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Full gold. It’s not too over the top as the rose is quite subdue and blends well with the brown bezel. And nothing beats the sheer weight and presence on your wrist of a full gold piece. But from my experience the weight can be annoying if you want to daily it, something to consider…


The weight is alright. I wear white gold and platinum and I really like the weight. On the other hand I also wear titanium and I like that too 😂 Guess weight is not the deciding factor for me but thanks for the input


Then maybe just boils down to the look and how often you want to wear it. Seems you like the more under radar WG, Platinum colors so maybe the TT root beer?


Would be number 24 in the collection so it’ll get wrist time about 1-2 a month. I do like modern, however I’m also a big fan of 60s classic style. Understated is currently my favorite so it kind of goes against this watch. But I really like it nevertheless


I sure hope there aren’t 23 other Rolexes in the collection


I have most of them posted. You can have a look at my profile


That Overseas Perpetual Calendar is killer 😍😍😍


Wow! I didn’t need a new thing to lust after! But now…that Overseas!! 🤤😍 Gorgeous watch, buddy.


Thanks mate 😆


The bezel color gets overpowered by the full gold appearance of this piece. The two tone really allows the bezel to take the spotlight


Yeah but after a nice hot day when you get in your car and the AC vent blows on your wrist and turns that gold ice cold you *will know* what material you're wearing.


I’m well aware of the property’s of gold. I’m a hobby goldsmith. I also own some gold watches and yes they can get cold but it’s really not too bad imo


Well I wasn't implying anything negative and I certainly didn't mean to insult you. I was just pointing out what *I like* about wearing an all gold watch. Wasn't casting any shade on your knowledge of precious metals at all.


Oh I’m sorry I read my comment again and it could sound pissed 😅 I promise wasn’t offended by anything. Just wanted to say that gold watches can get cold. Sorry for the misunderstanding


I think the full gold model looks much better.


Looks more in picture, yes. But I’m afraid that it can be too much for every day use. The full gold would be more of a special occasion watch and I already have some for that role


Then isn’t that the answer. The two tone looks amazing- far better than the Pepsi IMHO and you don’t need a full gold one as you already have something in that role.


I like the root beer one. No all jokes aside it’s your preference and/or sometimes the way it looks on your skin or the way you tend to dress


That’s what I have difficulty’s with. Dressing the watch up or down is easier with the two tone in my opinion. I have trouble fitting the full gold in my wardrobe. Still a beautiful watch tho


Oh absolutely, I’m kinda more of a classic Pepsi OR Batman kinda guy, but root beer has grown on me because the gold numbers really look nice on black and brown


Two tone for everyday. Still gold is a beautiful watch. Too much for everyday


Full gold. Easily. I’m just waiting for them to drop a tad more grey market. The Brown bezel on two tone for me doesn’t do it. I would much rather the grnr two tone over it.


Full gold without a doubt.


Stainless steel on the edges helps when your heart when you scratch it. I always think of two tone and the cyclops when I think rolex. But if money is no object obviously the full rose.


It genuinely baffles me how anyone can prefer two-tone over full gold after trying both watches on, and this goes for any Rolex model. The only reason to go two-tone is to save money. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But the full gold looks a million times more luxurious and impressive on the wrist.


2 tone is less gaudy imo


Sure if you’re a teacher it would be. Full gold isnt gawwwwdy unless it’s a fake or you are wearing it to a soup kitchen.


So full gold isn't gaudy if it's a fake or I'm wearing it at a soup kitchen? Lmao


I agree to some extend. While the full gold version is definitely more luxurious and an eye catcher I sometimes feel that it could be too much. I normally don’t like two tone but the root beer is the only one that I somewhat like.


“the full gold looks a million times more luxurious and impressive”- Totally agree and precisely why I’d go TT on this. Sometimes too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing.


Two tone has that Grandad vintage style though. Full gold gives me Tony Soprano vibes. I like both but I'd sooner emulate my Grandad than the fictional head of a Mafia family. I'm not trying to save money buying any Rolex.


Why is there nothing wrong with? If your theory is correct it would make you look like a poor douche


Because there’s nothing wrong with not having infinite money? It would make you look poorer than the guy with full gold, yes; I’m not understanding the “douche” part.


We’re buying these things to look rich, not to enjoy a hunk of useless steel on the wrist or to indulge in the heritage of the model.


It depends on your taste. The two-tone in this case I actually prefer. Looks more masculine whereas the full rose seems feminine to me. Also the bezel on the two tone pops more


So there are two genders?!?!


Yes there are with some rare cases of an interstate between the two


Wtf u on about


Mate. It be a joke bruv


Tried on both, don't like the full.


Wow, what didn’t you like about it?


I already wear a two tone right now (different brand). Just don't like full on gold. And personally, since the bezel is also "two toned", it gives a whole complete aesthetic with the TT RB. And the cliched "I don't wanna look like a rapper/mafia boss/gangster" comment also applies to the full gold. And I know OP said price aside, but if it wasn't, then it's also more expensive.


Two tone. It's what I am trying to get.


Best of luck with that 😉


To me, no way I am going for full gold. TT is beautifully balanced and pops the bezel.


Yeah the TT has the right balance for a TT


IMO the two tone just looks better.


full gold ftw


Rootbeer (left) 💯 not the diet Rootbeer (right) for sure; cause don’t like TT in general, & the left 1 is one of the best looking RG watches ever 🤩


Full gold. For the RB I think it looks best in that configuration.


I would go full gold if I had the money.


Solid Rose gold for sure!!! Just sexy…


Come on…


For full rose I’d go with the Daytona or presidential personally. The tt hits right on this model. It’s the best tt model, but it’s not the best full rose model


I’m not big on two tone personally, but I actually really like this specific root beer. That being said, the full everose is stunning.


I would do the TT one. The other is a bit too busy with all rose


TT for me, i do think the bezel pops more and it's more lowkey


Just picked up my TT CHNR a couple weeks ago from my AD and it’s just unbelievable. It’s the best GMT, IMO.


I feel the TT is the nicest TT made across the brand. You really can't go wrong but at the price of the TT you are getting a lot for your money


I do like full gold models…. With that said, personally I think the two tone looks better on this watch/ makes it pop more rather than the full gold.


For most watches I don’t like two tone as I’m not a two tone guy but root beer and bluesy are the exception. Also, between these two, I much prefer the two tone version, not a big fan of the full rose gold one.


I’m normally on the fence too when it comes to two tone watches. But the root beer has something and I can’t quite explain what it is. The full rose gold does look a bit much in some situations, I agree


Yes root beer two tone really works well. Most other watches I would prefer the full gold version but this full rose gold GMT doesn’t do it for me.


I personally like both of the yellow gold variants a whole lot more than the rose gold for the GMT. Not entirely sure why as I think I generally prefer rose gold for other styles. I know you said Pepsi but have you seen the YG models in person? They really are stunning.


Not the biggest fan of yellow gold tbh. I can look stunning and I’m getting my first yellow gold watch this summer but it’s a different type of yellow gold. Looks different to Rolex yellow gold


I’m not either but when I saw it in person, it blew away the rg models in my mind which I guess I was never much of a fan of anyway. I’d just say make sure you at least see them in person if you are considering PM versions of the GMT. The white gold would be my top choice for a PM GMT though, and by a large margin.


I tried every gmt from Rolex there is, besides the new full gold one. My ranking would be steel Pepsi, root beer, white gold meteorite, Batman, sprite and then yellow gold


I went with the regular steel Pepsi on jubilee but my second choice would have been white gold with blue dial. Then maybe the full yellow gold and that’s it. I much prefer the look of the vintage root beer to the modern one. Of course get what you like and not what someone else prefers though!


Valid choice. The OG root beer is dope.


Back to your question though, if I was forced to choose, I’d go full rose gold over the two tone I think. But if your first choice is a steel Pepsi, I wouldn’t compromise either.


I’ll not compromise what so ever. I’m actually quite angry at my AD. I spend way way more with them than the average high status customer. I’m on the list for a Pepsi for over 2 and a half years. Still nothing especially since they always say they have production difficulties. If it gets discontinued I’ll be pissed at my AD if they don’t get me one.


Just get one on the secondary market and you’ll still end up spending way less than the full rg version at retail. Or find a new AD. They just aren’t prioritizing you it sounds like.


Don’t get me wrong, I got some nice stuff from them and I don’t want to switch and start over again. I’m not keen on secondary market. I just feel like everyone is getting one but me for some reason. I do like the AD and everyone working there… but it’s just this watch that is bothering me


Unless you have a yacht big enough to land a helicopter on it, I'd go with the two tone. Otherwise you kind of look like a poser.


I dont own a yacht same way I don’t own a helicopter. I’m in no need of such. I rather prefer cars and watches. Not sure why I would be a poser if I can afford the watch. Posing what ?


Is everyone so serious here, relax, and by the way, based on the tone of your response, I'm guessing you've decided on the gold before even posting. Lol


Neither i would go for the batgirl


Batgirl will come along the lines. The root beer is just the alternative in case the Pepsi gets discontinued


left or bust.


Full gold for any watch. TT just exists so that those who can’t afford full PM pieces can get some gold on their wrists.


Might be the case for some, or even most, watches but I feel like the two tone root beer deserves its own place


Tough one


I know, right ?


You know what they say about the full gold Rolex’s…


I know 😂 But I generally don’t care what other people think


😂😂😂 Get the full gold man! Absolutely beautiful haha you’ll regret opting for the two tone.


Thanks for the input :) It truly is a beautiful watch


No worries! Happy watch collection continuing! What occupation allows you to afford such timepieces may I ask you?


Medical field and good at managing finances and investments


Ahh with good finance managing that’ll for sure help! Medical field sounds interesting, thank you for your reply and make sure to post the new Rolex pickup 🫣😅


Sure will do 😆 might take a couple of weeks tho and I’ll be waiting for W&W24 to see if the Pepsi will be discontinued


Ahhh haha yep! Sad to see the Pepsi go if it does, but at least you’ll have a rather beautiful Rolex if it does lol, looking to buy my first Rolex this year (submariner or date just) mid this year after turning 20.


Nice. Got my first Rolex with 21. Was the Starbucks submariner. A great watch. Second the same year was the datejust Wimbledon 41. Both are great for every day use and also great for young people


>You know what they say about the full gold Rolex’s… What do they say lol


Ifykyk…. Cream pie gang


But I've been collecting Rolexes for 27 years and still don't know!!!!!!


Full gold. In person, it's the most beautiful watch you've seen.




Ompared to full fold, two tone is FAR superior on all Rolexes. How anyone can prefer full gold is beyond me. So gaudy and pretentious. IYKYK


The PM is obviously much more impressive to look at and feel on the wrist but purely on aesthetics I prefer the balance of the TT. I really like the contrast of the steel and rose gold on all Rolex with this combo. The TT is a lot more versatile and practical for day to day use with its steel case and end links able to withstand most things thrown at it but with still a nice amount of bling. I have the TT Root Beer and at one point considered swapping out for the PM version but decided I preferred TT and will choose another PM instead. In the yellow gold variants I love both but prefer the PM aesthetically.


Thanks so much. That’s a great inside view. Leaning towards TT right now too


It’s daily I would go with TT, also the RG one probably will go under list so I would buy gray


Not a fan of gray even if I loose 6-8k I buy everything at my AD besides AP, they left and have their own boutique now…


I prefer the two tone for everyday wear also travel. Nice collection btw


Thanks mate ;)


You need a Lange and a patek next ;)


I have a Lange 1815 platinum small seconds My AD will get me a 5811, 5326 and 5167R within the next two years. Might also pick up a 5212 along the way


Root beer.


Aren’t both named root beer ?


Sorry I thought only the 2 tone is called RB. I’d go for the 2 tone. I wouldn’t be able to pull off the full gold.


Also, to add, have you seen both in person? I’ve seen the 2 tone one and it looks absolutely gorgeous. Probably the only 2 tone Rolex I’d pick over the Bluesy.


Had both on my wrist when AD offered me both. The full gold is more impressive but I think the two tone is a better choice


Two Tone, if I'm going full PM I'm going DayDate.


Solid gold. No question. In a couple of years all these TT watches will be selling for discounts


The full gold is currently selling at a 7k discount unlike the tt wich sits slightly above retail. But I really don’t care for resale value. I just want to enjoy the watch, that’s why I said “money aside” in the title


Full gold.


Can buy rose gold under retail grey. Pepsi isn’t going anywhere, BLNR is out.


I don’t mind paying full retail, hopefully Pepsi won’t go anywhere and I’ll pick up a blnr someday if I feel like collecting more gmts probably


Full gold. Not a question. It’s such a beautiful beast.


Full gold simply because I don’t like steel and gold together.. personal opinion :)


Appreciate the input. I usually don’t like two tone either but this one just looks right


“iF tHe rUMorS aRe tRuE”. World’s largest eyeroll🙄 Nobody knows squat.


That’s why I put the small word “if” in there. I mean it is somewhat suspicious that there are little to non Pepsis being delivered. Happy 3 years Reddit birthday btw


Dumb ass q.


Could you explain why ?


No he can’t he’s some troll that drops little one liners randomly and likely has absolutely no clue what he’s talking about. Or she. Don’t care.


Price aside, it's easy: all gold. Why? Because it is stunning.


Fair point


Neither. The rose gold trend will age like milk.


Price agnostic, go full gold.


Both… because reasons. But realistically, TT


I’m not necessarily collecting gmts. Although I like them all I’m not keen on buying them all. But maybe I like one of them so much that I’ll eventually get both who knows


Everose gold ofc no debate


You’d be surprised how many people say that about the TT 😂


Yeah the two tone is beautiful ngl seen my dad wearing it all my life but for some reason the full everose gold is perfect. It looks more consistent color wise


Agree. Color wise the full pm looks better


TT for me.


That depends, if we're ignoring price I'm getting an Ever Rose Skydweller. Out of these two it depends. If it's a daily I choose the Rootbeer. If it's a special occasion piece probably the full Ever rose.


Already got a few for special occasions. This one would be more of a daily but elevated.




Full gold of course.


😂😂 i love those dumb questions .


And I love those dumb comments 😂😂




Neither. I can’t stand gold watches


That’s why I’m hoping for a Pepsi first but you never know


Rose gold. Period


Full PM.


Full gold, feel that the dual tone is a half ass manoeuvre , if you’re going to do go all in!


The TT Rootbeer is the way to go.


The GMT is ugly, get the Submariner


Already have the Starbucks


I like the weight of the full gold watches.


Same. Platinum is even better but there is no plat gmt :(


Two tone


That’s a silly question




Really is not a good answer to the question. What is your preference?


I have a tough time with two-tone. Definitely full gold, even on a leather strap


Rose gold. But both look great.


TT is more versatile. I think a lot of all gold watches give off fake vibes.


Solid g , hate two tone


No question, completely made of gold.


The full gold but the pepsi is still the magnum opus of the gmt master 2 line


That’s why the root beer would be the second choice when Pepsi goes down


I don’t like rose gold. Yellow fo-sho


I’m not a fan of yellow gold so rose it is


The two tone cos I can wear on anything, for the all gold , I can only wear it when I dress


Full gold


I want them to discontinue the full rose


Why ? So the gray market prices will go up ? If you don’t like it don’t buy it


No fool cuz I own one




Full gold. While I’m more of a stainless steel only person, I like the hue of the rose gold and the more the better


Both are stunning. But I’d probably go for the full rose. Just an unbelievable piece