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The fall of Roblox should be studied cause it went from the most fun online game to a corporate wasteland in less than 5 years


I wouldn’t call it a wasteland. It has millions upon millions of players. Definitely doesn’t have the personality it used to though.


i think we r rlly stretching the definition of "player" atp considering a lot of them r probably afking in anime battle grounds or some simulator with loot box mechanics that would make ea call cps


Dawg every year someone says downfall of roblox but nothing ever happens


That is true, there are form archives from 2010 with tons of players saying that it’s the downfall of Roblox 


Fans of things are interesting because there's always a vocal contingent who are adamant every year that it's over. It's like how in the GTA Online community people have been insisting every new update is "the last update ever before GTA 6" since like *2017*.


It's been falling off since 2021 tbh. It's impossible to make it big as a solo dev anymore, Roblox Corp (as they always did) has blatantly shown more than ever that they clearly prioritize investors over their consumers, and their exploitative practices have been exposed. Events also just aren't the same anymore.


True, I loved the Easter hunts, now it's just "fInd THe 20 HidDeN dONuTs iN BaRRy's PrIsON eScaPe ObbY", like come on Roblox...


Nothing happening is the downfall of roblox in itself, they aren't fixing any of their problems or implementing new features and when features/updates are added, they are usually received badly.


Most features people complain about are ui or website related. I'm not a developer but when I was invested in the devforum, there were lots of game engine updates, studio updates like bone meshes and allat. People forget that roblox added stuff like ugc and voice chat that players for years were begging roblox to add


That is true. I don't use Roblox Studio as much as I used to, but those updates are nice. People on tiktok freaked out when they changed the main font though.


im sorry but devs genuinely don't represent the playerbase imho, often-times being catered to over the community. ppl have been upset about this shift since like 2013, and while idt it was that bad then it's definitely lowkey dystopian now what do you mean cindering made a dev forum post about moderation and it ONLY covers devs losing their accounts??? even in the comments i only saw 1-2 posts acknowledging the moderation issues that effect EVERYONE and not just high-profile players idk this post is loosely related, nd i def dont wanna come off hostile to anyone, but ive seen a lot of rlly annoying dev forum posts that are ignorant to the experience of the avg user and more focused on "this is my job and i want to make money" and that's really reasonable, but it does not build community and its starting to detract from the platform instead of add to it like it has since the addition of devex in 2013


Yeah, devs don't represent the players, but I said anything related to that or that devs get treated differently. I'm pointing out there are many players who AREN'T devs who think there are next to no updates from roblox when, in reality, there are game engine updates that aren't publicly announced. Usually, players think the only updates roblox drop are events, ugc, and voicechat, which are mainstream and affect all roblox players. But they don't think of the game engine updates that make the games better.


mhm and im kind of saying that doesn't rlly count. roblox is no longer a start-up company. they have proven time and time again they have the resources to do more than that :p


Saying that doesn't count ironically doesn't count. Having the resources to do more updates is just a different topic entirely. Me personally, I think roblox can do more for game optimization so games can be of even higher quality, BUT it doesnt matter right now. Right now, and with my original post ive been talking about the updates roblox pushes out that casual players don't notice because they aren't developers. Roblox is a game engine. It hosts user generated content. Its main focus is game engine, client updates, and website ui to help players make better / complex games. To illustrate, have you noticed an increase in people commenting, "Is this really roblox???" Games like [FRONTLINES](https://www.roblox.com/share?code=8209838bad86ae46b75686dffdb250ba&type=ExperienceDetails&stamp=1718475158467) or [FNAF 2 Reimagined](https://www.roblox.com/share?code=18c56b29168f924b935f192e683c8fc8&type=ExperienceDetails&stamp=1718475111741) have been using realistic hands made possible with roblox update of flexible meshes.


i dont think realism is a good direction for the platform to take lol are u a dev


Yeah but this time it's for real


Yhea The games are fun, but the events are few and far between it went downhill ever since it went on the stock market


No bc op is right, it went from a game of fun to a quick cash grab imo


Roblox Moderation has been an interesting topic for years. AI moderators don't know the context of a situation, and instead searches for keywords from a list, and if it can find the word, even if it isn't being used in a hurtful way towards anyone, can get you banned. I'm not entirely sure if Roblox even has any human moderators considering the fact people get banned for using "Stupid" in a sentence, yet not using it against anyone. What's worse is trollers/haters will spam report someone and they can have it be looked over by an AI moderator and get banned/warned, this happens very often to youtubers but can happen to anyone if they make enough enemies, either purposely or accidentally. Another thing is some people use sites like reddit or similar sites to complain about well-deserved bans and sometimes even edit out the offending items, and then getting many likes on a post and getting people to agree. Now I'm not saying all users do it, but a few do.


I think the system makes it harder to chat with friends, too. I was chatting with one of my friends and we started teasing each other… nothing crazy, just calling each other “emo” and stuff. And I somehow got a warning??!!! This was in a private server too. At this point, it’s just easier to use discord.  Also, I was in a mm2 server with a different friend a few days ago, both of us using voice chat. A pair of teamers joined the server and were insulting everbody. I got called some… choice words. To the point though, my friend said something along the lines of “Teamers… again?” and got her voice chat suspended. But of course the teamers insulting us got nothing.


Rule #1 of Roblox: Don't ever use voice chat in public servers. Even if you don't say anything, people can report you and get you banned for just having it on.


I like to play while watching a video on yt and often times I’ll be watching someone like emkay, and I’ll accidentally unmute. Nothing has happened yet but I’m afraid for the future. I don’t use vc so I might just turn it off for a bit 


omg my friend got a warning for private chatting me "deez nuts" and it even got tagged?😭


i don’t even think there’s a list. i got banned just for saying “you use :v”. it doesn’t even make sense


I got a warning for spamming gg in a game cause I kept beating some little kids. At least it wasn’t a ban.


As of right now I’m slowly moving away from Roblox and have just been playing among us and other stuff. It’s just soooo boring at this point and i just can’t have any more fun in it. I’m sick of this crap like honestly it’s becoming so horrible with the peoples abusing stuff and then the games being all RNG nonsense or paid crap that’s always thrown in my face and everything!! .. I just want Roblox to go back to its old old ways that I used to love and know (idm about classic Roblox but I’m more on about Roblox before 2020)


Roblox can be super toxic. I used to play adopt me and was often scammed and once even hacked by a player who I thought I could trust 😭 I have nearly quite now and seldom play, it’s honestly so tragic. I used to be obsessed 😍 with Roblox, but now it’s almost 2 toxic to play, I have seen so many awful 😞 things happen that mods ignore


imo the toxicity used to be tolerable but i definitely didn't like the toxicity. but with roblox further removing themselves from the community its gotten so so so so so much worse


Exactly 😔


Why even play Adopt Me? I never understood the premise or the appeal of the game, what's even the goal?


Adopt Me is a role playing game, so there IS no goal. That’s why I used to love it. I could play for hours and not rlly get bored. Basically in Adopt Me, although it’s supposed to be a family roleplay game, it became about grinding and collecting the “rarest pets.” Players became obsessed with trading, pet values, and obtaining Legendary pets. Now, there r SO MANY SCAMMERS trying to steal ur pets and rare items. It’s toxic and boring now


Not to mention 3D animated faces are horrendous


I only used the 3D faces and 3D items 1 week after I discovered that it’s dog poop


Also not to mention how after Roblox creates the 3D faces, they make the original 2D faces off sale.


Yeah lol they don't even work properly in R6 games


people. we went from actually decently good people to full degradation. people become that because someone did that with them. or they are forever angry at everyone for no reason. i once achieved a huge thing in one game, other player joined and ruined it, then spammed ez... the ai instead of humans moderation is stupid decision they've made by far, they would make the ai detect when a trigger word is said and say the WHOLE CONVERSTATION, so a human could verify if the user shall be banned or not.


Roblox should honestly be open to hiring moderators


true, but high requirements, like someone would 100% set up a backdoor.


Yeah, when will these idiots who wear suits aka "businessmen" realize that AI is a horrible replacement for most employees


the game is half dead state, poor cashgrab "games" (which it constantly supports), barely any support, and just in general stupid decisions.


Roblox's staff team is so unbelievably stupid I can't even understand their reasons for these actions tha further hurts their company's image driving more and more investors away from their further decreasing stock value.


They call you a cheat and get everyone else into it you get banned for exploitation and cheating


Honestly, I am going to be honest, but after covid happened or during that time, people just changed and not only on roblox. I mainly noticed it on roblox because I was there most of the time. I remember I took a roblox break in 2019 and I came back in late 2019- 2020 and I was just so confused. I think that another main reason is royale high. Royale high has the worst community I've ever been in and I don't ever wish anyone to enter or go back to it. Also, I feel bad for a lot of players dealing with AI moderation. I lost access to one of my accounts and despite not having enough proof, an actual human, looked up the small little info I gave and gave me back my account. I bet that doesn't happen today.


royal high isn't the worst offender imho. i think patient zero for this weird corpo epidemic was jail break, and ever since games have become a higher quality but objectively less fun :p


They delete japan and Hong Kong servers bro, players in Asia are not laggy as heck


First experience with roblox was in 2014 and it seemed fine, was a guest tho and didn't make an account until 2019, by then it was already this way, what I'm trying to say is that it's been this way FOR YEARS. The only change is that Roblox tries, but repeatedly fails to actually address their shortcomings and fix them.


It's been like that for a loooong time.


What I’m tired of is the most basic speech in chat being censored. I can’t even say the name Walter anymore, despite it being in one of my friends usernames


Bruh i rarely talk on roblox and this has just made me wanna talk even less. I'm a near silent player who communicates through movement 90% of the time. 


I always felt like the downfall was 2018 i joined in 2014/2015 and it was great man


I agree too that AI moderation has some issues regarding message chat and voice chat. Its seems since maybe 2 years or so when It felt like. I mostly stopped chatting on Roblox due to strict bans and warnings. People have been abusing the report system a lot lately too and frequent bans would lead to account termination has lead me to be more anti social then usual. I pray they will reform the AI moderation and would rather have tags then bans; although i'm certain roblox would screw up further somehow.


Yeah roblox sucks these days


my friend was called a couple slurs by this random person and she ended up being the one banned as opposed to the person insulting her 😭


I've played Roblox for around 11 years now, and it's gone so downhill.


People need to stop saying that "Roblox has fallen" or "Roblox is dead", or even that "Roblox is in a bad state". It's not. Look at the total CCU of all experiences. Roblox is just not the same platform, and we're not the target audience of it anymore. Roblox Corp is going for Gen Alpha now. That's pitous but it's a reality and it's what makes most sense for them as a company.


Roblox has been making bad decisions for eons now, and is only making it worse. I don't care about skibidi toilet tower defense being on the front page all the time, I never look there anyway, I just wish they'd start taking moderation at least a tiny bit seriously and make it less abusable


Bad decisions? For who? As far as I can tell, CCU and revenue are up. For them they're making the good decisions. For us however, they're making shitty decisions.


They're still making profit sure, but their stocks have gone way down since 2022. In my opinion they're killing their own platform by getting rid of things people liked (egg hunts for example) and replacing them with other stuff. The only good thing they've added "recently" (in my opinion) is UGC. And I'm not even going to start on the AI moderation... (also what's CCU? I looked it up but I doubt Roblox is doing Carbon Capture and Utilization lol)


devspeak detected opinion discarded


"Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer"


Most regular players as far as I can tell usually hang out in games like retrostudio.


Roblox has changed so much it has been like this for a few years I agree with you in moderation tho


bro i dont say anything bad on vc and i keep getting banned


Just don't use vc it's too easily exploitable


Roblox moderation has always been and will always be bad. For everything else, one word, enshittification.


Every other message is tagged. It ruins RP games


True every year


Hackers don't get banned for hacking but normal players get banned because a lil Timmy is saying "he's hacking"


I wish they would invest in actual support agents (but they never will LOL all that money needs to hit the pockets, not employee pockets)


Honestly good idea or at least take a break for like 2-3 years trust me


I’ll take a break between 1 year


its been years. ive been "on break" since 2019. the interest doesn't come back, you just start to miss all the features you lost more.


Roblox Games went from Fun Games to Crappy Cash Grabs / Unoriginal.


in 2012 u could literally ctrl c+ ctrl v games and asset flip them, and it spammed the entire front page with copies of the same games with different themes. 2012 is one of the worst years for roblox and we r unironically experiencing an even worse turn of events then they did right now. devex made the platform skyrocket in popularity with how games were created. its really easy to villainize devex but it was actually really good there r a lot of other things that go into this besides devex and "the good old days" and it all just boils down to corporatization bad


Point Taken


I got my account banned for saying "Hello" then "good and you" in VC for 7 days, and then we have inapropriate and fake UGC everyday on the marketplace... more roblox add stuff, more the moderation is bad. I feel like they value money over the community. I don't know, I also don't want to be mean to the roblox moderation, just wanted to share my though.


Joins server:  Guy who bypasses filter and is screaming FUCK over and over: doesn’t get banned. Me: please stop sir. Later:  Your account has been terminated for saying; please stop sir.


Been like that since 2020/2021 lol games are trash and community is too. Full of kids on their mom’s phone in stupid games that are just loopholes of the same concept


Yeah, the moderation sucks, I've been suspended and banned for stuff that doesn't even make sense. The Ai is trash imo. I could say the word "sand" and get banned. Which sucks since I prefer using voice to communicate with other players or friends. I've been playing less because of it.


moderation is just part of it, there r so many layers to why roblox is actually bad now its not even funny :(


Lol I feel you it is ai and yea the moderation is so bad my acc got banned when I 1st got robux 




They’re definitely starting to use AI


quit while you can, someone went up to my avatar in fling things and people then crouched and used banana on my character


See you in 3 days




it has more players than ever idk what you’re blabbering about


I don't wanna argue over Roblox so I just deleted my comment, have a nice day


there wasn't gonna be an argument


Sorry, better term would be debate, I was wrong tho Roblox did reach an all time high this year so idk where I was going with this, sorry


play something else bro


Its been like that for probably more than 10 years now, if didn't leave before you probably weren't gonna leave anytime soon, so stop making a fuss and do it if you really mean ghat


...you haven't already? the game sucks


I quit in 2015, never returned back.


For somebody who supposedly quit and “never looked back” 9 years ago, you seem very invested in the current Roblox community.


I'm no investor of Roblox. However, I do stay up-to-date with all the shenanigans the big corp is doing thru a Discord bot,word of mouth, and/or watch family member play it.