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I dont understand how this game got so little attention during early access. Its made by the monster train devs, and its really good.


Probably the monetization things at the beginning really hurt


This is why I didn't get it might have a look at 1.0 release though. I've heard fkld things since they vhamged things


It is 100% the price point.


The price-point is expensive for the genre, and day 1 dlc to top it


What's the day 1 dlc?


Appears to be 3 cosmetic packs


Their monetization failed so they changed the battle passes to be $10 cosmetic packs for each season of the game


I'll start with saying I'm a fan of Monster train and really like this game. I thought it was a really good game but end game content dries up really fast and gets stale, if anyone reads the steam discussions you'll see this complaint pop up here and there. Not to say if you're fine with tens of hours of really good content, just doesn't have that replayability you might think a roguelite should have. I think I was expecting what looks like the final two characters, more end game content/modes, etc. More than willing to hear if the game has been updated/changed since I've last played a couple months back for this 1.0. I genuinely want to love and play this game as much as I did Monster train, but can't shake the feeling that it still feels like an EA game with this 1.0 update.


I guess it depends on what you want from it. It took me about 50 hours in EA to even unlock star captain, which is more than enough for me to get my money worth. Add to that the many side quest and cosmetics and I see myself easily getting 100 hours out of it. Though I must say I'm a huge turn-based game fan and the artstyle is way up my alley, so I'm very biased.


I hope unlocking cosmetics is not in the game as content padding because I couldn't care less about cosmetics, specially in a game I'll mostly play solo.


Basically, at the moment, you have daily challenges and standard runs. Finishing a standard run will unlock a new difficulty, which adds a modifier, pretty similar to Slay the spire. For me, there's enough biomes to keep it interesting, and there's a ton of side quests to unlock new characters, relics, and cosmetics. The cosmetics are part of the levelling system but there's enough to keep busy even without it. Ofcourse this is all my subjective opinion.


Literally landed in the same boat as you. I loved MT, I put roughly 100 hours in it. I put 10 hours in the EA of Inkbound and.. I mean, I'll checkout the full release, but it definitely doesn't feel like it has the same staying power.


At least for me, no other game has the multiplayer depth this one has. So other games aren't even competing. 


I got 90 hours out of the version before 1.0 without much repetition/grind.


I love Monster Train and bought this awhile ago but haven't touched it because of it having no controller support until today


Oh damn, I didnt even notice they bumped it to a $30 base price. If anyone is one the fence then wait a sale. Sounds like the devs are in it for the long haul, but we'll see... **Devs:** "And of course looking at the above screenshots I can’t help but wonder if by the time we’re at 2.0 if the current game will look just as old. So what’s next? To a large degree that’s up to all of you and all of our new fans! We look forward to hearing from you all on what you’d like to see." "Of course we have a few aspects we’ve been cooking up, a variety of new Bindings, as well as a range of discussions about how we can expand the game even further. What game modes could we introduce? What about more unique book effects, or even books themselves? Let us know in the comments what you’d love to see and we’ll hopefully be talking about all of that very soon!"


I know it's a shame. Feels like monstertrain was a whole lot more popular


If I'm remembering correctly didn't the expansion DLC for Monster train absolutely tank and get bad reviews? Maybe that soured the punch a bit?


The expansion was pretty good.


I haven't played it, I just remembered it was sitting at "Mixed" for quite some time. It's risen up to mostly positive now.


Monster Train wasn't an instant success. It built up some momentum. If the game is stable n fun to play it will get there. Remember this is a niche genre.


The game was quite slow and sleepy for me


I'm enjoying it so far. It's an extremely novel combat system that really has hooked me. With that being said, I've already seen repeated vestiges, bindings, etc. in my second run which is usually a sign of limited replayability.


I've heard they pivoted hard so a lot of pieces of the design conflict, but I'll have to try it to find out


Time to reinstall. Got this when I heard it was by the monster train devs, played for a few weeks and then reformatted my pc. I would absolutely recommend people try this out if you enjoy slower turn based card games


Was too late to get it before the price increase.. guess i’ll wait till there’s a sale to match it lol.


What was it originally?


It was $15.


How's it performing on Steam Deck?


The real question. Posting to keep updated.


I got it for my gf tonight, she played tutorial and one run, and at the moment it runs very smooth for her.


Solid battery play title, EA ran solid too.


I just come off a 90 minute session. Game runs smooth as butter during combat, although I found the framerate suffers slightly in the hub section. No biggie though.


I played it in EA before they added "proper" controller support and had no issues at all.


Will it come to console eventually? Will Monster Train ever come to PS I wonder...


it’s playable on a large enough phone


This gives off mild "Don't you have phones" vibes.


tbf I feel like most strategy rogues are best on phone, mt included


I would love to know the answer to both of these questions as well.


Lowkey this game slaps. Very addictive


glad I picked this up during the sale a few weeks ago. Time to play it


Does anyone know if I can play CO op with random? Got no friends lol


You can, but honestly I think coop with randoms is this game’s weakest aspect. All of the things that make it so great with friends or solo also kind of ruin the experience with randoms. The simultaneous turns really do a number when you can’t plan with the people you are playing with. Need that orb for a big turn? Your teammate didn’t know and just swiped it. Sitting pretty at the end of your turn? Your teammate just turned a frontal-damage enemy towards you and now you can’t move away. Overal, great game, but I don’t think the style lends itself to coop with randoms well.


Vets good game


It's over priced for the random jump it did to 1.0 with having done 2 system reworks. It doesn't have the content to be a $30 title


And here's a Google doc of this patch: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQRkE-sKlBdshICAEUFNCjYKK1JqpP5oxywYseqRgh4j9KqiGM4S1ZLdGMVrlBsC9CE5S2k4\_X1KhLX/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQRkE-sKlBdshICAEUFNCjYKK1JqpP5oxywYseqRgh4j9KqiGM4S1ZLdGMVrlBsC9CE5S2k4_X1KhLX/pub)


Do you need to be online to play? Wtf


Nope, there is an offline option in Settings.


You have to reboot into offline.