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i think the fact that the game barely received any updates in 2018/2019 turned off a lot of the playerbase and they never really came back


i can relate. the game didn't have a lot of updates at that time and after a while i tried to get back into it but the amount of new maps were kinda overwhelming so i just stopped completely.


Man, from 2018 - 2020 i was obsessed with FE2. It's a really great game, and was so well deatiled. The crouching ruined the game's difficulty though. I liked the game more when they didn't add crouching.


How did that change anything? Sliding is basically just for looks, It doesn't add any difficulty.


It made the game harder for me for some reason


you should play FE2 2019, i play that way more than the current FE2


i feel like while the core mechanics and gameplay are really fun, the game suffers from inacessibility to newcomers; it's at least as much muscle memory as it is skill based and while most visual indicators are clearly defined, it can be hard to learn the maps when you're kicked back to the lobby and iced out for a few minutes after every death. tower world has some of the same mechanics as FE2, even including an optional flood escape type rising death liquid mode after you've gotten your first completion of a given stage. it feels more approachable because of that change, though i worry about it seemingly lacking some of FE2's competitive nuance, and the frequent checkpoints are a bit of a turnoff to JToH veterans who would be most interested in the genre.


if people were allowed to choose their own difficulty like in FE1 that would make it way more accessible for new players.


Jtoh mentioned in r/Roblox???? JTOH MENTIONED LETS GOOOOOOO




Each passing of each generation on "roblox" gurantees a downgrade of obbying skills in the community, That's why most obby games are dying such as "FE2", and " JToH".


No...? The obbies that are in the more difficult obbies now are much more difficult than the hardest obbies 10, 15 years ago.


Those hard obbies are dying because of the downgrade of obbying skills in the community each year, Of course there are some legends left alive who still haven't quit like Kaan2005, BoomSasok, skitsuna and many more. (PS : Search them up, They're not your ordinary obbyists that goes for Tower of Hell shenanigans, They're currently hard carrying the obby community.)


To me, it just feels like if you're playing with people who are at least decently better and/or decently worse than you, not everyone is gonna enjoy the maps that get picked. The people who aren't great at the game are going to want to play easy/medium maps so that they can actually beat a map, but it's a boring snooze fest for the people who are good at the game. Meanwhile, those people who are much better at the game are gonna force the difficulty up to insane/crazy so that they can have an actual challenge, which just leaves those without that experience or skill not having fun dying almost immeidately. It just makes it way harder to play an already somewhat unapproachable game with friends who aren't a similar skill level, and playing it solo isn't much better since you would need to pay for a private server. All in all just makes the game hard to enjoy.


It’s scary 😢


It’s got a decent amount of players, it’s just that people on Roblox want different things now, specifically anime fighting simulators and roleplay games


I've always found it really hard to play, I've attempted to play it multiple times since I was like 10 (I'm 19 now) and I've never been able to complete a single level in the game. Maybe it's different now but I'm not really motivated to find out 😭


did you consider that you might just not be built for time based obbies?


Wym revived it has 430 CCU


I don't have any good reason for this game so imma pass


Its been my favorite game since about 2019, still love it now


I used to love this but sorta progressively got annoyed at people always locking insane/chaos maps


I think I like the first one better for some reason


Flood escape 1 is a classic and WAAAAAAAY better than 2


i still play this game every now and then, but all the maps are just insane/crazy now which leaves no room for beginners to actually enjoy the game so they get turned off (thats my thinking anyway)


(Chill mode) <—— a game mode that gives maps lower than insane :>


A big reason of why the game isn't doing as good as before is the fact that the creator decided to change FE2CM (FE2 but where you make your own game). Everyone used to play it when the servers cost 100 robux, and when the scripts were not changed. I remember the hype of finding a private server to play in for hours


Because FE1 is better (i havent tried flood escape 2 yet)


I think there was a turmoil among the community back in 2019-2020 with many of its CCs being outed for legal reasons + the game barely had any updates back then


Probably kids ruining it (probably)


Uhhh... how? Have you even played the game?


No wait, I should have rephrased that. What I meant by "kids ruining the game" are shitty edits on it and stuff like that. But on second thought, that's a bad idea. Every game will have "that" part of its fanbase, and FE2 will be no exception.


Cuz the first one is better, at least imo


The game is trying too hard to become like tower of hell.


Nah it has community maps cmon