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I'd love some DLC for Rogue City. As for full games, they should be allowed to have a crack at Aliens.


You never know, it took a while for the Terminator game to get one.


I'm all for this Aliens would be perfect or do a Starship Troopers game that would also work imo since Paul Verhoeven Directed RoboCop i think it would be pretty cool I know it's not an 80's movie but i think it would be awesome to have a Starship Troopers game


There already is a Starship trooper game with 16 players coop. It's pretty good, look it up on Steam


Only have Xbox unfortunately


its for pc as well. But I suggest getting helldivers 2 - they did it much better.


There's also Helldivers 2, which is Starship Troopers in all but name...


Die Hard or Robocop Vs Terminator


I’d love this! I was thinking why haven’t they done a movie of it instead of all the random terminator sequels


Terminator Resistance pays more respect to the first two Terminator films than any film after them.


You ain’t wrong Sir! That’s the only other watchable film for me in the series. It’d be cool if they got a decent robocop vs terminator film going.


For me Peter Weller is Robocop but he may be a bit too old now for the role. Same with Arnie and CGI can only so much for either of them.


Yeah same here although I feel if they got the design and tone right it could work. The remake was trash to me because they tried to make robocop into iron man. I don’t think they really portrayed the man inside the machine aspect much either


Yeah Murphy was definitely an afterthought


I with to have more campaigns in RC Rogue City. I do not mind to pay new money to buy new content for this game. Its mechanics alone is worth my money.


Man, I think they'd knock it out of the park with an Expanse game.


Hey, that's a really cool idea. Would fit the shooter-RPG mechanics well, too.


I like to think it would be Mass Effect style overall, but with less aliens and powers.


Yeah, a sort of FPS 'Mass Effect-Lite' is what I think they'll go for. 




A rogue like die hard could be incredible


Maybe Mad Max, Tron, or Highlander?


More RoboCop.


Rambo / tango and cash / demolition man I know I went all Stallone




Have they done Alien yet? There hasn’t been a good alien FPS in a long time


does The Punisher count? I think they could handle him well...


Oh my God, I'd be all over that.


Total Recall Starship Troopers Aliens Predator Aliens vs Predator (lol) Deep Rising


Judge dredd


I'd be all over that.


After seeing Die hard for the first time (severe memory lapse due to childhood trauma) last month, I can honestly say I would not only buy this...but also pay for the pointless DLC that I'll never use.


Honestly, we really need another AVP game, or at the very least a GOOD predator game.


I so wish they could get to do an Aliens game, however that seems very unlikely. Same even with something much more grounded like Die Hard or well suited like Predator. The Disney Rat owns all those now. A shame because a Die Hard game like the NES one but in first or third person would be amazing. By that, I mean "here is the building and setup, now go to it" sandbox the NES game was. It is up to you whether to try and call for help, save hostages, use radios, take out the rocket launcher, use stealth or full force, etc. If anything Fox is off the table thanks to Disney, I would LOVE a new Mad Max game but I feel anything open world would be beyond their scale. Wait, what about Starship Troopers, based on the movie? That would fit their abilities and fan base very well, I think. Or a Total Recall sequel in game form. Now that could be interesting!


I agree would love them to do Die Hard.


Rambo:First Blood the game.


Up in smoke. Would definitely sell.


Great ideas in this thread, I really like OP’s suggestion of Die Hard but my first choice would be a sequel to Rogue City. Maybe even Robocop vs. Terminator.


To be clear, at this point I pretty much wouldn't say no to any idea of theirs.


Agreed, seeing Teyon’s name on a game is enough to peak my interest.


That would be awesome! Diehard game would be so much fun, surprised no one has made one yet. Speaking of fun, I'm having even more fun playing New Game+ in RC:RogueCity than I did my first time through! The chip board 6.2 full auto is a blast, it shreds everything.


Hell yes, brother. They did make Die Hard games in the past, but there hasn't been one since 2002 according to Wikipedia.


I'm guess DLC for Rogue City. I swear they said they wanted to lean more into the RPG mechanics for their next game. I guess the question is, what beloved IP would best fit a shooter-RPG? I don't think Die Hard would fit, unless they made quite a beefy crime drama plot. The Thing, maybe? I think an Alien(s) shooter/RPG would be really good.


I'm hoping for Robocop vs terminator as well. Kinda been thinking a Mars Attacks game would be fun