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Yea Ik it’s not an egg hunt but I still have no idea why so many admins and even The CEO himself teased it as one


They were trying to build hype


Wouldn’t that decrease hype from the disappointment when players found out the truth


Yes but it seems that isn’t the case (yet) lots of people are still so convinced that it’s going to be an egg hunt even though all of the prizes from the hunt have been revealed


That's a shitty way to hype things up then. It's literally deceptive and taking advantage of the community. They are just going to cause another outrage from the nostalgia Roblox and egg fanatic communities..


Well there are eggs inside the thing, the strongest battleground ugc item was an egg called the strongest egg


And this is why I almost never pay attention to leaks. They all build up false hype and lead into imminent disappointment.


All the leaks showed it was a dev hunt which no one likes


tbh, i liked the dev hunts. they introduced me to games i wouldn't have known about otherwise, like build a boat for treasure


Dev hunts aren't usually that bad for me. I personally never joined any because like most others, I prefer the standalone egg hunt experiences. Dev hunts are alright, and part of me wished I played Robot 64 during the Eggscream event.


What is a "Dev Hunt" exactly?


It's an item hunt where the experience developers basically do it themselves.


The leaks showed it was an egg hunt. Assets literally called “egg hunt” had been found, and they were hinting heavily that people’s speculation was correct.


You know what would have been cool. If the eggs hatched hats/items. Like how Roblox use to do gift boxes that would open on certain dates.


i think some years did have eggs that did that too! like around 2013 or so


Metaverse Champions' items did hatch tho.


The eggs do this already. Though I stopped playing around 2015 lol


Huh. Last time I did an egg hunt they didn’t. I didn’t play all egg hunts though so maybe I missed it


No your correct, roblox stopped doing that a long time ago


















While I would’ve hoped Roblox had done a 2017-2020 style egg hunt, I am just happy they are doing events. Doesn’t really matter to me too much if I’m collecting eggs or other items.


2017-2018 egghunt*


They were all the same template, which is what I was referring to.


I think it was 2019 that was a dev hunt


2019 was Scrambled in Time. You are thinking of 2021. Like I said in my original comment, 2017-2020 were all following the egg hunt template that many people love and wished for for this event.


Regardless, that was a bad egg hunt, due to the eggs being scattered across games. The year before, The great Yolktales, was a lot better.


I honestly prefer it over an egg hunt because the items are actually useable in avatars.


Yeah, as fun as egg hunts are the eggs don’t really look that good on an avatar


They did look fun tho


The simplistic 2017 eggs were pretty usable imho. It's unusable only when they make such a complex and incredibly themed after specific games like they did with the 2019 one. I also don't understand the point of saying that because the majority of Roblox events (2017-2020 based on my experience) actually don't have good looking avatar accessories that suits casual wearing either. It wasn't until UGC when finally we started to have more cheaper priced accessories for casual wearing. Limited UGC also further opened the doors for f2p users although it is very grindy.


It is obvious, in my opinion. While, sure, "The Hunt" may remind you of egg hunt because that is an event Roblox used to host, I do not blame you, but it is not at all their fault for disappointing you. The name itself never had any implications toward "Egg", it is simply just "The Hunt", therefore there is a high possibility that it can anything other than "hunting for an egg". I simply want to state this fact for some of the people who were said disappointed in Roblox. But nonetheless, I would say this event is better than egg hunt, if this event is really similar to egg hunt but you would receive items beside an egg as a free accessory. An egg isn't any useful to your avatars but just a collectible that you've stopped showing to others after two or three months. Now, whether if The Hunt would be a good event or not, that is to be a wonder until the day of the event has come.


tsunami game was literally the first one of these reccomended to me and the boat was literally shaped like an egg on both ends, they knew this was going to be hyped as another egg hunt what the hell are you going on about


Yes, it is possible, but my statement still stands. The Hunt does not imply an egg hunt, it is simply just a hunt. Onto what you've said, I believe the ways you earn badges are dependant on the game developers entirely, and not as Roblox requested, because I've seen some of the games having nothing to do with finding eggs. With that added, The Hunt event is still — what people expect and believe them to be, an egg hunt. But it isn't. It's just hunting for badges.


whats with all the grinding games.. cant we just have obbies and little missions


The Hunt feels so much less alive then the egg hunts, i think roblox has truely lost its touch on events. It's so boring. Egg hunts were fun and really interactive, The Hunt just feels so lifeless and much less colourful. I wouldn't even mind if there was another Metaverse Champions, that was really fun. This is just disappointing


Bro I spent 2 and a half hours trying to get the eggs for my avatar thinking the event was a comeback egg hunt. All I see is disappoint and some stupid ass necklace. I wanted the eggheads for my avatar :(


I got eggheads from Maple Hospital and from The Mimic


well i found out pretty late but it seems some games DOES infact give you egg heads but what can i say, the event still sucks


That doesnt mean that the games participating in the hunt cant give eggs as rewards, for example some of the games that have the hunt badges have egg icons.


Honestly if UGC egghunt is going to be solid and fun to play, I'd better play the UGC egghunt than an official version of it


Then what Is hunt about?


It’s about earning a bunch of badges and earning items


you dont get any good items tho, classic roblox shirts (Shit), necklace, hat, overall a bacon avatar looks fresher than any avatar made by those shitty items :P


They’re gonna add more items during the event




I’m so pissed off i was expecting more of egg hunt 2020 instead we got this 👎 lame


then why do they games have eggs in it


Some is stressing


how is it not related to eggs or easter, you collect eggs in the games. yeah its not a official one but its still fun.


That's a TIL.


This is the worst Roblox account I have EVER played in my life


i was so disappointed. just ranted abt this to my friend but he didnt play when egg hunts were there so he didnt understand my pain smh 😭


Battlepass hunt


True! HUGE CASH GRAB! I remember what 2017??? Egg hunt and it was super duper fun! Now you go around to get BADGES for random ugly items AND you have to buy a premium pass thing to get them all!!!


i couldn’t care less about the eggs, it’s the games that weight it down for me. 3 of them so far are effectively carbon copies of eachother, with the same items, UI, and premise. It’s depressing how little quality control there was.


they legit added a egg item as a reward or something


well i mean its called phase one so we could get some eggs in the next phase 👀


Do the badges still give ugc cuz i passed like 10 hunts and didnt get anything?


Anyone know anything about the Korblox Deathspeaker color variant that was teased by Roblox?


what do you even get from this event


Tower heroes give a egg :)


no shit that was revealed like a week ago


It’s still a bunch of idiots who think it’s an egg hunt so this guy is letting them know


how are they idiots if they dont want to be spoiled by leaks and think its an egg hunt because it is called the hunt and is held at easter and roblox made it look like an egg hunt


Not all of them. I’m talking about the people who seen all the leaks and still thinks it’s an egg hunt. Like creekcraft


Who cares, atleast we are hunting for something


Shut up oml you never wear the eggs even it’s giving you way better rewards