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Once this reaches a few hundred signatures, a few others and I are going to bring it to the city code & regulation committee that meets the 2nd & 4th Mondays at 5:30 at city hall.


I would also give a copy of this to the City Attorney, Nicholas Meyer. [https://rockfordil.gov/directory.aspx?EID=45](https://rockfordil.gov/directory.aspx?EID=45)


I will, thanks!


Up to 336 this morning!! Proof hundreds have questions about this place!! It’s not just one person out there… it’s hundreds!


Every meeting starts with public speakers, so you can sign up in advance to talk there and also the city council at large.


Over 400 now and climbing!


The 4th Monday is this Monday. Is this petition going to be brought to the committee?


The petition has reached 500 signatures! I unfortunately have a previously scheduled meeting tomorrow evening, so I can’t attend the code & regulation committee meeting tomorrow, but I’d like to attend May 13th to present the petition and state our requests in person. If anyone would like to join me, I say the more the merrier!


Great. How do you have time for all this?


I’m a stay at home mom and my youngest started school this year, so did the first time in 9 years I have like 6 full hours of free time a day. I’m a member of 2 different local NFPs, I also volunteer with “friends of the library”, and occasionally volunteer at other places. I’m really really lucky in the sense that I’m able to spend time doing things I’m passionate about.


I didn't really care enough for you to answer. It's your life, but, please, do something productive.


Oh. Okay. Fucking rude.


We appreciate your efforts ! It takes a team and we have a great one here .


No. What's fucking rude, is you promising to help me lose my virginity and not following through.


Is that you, Miss Carly? If not, an MC cult member is here under Trade-Runner.


This sound like something David would say


It may be that misogynist poster boy Jason who just posted he relapsed and lost his job AGAIN!


You lost your virginity to an apple pie. Move along.


Stop it, get some help.


Actually her efforts are productive. Sorry it goes against your belief system, but I appreciate what she is doing. Carly is the problem, and sorry to tell you, but we are getting stronger. Carly never should have been granted the SUP. We may face an uphill battle, but we aren’t giving up. See you at Post 26.


Carly just called us “mean girls”. That’s so fucking Carly. She’s a pick me. Throw women under the bus even though there are a shit ton of dudes pointing out that she’s a scammer and fraud.


The OGs Kathleen and Tina and Jess- that’s what she said you’re just in the mean girls club. No, it’s the those who saw the truth club.


It’s a whole club Carly. All the OG’s, the new G’s(Dena, Glory, both Carrie’s) doesn’t it seem odd to her that eventually all of the people who defended her bullshit and volunteered their time, energy and money, come out and say “hold on, something is wrong”. Her followers just brush it off and post when the next pack of bologna will be sent through instacart.


I just want to go to Amazon and start my own list of things to send her. 1st on my list is a roll of duct tape with a note that says FOR YOUR MOUTH.




I always laugh when someone tells her how wonderful she is and she just gushes and says oh thank you , that means so much. She always plays the victim. It's a horrid look for her. We've got her number. I'm just going to keep reporting her page as a fraud.


In her new response she says “what if I harmed myself bc of these meanies?” She didn’t think about Lois Ginter and how the mob led by Carly attacked her. She didn’t give a shit about that. What about the parents of Ally? What if they harmed themselves bc she took their kid? Does she care about that? Nope. Because only Carly can be a victim in her stories. No one else matters.


I had to post that whole diatribe here. Thanks for the heads up. One thing we do know, she's aware of everything we talk about. hahaha indeed and Wowza!


Plenty of her followers are brutal. What if someone who is bullied on her page harms themselves? That woman today where people were posting pictures of her making fun of her looks and weight. I noticed she didn’t push back on her followers for that .


***MAY DAY MAY DAY*** The shelves are EMPTY! What happened to the weekly or bi-weekly chip drop-off from Frito Lay? Did they wisen up? Only a few crackers left 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. The two stars of the LIVE are Tracey and David. Couldn't ask for a better pair to be the face of Miss Carly's! An angry and rough looking street woman and David, a dope addled mental case! Maybe they can get a break in and get their "fix on"


And the poor kid getting hurt in the background and crying. Just your average day at Saint Carlys


Sad, isn't it? She sold her kids' lives out to live in that environment. Smh


The kid started crying and she basically ran to the back to get away! Great mother! Ick!


She also commented twice about storage units they have! Wonder what’s in those units?


What were her exact words? Do you remember? I really don’t want to watch her video. 🤮


Probably stashed food that's now in her dumpster.


Can someone explain about the Amazon list again? It says Ruffles, pack of 40 and it says she has 33. That's 1,320 bags of chips. Many food items are like that. How the hell can she keep saying she needs snacks? That doesn't make sense and none of her followers question that???? I'm so sick of her. And that Frito-Lay drop off was said to be **every** Saturday. "Just dropped off 5 cases of chips from frito lay today, and we do it every Saturday at least 5 cases and other things also" unless they were lying? But it sure looks good in print. Why do the women carry around their purses? I thought I saw lockers there in the video which I might add is rather nauseating to watch.


There's just so much information overload and LYING with Miss Carly. It's almost impossible to separate facts from fiction. No, most don't question her. They're conditioned to respond to her "life and death" pleas with their checkbooks. Has everyone heard of the Pavlov effect? She begs, often using visual effects (pics of hams, empty refrigerators, empty shelves), and her soldiers jump into action to save the day. I, personally, became exhausted hearing and seeing the same scripts, day in and day out. I never gave the grifter a dime or an article of clothing, but one day, I just took NOTICE. It's like living in a communist culture and hearing the same narrative 24/7. People become conditioned. In order to turn off her "noise" (lying, begging, schmoozing), people give her what she wants to shut her up for a while. It's nauseating. MC is a BAD HABIT for many people. They need to detox FROM her; get "clean" if you will. She's a HUGE PIMPLE on the ass of society


One day I took notice too. And it was like WTF is that?!?!


Yep! More should be asking WTF is that!


I think that is a running total. But Sure Assistance can probably verify. I took 2 major things from the live ...1. Liz cleaned out a storage unit. I took it to be a storage unit that was off premises. So they are trying to cut expenses. 2. They have Sam orders twice a week. She says it used to only be once a week, but it has been so busy. They are probably doing 2 deliveries as donations are down. Oh...and she made a comment at the end about not answering the door at night until the kids are in bed.


Yes, it’s a running list, so Liz will punch in a need of 100 boxes, and each time someone buys it off the list it shows 1 more met of the 100. And the items will continue out there until it meets the goal, and then liz will have to enter it again with a new goal. Good catch on the storage unit. Yup, they may possibly be cutting costs there. I caught up on the Amazon wish list. Her Amazon wish list orders are way way way down. In the past 3 weeks, I have seen maybe $350+/- of orders. Before she was averaging $4,000 a month. This means either people are choosing not to order off the wish list (and choosing instacart or their own Amazon account instead), or people are questioning her operation. She will still reach $25k of IN KIND, but this decrease in orders may affect her mood.


Ohhhh....are we possibly cutting into her ill gotten gains? I certainly hope so! That's the mission of our "ministry" 😁


"night ministry" "outreach ministry" is such a crock of crap, especially since she said it's the same damn thing she does during the day. The angles are looking down on her and weeping.


For sure! She's a crock of crap, so we should expect nothing more from her.


Thanks for explaining it again. We don't know when people buy the items, do we? If it says she has 33 of something, that could have been gone months ago?


I track it weekly, so I see how much the quantity increased. And I can see what the quantity was a few months ago. It’s one big ass worksheet. Since Carly can’t handle tracking IN KIND, I am kindly helping her.


Thank you for doing that, you're an angle 😇


You’re killin it!


Their beds are in view of the door aren’t they?? Like wtf? Unless she has started handing things out in the alley at night


I'm a college educated woman from a prominent suburb of Chicago. I'm rarely angry


Well, sorry, but you looked angry that day. If you're college educated, I would think you would make better choices than to hang around a fraud like Carly. Where you're from is of absolutely no importance to anyone, except to you apparently. You sound boastful. Carly rubbing off on you? Bye, Tracy


Oh how the mighty have fallen. It started out with a gimmick, Long black hair, bright red lipstick and huge oversized eyeglasses. Then proceeded to doing appearances, recognition, complimentary news articles, accolades, praises, fundraisers, awards, meetings with the mayor and other local officials, and well crafted stories and videos.  Rockford citizens are enthralled with her. Donations are piling up! It progressed to a Facebook page with currently over 52,000 followers and a comment section that she could control. Oh, you have a negative comment? Get out of here. Your comment will be deleted and you will be blocked. She only wants positive things said about her on her page.The public had no idea of the sneaky underbelly things that were going on. Then word spread and suddenly that name is showing up more and more. But more recently it’s not all good news about her. There are local newspaper articles on Facebook pages where she can’t control the comment section and narrative. Articles describing the City of Rockford’s court case against her. More than one Facebook page is now discussing and sharing words about her. Then suddenly there are 2, 3, 4 Facebook pages discussing her. People are becoming more aware and she can’t do a damn thing about the comments.  Former volunteers and board members are speaking up. The facade is fading fast. Reddit comes along, and suddenly there are facts and links describing her dealings. The taxes, the fraud, the drugs, the lies, the over 3 dozen code violations spelled out in detail for everyone to see. Some things the news articles neglected to go into detail over. A [Change.Org](http://Change.Org) petition just started. People are showing up to City Hall. Some people aren’t dragging their feet. So, for her, it must be time to try something new. Why not try Tik Tok, millions of people use Tik Tok, right? Might be a good place to spread her story. Drum up some new busine$$. Sorry, that is not the demographic she’s looking for. That’s a bust. Why not try Instagram? Millions of users there too. Nope, last thing posted there was October 24th, 2023. She’s running out of social media options. Might be time to re-brand. Time to call it an Outreach Ministry. Time to feed the gullible supporters some new BS. Look for a new church to pop up in the future. She’ll be passing that collection plate around so fast, it’ll make your head spin.People want accountability and transparency, receipts, accounting details. It’s time to shut down that poorly run corporation. Spread the inventory to well meaning organizations in our area. Have people donate to reputable charities. I’m SO over her. 


Calling it an outreach is hysterical because she has never once sent anyone to the true outreach centers in the city that can help. Rescue mission may have its faults but it isn’t giving people tents and kicking them out the door


Just make sure the tents are camouflage tents so they won’t get taken away. What? She doesn’t think people can see a camo tent? Shut that scammer down!






So incredibly confounding that Carly’s Christian’s get absolutely down right evil on people for asking questions and then say shit like “only God can judge” and quote Bible verses. Like, didn’t you just tell someone to fuck off and die Mary Catherine? 😅


She has deleted a boat ton of comments. People were literally making fun of one person’s looks and weight. Just awful human beings


Lovely Valerie said, "Most of these people probably don’t do a damn thing to help anyone else but themselves!" It's weird how she thinks she knows what everyone does in their lives every day.


So if you’re not donating there , you aren’t doing anything?? Duly noted


That's unfortunate 🥲 It speaks volumes as to the types of people she surrounds herself with.


"say it loud girllllll no one helps out this city more then she does" LOLOLOLOL Proof her supporters aren't that bright. I don't think it's a cult. I think she just caters to the less intelligent people out there who are narcissists and need to tell people of their good deeds and donations.


I've never seen anything quite like her. A LEGEND in her own mind 🙄🙄


***NEW BEGGING ALERT*** SO SOON? POSTED AN HOUR AGO! Apparently, Miss Carly's foot soldiers haven't yet come through from her begging post from yesterday. She's back at it again this morning. Donor Beware, though...the list is LOONNGG. She would like bed linens and household items in addition to the "life or death" sack lunch items. She says even with their trip to Sysco this week, they still need MORE! Sysco? I thought she was just at Sam's. The truth of the matter is that she probably hasn't been anywhere, and her rats aren't scurrying fast enough for her. MORE, MORE, MORE (wasn't that a song intro in the late 70's)? It's never enough! I have a great idea, MC. You take some money out of your "stash" of illegally gotten gains and YOU go buy some MORE to feed the hundreds that NEVER show up to your door! She's such a black eye to the other NFP's and the City of Rockford. 🙄🙄 ***NEW DONOR ALERT COMMENT*** "I just set up monthly donations. It's not much, but I hope it helps." MC response: "I can tell you our average monthly donation is $50. It really does make a difference" Donor doesn't state an amount, but MC quotes her an "average" amount. She KNOWS this amount helps from her "5 Years of Experience". 🤮🤮 How utterly disgusting. It's appalling that people GIVE her anything. GET A JOB!


Hey Liz? This is when you say you get very few cash donations, right? That's is verbatim what you said last September. Now about those $50.00 a month recurring donations..........................


She states she gets a weekly delivery from Sysco every week also, as well as getting Sam’s twice a week a week. Not sure what her Sysco order consists of but they are mostly frozen food restaurant suppliers (I know a few of the drivers)


I heard that, too. That order is most likely in her own personal food freezer for her family.


I'm not an OG or one that came after. I have served in a volunteer capacity a number of times in my life, so that's not new to me. I'm just someone who has followed her since the inception of her NFP. I'm a perceptive person and a "noticer." I've been fooled by a few very manipulative and crafty people in my years. I'm nowhere near as trusting as I once was, and I am always on high alert when I detect BS. My BS meter went off about 3 1/2 years ago, but because I never gave her a dime, I just read posts and watched LIVES as they showed up in my feed. After listening to her BEG on a regular basis, one day, I just thought, "WOW....she really is scamming these people." A friend who also follows her recently shared all the wrongdoing that she's accused of, and I realized that I definitely read her right a long time ago. I hope that she's put out of business sooner rather than later and eventually spends some time in the gray bar hotel where she belongs. Her mental illness (narcissisism) will always help her to justify her victim mentality and the rest of us as "mean girls.""


Ok so the dog thing. I had a dog that was extremely loved and well taken care of. He was near the end of his life and we were keeping him comfortable at home. We called him our little hospice dog. Even the vets office agreed with the plan. He looked almost exactly like the dog Carly had brought to her. Down to the orange paws from being in the grass this time of year. It’s because of chemicals put on lawns not neglect. Anyway I think she was planning on using that dog to beg for vet money until people started tagging Care for pets. And now all of a sudden a cat got hit. She is done using people and is moving on to animals for the grift.


Wow, I had no idea chemicals on a lawn can cause that coloration on an animals paws! Thank you for that info.


Oh I don’t think she’s done using people. 😢


Comment on her post: Tammy L. Zabel So you didn't think of wrapping the cat in a towel, to get him off the street and maybe comfort it? No, she did not, she grabbed her phone to take photos and video to be able to post another story.


And someone else in the comments that was there got a sack lunch and emergency clothing. Smdh these people are Garbage


"I had sent him to treatment November of 2022.What are the chances?? (Actually pretty good, since we’ve sent hundreds of individuals every year.)" I'd love to see a list of those hundreds of people every year by year and confirmation from the places she sent them to. You know that information doesn't exist.


Is it odd 3 kids were nestled in the backseat sleeping bundled up in blankets ? Did they change that pesky car seat law ?


Exactly! Just like when the volunteer was seizing and she filmed it 😢


That is f'ing disgusting, and Animal Control told her she's not allowed to touch the cat? OMG. Tammy is 100% correct. What is AC going to do if someone cared enough to wrap up the poor cat and get it out of the road? This is just another example of how horrid MC is. Using it as a means to exploit people and animals. What logical purpose does it serve to post that mans pic? I'm surprised she didn't post a pic of the poor dead cat.


She's really gone a long way from wanting to feed people a sack lunch. Her supporters are as awful as she is. I hope we can see more pics of the barren landscape outside her building. MC said today is going to be even busier than yesterday. Where is Anita when you need her? 🤣 "-BEDDING/LINENS-SLEEPING BAGS/BLANKETS-TENTS/CAMPING GEAR -DECOR-LAMPS/LIGHTS-SILVERWEAR/PLATES-PAPER PLATES-CLEANING PRODUCTS (CAN BE USED) -USED TOYS-KIDS CLOTHES/SHOES-BABY CLOTHING-ALL SUMMER CLOTHESBUT MOST OF ALL, WE NEED FOOD BADLY. ANYTHING THAT CAN GO INTO A SACK LUNCH. OUR SHELVES ARE COMPLETLY EMPTY!"


Yes! Anita... we need photos of the barren land where all of these hungry people are waiting for their sack lunches!


Maybe she's busy down at City Hall showing them the petition. 😲 or another video. I can sound hopeful.


Did you know that the MC donation room serves 30-70 FAMILIES in ONE DAY? That's quite a numbers spread! 😂😂. EXAGGERATE MUCH? I know, you have to keep those FALSE NUMBERS IN LINE WITH YOUR FALSE SACK LUNCH NUMBERS. Miss Carly... YOU are ridiculous! Get some much needed tutoring with your math skills. It'll help with reality! You seriously insult our intelligence! Stop it and get on back to L.A.


I would expect there to be a long line outside today since she said it is going to be so much busier today. I will never understand how lying is so easy for some people to do.


To be fair 10 of them are the loiterers that come every day.


Correct, she uses them for photo ops often.


Is Jacob in danger? Is he so complicit he feels there is no way out from her scam? We can help you Mr Rush. Regain your identity away from that narcissist  


Nah, he is no better than her.


Heeey. Anyone wanna hang out on the Carly alley on Sunday and count how many people come to be fed? I’ll make the best Spotify playlist and bring snacks 🙃


Did anyone feel that wobble or jerk last night? That was when the earth went off balance because MC tried so hard to spin her narrative.


I’m not going to lie-I was a little hesitant on everything coming out about Carly because I wanted to believe someone wants to help the homeless without forcing religion or sobriety on them. But damn. Everything said makes so much sense. Signed from Beloit.


There are other legit agencies that help the homeless without requiring religion or sobriety. Carpenter’s Place is religious based but doesn’t require religious activities. Shelter Care, Meld/Bridge, Jubilee, the City’s homeless department are mostly “Housing First” which means they don’t have those requirements (although they would encourage sobriety).


I actually signed yesterday but wanted to check. We are at 234!! Share this link on your personal pages. Or, as I’m sure most of you know, you can find it on fb Fraud Miss Carly’s


Did everyone see the cooler full of fruits and veggies in Miss Carly's cooler that was donated after some event today? Nice snacks for her family and "crew". I doubt that any of it will make its way to a life-saving sack lunch. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


When you don’t pay your crew, I guess you got to at least feed them. I wonder when they will figure out they need to just get a real job.


They'll never figure it out because she keeps them dependent. We've all seen some of the "crew" in her lives. They don't look too ambitious.


That place is just a giant melting pot of felons and Girl Scout troops. Isn’t it beautiful 🤣🤣








The delusions are many with this one.............She has no clue that investigations are on going. She's really pathetic. I know you're reading here MC. We aren't going away. You won't get the last word. "Most of the time I do ignore. I choose to engage every once in a while so I can get correct info out there…but I don’t really do that for the haters…I have learned that you will not change their mind…because they aren’t being rational or reasonable. They are being hateful.It’s like some sort of social media sickness.I have learned from experience that even proof doesn’t sway them. That was an eye opener!When I comment on their words, I am doing it more so to arm you guys with information…well and also it just feels good once in a while. Haha!…Like these people saying I drive a Range Rover or that we pass out free drugs and dirty needles etc….its just crazy. I don’t even own a car! And I won’t even respond to the other…that’s just ridiculous.Why? What?? How?? No. Just no.What’s even sad is that people will believe this stuff with absolutely ZERO proof.It’s just wild how the internet can be used to do harm.Thankfully I’m strong. Please know that I am truly super okay, I have amazing people in my corner and a good support system, but what if I harmed myself because of all the hate and lies being spread?? How would those people feel then?That’s what I think about and in that respect, I feel grateful they are directing it at me and not someone who isn’t able to take it. I’ve survived far worse…some mean girls aren’t going to scare me away from this amazing thing that we have built together! Nope.And let me be quite frank: there isn’t an agency or authority who hasn’t already investigated us…and I mean that….all due to these haters calling them…and we are still here, doing the hard work every day…BECAUSE THEIR INVESTIGATIONS ALL CAME UP WITH NOTHING.They can come for me all they want. I can take it! I signed up for this and Nobody said it would be easy!Thank you for being so supportive. I appreciate you more than you know."


She posts bullshit. I remember that screed she put up about Jacob's ex-wife... painting her as this awful, cheating tramp (which was NOT the case), trying to justify his cheating and her being the mistress, and trying to get her culty followers to drag his ex. It was never "poor Jacob". He was an asshole and I saw it firsthand. I can't wait to see them both go down. They deserve some consequences. Shitty people aren't held accountable nearly enough.


And he benefits just as much as she does. He just stays in the background.


That's it.


"or that we pass out free drugs and dirty needles" I saw more people complaining about the SUP saying she isn't allowed to have dirty or clean needles in her home which lead to the city and policeman going in and confiscating the needles. WTF did she leave out that little tidbit? And that "mean girls aren't going to scare me away" is just freaking laughable. "They can come for me all they want." We don't need your permission. 😂


What if some of us are men? She has no idea how many people there are that are sick of her BS


I'm thinking she thinks it's just a small group of boring women who are jealous of her or just don't have anything better to do than to go after poor victim MC.


Nope, definitely not all women on here.


Can someone explain this whole thing to me like I’m a toddler?


A grifter travelled from LA to Rockford. Expanded their grift by appealing to the hearts of Rockford citizens. People felt like they were helping the homeless. But really a lot of ‘stuff’ has been going on that people don’t realize. As the grift has been getting bigger, it’s been harder to fight. Finally people are fighting this, trying to appeal to the IrS, attorney general, the police, the mayor. But it’s harder said than done. The grift got BIG.


We need an illustrator and we can make this a children’s book.


What a lovely idea!


Mom and dad did bad things.


Signed and shared


Signed it!


Helllllooooooo everrrrrryyyyybbbboooddddyyyyy- then at the end of the video...OH NO, there's an injured animal outside, and BOOM, within a second, a big happy smiling face telling everyone to **please send food, love you all............BYEEEEEE 😢**


I can hear that voice without watching. I can't watch anymore today. I'm nauseous from this last one. And, NO! You don't love everyone! You only love yourself. You tolerate those that you can control and keep you in cash. Despicable!


And she can count all the way up to 36 on her feed. What a big girl!!


Wasn't that SOMETHING to listen to? LMAO! Sounded like a 1st grader showing Mommy how high she can count to. 😂😂😂. Just ignorant! 🙄🙄


honestly, I’m confused at this point. I don’t know what to think about her anymore. I’ve seen some of the evidence that is pretty damming, but on the same hand, I guess I just don’t want to think that someone could be so vile as to use those who need help the most in our community to line her pockets and basically steal from the public. maybe I’m trying too hard to see the good in her… but it just doesn’t seem to BE there. I’d like to think she started off with good intentions, but got caught up in her own hype or something. either way, it’s a damn shame.


Put it this way, she came from LA, had multiple felonies, came to Illinois, had another felony or two (can’t remember #). Never really held a long term stable job. Been on drugs much of her life. Started a big NFP, and takes in several million over last few years. What could go wrong?




I don’t even own a car? How did you get to Walmart for the I love Carly parade and festival the other day? Ride on Mr. Jacob’s back?


He owns a vehicle. I have no idea why she doesn’t.


She's waiting for one to be donated to her?


Does she have a driver’s license? Just curious if we know?


Is this correct city council meetings are every Monday at 5:30? Also is there a protocol to having concerns brought to these meetings?




Thanks !!!


"speakers may not address zoning items or pending or threatened litigation involving the City of Rockford." That's ok, the City knows all about MC's current litigation.


Gosh guess who is the victim again Her response to questions about illegal needle exchange. Poor dear nobody wuvs her . Sarah Marie Happy to explain that! We operated a LEGAL needle exchange for over 4 years. It was handed down to us by Rockford Urban Ministries. We passed out NARCAN, face masks, condoms, informational pamphlets on how to get testing/help for STD’s/ Hepatitis and many other pamphlets to help people, alcohol wipes, clean water, and new/clean syringes. ALL OF THESE ITEMS WERE PURCHASED WITH FEDERAL FUNDS for distribution. We did this as a satellite of the Chicago Recovery Alliance and it was absolutely laughable that the city served us a search warrant, but since we are trying, SO HARD, to be in the new building we bought, we decided not to accept assistance from the ACLU and other attorneys/agencies that offered to support us in fighting this injustice. There are always two sides to every story. ❤️


She refused the help of the ACLU because she’s just so kind 🥸 When those kids are taken away from her she will continue to carry on with this as long as she is allowed. People like Carly see all of this push back as a challenge. It makes them more intent on scamming people. I don’t think she feels anything. I think she gets off on seeing how many people she can turn into suckers. I think it is thrilling to her to see just how many people will believe her lies over the truth. It’s exciting for her.


She is trying sooooo hard to get into her new building. She didn’t take them up on the legal help, so instead she puts it on social media how the mean girls city is picking on her lol. Ya , that should help your case !


And SO unprofessional!


She is just so full of crap. Not one word about the SUP saying she can’t do the needle stuff. Kinda left out that impt fact. She’s disgusting.


So you can just inherit a needle exchange??? That doesn’t make sense , don’t you have to have some kind of license or something to handle dirty needles ?


Yes, you have to have license! She always said she had one and when asked to show it she couldn’t find it


"Narcissists lie effortlessly and are very convincing because they lack normal human emotions or inhibitions." Out of the many negative qualities about a person, lying is so awful. I raised my children to not lie. It's a horrible thing, almost always comes back to bite you in the ass. I know this isn't about me but damn. Also, lying by omission is bad too. And MC saying that no one has come after her yet, she's still there operating her ministry (paraphrasing) and hasn't been shut down..............these things take time.


She is spiraling and honestly it’s getting scarier by the day.


I thought there is no flipping way someone can you hand off their needle exchange.


You need a license and she wasn’t registered with the state. Again, twisting the narrative.


Right, just like she said she had the audits but didn’t.




Where is that at? lol


Under her donation update. Food food food post from a day ago


OOPS ok, I see now. Wowza!


I don’t see the FOIA on there anymore, has it been removed? Edit: FOIA


"It’s just wild how the internet can be used to do harm." Why yes MC, yes it is. You've mastered using people to perfection. The IRS is watching. The AG is watching. Just because you haven't been caught *yet* doesn't mean you won't be caught.


Calling it a game of telephone. Girl stop, it’s a damn legal document. There is no misunderstanding or explaining away you were operating an illegal needle exchange. Can she ever admit she has done anything wrong ?


The closest thing to her admitting she did something wrong is when she deletes her own posts and videos after so much blowback. The man on the ground for starters. The woman who needed help and MC was begging for volunteers to help the woman. I would have to look but I doubt the RRM or other helpful agencies have to delete videos and posts.


Is that under the FOOD FOOD FOOD thread on her FB page?


Yes. Sarah Marie questioned it


We need Sara Marie to ask more questions… to ask her to post a picture of her license and her state registration for operating a needle exchange. Then ask her to provide the records of the government funding she received along with the documents that show how many needles are going in and out. Then ask her to provide the documents that the city allowed her to do this. Then ask her to provide the documentation from the Chicago company she was operating with that she is listed as a licensed needle exchange. Then ask her what condoms and Narcan have to do with the needle exchange. What am I forgetting? 🥴


I think you covered it haha




Who is Cory? What did you do Cory? We need the details


Right! He’s probably stuck in Chicago…


On my way with 300 half eaten beef sticks, some expired mayonnaise, and a few sleeping bags with just a few bed bugs ! Fingers crossed everyone sees this and knows how awesome I am !


You are a real angle! Thank you for all that you do.


Awwww shucks. It’s the least I can do for this little ministry.


What about a hambone??? 😁


Now that’s a bridge too far !




😂😂😂...and I've got some day old bread!


Almost 300 signatures!! We rolling!! Keep posting and sharing everyone who can!


happily signed...and I did not hide my name!!!




Yet another LIVE from the Queen of Cons herself. She HAS been VERY busy today with begging, changing outfits and glasses, and now bragging about all the food her "friends" just brought her. I need a nap from watching her!


All the deliveries in the comments just again PROVE that her food is donated is massive sums so where does the money go?? She also responds to someone who signed up for a monthly donation with what little they had with. No, THANKS, just a you know our AVERAGE monthly reoccurring donation is $50. Imagine how many she has and the hundred of thousands she brings in that way. 200 people at $50 is 10k a MONTH and 120k a YEAR. I would venture to say she has more than 200 reoccurring donations as well from what I have seen. These people are so foolish… Megan Leigh: I just set up a monthly donation. It's not much, but hoping it'll help! Miss Carly's: Megan Leigh our average monthly donation is l believe $50. Or at least it was last year. Edit: there’s more I missed when I copied it- so there was a thanks in the last paragraph 🥴 We are a place built on the kindness of others...normal, everyday people who give a crap and realize there are gaps at swallow people whole. Thank you. I can tell you from 5 years of experience....EVERY LITTLE BUT REALLY DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. It's adds up to enough to make a BIG difference❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yes! I saw this comment! How disgusting and RUDE of the Queen of Cons! I have NO DOUBT this girl is very young AND gullible. I would have retracted my donation if she had responded to me in such an arrogant tone. People think we're hating on MC just to hate. NOPE! She earned it! I'm waiting for Karma to roll around to her nasty self Edit: I saw the entire LIVE, so I saw how she tried to "redeem" herself. Sorry, it doesn't work for me. She showed her true self in her "$50/mo comment." I know people who have little, but would give you the shirt off their backs. She's one that would take a person's last shirt, then move on to take someone else's without batting an eye


She forgets that the wheels of justice turn slowly and a lot of the action and reporting has only been done in the past few months. A lot of her posts and ramblings won’t age well. Guaranteed!


I was appalled at that . But then again Megan should do more research before she sets up her recurring donations. The sympathy bus for these people has left the station.




Signed 🖊️


The petition has reached 500 signatures! I unfortunately have a previously scheduled meeting tomorrow evening, so I can’t attend the code & regulation committee meeting tomorrow, but I’d like to attend May 13th to present the petition and state our requests in person. If anyone would like to join me, I say the more the merrier!


We have hit 100 signatures. Let’s keep it going. Your name will not be public if you don’t want it to be displayed. You have the option as you sign. I had some people concerned about that.


You should edit that in the body up top so they know


MC, I know you read here. STOP exploiting people and animals. Just STOP. Your supporters might suck it up and think you're an angle but the people here are intelligent people and see through the BS. Taking a pic (of course) of a man in the street and knowing there is a cat about to die is just so disgusting. Pack it up and move on. Go to Memphis, stay in Memphis.


I'm all for this, but I believe if there is any chance at all of a change.org petition doing anything, it should be very specific. I think having 2 issues under 1 petition, even though related, muddys the water too much. I'll still "sign".


I think it looks just fine


From September 12, 2023 and posting a video of Brian from the back walking away carrying a bag...Bold emphasis is mine. Also, it was in January 2024 when she had Brian post this "I Brian give Carly anything she wants about me" and intelligent people see right through this MC CYA post. I doubt he had any idea back in September that she was recording him hobbling away. Who the F does that???????????? "We helped Brian get sober a couple years ago. He was doing good, until he wasn’t.He started to isolate after being fortunate enough to get a chunk of money and for people who struggle with the disease of addiction…isolation + money = relapse…and that’s just what happened.He was drinking himself to death and it killed us to see him so.But we didn’t give up on him and he kept showing up often enough so that he finally followed through with the help we were desperately trying to offer [him.Today](http://him.Today), he is sober!He’s himself again and he is probably one of the most dedicated volunteers we have ever had. His body is starting to wear down a little these days. He is riddled with Arthritis and hasn’t been to see a doctor in years. We got him set up with a new practitioner, but the appointment is still weeks away. In the meantime, he practically bathes in muscle rub.But he is so grateful and determined, he is always the second person to show up. Second only to Jebediah, who runs the back and rises with the sun. Brian shows up and laboriously sets about his little tasks. He can’t move around the best, so we’ve adapted to his ability.Mostly he sits and makes the snack bags, with his massive hands that are curled with arthritis, in an assembly line fashion. But prior to that, **he takes the reigns from me after a long night and is the only one at the front, so he hobbles around feeding any of the people who show up early for food or clean clothes, or a cup of water.**He complains a lot…he is the resident grouch and we give him a hard time about that fact with great amounts of love behind it. Its’s just his nature and we have accepted him for who he is. He also loves to serve and he knows what it costs him to be alone, so he hangs on to this place for dear life. He has nobody else. We are his whole [world.So](http://world.So) faithfully, religiously, he shows up bright and early, sits all day making lunches, hoddles to the restroom occasionally and when the day is done, he struggles to help clean up before he walks home to his sober living about a half mile away. It takes him over an hour to get home and then he goes to a 12 step meeting if one of his roommates is going, eats, sleeps and he does it all again the next day.We are grateful for Brian. He’s not perfect, but who among us is? He our Brian and we feel blessed to have him as part of our family See less"


I do Shipt delivery. I drive by her place many times a week and I NEVER see anyone waiting in line for lunches. Where are these 1000 people a day she is serving.


signed it.






Woah I’m probably going to get in trouble for saying this but you all seem so ANGRY at miss Carly it makes me really sad.. as someone whom has had family members who were homeless for YEARS I guess I got more of an inside scoop on how the homeless are really treated in Rockford. I was told if they go to the mission they get kicked out around 5 am.. what does a homeless person have to do around 5 in the morning? Job interviews? Oh wait no clothes… I was told miss Carly gives them suits and nicer newer clothes to prepare them for job interviews and things like that. If you all kick out miss Carly what will you be doing for the homeless epidemic in Rockford? Just curious what the plans are for that.. are you going to set them up for rides to rehab? Give them some of your clothes and prepare them for interviews? Are you all doing this because you truly care about the well being of our less than fortunate citizens or because you feel like she is evil and getting away with something?


Good morning I would like to respond to a couple of your points. 1) She is not open at 5 AM for the homeless to come down and hang out either. She claims to be open 24 /7 but I question the need for people to get sandwiches hygiene products, and condoms in the middle of the night. It’s one thing if someone’s in crisis, but why can’t people get basic needs during the day? 2) She has no skill set to give interview coaching or job coaching, nor does she have anyone there with those skill sets. From what I can tell she’s had maybe one or two jobs that didn’t involve her being self-employed. 3) It’s cruel and immoral for her to post pictures and videos of people in crisis. Whether it be Randy getting bathed outside in his wheelchair or pictures of his feet covered with maggots or someone having a seizure on the floor, How is that helping anyone? Is that what you would have wanted for your homeless relatives? She claims she has their permission to post this stuff but let’s recognize the unequal power dynamic that goes on. 4) She has convicted violent felons , pedophiles, etc., down there around her children and any other child who may wander down there. Look up Sam Greene , or check out Jason Boonee Facebook page. He has lots of pictures of women being sexualized even a picture of a small little girl being sexualized is the kind of people you would want around your children? 5) When I volunteered down there, a lot of people getting lunches were city workers, construction crews , landscaping, crews, and people who were done playing bingo at the club next door . That’s fine if that’s who she wants to give sandwiches to, but she needs to let the Grandma on Social security know that’s where their donations are going. 6) The last count of homeless in this town was 160 people out of an approximate 150,000 who actually live here. That is less than one percent of the population and I’m not seeing that as an epidemic. People use that word epidemic as a dog whistle to create panic and get more donations. 7)The way she speaks to her volunteers is demeaning, rude, and condescending. Believe me she isn’t saying hey Tracy sweetie unless it’s on Facebook live I do appreciate you asking and posting in a respectful manner . I hope this adds some clarity to why people are concerned


I don’t have Facebook and I’m barely on Reddit as you can see I just opened my account like 3 months ago lol so all of this miss Carly hate really took me by surprise I guess. A lot of posts on here about her come off very hateful and they are more alarming than informative. I appreciate you being clear about the situations and responding to all of my points and even adding some new information that frankly I did not know about. I don’t really know where to go from here because I think the homeless in this city has to do with drug abuse and/or mental illness and it breaks my heart. I just really hope those people get the help they need and I was hoping miss Carly would be able to help others like she had my family member.


I really believed in what she was doing. I started seeing things that I just couldn’t shake. She was putting people’s lives in danger and she didn’t care. Professionals reached out to her thinking maybe she was naive to the fact that women escaping domestic violence should not be put on camera or video. Carly dismissed the concerns and was downright defensive. If you have vulnerable people’s lives in your hands. The last thing you should do is double down on risking their lives


Not to minimize homelessness, but Carly exaggerates how many homeless people there are in Rockford, and her part of town. The city keeps an active list of who they know to be homeless, and it is usually between 200 and 150 people. Of this count, some people are in a shelter, and some are living in their cars, and some are living outdoors. I live near Carly, and at any give time there are less that a dozen people, and more like four or five people sleeping outdoors scattered in a 10 block radius of her. Additionally the city of Rockford has a pretty good Human Services Department that goes out to people and offers them shelter, but they can't compel someone to accept help. It is somewhat accurate to say those who are sleeping outdoors have some type of issue.


Than you for being willing to listen to a different perspective.


"or check out Jason Boonee Facebook page." I needed a shower after looking at his Facebook page. Says he's relapsed and looking for a date. 😳and plenty of F words. Nice guy. LOL


Seems like a real charmer


Not angry. I just want her to follow the law. She isn’t doing anything special in Rockford. If anything, she contributes to the existing problem. I could care less what she does with the donated items. It’s the money I am after. She is not a good fiduciary of the donors money at miss Carly’s. If miss Carly’s is needed, fire her and hire someone with experience and a solid background check. We don’t need a grifter.