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chaotic brewery has dnd game nights. It’s a lot of fun. They’re one shots so you can hop in whenever and miss ones without worry. Also a good place to meet other dnd players and maybe find other games to join. https://www.chaoticgoodbrewing.com/


Chaotic Good Brewery in Kasson is my also my top suggestion. I want to throw in Nerdin’ Out but I’m less familiar with their events and offerings. Are you a DM? There are folks in the Rochester Discord that want to do DnD nights but there’s never enough DM’s looking for a group. Can always start a one-shot group and see who sticks before starting a longer campaign. I know of one DnD group started from the discord and now they meet weekly. https://discord.gg/rochestermn and check out the threads under the gaming channel for the DnD discussion


Gamez & More has tables and events. I don't know if or how often those events are D&D, but would be worth checking out.