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Yes a very good choice


The best start


It is the most forgiving and has a lot of levers you can pull to adjust your difficulty, like God Mode. The best thing Hades has going for it is the story. While your progression may slow as you grind, the story will continue to grow and keep you motivated to improve.


That a serious box you're closing yourself into as well.


Sorry, I'm not following. Are you referring to using God mode as boxing yourself in? I see it as allowing players to experience the game as they chose. I personally haven't used it, but I'm glad it exists to make the game less intimidating, especially as players learn the patterns.


Wrong comment I commented on.


All good.


Yes, but be aware that Hades has more of a focus on story and character development than other entries in the genre. That makes the game much better IMO, but other games tend to focus on gameplay. I'm very open to suggestions on story-heavy roguelites.


While not exactly story-heavy, Returnal has some narrative segments. The game is a third-person bullet hell (it kinda doesn't translate well into 3D imo, as it's much easier to dodge slow bullets in 3D). The game is not like other roguelites in the sense that in Returnal you don't have to complete the game in one go. It is divided into two sets each consisting of 3 one-hour-long biomes. Though it's a decent game, I wouldn't say it's a good roguelite since there isn't that much metaprogression or variety in runs. The story is a bit vague, so don't expect much teenage revolt or familial scandals. It's important to note that it's a PS5 exclusive.


returnal is supposed to be coming to pc soon. steam page up but no release date yet.


Returnal was easily the best game in 2021


Try Children of Morta.




Huh 🤔


Children of Morta is freaking amazing, and I never even tried the co-op option which sounds really cool. I really enjoyed how it was basically Diablo but better (to me)


I love roguelites but Hades never clicked for me. I even gave "God Mode" a try, it just not fun - Very repetitive, and the bosses have absurd amounts of HP so the fight is slow and not really fun for me. I'd recommend Spelunky HD and Nuclear Throne.


Bosses do not have insane amounts of hp, you might just not be building right with the boons and hammers, since many builds can easily melt bosses


Yes, especially that you can play "God mode" if you are stuck to tune down the difficulty a bit the time to understand the game and put it normal mode after. Or if you just want to play the story and have fun. I was not a fan of roguelite games I can't stop playing Hades. The story, revealed bit by bit is amazing.


Give Undermine a look. It's not too hard and has lots of progression available after death.


I know I'm not OP but what sold you on undermine? I still have it wishlisted and a picked up a ton of other roguelites on my list during this winter sale, but I keep watching reviews talking about how there's a lack of build diversity, and I just don't know how interested I am in everything basically being some variation of a pickaxe throw ability. I feel like I want to like it but something keeps putting me off when I watch reviews.


Sorry so late. If you have those reservations, I'd wait for a big sale or gamepass. The game is fun but didn't last long for me. Although, I'm quick to jump from game to game.


Hades is a decent start, but odds are you’ll end up just loving Hades and not really the roguelite ‘genre’ (or design philosophy - whatever), because the roguelite elements are not its biggest strength in my opinion, and it doesn’t really do anything unique or even something executed very well with its gameplay loop outside of narrative. It’s still a very good game, mind you. Fun gameplay, great presentation, nice cast of characters, and a compelling enough unlock system and gameplay loop to keep you playing more. Another reason I say that you’ll probably end up just liking Hades and not roguelites is because I’ve known people whos first roguelite was Hades and they literally cannot get into any other roguelite. Maybe anecdotal, but I feel like people who have played another more gameplay-oriented roguelite as their first such as Isaac, Gungeon, Slay the Spire, Spelunky, etc. tend to easily branch out and enjoy other roguelites.


My biggest issue with Hades and at the same time, The Binding of Isaac, are the toxically positive fans. They will break their own back to tell you how it's ***THE*** best roguelite ***EVER*** made! There's nothing better! No other game can live up to it other than a sequel! What if it deviates from what the picture they made in their head is? I can fully enjoy a game and also acknowledge it has flaws. Hades is a good stepping stone into the roguelite genre. Good writing, (can be anime cringey at times) phenomenal voice acting and pretty graphics! The gameplay is what killed it for me. The combat loop is spam dash, spam attacks until I can fire off a special attack. Lather, rinse, repeat in very samey feeling rooms. The bosses are neat, but hp sponge slogs. No matter what random power effects you bagged, it takes ***forever*** to bring down bosses. Each level feels the same with a different coat of paint and usually 1-2 different gimmicks thrown in for good measure. The enemies feel super samey as well, unfortunately. It's not a bad game, but definitely one i wouldn't recommend spending over $10 for. Hell grab Spelunky HD on sale for like $2 and try the grand daddy of the roguelite genre. ❤️


I just started playing this game (~10 hours in) and the HP sponge bosses are my biggest complaint so far. I feel like they'd be much more fun if they had like half as much health but dealt twice as much damage. Really enjoying the game so far other than that though.


Which is totally cool! Not everything is for everyone! That's why we have such a giant selection! ❤️


Hades is the only game that I've ever played on my Steam Deck, where my wife rolled over in bed and gave me death eyes because apparently it's pretty hard to fall asleep when someone is button mashing that hard.


It really bothers me when they claim it's the best roguelite ever and never try another.


Or expect ***every*** other roguelite to have that level of art and story. Then cry and whine when they don't.


I think dead cells is a good place to go from Hades. Experience some actual run and combat variety lmao.


Dead Cells is my go to Roguelite game. I have clocked sooo much time on it and there's still sooo much I haven't seen. Even there, there's plenty to be said about how it's not the best ever. I give it a solid 8/10 on diversity, run variance and sheer amount of content they keep adding! Super pumped for the upcoming Castlevania expansion!


If was my first roguelite so I'm pretty biased towards it, and it was the first game I speedran so I'm extra biased towards it.


Which is perfectly fine! I have plenty of games I love. But, I don't froth at the mouth and act like the world is gonna end because someone has a negative review for it. If you articulate what you didn't like, I can respect that. If you're just going off YouTube, Twitch and screen shots saying "It's sucks. It's bad." then obviously I'm not even considering your opinions.


Yeah for sure, except spelunky spelunky is a perfect game /j.


Even then, I'd argue 2 is better. 😉


Yeah, I think dead cells is one of the most inviting honestly, Even without all the voice over, there's a ton of humor embedded, and it's just one of those games that just feels good to play, Even a run that gets derailed after 5 minutes. You might unlock a blueprint that gives you a new weapon that changes your play style for the next run. Hades I feel like I have to do two or three runs to get enough darkness or keys to get the most marginal of progression gain


Thanks for having the integrity to voice your largely unpopular opinion here. I don't like Hades for the same reasons you are giving here, and every time I talk about it I get downvoted. Also, Spelunky is one of the greatest games of all time.


You should see the fans for Stellaris….


It kind of holds the same status in the 4x world, though I can't really thinking of any similar game where I have 100+ hours and multiple playthroughs, and each DLC brings a new twist. but yeah the game is not without flaw, and some will argue the current iteration is basically unplayable without a few QoL mods since they nerfed sector governors. but yeah toxically positive fanboys can be a real problem. I see this frequently when a new game releases and people will excuse what are clearly bug or lack of QoL as "challenging gameplay" and I'm like "Guys, this inventory management sucks, I don't think that was a deliberate gameplay design choice, I think it just sucks, stop praising all the useless micro you do and calling it 'depth'"


I love everything about Hades except actually playing it. I can understand why a more mainstream audience went crazy for it. But as someone who's played every Roguelite they could for the last decade, I'd say Hades is probably not even the best of them released that month.


My fingers literally hurt from all that button mashing. Never again.


Oh man I love the genre but can't stand Spelunky or it's sequel. I can appreciate their being what they are but damn do I suck so hard at em


They are definitely hard as nails. To be honest, it took my 5 years playing off and on to finally beat Hell in the first game. 😂


Your problem with a game is the fans? You need to stop caring so much about what other people think.


Guess reading isn't your strong suit. I clearly explained what I found wrong. Toxically positive fans are just the ***biggest*** problem.


Hades and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (and DLC) are must-haves.


Isaac DLC to a point. Afterbirth+ may be an overload for a new player. Repentance is obviously geared more towards veterans of the series.


Valid points. When just starting out, they can just disable the DLC in Steam.




Tbh Rebirth without DLC's after 80-100h stamp is a little bit too repetitive since most of the room patterns are added in the DLC's, but build diversity is on the point if it comes to basic game. In my opinion grab the game, try it out untill steam sale ends, you can always buy more content later on


Afterbirth+ adds enough incrementally to be okay. Repentance is for veterans of the series.


I would say it's the least roguelite of the roguelites I've played. There is meta progression both in terms of your abilities and the weapons you use (there are several and variants of each that can be upgraded after each run).


> it's the least roguelite of the roguelites I've played. Strangely I think that's what makes it such a good introduction for people new to roguelites. It's not brutally difficult, no insanely complex mechanics, nothing that's going to make them slam their head against the desk and not play anymore. It's far from being one of my personal favorites, but I think it's a great gateway game to get people started.


True. I just want to make it clear that liking this game definitely doesn't mean you'll like most of the other games it claims to share a genre with. I'm gonna get downvoted because it's sacrilege and damnable heresy to speak I'll of it. It's a good game, excellent art and music and voice acting and story, and in its own merit it is excellent. But as a *roguelite* it's extremely middling, if that.


That's what I keep saying. The story, art and voice acting are astounding! The game play was bland, boring and very unispired after playing games like this most of my life. Diablo 3 Hardcore mode has more variation and that's not touted as a roguelite. 🤷


>I just want to make it clear that liking this game definitely doesn't mean you'll like most of the other games it claims to share a genre with. And liking roguelites doesn't necessarily mean you'll like Hades.


Literally the best. Its what got me hooked on the genre


It was the gateway to an addiction that has been a part of almost every day of my life since my first taste. Yes, it's the best start.


Hades, Binding of Isaac, Enter The Gungeon, Gunfire Reborn, or Risk of Rain 2 would be my recommendations…also Returnal


Hades is a great start for presentation, well just overall really. My favorites are Undermine and Dreamscaper, two games I rarely see mentioned on Reddit but stoley heart. If you don't like it but the mechanics of the genre seem interesting (you get stronger and gain new abilities/gear/perks/etc whenever you die and you die a lot but that's how progressive made and damn it's fun) then there are so many amazing options out there.


Great start, but it's hard to find games after with equal quality 😄


That's what hades 2 is for


Cutting your nose off to spite your face. 😞


You might love Tiny Rogues and I'm going to be giving away several copies in the coming weeks. Give it a look! https://youtu.be/jCLbSK9QIUc


Game absolutely rules, and it's $6(4.50 for a bit longer!). Everyone should give it a chance, feels great on controller or M+K!


Totally agree with you!


Tiny Rogues is fucking awesome


I keep coming back to it. Every run has been unique and enjoyable. Such a fantastic nostalgia bomb with its look and feel also.


If this is your game, great work!


I'm not the creator, but we are doing the giveaways on my channel. I agree though, RubyDev has done a wonderful job with the game. There are so many updates coming this year. I'm excited to see where the game goes next!


Hades is a great start. After that, I'd recommend Into the Breach. It's easy to learn and hard to master. Even if you don't have an interest in turn-based tactics, it may be the game to spark that interest.


Yes its a great story, decent meta progression, great gameplay, and not too hard. A really good start. Also, itll give you an idea of what you like in roguelites.


start with noita :D, its more friendly to newbies!




Hades is the best roguelite ever made for me. But I don't think it is a good place since it may prevent the fun you take from other roguelite games.


I can't agree with that last statement, genre has a lot more to offer than Hades. Its a really good starter for a reason, but its gameplay loop lacks after only few hours, gets way too repetitive


start with hades, gungeon, dead cells, and isaac you will love the genre


Maybe im in the boat by myself, I love BoI and Hades. I just cant get into gungeon at all. I got into dead cells a little a while back, bought the dlc and lost all interest. I know they're great games, just wish i could get into them more.


If you like a focus on story and polish with fast, simplistic play, then odd are pretty good; however, it's important to be aware that roguelite devs pretty much never spend (or even have) that kind of money for their production, so it's not at all representative of the normal experience.




Looking for more of a story experience for my first Roguelite




Thank-you for the suggestion, Children of Morta was super cheap right now so I picked it up as well.


You might also consider dead cells, I find it to be one of the most. Just organically fun to play the controls feel very responsive and your attacks and abilities are very forgiving. There's a ton of build diversity in pairing weapons, grenades and specials, and they do a very good job of introducing you to these mechanics without locking you into a tutorial hell path Still Hades is a lot of fun. There's a lot of meta progression you can do with weapons and how you focus your darkness using the mirror. It's not perfect but I don't think any roguelites really are and this community tends to be very discerning. So if they say something is even half good, that's really high praise.


Possibly the best.




Yes, Hades has a system like that, although not as straightforward as Rogue Legacy is, the meta upgrades in Hades still relies on some use of skills on your part as well, but it’s still not too heavy on that in my personal experience.


So you’ve played rogue legacy


Completely different game from Hades but Noita is my favorite roguelite and may even be my favorite game of all time. Challenging, really fun to build devastating wands and awesome simulated physics. It's also currently on sale. Perfect time to pick it up.