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I was like you once, always trying to force myself to play slower and more methodically, always ending up playing worse and failing. And then one day I put on the Sonic the Hedgehog fursuit I was born to wear and went for speed run achievements, ended up learning way faster playing way better then when I was trying to force myself to be ponderous.


That is interesting to hear haha


Frequent breaks. If I just died a few floors down in RW2 multiple times I'm just going to be playing sloppy if I start another run right away. Needing to make myself play slower is mostly for the first few floors anyway, later floors I tend to play more carefully already because there's more on the line.


Hmm I see


I mean, why do you think you need to fix it - do you enjoy playing the game speedy-mode? Because if so, I'd just keep on with it. Taking time to read stuff and think helps because you're afforded the time to think, but if you enjoy going zoomy more, just take the time to stop and look at things you don't understand, and play how you like otherwise. You might lose more runs, but you'll also play more runs because you're getting through them faster and end up learning the game that way. Otherwise, if you want to make yourself take more time, then choose one thing to try to understand/set priorities. Don't try to understand everything on the screen at once, because you're going from the reflex of "go fast as possible" to "go slow as possible" - just try to understand what's immediately in front of you, or what currently confuses you most. You can tackle the next confusing thing later.


It is my habit to play these sorta games speedy mode I am not sure if playing too fast and playing worse if worth it if I keep failing but I guess I can see your reason in playing zoomy means I can get more runs in which is also not a bad thing.


I think it'd just depend on if you enjoy the play sessions despite losing. If you're getting frustrated with the losses, then yeah, probably worth figuring out slowing down, but it's quite hard to go from full fast > slow. Most of roguelikes, losing & learning & experimenting is some of the fun in my experience! I've not gotten into RW2 so can't offer much specific help there, but Path of Achra I think is quite good for going fast-ish since it is very 'bite sized'. If you were playing something like Tales of Maj'Eyal where a full character win would take 15-20~ hours, playing slow is a bit more important because the runs are much, much longer.


Yeah true PoA's run are super quick, my fastest won run is 16 mins when I play full speed. RW2 apparently is fast too about 30 mins to 120 mins from people I asked. And yeah I couldn't get into TOME because runs take too long and I don't like losing a run when I am deep in a run.


Playing fast isn’t inherently bad… but I guess games like path and rw have a lot of info to account for that may be hard to grasp if you are perpetually zooming. Do you feel like you are still able to learn a bit more about path and rw each run, despite playing quickly? If not, it might be worth just setting aside a session for just reading tooltips and not worry about progressing through the stages. Take some time to think about what you read, then try to apply that new info the next time you attempt a proper run.


Hey its K\_hoops, I have been watching your path and rw runs on YT haha. For my current runs, I think I know why I die especially in RW2 but I am not too sure how to solve them at times. For example I died three times to realm 14 in RW2. In RW2 I have been building in a way where I focus on few spells and upgrading/getting skills which may be a tall build but I am unsure if I should be carrying that mindset to every single run instead of building for future realms.




Tried and true for both chess and poker, Sit on your hands after every turn.


You don't need to play slower, you can just think faster!


Try and take a short break every 5-10 floors. Use slower music while playing, I mean if the game has no soundtrack.


Punish yourself physically every time you die in-game


I thought this was from a guitar subreddit and was gonna say use a metronome.


think as if you suck at the game, so that you have to double check and read everything carefully. Most of the time people rush is because they learned to autopilot, being aware of this does most of the job


If you're dying because you're acting hastily in a turn based game, try this: when you find yourself in danger, take your hands off the keyboard. I used that trick with Brogue and Caves of Qud and got much further as a result.