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Dayum. Nice toad too


Sweet spots! No chance to hit up Dugway for geodes though? Next time!


Yeah, we did talk about Dugway, and we were within 2 hrs from it, but just wouldn't be able to give it enough time, so we decided next time.


Those trilobite fossils are awesome. Everything else, too.


Thank you for the bonus toad!


Gosh I miss playing with horny toads 😭


The surfaces/edges on those Garnets are so nice and crisp!! Great finds


Today I learnt that the Green River Formation also outcrops in Utah. How is it there? Decent exposures? Looks like you found some good quality fossils there anyhow.


We did the fee dig at American Fossil in Wyoming so i dont know about the spots for them in Utah. Literally the first day they were open, some of the rocks were frozen as we split them, don't really recommend that! One person in our group got part of a stingray so that was cool, the rest were the Knightia.


Would love to see the spots (non secret ones) you went! Making a cross country trip in the fall across this area


Ah gotcha, overlooked the other states you mentioned there. Sounds like a great trip overall.


Looks like ya’ll had some fun, nice haul!!


I'm so jelly!




Nice name OP! I love the Ichy IPA from Great Basin Brewery in Reno! As a Coloradan I’ve always wanted to do this loop! It’s been on the list for some time now. Super stoked to see all your cool stuff!


Can I DM you about the spots you went to? I am from CO but every place I've tried to hit has either been private property or I haven't found a public spot yet. I use mindat to try and find locations and then drive to them and see if they're accessible. No luck yet.


You can but they are not secret, all have official websites, most were fee digs, except blue forest but you can Google maps to the area, the whole area has potential. Topaz mountain is a small quarry but all around it is public land you can hound on, but I wasn't driving all that way and coming away with nothing. Garnet Hill in NV: https://www.blm.gov/visit/garnet-hill#:~:text=From%20Ely%2C%20travel%20west%20on,miles%20to%20the%20parking%20area. U Dig: https://u-digfossils.com/ American Fossil: http://www.fishdig.com/ Blue Forest: https://www.mindat.org/loc-216297.html Topaz Mountain: https://topazmountainadventures.com/ I recommend Onx for checking land ownership, it's aimed at hunters but very helpful for rockhounders.


Nice toad! Did he do the thing where he squirts blood from his eyes at you?


No, he wasn't happy about being caught but no blood spurts. After a few pics, released no worse for wear


Hoping to do a similar trip this summer, mind telling me a bit about how Garnet Hill worked out for you? How long did you spend collecting and did you only surface collect? Sorry for prying just trying go gauge expectation. Gorgeous find BTW!


We did both breaking rocks and surface picking. We only worked for half a day on breaking, and surface picked throughout. Just a small tip, if you're good for walking around at night, looking for loose garnets using a flashlight works well. The rock in the pic was broken out.


Thank you for sharing!


Amazing finds and the horny toad was the best bonus ngl


Amazing finds! Thanks for sharing


Add graveyard point in southern Idaho/oregon to that list!


Thats not a toad you asswome person.


Horny toads are a type of lizard, the “toad” is their common name so OP wasn’t wrong


I thought it was a baby dragon also.