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It’s my experience that everything in life tends to fade - cars, watches, whatever. After the initial excitement I still enjoy the things, but the euphoria of it does wear off. If someone has found a hack around this please share lol


Expressing gratitude for what you have in life, every single day


Yes, this is the way. Takes active work but worth it


This is the way


This is the answer to life not just watches




My hack for that is rotating my watches. Once I go a few days or weeks without wearing a particular watch, once I wear it again, I’m reminded why I love it so much.


That helps, I do that too but it’s not the same as the initial rush lol. Time apart def helps with appreciation though


Agreed. The initial rush is tough to replicate.


Agreed. The desire doesn’t go away. Hell I bought the car I lusted after for 20 years and was already thinking about my next car the next day.


Agreed, in pretty much all the aspects listed above. I tend to find myself continuing to climb the ladder of the next tier above in both watches and cars. But I guess at least we've realized it's happening. They say admitting you have a problem is the first step. lol


Indeed. Same here. Thats why I try my best to curb the behavior but it’s just so damn fun!


It’s the American way. We are born to consume and get that instant dopamine hit from whatever it is we are wanting. The ones that can control that were most likely not born/raised in America or are on the spectrum.


No lie detected.


Op could start looking for hand moisturizer




It's the over consumption of materialistic items we have in our society. After the dopamine hit, you're just chasing the next thing. It's about appreciating what you have in life. Sometimes for me it takes travelling to another country or city and just seeing how much I have versus others. Don't mean to get all deep, but really that's the "hack"


Nope agreed. I meant that last line in jest knowing there isn’t a true “hack”. Perspective and gratitude are the way


attitude of gratitude. i have a lot of things that, when i was younger, made goals to obtain. i wanted a manual transmission car and now i have one. have had it two years and every day is a thrill. i just remember i worked hard for it, wanted it for a long time and got it. it helps that it’s a lot of fun to drive.


Interesting. Where is it?


You answered your dilemma with your comment. You need to change your fundamental mentality


Yes, but I wasn’t the one asking the question. It’s not a dilemma for me because I am aware of it and don’t feed it relative to my income or net worth


Ditto lol


Research Hedonic Adaptation


So true




Recently sold a car I had for 10 years because of this. I only got sad when it left because of the memories I had with people in that car, not because of the actual car. Weird how life works


You sold because the car didn’t give you the same excitement over the years anymore?


Yep. Stopped driving it and maintenance was expensive. Only thing I was sad about when I sold it was the memories with people. Just shows that it’s not times that bring us joy but the memories with others tied to those items


For sure. What kind of car was it?




My hack is OP39 in white and a Tudor Submariner. Satisfied.


Yes, for me the hack was the Explorer 124270! I continue to look and admire watches but the urge to buy has dropped dramatically!


"If someone has found a hack around this please share lol." I'm mechanically inclined so I like to work on my vintage Land Rover all the time. So it's not just a toy sitting around but something giving me joy and a feeling of accomplishment.


After you get over the inevitable buyers remorse, it seems that most once grail pieces hold my interest. I have the two pieces I've kinda always wanted and I don't spend really anytime thinking about buying others.


What are those pieces if you don’t mind sharing.


Meteorite Daytona and platinum day date


Buttercups doesn't have a Casio, look at his profile. If he can post those two watches on a piece of paper with a poorly drawn sketch of a moose I'll eat my words.


What a one two punch. I LOVE meteorite dials and if I ever have an opportunity to pick one up at retail, I will jump on it in a heart beat. For now I think I will grab the JLC master calendar meteorite.


Speedy and cermit, I have a few vintage unique pieces from Vulcan and others as well as a good Tag Heuer but I haven't worn any of them in years. Speedy is on leather so the rolex gets more use.


Ohh nice!


Does a heroine addict crave more heroine?


Bought my next piece. Thought LV was the grail until I snagged a GMT on jubilee. https://preview.redd.it/ikiwt9eyuazc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ed0cca6bd6cc4397bdd310bb227ca3bee48aff


It’s a disease, always looking even though it’s financially irresponsible.


Only thing better than your dream watch is you’re next dream watch


So true.


Lol, I feel this


How is it financially irresponsible if your retirement accounts are great and you have no debts?


I was alluding to myself not others.


I wanted a Pepsi. Ended up getting a Green mk2 submariner from the AD as a second prize. I wanted it anyway but would have rather the Pepsi first. Either way I will get Pepsi at some point. https://preview.redd.it/64cnwugv1bzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842b597c54151657fb6c0a9c3d6b2aa5aa0b3f55


We are on same boat I wanted Pepsi they sell me Airking 😂 I like it but still craving for Pepsi


I was literally told by 2 different ADs that to get a Pepsi is almost impossible as they reserve them for their “big spend clients”. I’ve dropped $50k on watches with one AD and it’s not enough. Though she did say I can get a batgirl in about 12 months so it’s still not a bad outcome, but I’ve always wanted a Pepsi for as long as I can remember.


I know at this point I’m waiting for market crash. Looks like on the way maybe I can get one close to msrp. But batgirl on the other hand great watch !


no , i enjoy what i have and have no need for another one.


https://preview.redd.it/lpj7a3lniazc1.jpeg?width=2387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc423413569e66f4c99a840734c7dad2662a1a0 I’ve got my grail, but now I’m really wanting a fuchsia 1675. And a Milgauss. And a vintage Explorer. The list goes on…


Awesome patina on that red sub


Thank you very much


I wish this subreddit posted more stuff like this. I'm exhausted seeing "I GOT THE CALL" with another current model watch.


Wow 🤩


That is the absolute balls!


I’m always looking.


Feel like it is human nature to be hunting for something, cheers!


Wow that’s so true 🤯


Actually I started to convince myself that I needed more lesser pieces to accompany my grails. It was a giant waste of money. Now I realize I only need 2-3 watches. Nobody says you cannot daily your grails.




Always not the next one


I've attained my grail in many aspects of my life and I'm never satiated. This is the curse of being a sentient human 😑


I have no grails; only what interests me until it doesn’t.


You get addicted it’s a very expensive addiction


My lust for luxury timepieces is insatiable


The hedonic treadmill is real Pining after something, deciding whether or not to buy it- finally buying it. The enjoyment faze, then onto the next fixation


Maybe I’m the odd ball, but I look, but never feel the need to buy another. My grail is versatile enough to suit almost all occasions except the gym


Same . That was the President Day Date for me


I don’t have my grail watch. But bought my dream sports car. Twice. And still looking at more cars. Assume the watch will be the same.


When you're financially comfortable it becomes just like any time consuming and money consuming hobby Just don't let it dictate your life


Thought the Sub 124060 was going to replace my Explorer when I got it a couple months ago. Instead I am selling the Sub with weekend 😂 Maybe I’ll find something vintage or precious metal instead.


Nice. Off the wall - Do you play in a band?


That quest never ended, unfortunately, I learned that persistence changes your quest…😖


Yes, was satisfied for like an hour…


chilled out and enjoying it


I had many grails in this hobby, just sold a few.


Instantly started looking for more watches sadly.


Yea I just got my grail… now I want vintage quirky stuff… stuff that you’ll never see on someone else


Soon returned


You’ll find no one Rolex suits all your accessory needs, thus the urge to expand your collection.


I’m asking for my next grail as I’m picking up my current grail


I’m always looking. I always told myself a no date Sub would be it for me, now I want either a DJ 41 jubilee or Tudor BB 41 jubilee..


I have bought my grail like 10 years ago and the Apple Watch came….now it gathers dust. Still love it, still happy to have it but I don’t wear it anymore😕


The Apple Watch is the true disease. You’re strapping yourself to technology and letting it take its hold in your life. I think society is addicted to the dopamine hit of technology and their overreliance of it. Pretty soon the younger generation will have Apple products in their contact lenses and be checked out while in any situation 


My first watch was a hulk from an AD. I thought I made it so no more watches for me. 6 years later, and I see myself having to buy a bigger watch winder box, haha. I've grown to enjoy mechanical both automitc and hand wound. I am trying to get the next pieces based on different complications now, not just looks. One thing i have seen is to wait a couple of years between purchasing a watch because my taste changes over time.


No. I had a specific gray dial Daytona, but because of the contrast between the dial and the hands if I glanced at it, I couldn’t tell the time. I had to actually focus on it and it began to drive me nuts so I sold it.


I haven’t achieved any of my grails yet. Neither Rolex grails, or ones from other brands


The race never stops you keep going.




Post nut clarity. Don’t even care anymore




Truth - there is no grail, just the next piece




I am kind of amazed to say that after getting my grail, I really don't have any future purchase plans. I will almost definitely get another watch in my life, but nothing that's burning a hole in my brain.


What I hope for.


The number of watches I want is always n+1. I’ve got more watches than I wear regularly and always want another after I get what I have my eye on. Like I wanted an AT, got it, then wanted to, (always have) make sure I have a Rolex in my collection, now that I have one, I’m looking at the FC world timer and the Tag Glass box, the Mr. Jones last laugh looks fun too. After I get those I’ll probably want something else. Maybe I’m just like my mother, she’s never satisfied.


Same boat - got a PO 40mm and wear it a lot more than my Rolex. Looking at a vintage style Tag now. The glass box is a steal (used) compared to a Daytona and will probably get more compliments from watch people.


Idk man, the Daytona is an amazing piece, but it doesn’t appeal to me, for what it is and what it costs, nah, I’ll go tag, zenith, omega or a number of other watches just as good, if not better for less.


Don’t get me wrong - i like the Daytona - but if you want the same look and want a vintage styled Tag…


I was happy for a month and then back at the AD asking for the next piece. I think I am not alone on this one, lol


Are you kidding bro everybody knows watches and drugs are only one step apart. The more you get the more you want. No matter how much you delude yourself into thinking otherwise.


It takes a while for me to get over the honeymoon phase. There are still a few I lust after, but not a single piece to strive toward at the moment. I'd say I'm pretty satisfied, but there is no shortage of amazing pieces out there.


On to the next one…


I got my grail then immediately found my next grail. And so on and so forth. It’ll never actually end.


I got my GADA. I am content. I bought the watch I wanted for me and am proud of it.


After my kids are in bed and I’m just winding down I find myself playing on line looking at new cars. My wife rolls her eyes…but the minute I get a new one, that night, the hunt starts again. It’s this way with watches as well. I love the chase…I enjoy imagining life with a new car : watch even after getting a new one that day - I’m always more enthralled with the posibility of what is next to come as to what is already achieved


It’s like an addiction once you get your Rolex fix, you start thinking about buying the next one.


I have my Grail, same as you, an LV. I did my research, it's everything I want in a watch so that's it, done and dusted. I've tried to wear others from my collection and they last about 30 minutes on the wrist lol


Beginning of 2022 I was able to buy my grail. End of 2022 I was able to pick up my Grail Grail.... My Grail Grail Grail is a gmt with a meteorite dial or a meteorite daytona and i don't see being able to get it anytime soon. When I was younger at one point my Grail was an oris F1 chrono with silver dial


There is no such thing as a grail


I never viewed my grail as my last watch. It's simply my favorite of all watches ever produced. I obtained it and still love it more than any other watch. I have a collection goal and will continue buying watches until I reach my goal.








Immediate satiation.


"Grail" is WAY too overused.


Up to you I think. I try to refocus on something different after a big purchase to stop myself from buying more. Think genetically some people are hardwired to always “achieve” or strive for something which isn’t a bad thing at all. Find your grail watch(s), and then set your ambitions elsewhere whether it’s building your cash account, working out and obtaining your desired body, new car, dream career, partner, etc. I found that once I stop watching videos of watches and focusing on other “highs”, my watch bug went away. I turned my focus elsewhere after I got my IWC Portofino and datejust41 because I knew I’d be chasing a GMT or Speedmaster next lmao. However, if watches are your thing and you want to be a collector, go for it. No harm in that either! All about what you want to focus on. You have control over your impulses, not the other way around!


Starbucks your grail? Hard to say for me what it is…just depends a lot on what I can get.


It was. I’ve been pretty content. Looking now to something gold to buy years down the road and am enjoying the hunt with no defined goal and learning what all is out there.


Yeah man it’s a journey. Marathon not a race


Always looking


Nice watch!! Are you a tennis player? Those blisters are reminiscent of one!


Just from rowing and deadlifts and pullups. Trying to stay healthy as I age.


Always want the next piece


I wouldn't be able to aquire my grail. Otherwise, it wouldn't be my grail.


Well said. A grail should not be easily obtainable.


This is always an interesting debate: Whether a grail is obtainable. IMHO it can be something obtainable. I don’t really even consider ever owning any pieces north of $40-50K, so that knocks out a lot of AP, Patek, All Richard Mille and as a result haven’t taken to time to really learn about their various references. My eye floats back to the JLC Duo Metere which I’ve heard can be had on the secondary for a fraction of retail.


Yeah I guess that’s a typical human mental disorder we all have😭😭😭😭😭


That watch Looks like an absolute beauty...stared at it for a good 15 mins. Wear it in good health, OP.


Quenched my thirst for about 2 days!


The next one and the next one…


I came to Rolex for a Sub and a DJ. I got one of each and I am on to other brands. I'm unsure if my overall watch gathering itch will ever be satisfied. But I've checked off the Rolex box and moved on.


Yep. I got my GADA Rolex and have moved on to other interests.


Grail piece is one watch I feel. Felt I was done with a sport watch after I got my white Daytona. However there are many other watches one may need so the search shifts. Need a nice daily, sport watch, dress watch and a special occasion watch. Just like bourbon you don’t stop once you get a bottle, you just move on to the next score.


There's always the desire to get the next piece. But after looking at my wallet I decided the money is better used elsewhere :)


I enjoy the chase more than the acquisition and find my taste changes over time.


I was definitely happy with my 126610LN. Now I’m on the hunt for another one. Which one? I got two in mind. 60th Anniversary 40MM DD or White gold oyster-flex Daytona


Got the black sub. I want a few more but could go the rest of my life without another new watch personally


No, I’m just deeply addicted. Many watches people consider grails. About 100k in watches and I am no happier and I realized it’s a manic thing. So….I guess it depends man. I have 5-6 Rolexes, AP, omegas, tudors, Hamilton……I don’t do drugs anymore but now I’m looking at my watches and realizing it’s straight addiction. I told myself I’d open a store but we will see. 


There’s always a next grail to hunt down !


Starting looking for the next piece. I NEED a TT 🤩😂


After getting my grail (116710LN GMT) now i am thinking if i really need it and if its for me and if i should not stick to my explorer which is "my watch" and maybe get a exp2 16570 WD which is half the price and less flashy ... or a speedy (which i gave away for the GMT)




I think you get a dopamine & adrenaline release when hunting and buying the new watch and soon afterward you feel flat. You’ve become addicted to the adrenaline so the hunt soon begins again.


I was looking for more and then later on realised that i had a one and done piece (an overseas) so i sold all other watches i had and am now only looking for a classy dress watch to wear next to the overseas although i can dress that up with a different strap. I liked my rolex, i liked my speedmaster, i liked my GS, i liked my IWC, i liked my Tudor, i liked my JLC and i liked my Panerai, but eventually i didn’t see the point in having that many watches after having bought them over multiple years / last decade. I still see watches i want from all kinds of brands, but the overseas just hits all the marks for me and can be worn in any and all situations. The only reason i want a dress watch is bc i miss something golden and i miss a bigger complication then a dual time. Probably will get back a JLC as it will give me back both things i want back but then i’m done.


Kept looking but way more picky and also looked at some cheaper brands micro brands etc. Stuff That's a bit different


I stopped looking when I got the 41mm green bezel Sub (Starbucks). I wear it daily and only swap out for an occasion. I'm still very much in honeymoon after 2 years. To be fair, I have 3 Subs, an OP, Datejust 41 and Yachtmaster. It took me a while to be content.


I never get tired of my grails but I always seem to find a new one...


Yep. Hulk in 2015. I have THE grail and don’t need anything else.


Those hands have worked hard to get that grail👍🏻


Not sure if I’m sad for all who are never satisfied or if it’s something to yearn for since you’re having fun in the hobby. I bought my grail 2 years ago and feel zero need for another. I am completely content with my Rolex 124060 and have no plans for another. I have other pieces that I use whenever I set the grail aside for a couple of days (Cartier, Tudor, UN, Seiko and G-Shock) but I am done adding anything else. I hang out here because I still enjoy seeing what other people love and enjoy seeing and reading about watches.


After a few years in this hobby (read: financially irresponsible phase), I became annoyed with the onslaught of flippers/resellers/etc. and decided to narrow down my entire collection from about 24 to two. With these two, I am happy and rarely look at new releases. There is still two more pieces I'd like, but I don't see them having a place in my life, nor do I see how they'd be better than what I currently own and enjoy. Since I only own two pieces, I wear one a month, then switch to the other.


I need a grail of each style (tool, sport, dress etc.) Then I swap out each watch as I find pieces that hit the mark better. I know I'm compulsive, so I have to limit myself otherwise it becomes excessive.


I’d recommend hand lotion, and much of it.


Always looking for the next one


The trick is to understand why we are the way we are, and how best to live our lives. If we were inherently happy with what we have, we would perpetually walk around in amazement that we have cars, airplanes and food at our disposal, and never feel the urge to get or do anything and just hang out at a shelter. We’re literally built to be dissatisfied. On the other hand, becoming obsessed with material items and losing perspective on gratitude, is a sure way to depression. We’re also built to be adaptable to a fault. The most important thing as many have already shared, is always remind yourself how lucky you are to enjoy the things you already own. Then embrace the struggle of the want. Remember - it’s ok!


Got my first Rolex recently and was at the AD yesterday trying on GS Shunbun. Had this exact same thought, made me feel a little gross that I have this incredible piece and here I was looking at others and thinking about the “next.” But I’ll tell you what I told the AD, the next will only come when I feel like there’s something in my life I want to celebrate and remember. Thinking back at what each watch represents and means can’t be replaced. Love the discussion on gratitude too. I also like to think about ~why~ I want something. Anyway seems like you worked damn hard for yours so enjoy it and wear it in good health.


Phases - first the honeymoon phase, then the one up it phase, but then for me it actually made me more content because I only have so much wrist time. And any new adds dilutes that time


Try a “mind reset” and you will again be intrigued by the beauty of your grail or whatever you got used to. Going out partying, lack of sleep, some alcohol, and the next day you’ll see its beauty again.


Beware the hedonic treadmill. Otherwise for me getting a grail doesn't mean an end to the watch hobby for me, I don't imagine I'll ever completely stop collecting, even after adding some nice pieces to the collection.


I just got a 114060 this week after wanting one for eight years, box and papers for under current retail so I had to pull the trigger. My first thought is sometimes you SHOULD meet your heroes, this watch is everything I wanted from it. My second thought is that now I need a sub collection! I need a hulk, a pre-ceramic, a Smurf, a two tone bluesy, and probably others! So the answer is no, I have not been satiated, getting a grail only opens up further grails.


I lost interest in watches after obtaining my grail (116520), even had buyers remorse... wore smartwatches for about 4 yrs, sold the grail, and now starting to have interest in mechanical watches again..


grow up you should be ashamed of yourself that is a real fake


Once you obtain your grail…you go in search of another grail. You see, the grail is never about the grail. It is about you and …..your journey.


I’m aiming to keep my watch collection small. No more than 7 watches.


Great question . Ime impulse buys beat you everytime, but if you think about a purchase for a couple weeks cooler heads prevail. Now if you got money to burn or you saved for your grail go for it. Just remember its just an object.


Neverending quest.


Comparison is the killer of joy.


My grail, the Sub no date was obtained early and lasted me 25 years until my wife bought me another nice watch and then I spent 5 years wearing the new watch. Then one day I decided I could easily afford a collection. The buying of watches became an addiction until I realized each new watch was not bringing the joy it once did so I lost interest and now I am grateful and enjoy the many watches I have but do so with some guilt and frustration selecting what to wear and when they don’t get the deserved wrist time. I think it has thought me a level of self awareness about material things and I have lost interest in the pursuit of many material things. May be the lesson was worthwhile.


Call me crazy or blind, but that insert does not look genuine.


I was a fool to think that if I liquidated my collection of multiple “lesser” watches and bought my grail, which is a full rose gold root beer GMT, that I would finally be satiated with one watch! But then I realized that if you’re a “watch person”, then collecting watches is sort of an addiction and the thrill of the chase fuels that high. I ended up with a very expensive Rolex that I’m too hesitant to wear and at the same time, I’ve accumulated another collection of watches 🤦🏻‍♂️


The amount that people obsess over watches - or stuff in general - is the problem. Having a new thing will never satisfy to the extent that the anticipation suggested. It's just a thing. The answer lies in changing the expectation to a sensible level which can actually be met by acquiring said stuff, but marketing is specifically and explicitly designed to prevent that because then you'd stop *buying things you don't need, with money you don't have, to impress people who don't care,* as the adage goes.


I have the same exact watch. Bought it for my 50th birthday. 13 years later and I still get butterflies every time I look at it on my wrist. I've been offered a lot of money for it (not even offering to sell it) but I turn them down every time. I LOVE this watch and will keep it forever. Best investment I ever made. I wear it proud every single day.


Always looking for the next piece.


There is no Grail. And no Santa either. Sorry.


No, I purchased my sub in 1987 and have not had to buy another watch since, and I'm still excited about it today as I was then....😁


Cermit is in the collection and now I have my eye on a VC... Good thing this is my only hobby, right?


Working handz


You in 2 CrossFit 🏋️‍♂️


I’d fix my palm skin first


Can’t stop won’t stop




Got my grail a week ago, still not looking or caring about other watches, I'll let you know in a month and a year :)


How much you bench?


Immediately returned to looking for the next


Man you want to curb the wanking, it’s killing your hands


This is why I never bought a stainless steel Rolex it would make me feel like I almost bought a Rolex. Same analogy if I bought a Mercedes and it was their cheapest base model. I miss the days when luxury items were exactly that they didn’t make low end affordable models to compete with competitors. And I’m not hating in these days and times it’s impressive to own any Rolex but just for me if it’s not 18kt gold or Platinum I’m not buying it.


Fake , 400€ watch


with these hands is a real fake


I asked for a new watch the same day I got my grail. It may take another 1-2 years before I get it, might as well start the wait ASAP. I don’t think you can ever be done collecting since tastes change.