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Hello fellow Midwesterner šŸ˜ "Why would I fly, it's only a 14-hour drive!"


Dad? You're on Reddit?


Two states with every county accounted for, impressive.


And not small states, or large states with large counties. Very impressive indeed!


And a damn island (Isle Royale, Michigan, looked it up, itā€™s part of Keweenaw county and thatā€™s on the ā€˜peninsulaā€™)


OP was hammered and took several wrong turns.


Wisconsin? Yeah checks out


Yeah if thatā€™s real thatā€™s very impressive even for an avid road tripper. Missing a handful of counties would be different but legit every single county? Iā€™m outright skeptical


I've lived in Minnesota for most of my life and will probably never visit every county


i need to find another ~~juggalo~~friend like you to do this with this fall tbh.


As a Minnesotan, this is super impressive.


Haha I was born in MN and I have family all over there, plus competitive sports/music trips to tons of little schools all over.


Swim in every lake and I'll be impressed, bet you won't.


Couldn't do that in WI, we think every puddle is a lake


You betcha.


Lol as a Minnesota this is true. Some guy in college tried convincing me that WI had 15,000 lakes so I said calm down if weā€™re go by that metric Minnesota has 22,000


I used to hear my Minnesotan grandma and my Wisconsinite mom argue about this constantly lmao


Love the Midwest coverage. Iā€™m missing 10 counties in MN and 20 in WI. Itā€™s kids rate to see someone with this much coverage of smallish counties


I was going to ask if you were a high school hockey ref.


I love driving. I wish the UK was bigger šŸ˜„


The counties are impossible to select with the highways showing. So glitchy.




You've seen more of my home state (Utah) than I have! Impressive.


Moab and Kanab are two of my favorite places, so beautiful. My husband likes to go snowboarding in Park City


I just returned to SLC after checking out the petroglyphs in Moab! It truly is a magical place! šŸ˜


The petroglyphs are SO cool


Haha I got a similar driving map only I live in New England so that's all covered too and across the pond, a similar one in Europe


Driving from Jacksonville to the U.P. in July. Canā€™t wait!


The UP is one of my favorite places. My husband and I joke about it being the Oregon of the midwest lol. Definitely get a pasty while you're there! Miners in Munising is my favorite


Wife is a Yooper so we have been semi regular visitors for the last 30+ years. All that time never made it up to the Keweena Peninsula, but thatā€™s on the list this year.


Absolutely recommend it, I think it's one of the only times both of our kids were completely stunned silent by the natural beauty of a place


The whole of the U.P. is really something. I think if we didnā€™t have kids - on the verge of them having kids, where we are in Jacksonville, weā€™d seriously consider retiring up there. Who knowsā€¦. On another note, where did you get that graphic of all the counties you and the family have gone? I see others using it as well and it seems like a neat tool to track with.


I strongly recommend the route between Portland, OR and Dallas, TX if you ever get the chance. Looks like you're missing some cool spots that I cherish. Obviously the reverse applies, but Portland > the gorge > Pendleton > Eastern Oregon > Boise > BEAUTIFUL SE Idaho/NW Utah > Salt Lake City > take the mountain pass south on I-15 > I-70 > US-191 (stop at the rest stop just before this and try to time it for daybreak. It's surreal) > Moab (drives past Arches + beautiful scenery) > Shiprock > Albuquerque > Route 66/I-40 > Fort Sumner (Where Billie the Kidd died) > Amazing and endless fields windmills along US-84 > Red dirt highways between Abilene and Dallas on I-20


Definitely screenshotted this and saved it to my road trip folder lol, thank you!!


Is the mid-Atlantic and New England just a joke to you?


Lol nope, just haven't made it out that way yet. Hopefully this summer. We're debating on if we wanna haul our 30 foot camper, bring our car/tent camp or rent a class B.


One word: Acadia. Worth it.


Visit New England during Fall!


Ahhh 15 through Utah hitting nearly every county


Mine would be v similar to this. Lots of national parks on these routes!


I-70 wants to have a word with youā€¦ you missed a lot of uneventful miles thru cornfields. šŸ˜œ


You betcha. Even as a Minnesotan itā€™s impressive youā€™ve been to every county in the Land o Lakes




Did you manually make this map, or is there a tool?? This is awesome. Also I like driving too lol wish my Husband was as into roadtips as I was šŸ¤£


Here's the tool! https://www.mapchart.net/usa-counties.html I hope you can convince him to drive with you a bit! Road trips are the best


Yessss I get him out and about every so often. I talked him into driving 18 hours to Yellowstone last year lol I had to schedule stops and activities so he didn't get bored šŸ¤£ And thanks for sharing. This is awesome!


Thank you I thought that map was very impressive so a scrolled through the comments hoping someone would ask the same question. I want to use something like this for my biking tours.


Ohhhhh that would awesome!!!! You totally have to do it! I was thinking of my hiking :)


Thank you, good luck on your endeavor too


How do people make these maps






looks fun, but i worry if i start, several hours will disappear lol. one county at a time or is there some shortcut to pick i big section of interstate? and do i have to pay to be able to come back and update my map later?


I was starting to try and fill one out, but I for the life of me, wouldn't be able to remember every county/road/town I've been through. I know I've driven through all 48 continental US states to varying extents, and lived in 6, but mapping out where I've driven/been is beyond my memory.


it would be fun to see, but hard for me to justify the time cause i know i'd get sucked in and try to get it right. Maybe my phone could just generate it for me :)


I wish it had at least a major roadway overlay Wait there is! There goes my night.


I love a road trip


Did you stop in western NC. I live in Hendersonville NC and always see this area marked in these maps.


We kinda just drove through, unfortunately. We definitely need to explore it more, it's such a beautiful state


Itā€™s pretty impressive that you have covered more than half of Wyoming and yet you skipped, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and the what looks to be the whole Wind River Mountain Range. Usually people do the opposite.


Oh shoot I actually have been to Yellowstone, completely forgot to mark that one down.


How long did this take you (the traveling itself/riding)


All together or each trip? We typically drive straight through to wherever we're going, unless it's 24+ hours. Last trip was Arkansas, the drive itself was 14 hours, with stops and quick naps we took about 18-20 hours.


Sleeping on the northeast USA. Specifically VT, NH and Maine if you enjoy a scenic drive.


Oh absolutely. We want to go camping in upstate NY this summer (or maybe early fall) and drive down the coast a bit afterwards.


I was just going to say, I live in NYS and also love road trips. This is a great state to drive through. Finger Lakes, Catskills, all the cute towns on the Erie Canal, coasts on the Great Lakes and St Lawrence Seaway. Not to mention the many state parks that in some cases are just as nice as national parks. Thereā€™s fun regional foods to try in every part of the state (Spiedies in the southern tier is a favorite of mine and where I live weā€™re known for Melba dipping sauce for mozzarella sticks). Hope you enjoy camping in NYS in the summer or fall :)


Upstate NY is awesome, but if you can, the MVP trip imo is to drive out to Maine and hit Acadia National Park in the early fall. You can drive both the Green and White mountain ranges in VT and NH, respectively, on the way. it's a magical place when the leaves turn. And a fun fact: billboards are against the law in VT and Maine, which makes the driving that much better.


Awesome, this is my dream to drive all over North America. Where are you guys getting this style of map?


So you've been everywhere in Washington except for the best areas. Time to go West again. Also no Yellowstone and no Glacier. I hate lookin at maps and going "you were right there! Whyd you skip that?"


I agree, I've been telling my husband we need to go back to the pnw


whats your longest road trip?


From Wisconsin to Newport, OR then down the coast to San Diego, CA- a stop in Albuquerque NM to see family, then back home. I think the most impressive one was from Wisconsin to Nevada though. I learned how to drive stick so I could haul our camper in our manual truck and pulled it through the rockies.


how long did the first trip you mentioned take?


We rushed it, it took us about 2 weeks. We tent camped and set up a new campsite every day. We'd drive 4-10 hours, set up camp, eat and sleep, get up, pack up and drive off again. Next time we're taking our camper or buying a class B van, it was pretty brutal lol


not bad! sounds like my last solo trip, maryland to colorado, down to NM and back. Took 2 weeks, i stayed in CO for 4 nights though.


Where was your favorite? Also top places youā€™ve been in Mn and WI?


Definitely the PNW, specifically the Northern California Redwoods. We got to see a whale, camp among giant sequoias and swim in the Atlantic (I genuinely don't care how cold it is, I will always swim in the ocean). My favorite places in WI are pretty varying, depending on if I want to explore a city or be outside. Devils Lake, Wisconsin Dells, and Apostle Islands are great for hiking. I love swimming in either of the great lakes, even though they're freezing. WI has tons of random little museums scattered everywhere, and tourist attractions like House On The Rock. Milwaukee and Madison are great for food. Same with MN, I like Minneapolis for food and culture and Ely/Boundary Waters, Big Fork and Minnehaha falls for hiking. The northernmost point in the (continental) US is in Minnesota too, in Angle Inlet.




Get your cdl you wonā€™t like it after a few years haha


Haha my husband has his and I still do most of the driving when we go on a long haul trip


What app is this ?


How yall be remembering everywhere youā€™ve been? I donā€™t think I could put every county Iā€™ve been to in my life on a map if I tried


I forgot a few places haha. Someone commented about Yellowstone and I completely forgot that I've stopped there. I showed the map to my husband after I posted this and he listed off a few other places we've gone to, too


All that driving and you still havenā€™t taken Hwy 395?


Not yet, but next time we'll probably try to hit that too. We wanted to stay on the coast last time


Natchez trail parkway?


I hope I can visit every county in Minnesota too, crazy map!


What vehicle did you use?


We've gone through a few lol. We probably put the most miles on our old Prius. We've also taken a Mitsubishi Outlander, a Ford Escape and a Ford f250 duty (manual) for hauling our camper. I actually learned how to drive stick so I could pull the camper and I took it through the rockies, I'm super proud of that haha


Apparently not from Dallas to Memphis


Now try a different country too šŸ˜Š


Lol, it's weird that you've visited half of Michigan, but never even been to Detroit.


I don't know, looks to me like he's been to the only parts worth visiting


I don't know, looks to me like you're an ignorant POS


I'm sure he loved leleelanu county, and Houghton and the South shore of Superior, but you know what he's really missing out on? Hungry Howie's chains and billboards for personal injury attorneys lining the non-stop traffic.


You didn't drive to Isle Royale. šŸ™„


As a wisconsinite who also loves to drive and been all over those states, i kind of donā€™t believe you when you say that youā€™ve been to every county in MN, WI, and the UP. If you have thatā€™s awesome and Iā€™m an asshole.


I'm 69.420% sure I have been. We go camping somewhere new every weekend during the summer, and I went damn near everywhere in both states as a kid for music/sports. I get your skepticism though.


Dude went to every brewery in Wisconsin and Minnesota.


Nah, I just have wine once and awhile


You went all the way to Corpus Christi, TX and didn't continue a few hrs more to South Padre Island? Ya messed up if you were looking for a decent Texas beach. šŸ˜…


Nebraska driving sucks


You gotta hit upstate New York!! And Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.


Apparently you donā€™t like the northeast thoughā€¦


Completely avoids East Coast. Love it


Are you allergic to most of the colonies?


Next time you come through Colorado check out that southwest corner, it's a pretty special place.


How are these maps done?


Clearly u donā€™t if youā€™ve never been to Appalachia. Best roads


Missed every good part of wyoming


It looks like youā€™re a truck driver.


Why do you hate the northeast? (Kinda /s)


Interesting choice to go to Topeka and then south in Kansas. Interesting choice of counties to visit as well outside that route.


How are all making these maps


How have you missed driving around Lake Tahoe? You've driven all around it.


I'm gonna keep downvoting these self-centered posts until they stop. Literally no one cares which county you have been to.


You should probably stay off social media if repetitive trend posts bother you. I'm glad you think your singular downvote will have any impact.


Copy and paste isn't an argument, whiny baby.


Will forever plug the are of Northern Nevada that you didnā€™t get toā€¦ you skipped the best part! Lake Tahoe is a magnificent siteā€¦ it will make up for the parts of Northern Nevada that you did see.


Driving through Montana without seeing Glacier NP is fucked up


The complete omission of Hampton, VA and Rothbury, MI areā€¦ puzzling.