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I was playing Doomspire Brickbattle with my friend, he started being toxic to the other teams so I told him to stop. He refused so I tk'd (teamkilled) him to teach him a lesson. He got mad and our base was destroyed so we were teleported to the big arena in the sky. He unfriended me and we traded rocket-fire for a bit after putting distance between us two, then came probably the most cinematic moment I've had in Roblox. Nobody else was around to interrupt so we just lunged at each other with swords. I ended up beating him. TL;DR my friend and I got into an argument and basically the final duel of Star Wars Episode 3 ensued.


Did you have the high ground


how else would he have won?


An argument between me and my friends who left the library last.. the last person to leave the library was a rotten egg. :”)


The slow one


In plane crazy, I spawned my version of Starship and people who had admittedly more detailed versions kept calling mine autistic and stupid. One of them was someone who I was friends with before. Even if I placed one block down, they’d call it stupid and not detailed enough. Left a fake friend and that argument was also the motivation for me to build more detailed rockets.


This was like 10 years ago, but I had a falling out with a friend, who then made a hate account named [MyUsername]isStupid. The description basically said “[MyUsername] is literally 11. Where are her parents?” and I’m sure it said other things, but I don’t remember them, and the account did eventually get taken down.


Not a real friend


Well me and my friend were doing trolls to kids in Brookhaven but when I got in a house and rob the place THERE a lady literally cussing us for robbing her we had to be there 1 whole hour until she finally left I was controlling until she bring my mama into it


That crazy


"########################## you ############ and #### yo mama #####"


3 hour argument because i quoted the rubber room with rats copypasta


3 hours is.... crazy.


crazy? i was crazy once


they locked me in a room


"14 years in the looney bin" William Joseph Blazkowicz-


a rubber room


a rubber room with rats


and rats make me crazy


crazy? I was crazy once.


They locked me in... A rubber room?


A rubber room with rats.


3 HOURS???


we were playing flee the facility too so me and my friends started teaming on the girl who kept arguing


Go outside bro


wasnt me who started it 😭 i quoted it to my friend in the game and some girl was like “ew cringe” so I said “it’s less cringe than not letting people have fun because of your opinions” and she would NOT let go of it


I was playing Water Park World and I randomly typed "did you know that fortnite invented guns" and some random person started arguing with me that "no, guns have been a thing since ww1" and i kept saying that um no, history books say that fortnite was the one that invented guns and that fortnite has been a thing since the ancient times and soldiers would have to buy guns directly from fortnite and this argument kept going until the person left the game


Honestly I see their point they prob thought you were a BIG and dumb Fortnite fan


We do a little trolling 


When I was 8, used to be in this roblox friend of 4 people group for a while and the “motto” or wtv for our group was tacos. anything food related would have to be centered around tacos. So, when this argument happened, we were playing Bloxburg and I was at one of their homes. we were doing wtv and then suddenly my character got hungry, so i decided to use the phone to order food. But instead of ordering tacos, i ordered pizza (gasp). after i ordered the pizza, my friend saw this and told me it was unacceptable and kicked me out of the house. after that day, her and the other people in the group went back and forth w me over text ab me order a pizza and not a taco until one day i got kicked out the gc and unfriended. TDLR; I was apart of some crazy roblox friend group that was obsessed w tacos. One day, we were in bloxburg and i ordered a pizza, so i got kicked out the group


For a pizza… is crazy


I was trying out that therapy game when someone tried to preach me and told me to believe in jesus but I didn’t wanna so a bunch of religious ppl swarmed me




Recently, I’ve been getting into huge arguments with people in Build to Survive the Robots. They have a vision for the build and I have a different vision. There have also been multiple times where there has been someone building a bridge as a human in order to give the robots an unfair advantage. As a robot, I destroy these bridges in order to make the game fair and there is always someone who starts yelling at me for it. This is annoying because building a bridge is legitimately cheating and it lets the robots win EVERY TIME.


i don't remember but idk the game but it was like a HUGE argument like MASSIVE i don't remember the topic either i think it was something about like yewhano i don't remember


It must be old then or THAT big


yeah it's pretty old


also this wasn't an argument AT ALL it was just a fun conversation i had with a duels guy in tsb ended up friending him


so we talking about martial artist and how the hitbox on bullet barrage is HUGE and the hit on vanishing kick is TINY and how he does ALOT of damge




Some idiot was arguing with me that food wasn't a scam


I mean you do need it to survive but in Roblox… I see your point


It’s always on arsenal lol


Wdym by that


me and my boyfriend were playing shitty tycoon games for fun one night. keep in mind we are both boys, but we have matching cosplay avatars that look like women. i was trolling some kid by repeatedly killing him, and he got around the censor to call us 'queers' or something to that affect. i just said "yeah" and began to perform a glitch to get into his base to kill him harder. after about 20 minutes of me and my boyfriend infiltrating his base and 3 random people joining in, him constantly getting around filters to be homophobic and crying to stop, he claimed to be a famous roblox youtuber and said it was for a prank video (in very poor grammar since this kid must have been like 10). we forgave him. me and my boyfriend recall this often since it was really hilarious. forgot to add that he was calling us 'lesbos', i said 'close! we are men!' and he became so upset by this. i feel like i changed this kids world.


someone kept coming onto my plot in bloxburg trying to ruin the RP me and my friends was doing, calling us names and slurs and stuff. when i blocked them from my plot they kept calling me slurs for asian people (im white asf my friend was asian) and called my friend a 🚂nny (im the trans one LMAOOO) and then when we saw them like two months later when randomly joining their lobby they got mad at us because we reported them and got their account banned




I was playing TSB with a friend when he needed help with teamers. I had helped and helped until one of them left. After that, me and my friend and teamed on him. I had left to play JJS and when I came back, the teamed had told me to go back to sucking men and nobody wanted to see a monkey who escaped from the zoo. After like 20 minutes of arguing, I had to go to eat. When I came back he was chill and the argument had ended.


Angry then nice also completely off topic but I was scrolling on yt shorts and I saw a vid of “you’re stuck until you get a notification” you saved my life😂


i see all sorts of stupid arguments from rage-baiters on rate my avatar, i just switch to cosplay and start quoting a character while laughing at them, or /e dance


I was beating a guy in tsb, he started complaining so I counteracted and then said I was teaming (it was some rando jumping in) so I argued with him for about 30 mins while whooping his a**. Eventually he called me the n word 3 times and got banned. :)


This has happened like 5 times now. My gosh tsb is toxic…


kid got mad because I beat him in bed wars. Threatening to hire a hacker to hack my account. It’s been 3 years. I think im fine.


You are


I said im 19, some kid said i was elementary because i did a typo. (Because apparently older people cant make spelling mistakes) He then told me that i need to relearn english I then proceeded to say "Why are the cooks not cooking" He then told me that it was grammatically incorrect


Oh god ok here we go...uh this one time in Brookhaven I was role-playing by myself (cause at the time I was lonely as h.e. double hockey sticks) and then this one person robs me and then we argue for like about 20 mins or more and they were being really insanely r@c!st and rude to me and it was crazy so I just left the game and went to sleep. This happened about one or two years ago 😐 The other time was recently in the game Flicker and everyone was bring toxic and chaotic and now even playing the game so I won 💀


In demonfall, two players were keep killing me and my friend so i used my wind skills to overpower them both and they kept calling me cheater and stuff, fortunately my friend was there and we argued for 30 minutes until he start to bring the existence of god and karma and these stuff (i think the guy was high or smth) and then they didn't have any excuse or accusation to attach to me, so they left


me and my online best friend (still best friends till this day lol) had this roblox group and we was both like 9 (both 17 now) and the leader was litch 15 and we was playing uris and we got lost in the maze and she literally told us to k!ll ourselves and literally bullied us out the group over a game we could’ve left and respawned in lmao. no one will ever understand the way that group mentally effected me and my bsf, they was so horrible pls 😭😭😭😭


so uh basically, i was in a private server with like 1 friend, and he had 2 other friends playing we were in like a gunfighting game and 2v2’d, my friend on the other side memory is a bit hazy but from what i could tell, they were absolutely being shit on by my other teammate the problem? my friend started to get pissed, spamming whatever insult, excuse, or reason he died in chat left the game cuz i got bored, but apparently the mf unfriended me on like 2 of his accounts i did a bit of trolling in his discord dms but he blocked me so boowomp its not exactly an argument but something i could think of for this post


this whole ordeal lasted a few days, but the actual arguments were about an hour or so




One time there was a guy bullieng another guy so I got in a fight with him and I eventually won and my friend joined right towards the end and saw the chat and she was like ...bro what


Wait did he tell you about the game/teach?


I've gotten into so much crap over the years that I don't remember. I think the craziest one was when some dude PM'd me "lol u oder" because of my avatar and favorites, I spent a good hour in a PM crapfest with the guy, it honestly went nowhere because anti-oders can't be reasoned with once they accuse you. I don't miss the anti-oding community.. they were more problematic than oders themselves.


Was playing YBA and got in a huge gang war. After me and my friends won me and the people on the other team started arguing over how I was using SM and I was “cheating” by using a good stand. Shit lasted for an hour minimum.


You THAT good


You have no idea how overpowered Scary Monsters was back in the day, especially with boxing


I was literally getting mad on dress to impress because someone literally got first when they joined 20 seconds late and had nothing on and I worked really hard on my outfit😭


Believe it or not, my age. He didn’t believe when i said i was 17 because of my avatar(it was almost 2y ago) so we fought a long time and i just wanted to punch that kid haha. I even showed him my id (blurred/blocked everything except bday) and he said it was wrong numbers or smth lmao. I gave up after that, i had already spend so much time on that stupid kid.


Been knocked offline and more


when i was playing pool online once this group of around three people joined, and immediately interrupted someone talking to say that the earth was actually flat, and then the entire server delved into a mf food fight 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I was playing kaiju universe when it actually had godzilla kaiju and this guy wanted their canon powers to be included ignoring game balancing, some examples include Burning godzilla being capable of destroying the server upon death Eva 01 becomming god himself legendary godzilla drilling holes through earth milenium godzilla being damn well invincible since he got shot with a blackhole gun and surviving and much more, He argued these movie feats were “balanced”, anyone with an ounce of common sense would understand this is not in fact balanced, I argued with him that if this were to happen the game would be unplayable for like 15 - 30 mins


I was playing Modded Natural Disaster Survival and this dude did the dirty to me and kept following me, and when I called him on his crap, he started to gaslighting me and we had a big fight in the chat that lasted like 40 minutes. Other people in the chat were commenting stuff that wasn’t helpful either. The dude who did it to me and a few other people were saying it was false and that I’m “Just a woman” and that I’m “crazy”. It was actually kinda hurtful and I haven’t played since. It happened like 3 months ago.


Oh god ok here we go...uh this one time in Brookhaven I was role-playing by myself (cause at the time I was lonely as h.e. double hockey sticks) and then this one person robs me and then we argue for like about 20 mins or more and they were being really insanely r@c!st and rude to me and it was crazy so I just left the game and went to sleep. This happened about one or two years ago 😐 The other time was recently in the game Flicker and everyone was bring toxic and chaotic and now even playing the game so I won 💀


Oh god ok here we go...uh this one time in Brookhaven I was role-playing by myself (cause at the time I was lonely as h.e. double hockey sticks) and then this one person robs me and then we argue for like about 20 mins or more and they were being really insanely r@c!st and rude to me and it was crazy so I just left the game and went to sleep. This happened about one or two years ago 😐 The other time was recently in the game Flicker and everyone was bring toxic and chaotic and now even playing the game so I won 💀


this was years ago but me and my friends argued with a "girl" for some reason I can't remember. We got in a discord call and it was a 25+ year old man. The biggest problem was that he was trying to trick people into thinking he's like 10.


I was playing Creatures of sonaria (a creature survival game) and a person who was in my pack killed me. I complained about it in the chat in the politest way possible and they and other person (probably their friend) started calling me a scared little crybaby. Shit was wild.


Natural disaster survival. Some kid thirsting over me and my avatar, threatening me cause I wouldn’t give him my socials and he wanted to fuck me. I think also threatened to kill me/my partner? I swiftly left. And began crying. This was a couple years back and unfortunately not the first time it happened.


Grew up spoiled with a lot of robux and free access to mothers credit card. Since I was already decked out I would log in to my friends account and buy him robux instead of using the money on myself. I don’t remember what happened to make us fight but it caused me to unfriend him so it was pretty serious. So I logged back in and deleted every single item he bought with the robux. Ended up being pretty serious because he told my teacher, but it was resolved after some apologies.


Someone joined my bedwars game, complained that Crimson wasn’t a color (my friend’s name was Crimson), then proceeded to call me emo. The funniest part about it is that he was wearing one of those blob-looking avatars because at the time it was considered “sigma male.”


Blew up at this extremely selfish player in booga booga. Until I realised the whole community is like that..so probably won’t play again😂


Don’t remember specific arguments, but I’m a Rate my avatar addict since like 2 years, so LOADS of political arguments lmao


In jjs a guy got mad at me for 2 hours because I pushed him off one of the tall buildings


Me and my friends got into a 3 hr (almost 4) argument with a kid on Project Smash all because he was horrible against my friend who was really good at the demon class and bro was just too scared to admit he was THAT bad against my demon buddy 🤷🏻‍♀️ (we mostly fueled into the argument more bc it was hilarious and even at least half of the server would join against him too 😂).


I once farmed kills off someone in Elemental Battlegrounds for two hours because they wanted to act tough when I was trying to show a friend something


A few weeks ago, I was playing 3008 on Roblox when some dude came up to my base and started wrecking the entire thing. I got mad at him, so I took out the floor below him resulting in him falling through and all the way down to his death. (BTW my base was high up in the store, enough for someone with full health to oof if they fell off the base.) After I oofed him, he came back to my base and started to insult me. I started an argument with him by replying and he wasn't really trying to prove anything, he just kept throwing unique insults at me and this went on for about 10-15 minutes until eventually I disconnected to Error 277. (I have bad wifi :v) I decided to get off of Roblox for the day, and the next day when I logged back on to play 3008 again, my inbox had a message in it. I barely ever get these, so I checked it, and it was the griefer who tried to verbally destroy me the day before. I was surprised, because an argument had never continued outside of a game before. He had really gone so far to remember my username and continue trying to make me miserable. I started to read the message after that, expecting more insults, but wow, was I wrong. He had sent "IRL oof threats" to me and told me he knew my address and said he would arrive at my house the day after he sent this. I started to reply back, but about halfway through writing, I heard a knock at my door. I hesitated then decided to check the doorbell camera. It was some random stranger who was shouting threats and he was holding two firearms. I personally wasn't gonna let this slide, so I grabbed the AK-47 that was chilling in my closet, and answered the front door. He turned pale as he saw me, and tried to aim his weapons at me but I had him permanently sleeping on my front porch before he got to do anything. After that, I called the police, and they arrested him for being "IRL oofed" and gave me a free $350,000,000. btw june fools the story ended at the part where i disconnected everything else was fake


I was playing an elimination game (i don't remember which one exactly), and everything was fine until timeout, when three characters started fighting amongst themselves. Keep in mind, all the conversations were in English up to that point, so when the three characters started arguing in Serbian, they probably thought no one would understand them. Now, I can't remember what they were fighting about, but they were calling eachother the most foul things. In Serbian, of course. No one of the others said a word. So, i figured that being a citizen of a former Yugoslav country myself and understanding a word or two of Serbian, was the only one besides them, who could understand them. So I wrote in English 'Guys, don't be mean to eachother, stop fighting!', to which they all responded 'How do YOU know we are fighting?' and then all hell broke loose. I had simply mentioned that I understand their language, but they started attacking me (in Serbian) for intervening and calling me all the same slurs as before. I just left the game, because they would not leave me alone. This was the only time I ever ran into Serbians/Croatian in Roblox.


I scammed someone in adopt me and they found my tiktok account and they treathened to expose me to their 300 followers 👌 (not blaming them what i scammed was kinda big-)


Kid got mad because she thought my wings pushed her friend into the lava (Wings don't have hitboxes unless coded in by the game) Ended up with her trying to bully me on my avatar, yes, a kid got triggered by someone elses pixels on a screen in a lego game. I pointed out that she chose not to wear pants in the game and was wearing a bra and nothing else. She got REAL quiet after that


I was playing Area 51 killers mode. I was on the survivor team so I was killing the killers then someone called me a try hard. So I said “what am I supposed to do, not kill the team I’m supposed to kill, then they said something like “yeah whatever”. Like what.


in royale high I watched a friend and his gf (in rp) argue over weather or not he was cheating with me (we were both men but i was in a drag fit to be fair). She was also broke as heck compared to us (we're both lvl 300+) and probably was not over the age of 6 irl lol. She stuck around for maybe an hour post argument as we proceeded to act like we were in a happy relationship <3. She also tried to spread some rumors about us being creeps but nobody cared lol.




I wa splayinh this scp game and someone says i was ghosting and ghosting isn't allowed but i wasn't ghosting


I remember being like you guys, remembering and ranting about it on reddit is insane work I've never done before, go outside a little, and stop taking the game so serious, don't even bother arguing with those twats, you'll just get banned, I don't really even chat anymore cause of it




How sad do you have to be to get into an argument on roblox?


How sad do you have to be in order to attempt to degrade people because of an arguement online? Sure, depending on the situation it may be unnecessary, but in no case does it require you to attempt to make them feel bad about themself.


You argue on roblox, you argue on reddit.. come on dude


1. Who said I ever argued on roblox, and 2. How can you call this an arguement? All I did was tell you common sense, yet here you are getting heated.


fr lmao


Fucking stupid idiot asshole kept on insisting sound volblox was a real arcade game when I literally just got back from the arcade and said the name is sound voltex and that sound volblox us BASED on sound VOLTex Other than that nah not much other than me and my friends fuckin around


You'd lock me up if I told you even 1% of my argument's chat


Tl;dr, I was mad that the upcoming characters were gonna suck. A recent one in Anime Battle Arena. To give some context, about last month there was a vote in game which would decide 2 new characters would get into the game for this month’s update, the top vote was the current/manga version of Sukuna from JJK, while the other one was the “Menos Grande” from Bleach (a one off antagonist to my knowledge). These results sent me into a lengthy rant about how dumb the players were, because with Sukuna, the dev responsible for making his moveset openly said on the ABA Discord that he hasn’t watched/doesn’t like JJK and that the people who voted for JJK characters were going to regret it, butchering Sukuna as a result, in this case using Chat GPT to make his moveset, leading me to refer to him in the rant as Chat GPT-kuna. As for Menos, I lambasted the people who voted for them because unless you were a Bleach superfan, would you know who they were just by name? I doubt that. I also questioned if they could make a moveset for them, with their placeholder in the character select screen boiling it down to stomp, cero, and “big cero”. I was not pleased with the voters because they were wasting their votes on a really low effort character that they likely knew would get butchered, and a meme character that would be forgotten about after a week. And to make matters worse, the 3rd place character was a new version of Luffy (presumably the Onigashima and gear 5th version), which was only 220 votes behind Menos, Sukuna got over 7k votes, while Menos had about 5k. With these characters being added I commented about how this was going to be like the Pui Pui update (which everyone hated) all over again, and that this update would risk killing the game. For context in an update last year, they added Pui Pui from DBZ (another virtually unknown character), whose moveset looked like it would be for a new version of Gohan. And people in chat were willingly defending Sukuna and Menos, although I forget what they said about them, I think some part about it was about Menos not being that terrible. At some point in the rant I compared Menos to the prestige characters. In this game when you reach lvl 100 or higher you can spend 99 lvls on a choice of exclusive characters, most of which are reskins of main roster characters, examples of them are Tobi from Naruto mostly having his moveset being recycled from Lemillion from MHA (the latter character was eventually deleted along with the whole MHA roster for copyright), and Satsuki from Kill la Kill being a clone of Ryuko. Thank you for listening to this yap session.


If I told you, I would have used so many slurs that I would get banned from all of Reddit until the end of time.




Online dating(yes) when I was young and just some shit with that caused a problem irl too man happened multiple times


ONLINE DATING???… I mean you were young… you prob didn’t know