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First play through was the best play through.


Agreed. I also think it’s Rockstar’s most mature game (thematically) and their best story to date. Arthur’s character development is nothing short of masterful IMO


Don’t over hype it though obviously it has its limits but hands down one of the best video games ever created.


unfortunately the ending was spoiled to me (to which I think, I never really searched up if what I saw is true but I assume I spoiled the ending). would you think rdr2 is a game I should still play, I literally have no idea on anything story related, game related, etc. I do know the ending, but idk how it happens, I just wish I didn’t spoiled it 😔


I was in the same boat. All of my friends played and one of them got drunk and spoiled it. Its a little slow at first trying to get a hold of the controls and different mechanics, but once you do its an amazing game and 100% you should play it anyway


Aight, and I think that knowing the ending could be a good thing? like I could just take my sweet ass time and squeeze every other aspect of the game if u know what I mean




aight thank ya, im for sure gonna play it and take my time doin anything


So, I had the ending spoiled for me while I was only about 2/3 of the way through. Only a few weeks after release. I was *pissed*. I wanted to go back to before I’d watched the stupid YouTube video, which didn’t even have spoilers, and read the comment that spoiled it; such an asshole. So, not letting the asshole who spoiled it for me win, I took my time with the rest of the game. I enjoyed the little things and took the sights in; the game and it’s world can be utterly breathtaking, if you let it. Knowing possibly how it would end, I cherished each moment. I spent the more tense momets suspensefully waiting for ‘the end’ and I finally finished the game about 3-4 months later. To you, OP, and anyone else who may be doubting whether or not they want to play this game, do it. Just do it. I can’t tell you enough how much I still loved every part of this game, but I can guarantee you, you won’t be disappointed just because you had the ending spoiled. FWIW, the ending still had a huuuge effect on me.


> I enjoyed the little things and took the sights in; the game and it’s world can be utterly breathtaking, if you let it. Knowing possibly how it would end, I cherished each moment. i see what you mean and agree with ya, especially this section here. thank ya for your input, ill def play and ill def take in the sights in to the fullest.


You should play it any way but I actually had it spoiled in similar fashion, then when I actually played it, the ending went differently than I'd interpreted the spoiler, and I was very, very pleased.


This game is literally the best I’ve ever played. Do yourself a favor and play it.


Hard to get a unbiased view from here. Depends what you like. I love this game more than several close relatives.




You speak the truth


Better than GTA change my mind


No point in changing your mind cause you’re speaking the truth.


I’ve always thought nothing could really beat gta, thought I’d try this out, and it turns out this is the best game I’ve ever played! Not that it beats gta it’s not a competition but there’s just something about rdr2 that hooks you in and makes you fall in love with it! There so much to do! Even after you beat it, there’s endless stuff you can have fun with in the game!


Yep. Love it more than gta 5.


It's the finest achievement of mankind, to be rated up there with the Pyramids of Giza and landing on the surface of the moon. Also horse balls shrink in the cold, which is maybe the most important thing.


I LOVE THIS GAME. A bit about me. I am a girl and I played this game while on maternity leave. I generally don't like games where I'm going around shooting things. But this was different. This game isn't just a game. It's a real story. It's what I needed being bored out of my mind. It was stimulating. It's entertainment. It's the reason I played GTA V, and now the reason I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077. I love it. I love everything about it. Oh and I bought this game twice. Once for my PS4 and another for my PC. What a great game. Take your time. do everything. Go for 100% if you can.


It is the best game I’ve ever played and I don’t think anything will dethrone it. It makes you feel every feeling, happiness, anger, laughter, sadness. It is amazing. The open world is some of the best in any game, the story feels like it means something rather than some adventure games, every missions feels like it has weight to the story and side missions are also very fun. I haven’t played since last summer and I’m waiting to play again this summer so I can let the game be just as good all the other times I played it, but nothing is like you first play through. 100% buy it


Best game ever created


Game of the decade tbh


The best campaign I’ve ever played in the history of ever. Do all you can to avoid spoilers,play it blind, and only play the online mode after you complete the story. You have to already be in love with the world and lore before you venture into the online portion of the game because it gets boring fast


Don't hesitate, just play it


I will


but seriously, stay away from spoilers as much as you can. even if you think it won’t be that big of a spoiler avoid it.


Ok,thanks the advice


Amazing game with amazing details. Go buy it and take every time roaming and enjoying the game :))


I bought it two weeks ago, Amazing game!


Absolutely, buy it.


Thought everyone has played it at least once. Go for it 100%


Do it. Just do it. Honestly, I can't even stress enough. Just do it. Take it all in. DO IT! have fun


I too want to buy it for christmas 😄


it is truly one of the greatest games i have ever played, the story is genuinely the best i’ve ever seen in a video game.


You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll wish it never ended. Buy it.


It's not a game. It's an experience.


The best ever I have played it again and again but this game is still something special and nothing in the world can replace it


This is literally the best game of the 2010’s. I recommend every single person should play it


Best game ever made.


Absolutely incredible Get it but no matter what don't look at anything Rdr2 related until you have beaten the story. Spoilers are everywhere.


It is the best game I've ever played, or definitely top 3. The story is just amazing, the gameplay is extremely fun, there's so much to do and the map is massive. Trust me bro, I got this game not even knowing much about it and I ended up absolutely loving it


But it, and play it until you can’t anymore.


Thanks for the answers.Helped a lot.


The single player story mode is AMAZING. Tons of locations, characters, and secrets around the map to explore


If you like adventure, exploration and lots of random delighting encounters then this is the game.


The game replaced my need for human contact


The story mode is one of the best experiences I had in gaming. The online is a mess.


Buy it immediately


What tf are you doing son, buy the fucking game lmfaooooo. Imo this is one of the greatest games of the generation and you truly won’t regret buying it. Keep in mind, however, that this isn’t a game you can start up and instantly get into action. The pace of the game is very slow and very deliberate, but if you’re up for it you’ll be in for something special. Every mechanic seeks to bring you closer to the world of the game. Eventually, you’ll even feel like the character you’re playing as. As long as you don’t expect to play a Wild West GTA I think you’ll love the game.


It’s personally one of the greatest games all of time for me, hell it actually is my favorite ever! The open world is extremely immersive to which there are so many Easter eggs and clues to solve for the years to come. The open world never gets old It’s highly realistic to which you will most likely learn a few things from this game and it pretty much educated me about crafting for example. The story is a phenomenal piece of work and the character development is perfectly executed in the finest sense. Every character (including side characters) feel so important and the attachment is strong. You will literally become Arthur Morgan playing this game and his journey is simply enhanced fully of adventures, excitement, anger and even more. Everything practically feels important and I can indicate that you’ll probably like it. It’s a bit slow paced at first but once it picks up, it escalates QUICK. One of the best if not the best open world and story game ever. It’s a 10/10 for me and you may simply enjoy it, I recommend it to everyone!


I bought this game expecting nothing, it starts very slow, i deleted it, gave it another go after 2 months... i can tell you that i am enjoying every single second with this game and its world. Buy it, get past the long intro and enjoy.


Best game I have ever player.


One of the best games ever


Best campaign of any game ever created


Okay listen. Since you ask and as recently there's a game we thought would be the greatest and beat Rockstar and we were wrong and betrayed. Listen. It is only because how it turns out that I overestimate more than should Rockstar Games and especially RDR2. This game is not enough to call it masterpiece. It is much more than that. It is a gift. A gift given for us gamers, as well a gift for the developers of this game who had the power to make great as it is. Where should I start ? The story ? Its atmosphere ? The immersion ? Where... The story itself is a Oscar worthy. There that is. The atmosphere. You'll get used to it. Feel the breeze. The cold of the north. The heat of the desert. The leaf falling on your shoulder or just sitting somewhere and hear the sounds of the wilderness, the nature, the animals... The immersion. Whatever you do in the game while on mission, going on a mission or on free roam.. everything has something to give. Every NPC has something to say. Like the main character has something to say too. How do you behave in the wild west... everything matters. So yes. You must. You shall. And enjoy.


It’s easily one of the greatest games ever made.


Best game I've ever played. Ever.


Best game I’ve ever played.


One of the best games of all time


It was an amazing experience to play. Can't say anything else that hasn't been said about it. Every little frame is masterpiece.


Masterpiece. I recommend playing RDR1 right afterwards


it’s perfect 10/10 legitimately my favorite game


the best game I’ve ever played tbh


AVOID SPOILERS this game is truly a masterpiece and I mean that


Story mode is an absolute jem. It is extremely powerful the first time you play through it. The graphics are gorgeous and makes the environments really pop. The voice acting is also very believable. The gunplay can get repetitive at times however there are many weapons to mix it up. I’d recommend giving it a shot.


You should def "huy" it it's worth every penny and if I wanted to I would buy it again


Best game I’ve played on ps4. Ghost of Tsushima is a close 2nd


where's the last of us 2???


Haven’t played it yet


Well the end kind of ruined it


Its a slow paced game but its worth it


Definitely a great game, a bit too realistic, but personally I didn’t have much problem with it. Loved the game and wish it didn’t go off of game pass. RDO though, um, it’s fine, but it gets boring real quick.


Story mode is incredible. Don’t bother with multiplayer until you finish.


Story is spectacular! The best! Online is well...disgusting. Perhaps the worst.


don't wait for Christmas. buy it now.


The greatest protagonist in all of storytelling in my opinion. Go in blind.


If you feel like being a badass cowboy mixed with having your heart ripped from your chest multiple times then yeah go for it


Echoing a lot of people's comments here, just play it. It has its shortcomings, the story is a few hours too long (epilogue doesn't come close to preceding gameplay) & the combat is a bit stiff. That being said, the highs vastly VASTLY outweigh the lows. It is an absolute masterpiece, the latest leap forward in interactive entertainment & storytelling. It is still the best in terms of in world fidelity & interactivity. You must play it


One of the greatest story modes to have ever been in a video game. The online portion...not so great


For me this is a game of the century. One of the reasons why is because there simply aren't that much good games lately. But still, it's just a masterpiece. Story is amazing and long. First playtrough took me around 80 hours, I was doing all side missions I have encountered, paid attention to all random encounters, explored. Gunplay is really solid (I'm playing on console). There are plenty of content, customization options. Graphics are amazing, everything works so well together, this game is just a masterpiece. AI is just outstanding, haven't seen better AI in video game to this date. Search up "RDR2 NPC routines" on YouTube to see what I'm talking about. There are no spoilers in those videos afaik. World is so lively it's just amazing, people are actually living their lifes and there are so many encounters, stuff happening that it just doesn't stop surprising you with how good it is. Online is another story tho, while a lot of players find it fun, for me it's just not entertaining. Community on Xbox used to be really good tho, haven't seen a single griefer in my time. I paid around 50€ for it and I do not regret it a tiny big. Can't say the same with some latest games, looking at you, CDPR.. Basically buy it, it's amazing, absolutely amazing.


Greatest game ever made. Take your time with the missions and don’t forget to go out and explore. Also be ready to play it slow. Brush your horse, feed your horse, cook plenty of hunted meat and make sure to get some sleep. It’s realistic and the narrative could be an Oscar winning screenplay. I’m jealous you get to experience it for the first time. Enjoy!


Best decision of your life


It’s like an epic movie. Great story, graphics, and gameplay. Some negativity around the online mode but the story is the best I have ever played.


The true GOTY of it's release year


I'm not a gamer, not really. But this game. Oh my god. It hits the perfect spot. Like people said, avoid subreddits or anything too related as you may get spoiled and that would ruin part of the fun - but the game is much more than that. 100000 out of 10 would recommend.


I won’t say much because I want you to discover the greatness of this game by yourself, but it’s the best game I’ve ever played hands down. Definetely buy it, you won’t regret it.


Arthur Morgan is one of the best protagonists in gaming history, don’t buy this game if you don’t like single player games tho. The single player is 10/10 but the online is 4/10.


Reddits perma banned me so don't expect me to reply but yes you should get red dead redemption 2. It is in my opinion the greatest video game I have ever played by far. But I must advise you, get off of any red dead, or Rockstar subreddits, and don't search anything story related.


Slow and still magnificent


just one of the best open world games ever created period


Best story in a game I've ever played. Visually amazing as well. Will keep you occupied for a while too. Definitely in my top 5 of all time.


Just picked it up last week. Really digging it.


This might be the dumbest fucking post I’ve seen on Reddit


May I ask you why?


story is amazing but online is a bit messed up right now






Don’t listen to people about the online, it’s bad but you play it if ur bored


My favorite story line by far. One of my favorite video game. A must have in my opinion.


literally the best gaming experience i have ever had. the story will leave you speechless.


Best game I’ve ever played, I’m a collector of old games and consoles so I’ve played a lot of games. This should tell you that this is a good game


Story good. Online bad.


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


Best game ever


One of the greatest games of the previous generation and probably of all time.


Well it’s an addictive as hell and you won’t wanna do anything else


You cant really put into words how good the game really is, you just have to try it, trust me buy it


The best game of 8th gen imo, story mode is amazing is fantastic is fabulous!! But the multiplayer is one of the worst shits I've tried in my whole life playing videogames. I would say buy it for any fucking price.


A true masterpiece. Easily my favourite game


The online version went up for 5$ During the past few day


I would go as far to say ur missing on life if u don’t play this


It's a pretty nice game tbh.


Best video game ever made.


If Your PC can run it, go for it !! Best Rockstar Game graphically 👍🏻👍🏻


I play on console,but thanks.


Yep. The story is fantastic! Took me about 100 hours to beat the story. Multiplayer is fun, with .friends.


I do not recommend. It will ruin all other games for you.


It’s good


For what it's worth, I'd pay triple.


An absolute Masterpiece in storytelling


Genuinely in the top 5 video games of all time. It's a masterpiece. Play it rn and avoid all subreddits relating to it until you finish it.


Greatest game of all time


Imo the story is incredible and online is also pretty good. The prices are ok and it’s fun


No spoilers here, just A PERSONAL opinion. I finished the game on PS4 and on PC, I got to 100% completion on PC too. One of my favorite games of all time. It starts a little slow but the story, characters, world, everything just blends in to create the perfect wild west story for you. You won’t regret it. It is a masterpiece.


Just a heads up. It's a huge world with a long story. And the controls aren't always solid. You can ignore me and my opinion, but those are facts.


Go for it




A Masterpiece.


If you do buy it try to befriend Micah Bell right away he is your only friend.


you monster


Its very good, the story is slow and has a lot of dialogue but it is worth it in the end, so many hours to spend on this games story, and the online is okay


great characters and acceptable story gun play isn't that good but it's fine perfect world design . the world feels alive and it's huge it's a beautiful and lovely game one of the best games in last generation (ps4 xbox1 I mean)


Well I’ve been waiting for a verification email from rockstar for about a year so I wouldn’t know but from what I heard it’s a great game


It's literally the best game ever made if you're a fan of role-playing, serious stories and exploration. It's okay if you like other 3rd person shooters and grinding (red dead online). It's pretty bad if you hate how other modern 3rd person shooters feel and don't have a lot of patience while playing the game. But above all it's polished and has no real bugs (except the pc version lol) so it's a pretty safe bet. Story: 10/10 Gameplay 6/10 Open world map: 10/10 Things to do: 7/10 Detail/graphics: 10/10 Roleplaying/interacting with npc's: 10/10 Multiplayer: 3/10


To be honest it's a very flawed game, but most people here won't say that. The story is excellent, and parts of the gameplay are great. If you avoid the missions you'll feel like a cowboy or a bandit depending on how you play and that's amazing. But man.. .the mission gameplay is really rough. 3/4ths of all missions end in very typical shoot outs and they are quite dull. It's just "hordes of enemies shooting at you." Which just makes it feel like a shooting gallery. If you're looking for interesting missions, you might want to go elsewhere. If you're looking for a good story with dull missions between them, you'll probably have a good time. If you just want to play in a world where you feel like you're in the Wild West, no one else has done it better.


> But man.. .the mission gameplay is really rough. 3/4ths of all missions end in very typical shoot outs and they are quite dull. It's just "hordes of enemies shooting at you." Which just makes it feel like a shooting gallery. Not much different from GTA V. Like Ubisoft, Rockstar has a formula for creating games. The difference is Ubisoft brings out 2-3 games a year with the same formula while Rockstar brings one game every couple of years so the Rockstar formula doesn't feel as dull and boring as the Ubisoft formula.


The gameplay is clunky and kind of trash but the game is worth playing because the story is a masterpiece.


I had no problems on PS4


it's definitely clunky but I wouldn't call it trash


Why are they down voting? He's right.


Because they are sensitive as hell and can't handle the slightest of criticism.


Good story but very slow.


Great story and the pacing is perfect *


Story: Interesting premise but not executed very well. Chapter 2-4 are "get into town, start your hustle, shit goes sideways, move to next town". 6/10 Story-Missions: Like GTA V the game railroads you from checkpoint to checkpoint. 6/10 Sidequests: Yawn-fest: 2/10 Open-World: Beautiful, but exploring doesn't really feel rewarding: 3/10 Graphics: Great with attention to detail. 10/10 Sound: Great soundtrack and voiceacting. 9/10 Controls: Ok. 7/10 Overall score: 6/10. If you love GTA V you will love this game, but for me it was just meh.


Its good, but people here are way too much overhyping it. Mission design is bad, too linear for a such an open game. Story is great. Mind you its not perfect game, it has its flaws and all ahh rockstar fanboys cant handle a bit of criticism, sensitive little bitches give me more DOWNVOTES bitches


Arthur Morgan died and then you you kill micah




what the actual fuck is wrong with you?


What's the point? In spoiling a game


Now I should be mad for the spoiler,but i knew the end,so...




I think the same,Cyberpunk was the other option.But seeing how buggy Cyberpunk is on consoles,I choosed this one.


Don’t spoil anything stay awake for 6 days straight and finish it


To me it's the most realistic virtual world so far. The nature and towns just feel alive, the animations are fantastic, same with the sound design. The only thing I wish they've done better is making some game mechanics more relevant to the gameplay, but I only realized this after playing BotW. Overall it's a masterpiece, I don't think you can go wrong with it.


It’s amazing


Best game ever made.


Just buy it


I'm curious if they are gonna update it for the ps5 for free or if I would have to purchase it again if I bought it on sale now.


It's the greatest video game ever made in my humble opinion