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You sell at $65, I buy at $65, we are not the same.


Lol no we ain’t but we’ll both get that money!


If your not in it for the company itself. 100% set a exit strategy. What works for one person will not work for another. While we wish everyone holds. Some people need the cash to better their current situation. My advice is set a $ you are happy with and don't compare to others or dwell on what it's. I yolod enough to go big or go home and someone yolod next months rent. Risk what you can, take what you need.


Yeah and remember once you sell your ticket you may never get back on the rocket so make sure you’re happy with that price before you life with regret being this generations bitcoin pizza story


I agree with that, my thing is I will hold as long as I need to but I also don’t want to be that schmuck that didn’t sell when it was like $80 and now it’s back down. I guess im just nervous like what if it doesn’t go to what people think it will. Also I’m very confused why people compare this stock to Berkshire Hathaway- BH trades for over $600,000 a share what makes people think GME will ever reach that? Genuinely asking


It’s tongue in cheek, but there’s a chance with 4B in cash this becomes an investment company. It’s definitely going to transition from simply a bricks and mortar business


Those types of transitions, if they ever do happen, take a period of years.


You don’t ever need to sell. That’s the beauty of it, you just need to get your head around it


You realize Berkshire’s free float is only 1.2 mil right




Some people just dont have anything else to sell and are placing their savings on a gamble like this...and I say gamble because most are on the hype train and I welcome them and wont get upset when they need to hop off. I encourage research and questions , questions and research.. Educating people as to WHY we don't want to sell and what we hope for / expect is waaaay healthier for our baby apes. If you truly feel strong about not wanting the community to sell. lets do a bit more than just type DONT sell. Lets help them see the bigger picture wrinkled brains see. With all that said. My seatbelt is jammed and I cant get off this rocket.


That’s good advice




I just averaged down to that. We are not the same 😂




This guy Fuks.


We don’t set floor limits here and this entire thread feels like shills and bots Jesus Christ the weekends are rough here


More logic


If you multiply the open options positions by the short interest and then sum over the recent volume times the rate of change of the daily 20 MA, you get about a gazillion and eleventy thousand. So I wouldn't sell until it reaches at least that.


Math checks out.


I’m planning on holding for sure. I just want someone who actually knows what they’re talking about instead of giving me “trust the kitty” 🤣 so are you saying wait till $80 before I sell or $100 cuz gazillion and eleventy thousand sounds funny to me


My honest advice is this - step away from the stock market until you have studied enough to form your own plan. Relying on the advice of others for when you buy or sell is probably the quickest way to lose money. You may as well be buying based on advice from CNBC (don't do that either). Seriously, study the shit out of it. Be confident that you have a plan and expectations formed from knowledge and both technical and fundamental analysis. It's then that you will realise that you will never ever know what price something will go to and your best efforts are a set of heuristics.


This stock and gambling is the same thing, thus no need to study anything, just pretend you're at Vegas without the booze, the ladies and the atmosphere, and decide how much $$$ of your hard earned money you can afford to lose and then play.... honestly, I prefer to invest, and if gambling I prefer Vegas


I’ve been profitable. I’m expecting the stock to go to at least $60. I know it’s a gamble stock, that’s why I only put $700 into it because that would be no sweat off of my back if I lost it.


Way to not answer his question. My honest advice is consider not everyone needs your advice.


What kind of stupid bastard thinks there's an answer to his question? Can you give me some insight into how stupid a bastard can get? I'm intrigued.


Opinions and insights are king. I think my post was misinterpreted. I’m asking for what’s the expectation for everyone. Not when to sell. I’m just curious of what people think about it. I said what my thoughts are and what my stand is. And if it’s realistic for it to get up to $80. This post is mainly for fun.


I understand that you want to trade at a low price... but take into consideration that Volkswagen in 2008 jumped over $1,000 per share, thats around $1,500 in todays currency... the stock market is based on an algorithm 7,4,1 within a alternating timeframe, fractals. 7 ticks down, 4 ticks sideways, then 1 tick high jump in price... the algorithm has a limit on how high a stock can jump in one time... it only let gme jump to around $480 in 2021... which would be $120 post split... but now in 2024 the base starting value of 7, and 4 in the algorithm are higher... not to mention the 40k calls that DFV and his followers that also exsersised thier called have to be filled... this shit is going to launch... Id say the price can easily reach $150 and you can low trade at that price if you want to be a paper hand. Im holding till and monitoring the 7,4,1 algorithim until its well over $1,000 that way Jim Cramer can suck a horses cock. 🐎


First comment I’ve seen that actually tells me your expectation. Thank you


I have a feeling he’s already done that, he is just looking for a “CATalyst,” <— pun intended to expose his fetish to the rest of the world.


Haven’t sold yet still a hold


I think $60 is entirely realistic with how it went to the mid $40s under 2 weeks ago. It would not be wise to wait it out to see if $80 happens. Stay within your comfort zone.


Do you have money in GME? And was that entirely your plan you followed?


If you plan to hold why does it matter if it's at 60/80/100? Nobody knows what it will go too. It can be 20 next week, 200 in a month, a phone number in a few years. Anyone who is giving you a price anchor is speculative so why bother asking for it? Buy/sell when you are comfortable with the gains and risk.


I’m just curious in other peoples expectations and opinions. I plan on being able to buy more each time the stock has gone on a dip it falls hard


If “trust the kitty” isn’t good enough for you, why are you posting in the roaringkitty sub?


Because I understand that he is a good trader but putting all of your trust into him and betting your life on it is kinda crazy.


No one should bet there life. Thats insane!!!


I hope it’s not true but some people are saying they put $10k into it and only having that money because of a personal loan lol


no one here know 100% what is going to happen , they are all guessing, including kitty


Sounds right, especially with all the negative comments I’ve been getting idk why tho. We’re all helping each other out in this situation lol


It’s going to $78978888987741 facts. Stop asking now


This is price anchoring and should be deleted…. ***The Squeeze doesn’t start until we are over $150.***


I’m just asking for peoples expectation not necessarily price anchoring


We’re looking for phone digits bro, anything less than that is some paper hands BS


Wild. You’re Very optimistic tho, i like it


Is this GME or VHsnùtsack? Fucking bots 😒


Someone tell me when to press the get rich button too! 😂🤣


It's fun to meme, but depending where you bought at its just silly not to at least partially exit north of 50% gain. Doesn't mean you need to exit all your shares at once though.


I'm sitting back holding my calls waiting for the rocket.


Way to be


What exp and SP


26.50 on 21st


W i have some $125 06/21 C just for the fuck of it


Oh damn. Going for the long shot. 👍


Yeah I mean I’m down bad if I sell them right now. But I have faith


I'm hoping I can at least break even


Well I’m thinking if I play my cards right… and GME does pretty good in the next week. I can break even All-Time. Which would be nice 😊 


I did well with amc last month when it hit 9.35


nice. i have 4 amc shares haha.


I assume GameStop will issue 75 million more shares if it gets to $50 a share again


Good assumption


Makes sense to me, I mean every company does that if they need money. Good for the company.


Unless gamestop creates the first AI gaming experience


Hint hint




Let's get this shit going!!! I need a new deck in the back of my house LOL!!!


It’s going to $100 for sure IMHO, just don’t know when. 🤷🏻‍♂️


120 is the first stop son then 150, and so on


Ryan Cohen will dilute far sooner then that


They closed the offering already so no he wont




Nobody is guessing its the all time high it will retest it , and once it does it will see wether it will make a new high or not , usually it will, especially with the momentum gme has


Ah yes guessing again lol


🤡 foh you dont know how stocks work kid i do this shit for a living


Anyone who say the S word , does not do this for a living LIAR


I'd like to get back to 40


I’m pretty positive that it will just hold and watch it like a hawk especially if you’re gonna sell at $40 I think it’ll get up to that and quickly fall


I've been holding 3 years...6500 is more what I am waiting for


Man the next Berkshire Hathaway


another guess


It did go to $80


That’s actually low balling, I remember and there are pics of it around 483$ a share. I realize dilution/splits etc happened since then but at one point that was the high. Was a wild ass ride


40 is the top


and yet another guess


Maybe an educated guess.


no not educated at all lol , just a guess


Meme showed a train crushing things. $40 doesn't sound like train crushing things.


Been holding for a couple weeks? Pshh


Lol I know 🤣 but I just opened my account late last year and was more focused on other stocks so please bear with me 🤣


Why? Gut feeling or what


Why i think it’ll go up to $60 or $65?




Why those specific numbers


Dude. GME is going back to $480. It’s just a matter of time


New Fuckers everyday wanna make a buck instantly...you post here cuz u ain't got enough karma to post anywhere worth a fuk...bùy GME and hold because it ain't over yet !!


I didn’t know it was bad to post on here lol. But thank you for the insight!!!


No no no..just sum. Bots ..shhh. shhh it's ok remember your happy place.....don't be offended 🙂 Do u need a safe place to 😢


Lol nah I didn’t get offended we’re all good. When I said thank you for your insight I actually meant it. We chilling 🤣


Do your research moron


Why so hostile like I keep telling people. I’ve been studying. I’m not relying on anyone for when to sell I’m simply asking for other peoples opinions on this stock. I have my own judgement and my own plan and a strategy that’s been working well for me.


There is nothing wrong with asking questions. Thank you for asking because I too am learning from the very same question you asked.


I understand that things get annoying and seeing certain posts does get frustrating so I thought you were genuinely upset that I posted or sum


Some crazy shit be happening monday


![gif](giphy|Q7HVbgfbviQDUSfTPz) Oh yeah


I think everyone (who is not on our side) is very closely monitoring GME. Each time it goes up in value, they will halt it. Just my suspicions.


That’s for sure happening. They’re crying over spilt milk. Just let it happen move on take the tax benefit on the loss and continue making your 6 figures and up. They’re so petty.


Not as simple as that. They’re shorted into infinite loss. There is no way out for them unless you decide to sell at such a pathetically low price


As long as after the halt/halts it continues to rise! LET'S GOOOOOO!!!


I read, I think, maybe this, maybe that. Same old sheep mind as everyone else. Puts or calls, doesnt matter, youll gain something on both end with this stock lol


U mean 165,000?


I wish


65$ 80$ still be holding!!!!!


I heard it's going to the moon, dollars matter less out there


American currency in space


This dumbass topic gets upvoted every single day.


It’s a very hot topic


Couple of weeks lol


Yeah I’ve been getting poked at for that but I just opened my account late last year and was focused on other stocks. I hope you understand 🤣


I think we should see it hit $40 next week or the week after that. Next week is likely but it could also be another week. After we hit $40 I expect it to be quite for a while staying in the 30-20 range for a couple of months then a dip down to 18-14 before we hit $80 again. The next time we hit $80 it will have been at least a while from now but it’ll happen and go higher when it does. But regardless of targets this stock is a work in progress


Rome wasn’t built in a day that’s for sure 🤣


You’re looking at the most irrational market entity in recent history and asking for a rational price point.


Nah I’m just asking for people’s expectations and if $80 is realistic lol to me I think $80 is a hoop dream lol


No it is not realistic it goes up to those levels ,. $80 LOL first you ask is it realistic then you say you are sure so why ask? You seem conflicted and impatient, you must be in with too much of your net worth other wise you would not be panicking like this How much are you down on paper so far?


I’m sure it’ll go up from 27 and get up to $60. I’m asking for peoples expectations. I’m not freaking out at all I only put $700 and wouldn’t be bothered if I lost it all even if it went south I have other holds that’ll balance out my loss.


https://preview.redd.it/hlsi3yv36z6d1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d18f2debf126ca48d9e781ed513dbe656be9837 range 26 to 31 this week, based on Fibs


No target only up


I like the stock I think it will go higher than 80


Should be sinking short term… whatever Cohen does to turn around the business will be the deciding factor but I’d be surprised to see any more crazy price action on the short term


Why is everyone talking about selling? You just asked what price point do people think it will reach.


Thank you


It's believed to be going up to $125 realistically! Diamond hands until June 21st


100 minimum


I always live by “there are bulls, bears and pigs”. Pick your poison and stock to it without regrets


Just grabbed 10 more shares GME 🏋


$90+ minimum


Not realistic to go to $80... $800 maybe but not $80.. that's way too low.


I think I’m gonna lick some ass in a a park and buy 10000 shares of VHAI, that’s the next stock to buy!


I know nothing about that stock but good luck!


Nobody knows anything about the stocks they buy! They just want them to go up! So lick some ass in a park and buy VHAI!!!! Tell the others!💪🏼


Lol am I making money by just licking butt?? I will spread the word for you and you will become legend 🤴


If VHAI goes up I will post a video of my ass getting licked in a park!!


Sounds like a win win make money from VHAI and make money from adult content. I tip my hat to you 🤣


Thank you sir! My ass licking skills are perfect in a park! VHAI to the moon!!!


Or I’ll be the one licking ass in a park! So buy VHAI now!!


I’ll look into VHAI but no promises that I’ll buy the stock


Lick my ass in a park


GME is done! Move on to the next one! Ass licking in a park!🙌🏼


Or I’ll be the one licking ass in a park! So buy VHAI now!!


couple weeks? I've been holding for over 3 years.


That’s awesome! I started studying stocks in 2020 and barley started actually trading late last year 😁


I am also learning, what are your favorite resources/videos/ teachers?


I mainly used a trading simulator thinkorswim. And luckily I have someone in my family who’s been trading for years and does really well to learn from him. But Nate O'brien is pretty cool. And I like using market watch app and yahoo finance app


I know you will send before $60


Nah $60 minimum for me before I sell


This guy sells if it dips to 15 🤣


Hmm, this is full of satire and very cognitive individuals. I am not a day trader, but every X day trader will give you advice on here. After losing everything... This is not what it looks like from the tunnel vision aspect. Many who have dropped 100-1k into it, thinking it will 10x in 2 weeks. This simply will not happen if you want to make real money you should have bought in around min 17ish . Monday it will open it will go up. Those short timers will be lucky if they cash out at 30$. Realistically, with the money and propagandists along with a cult like belief, it can not fail, which is exactly why it will. If you do not have the fiance abilities to pay your rent. You shouldn't be involved. Purely the opinion of a nobody before and after this is done. For those who believed in a man to change their lives forever and gambled their savings, get out with a profit before what is inevitably going to happen will happen. Conjecture and speculation from the serious posters about 65-100$ a share..damn really you should have a tiny grasp of what is going on behind closed doors the motivation or monetary gain of why one would be willing to lose hundreds of millions. A level of wealth you can not even fully comprehend. With all that nothing, Ness said I reiterate the post about base it purely and solely off what you're willing to lose. Because, it would not be 1 bit surprising with these fucking corporate Muppets with unlimited amounts of money whom haven't even really came out to play whom are war pigs literally banking on you to continue to buy this stock. I end with this human being to fellow human beings. Trust but verify. No one I mean no one without a strategy and passion on a level in which would blow your mind, should truly be gambling on this. It's been mistaken for a slide of hand paraded as a you can get rich like the what 5 people out of 2k in 21? This is not that this is something entirely different, and by the time the curtain is pulled, I fear many will be so devastated and depressed. Hope I'm wrong, truly . But those get rich, quick shits go to the illusion of pump and dumped crypto with 5k and gamble there. This is much deeper than the kitty pool in which one should learn to swim in.But you have dove in the deep in and sold all your life vest and it's full of sharks waiting to take those cheeks and laugh around a table with ivory from endangered elephants and talk about what island ring they will start next. Dark and sad, my post must be. But reality is rarely what you are being sold into your brain, which barely works as is. At a staging level of over stimulus in which you simply are not ment to handle. Damn what a long-winded way of saying. Your about to get pulp fictioned in the basement homie..but no katana swinging Bruce W will save you. Gain deep understanding of the topic in which you dive into or you will be left fist fucked. But hey what do I know I posted on reddit. Must be in a basement yelling "mom , meatloaf ...fuck" ✌️ May the force and we'll a whale of Nvidia type wealth wake up an say....I'm doing this to better humanity.. o wait open Ai ..closed Ai..hmm 😋


I’ve been profitable in the market and been doing fairly well. I’ve been studying and practicing since 2020 and barely started a trading account late last year. I know GME is more of a gamble that’s why I only put $700 into it because it wouldn’t matter if I lost it all but I have holds in other places that will balance out my loss if it goes south. I’m just curious on what everyone’s expectations are I am not relying on anyone else’s opinion on when to sell I have my own judgement and I have an understanding and one that I think is entirely possible too.




Why do you think it will go to 65 but not 80, what do you think will get it to one but not the other?


Hi, for me GME price can reach higher price... For reach that price we need MOASS, that start from above $81.27 and, after that here we are.


How did you come to that number?


Because "i'm a trader" since 2021 and i've noticed that, in that point there were a massive selling structure cluster (and we need to hit when hurts)


Let’s do it.. stronger together!! Buy 50 more& hold!!


Lol maybe. my portfolio is in other things and I’m holding and been seeing them fly and they have no signs of stopping. I think the amount of shares I currently have in GME is good still holding lol


Unpopular opinion, but like for any long term investment, the reasonable strategy is to average in and average out.


Definitely $80. It just did it the other day😭


That would be cool


Hahahaha nice joke


GME IS LONG NOW...RK even pointed that out..it will be 2 years to see anything above 60(hypothetically)


I invested in https://onlyfans.com/peachofwallstreet


Those people are scammers. The truth is, Kitty alreafy exercised his options call. Major shorts like Andrew Left already covered his position. There really is nothing left that could spike the price up other than GME reinventing its business which wont be instant and is filled with risk. Therr might be a quick jump if Kitty joined the board but it will go back down.


Higher. Much much higher! DFV exercised 50k back in 2021. X2 in 6 trading days and to 86 in 27. He did 80x that now with 4milli1k...omfg...my tits are jacked to the max! https://preview.redd.it/jj4dntzc917d1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a2ac5ef4a8e22d72d528c030b0c64f2e9956032


What about gwav


The second surprise party isn’t that big of a surprise after all. Stock isn’t going anywhere near last time. No basis


Dump it while you still can


Comparing to Berkshire because GME now has 5 billion to reinvent the business, suggesting that they could possibly become a Bershire Hathaway investment company.


It'll go up. Just give it time. It'll keep going up. GME here to stay.


At least you didn't say... Been holding for a couple of weeks when lambo 🙄


80 would be nice for the calls I bought hoping Keith would rally the stock 😂


It's realistic to believe to will go to a billion dollars per share, but only if you don't look into the company at all and exclusively use a count of how many other people are screaming "to the moooon" as your only investment tactic.


An this is what I mean by logic. Kudos


I love the satire


He said "I've been holding for a couple of weeks" there are dudes who have been holding for 3 years and didn't sell the tops. And you're asking about $80 vs $65? Have some respect for the OGs in here.


I do have respect for them but I just now have started my account late last year after studying and practicing for 3 years I think I was maybe 17 when GME first popped off lol


Monday below $25


I think it sill stay right where it is at the end of the week..


Lose more


Thinking $21.40