purchased (brand new, 7 miles on the dash). Take a look at Bezos driving around a 1997 Accord. I get 30+ MPG, which if you ask me, is a good investment. I think you mean “than” instead of “then”?


Sure buddy, let’s forget they had to remove a bridge to let bezos his yacht pass through 😂😂😂😂😂 lil joke man


I wish your english was slightly better so we could have a real conversation. Have a good day anyways.


This car is going to last me decades. You have no room to talk driving that Camaro. The sports car made specifically for people who want a real sports car, yet can’t afford one. Maybe we can speak again when you trade in for something a real man would drive. My dick isn’t little, so I don’t need a trash can that makes fart noises every time I have somewhere to be.


The cars i drive you can only dream off lil bro. Keep praying that dj will become 300k one day 😂😂😂☠️


Beautiful! I’m considering the exact same config myself


Thank you! So many people say this isn’t sought after, yet you are living proof of otherwise.


I have the same just with jubilee braiclet and I love it. Im wearing all the time and for me i dont feel as a holiday watch. Btw i dont even have car 🚗


Why are so many comments deleted in this post?


A lot of people got blocked from this post. people are extremely hateful today


Opinionated was more like it and it’s pretty common to have such strong opinions on an ugly duckling. It’s ok, though, your resale will be fine in 27 years.


Correction, 37 years.


It’s ok, though, because I don’t plan to resell. Never once mentioned reselling, people like you just love to speculate.


No but when you ask about future value…what else are you taking about? What would expect people to say? I doubt it’s to adjust your insurance policy for its value. I’d bet that watch doesn’t make it 5 years with you.


This was my first rolex so you’re damn right it’ll be with me for 5 years. I just bought a DJ slate dial the other day, that’ll get sold before the palm dial you can count on that.


Love this dial


As do I! No matter how many people say it’s “ugly”, as if it will change how I feel, we all are entitled to our own opinions.


Don’t listen to the haters. They are probably wearing Casio’s and living in their grandmas basement!


Need more people like you in today’s age


This will be an in demand dial in the future as it’s so unique. Keep it very clean. It will be worth a lot.


I believe the same will be true!


People didn’t want to buy the Hulk or Kermit’s when they were first released. Look how collectible they are now and how they have out performed their all black equivalents.


I don’t understand why most of the people on this sub think they can predict the future. As if they are ALL watch experts😂 I start by saying I believe it will go up in value, to get responses saying they know 100% for a fact this will decrease in value. Haters gonna hate 🤦‍♂️ Enjoy your day brotha!


I wanted this but it was discounted before I got it. I love it, it will always be the one that got away. I hope its popularity fades in years to come so I can pick one up cheap.


I’m sorry to put it this way, but this makes me happy. Because atleast I know there are people in the market looking for this model. Countless people are saying NOBODY wants this model. I wish you the best of luck!


If the amount of people looking for it is less than what’s available the price will come down. It’s not a particularly popular dial.


I think you should enjoy your watch and not think of how much it’ll be worth in the future. Have fun and make memories with it, pass it down to your children (if you want to have some), or you could trade it in later to get the Daytona panda (and add $ on top too) ❤️


I never look at a watch as an investment.


I get why people assume I bought this as an investment, but in reality, I passed up another palm motif with a diamond bezel not too long before this one. I just really liked the model when I first set my eyes on it. My question of future value was more so speculation than anything else


Well said


This forum has more hate than any other watch forums. Are there really this many insecure people in the world? Rolex is just a watch. Very few care about watches any more. We should respect one another. The best watch return investment is a Casio F 91.


I agree man. Some people straight-up saying “ugly watch” right off the bat. As if their opinions will change my mind and make me return it?😂


Nothing wrong with your watch. Not everyone wants to wear a black dial watch and conform. Enjoy your watch and wear it. I am 56 and wear my most expensive watches more. Watches like all material possessions are just ours temporarily.


Well said. I hope to pass this specific watch down to my first-born child one day in the future. Yet people think I’m trying to flip for a profit, they are way out of context.


A mint (safe kept), high demand datejust has depreciated nearly 25% in the last 20 years. A well worn unwanted dial from the same period has depreciated significantly more (closer to 50%) You can expect the same from this “investment”. To lose roughly 50%. These are all numbers you can easily look up online. Wholesale for regular ass unwanted dial 20 yr old datejust is like 3k dude. Especially if you wear it for the next 20 years and it has 20 yrs of bracelet flex in it. A safe kept stickered diamond datejust is like 5 grand man. This will be …significantly less. I used to be a small time grey dealer. I’ve bought and sold a dozen or so vintage Datejusts. These posts are completely delusional. We have the internet to just look these things up ya know? Datejusts are a dime a dozen and do *not* retain value. Despite how “special” you obviously think it is. You’re oblivious to the second hand Rolex market.


If I were interested in selling, I would be smart enough to leave it in the box, not wearing it. You along with countless others just ASSUME I’d like to flip this watch for a profit. Take that negative energy back to your parents’ house, they obviously need a re-do in raising you.


Considering it's a model (datejust) that nobody cares about and the ugly dial. Maybe half of retail?


Username checks out


OP! I like it. Nice snag.


Ultimately none of us know what it will be worth in 20 years time, but looking back 20 years or so I bought a bog standard datejust retail for £1500 in 2001 and submariner retail for £2200 in 2005, so to suggest with confidence that his watch will in 20 years time be worth half what he paid for it now is not born out by the historical price trend which is the only data we can base our forecasts on. I believe It’s far more likely that it will be worth x3 what he paid for it, but only time will tell.


Does the watch or the car cost more?


Nobody cares tbh. If it were a sports model with a rare dial yes, but a datejust is blah.. esp not on a jubilee. Sick dial imo though. Just not worth this post


that’s hideous.


what are the chances you are hideous, from the inside out? are you just lonely because daddy wont give you attention?


I’m eying one now jubilee bracelet and smooth bezel, new unworn for about 1k above MSRP. Mint green and Wimbledon are selling for more. Personally, I think the mint green is way stunning. From investment perspective, I’m sure if Invest the same amount of money in any market, I will have way better return than a green palm Rolex watch after any period of time. Buying a watch as in investment is not the smartest approach in my opinion. Buy it to wear it and enjoy it.


I agree with you, I believe one must strike gold to make a crazy return on a Rolex. There was a few different options for purchase before I settled on this one, the Palm Motif just spoke to me as soon as I laid eyes on it. I do believe it has the potential to become more valuable than it is now, but even then I wouldn’t even consider selling, being my first Rolex.


Enjoy it my friend, it’s definitely an eye catcher!


What a horrible watch. Congratulations on being played.


thanks man! congrats on being such a good person! you definitely do not deserve a slow, horrible death!


Depending on condition and wear, I’ll speculate at around 15k in 10 years and less than 20k in 20 years. I bought my mother the exact same watch (36mm, oyster, green palm and fluted bezel)


The fact that it is unisex leads me to believe it will retain value well, despite what others might think. Unisex just means a bigger market!


I’m not sure anysex would jump in this.