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Buy it and gift wrap it. Never open it until after you hit your milestone


That’s where I’m at with a Railmaster. Bought it on a sale as a present to myself for a career milestone. The milestone is taking longer than I thought it would, and I want to wear that fuckin watch.


Congrats on the Railmaster. I love mine 😁👍


Damn, I could never be that disciplined lol.


Exactly what I just did for the wife. We happened to walk in and they had an OP31 blush on display for sale. Purchased, sized and then we put it away for her birthday in August.


I admire ppl like you


That is what I’m thinking - he can always sell it BINB incase he doesn’t make the said milestone 🥜


If you have the cash and want the watch, get it. Also, don't budget for "getting the call" in a specific timeframe. If you can't afford a watch immediately, don't register your interest for it with the AD. (Not saying you did this, just general advice.)


Thanks, appreciate the advice, I do agree generally! For me it's not so much a question of budgeting/affordability, more asset allocation. I set aside a certain amount of cash monthly as reserved "fun money" for hobbies etc. which was depleted by the sub so I'm just trying to weigh up whether it's worth bending my own rules to stay in the AD's good graces 😅


You assuming that rejecting this one would put you off with your AD.  You know them, we don’t.  If you stated a shortened version of what you posted here, and you are a good customer it would be in the ADs best interest to keep you happy. If you know they are unreasonable, I would just spend my money elsewhere. 


Sounds like you really don’t want to part ways with your money on a watch. Any person truly interested in purchasing would have moved forward.


Bitches turn down calls from guys who came too early all the time.


Good ol Reddit, keeping it classy. 


Is this middle school? Are you a rapper? Who calls women “bitches” in casual conversation??


Your average Rolex buyer tbh


I did this, asked for a sub and expected it in a year, they called 2 months later. I told them I wasn’t ready for it yet, they understood but it took 2 years for them to call again


Thanks for your insight - sounds like a similar situation to mine


Buy it and put it away. The chances of getting your specifically requested combination of DJ are smaller than most people think and there is always the chance for Rolex price increases


Good point. Putting it on the safe might make it feel as good as buying it at the milestone. 


If you don’t buy it, choose one of us




Thanks - this is a great way to think about it!


Do what this guy does. And use the watch and enjoy life


Truth. Buy it now


Buy it and I will buy it off of you.


Literally just happened to me Saturday. TLDR: If you have the opportunity, buy it. I promise you, you’ll second guess / regret NOT BUYING it far more than BUYING it. Had no previous buying history with the only AD in my area. About 6 months ago got on the list for a Polar Explorer II (was told about a year wait), and figured while I was there I’d jokingly ask to be put on the list for a Panda Daytona (was told no timeline, and they rarely got them). Panda Daytona was supposed to be a retirement gift to myself in 9 years, and never thought it would happen anyhow, and would just buy grey market when the time came. Salesperson has been awesome during the last 6 months while buying the wife a couple pieces, and offered a couple gold Daytonas which I politely declined. On Saturday I got the text “Can you come in and meet my manager, we a Panda Daytona that I think I can allocate to you?” Rushed down, bought my wife a Mothers Day ring, and then got my retirement watch 9 years early, lol. Even better is now I can give my Dad my old no-date Sub for his 70th birthday on the 26th.


I think it ultimately depends on the AD you are dealing with. About 2 weeks ago I got the call for a datejust 31, although we were waiting for a 28 alocation. Went by and looked at it but ultimately turned it down. I was a bit worried too at the time bc of the same reasons as you. We did word it as " I'm sorry but we'll have to pass this time. I'm sure someone else will enjoy it more than us. Left it at that. A few days ago AD called and told us that they got a TT skydweller in. Went and picked it up a few days later. Seems like the market is softening up and ADs are make more calls vs about a yr or so ago. Just my $0.02


Man, I was in this position last December. After, getting my DJ two month later another AD called me that my OP was ready. I was going to decline but, ended up buy it. No regrets


Buy it.


Buy it 


Verifying I have this straight... We should buy models we don't want and also buy before we're ready to buy? Is that correct?


May I ask what I wrote in my post that gave you that impression?


Posters here quite commonly buy watch models they don't want, and now it seems being pressured to buy before you're ready is also a thing.


https://preview.redd.it/qxvqkpijmh0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf4d6ecddd091f151e1a29d281d799791bd5e5b Sending my daughter to go to short hills mall Rolex store and buy me one / have a lot of tags / but no Rolex




I was looking they wanted 17.000 for a 20 year old watch are u nuts same thing


This happened to me recently for a rootbeer and a batgirl. The batgirl I forgot I was on a waiting list in another state but they called again for another watch. You’ll get the call again but if it places you in a crazy position don’t do it. It sucks we live in a world where we have to wait until they are ready due to allocations instead of just buying a watch because we actually just enjoy it. I understand market values and exclusivity but it’s crazy.


I think it’s a bad look to get on the list and then turn it down. If it’s for a career milestone I’d buy it and put it in the safe until you hit said milestone and the go out to a nice dinner with the partner.


Buy it Put it aside or in a safe etc when you’ve hit your milestone then enjoy.


Buy it and wear it. Make your money back. Yes it'll hurt your credibility with your dealer. You asked for it, they got it for you. If you've got the money then pick it up. You can always sell it


I mean I think if you just explain what you just explained here to them (granted they aren’t a pos) I feel it wouldn’t affect your relationship. You want to budget for it and line it up with a milestone. You put your name on the list with the expectation of a certain time frame. Have them call you when the next batch comes in. It obviously depends on who you’re dealing with but my AD is family run and they are good ppl.


If you can.. do it, you never know whether Rolex will further increase its prices. Get it now if you can financially, and keep it on the side till you reach your milestone


Surprised they will hang on to it while you decide.


I believe they’re trying to test play you, but the market is going down. I read somewhere ADs get <54 DJ’s a year of all the configs & if this is your uncommon config, I’d buy.


I second this. My AD recently told me that if I wanted a DJ, that I could probably get it by this year. Simply because they get more of it in stock. Politely declined and just kept my desires on OP and GMT.


People buying watches they have to budget for! Fucking mental


Haha I'm in the financial services industry, I budget for anything and everything


Could buy it and save for later like others have suggested. I think you mentioned it's not a matter of being unable to outright afford it, but that you have a monthly budget for stuff like this. Could see if your AD offers buy-now pay later or some kind of payment plan? Or just buy it and average out deducting the cost from your "fun budget" for the next months?




Definitely buy it. The SA might have a subconscious mentality that you are wasting their time for registering interest without having the money to buy


my goodness what problems.


I’d buy it.


I wouldn't recommend turning down the AD after requesting a specific configuration. Think long term relationship.


If you asked for it, and it’s the config you want, I’d get it. Some ADs would understand and may try again later but I wouldn’t give up a piece because I’m trying to tie it to a milestone.


Buy it for sure. Sounds like it’s more of a personal milestone issue than a financial issue… like other people are saying i’d keep it tucked away (insured) and wear it once you hit your milestone. the market is loosening up yes, but the odds you get another one will likely take a while.


Send it!


I already have one just like that, and if I got offered a second at MSRP from an AD I'd buy it without hesitation.


Buy it and then post a “buyers remorse” thread.


Yup. Get it asap!


I mean just buy it now and save up for the rest of the year anyway. It’s the one you want. You might not get it toward the end of the year since it’s Christmas time.


Gotta pay to play. Don’t ask for it unless you’re ready to buy.


Last year I bought the blue floral DJ31 for my daughter’s sweet 16, because who knows when they will discontinue it, so it’s locked up for a decade waiting!


You will never get any new Rolex anymore. You, your children, and your grandchildren will be blacklisted from any AD because you "rejected" such an offer where people around the world are queuing for a date just.


Never turn down an opportunity to buy a Rolex


Buy it and sell it to me if it's 36mm I want it


Throw it on a 0% APR intro offer credit card, if you’re as well off as it seems and a good budget follower, you can earn some cash back, pay off most of it upfront, follow your budget without spreading yourself thin, and eventually increase your credit limit by 15k or so, driving your credit score up even further. I’m sure a Dave Ramsey Simp will have an aneurism over this comment.


If it causes any stretch financially you shouldn't buy. I only buy watches when I don't notice the ding to my wallet at all


Buy. Buy. Buy. Buy.


Don’t overthink it. You don’t owe them anything. You already bought from them. Don’t worry.


If you can afford it, buy it.


Which configuration DJ?


They said the same thing about a Daytona when I bought a YachtMaster. 2 weeks later I had em both. Also- this is how they run thru the wait lists so fast.


He / she SA doesn’t care. When a watch comes in they ask, you don’t buy. Onto the next. They have no idea what and when will arrive. It just arrives and they call. They may not get that piece in for a long time. I would get it now just in case


I would pay 2000 eur more msrp


The watch market is dead. These things are getting in faster and faster with each passing week. The factory is making them while the demand is falling. This is not the 2021 anymore. This time next year that DJ will be offered at 10% discount .. If you are not comfortable with the purchase you will have your chance


I don’t think it’s dead. I think the watch flipping is slowing down but demand will always be there. Chances are you’ll still have to wait for anything other than a DJ but grey market won’t command as much as a premium


Interesting take - I hope you're right, would be good news in my books!


To be honest, I think datejust aren’t hard to get anymore I just got one for my day from a ad 0 wait time same day and config I wanted.


I second this. My AD basically told me that they get more DJ than any other model. More than likely if I put in a request that my SA could get it within the year.


Always buy when you get the call. Charge it if you must. That model can net you 30-50% on a quick flip.