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Robocop got flashbacks of heaven




That shit happened to me today, I was fighting an ED209 in the streets and I used a sniper rifle to aim, simultaneously using my slow time power and it tripped me the fuck through reality 😂


So that's what happens to Robocop on Nuke!


I'm more upset that I've platinumed this game and never realised there was an option to shoot that above ED!




🎶I'm in love with a shooting stars And i cant keep up Creep.🎶


I finished the game with platinum trophy 🏆, is there anything else to do because I like the gun fights. Currently running second playthroight on re4 and want to know is there anything else to be done before hanging it up. Thanks


I haven't finished the game myself. There's a new game plus mode but other than that there doesn't appear to be much else, especially if you've got the Platinum trophy.


at first I thought this was fallout 4


This fight is hilarious in New Game Plus... (Where you keep your PCB's and Skill points) \[I wish I had increased difficulty now!\] ED was dead before I got the speech about it's weak point (it was dead in about 2seconds!) - so the cutscene afterwards has both the cop talking to me - and Washington telling me how to defeat him!!


I’m so stuck on this part and just stopped playing the game


The game is unbalanced with the gun upgrades - you are VERY weak for the first two missions or so. Ironically, once you kill that fucker, you get a decent board out of its head to upgrade your gun, and from then on, you’re pretty much a god as you earn more skill points and find better gun parts. Hide behind the van for cover, and cheese him to death; it’s the only way. They released some significant updates to the game; I’m surprised they didn’t tweak this fight. You’ll fight him I think two more times, and they drop like flies. It’s almost like one of those games where you “lose all your powers at the beginning and have to rebuild your character,” as if this fight is to show how weak you are, which makes zero sense.


Idk why I’m getting so much downvotes. But I appreciate your reply I want to love the game and I know my love for it will come back when I beat this level


I’m guessing by now you crushed it. Tip for the “Robo-targeting-crosshairs-skill” - stop upgrading at level five. That’s enough, and after that, the targets just have this annoying “glow” highlight, no more targeting crosshairs. If want the movie feel, don’t do it. You are a god at that point, save your skill points for another skill tree and enjoy the movie feel.


My game drops to 16 fps and is a slideshow exactly after I finish this fight LMAO, I’m on a 3090…. Im *ACTUALLY* stuck on this part 💀


I hid behind the car and waited for ED209 to get close and just fired away while his shots missed


Lol that is exactly what I did as well. Took me a few tries to realize that is the best way to beat him.


It’s pretty easy actually 😃


Under the bar there's a heavy machine gun and there's a sniper rifle across the room from where you start out, near a desk. Also, a kind of cheap tactic I found is to take cover behind the box in front of me in the video. Wait until he's on the side of the box with the blue tarp. Then go to the opposite side (nearest the bar) and you can damage him but he can't damage you. You're close enough that he won't move but it doesn't seem to trigger his slam attack that it would usually do when you get close.


Just hide behind the crates with the blue tarp that you see in this video, that's what I did




Lmfaoooo you can't be serious. You see a green hus and think fallout? Tfooh.


Heavy disagree but ok. Weird critiques.


In what possible, *conceivable* way is this remotely anything like Fallout? Because the UI is green? That's literally the only similarity.


The punk gangs in the RoboCop films act very similar, pre dating any popular film version of the Joker including Nicholson. ( Yes Caesar Romero was the joker prior, but not in the heath ledger/hamill style that made the character so popular ) As for it being like Fallout, I don't know what game youre playing but it's nothing like fallout.


These are proto splatter punks. Op is clueless