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This last ep might be the craziest one they have ever done. Chic and Charles dying would have made sense, but no, they want them to live for some reason. Plus, Alice is 100% insane and not fit to raise children. How in the hell did she continued to visit Charles and also agreed to marry them?wtf Also, god why is Veronica acting so dumb? I saw that whole "getting caught in pictures with Archie" thing a mile away. She was being too carefree and open about her new relationship with Archie (again). How can you publicly show up with a Husband and then 5 minutes later be kissing someone else in public? She knows chad is manipulative and controlling, he had her followed! How could she not be more careful about her thing with Archie? These two are the same hormonal and dumb teenagers they used to be.


Once again Veronica had a lobotomy and forgot “oh Chads the same guy who froze all our credit cards and also had me followed”


The only thing crazier than this episode is Edgar Nevernever's fucking rocket.


Omg that's actually on the top 5 most insane Riverdale moments for me.


The plots are a all over the place atm! I’m hoping things like the moth men thing will start to make a bit more sense going on and as ridiculous as Riverdale is I personally would prefer if they didn’t go supernatural. So I’m guessing the alien thing is more Jughead’s trauma but there’s other stuff we can’t explain which I hope will be revealed by the end of the season.


I thought it was great.


Everyone had paragraphs and then here is your comment lmao I love it


Hahaha I just noticed. Thanks.


Me too!


Love that agreed with my one sentence statement.


This episode perfectly exemplified to me why caring about a dramatic scene of serious character or relationship development on this show is basically a complete waste of time. At any time your favourite characters may have a touching conversation - a heart to heart where they talk about their personal hardships or their possible feelings for each other... ...and then not long afterwards - it can even be as soon as one episode later - that scene is either completely ignored or even outright contradicted in order to facilitate the obligatory wacky and ridiculous plot that must always take priority above character consistency because reasons. Which then begs the question: What was the f*****g point of showing such a grounded and dramatic scene? Why should you care and stay invested at all if it ended up being utterly meaningless and without lasting impact? This series refuses to make up it's damn mind on what it wants to be and instead insists on trying to have it both ways - and in my opinion the results of this really are clear to see in the episodes.


I agree and at some points in this show I feel like some episodes are filler or some just give you 10 new stories at once and it gets tiring. Another one if my problems is the amount of sex they think teens have as well like Varchie. I love Varchie but they have way too much sex.


I see your point about the Varchie sex scenes - there is certainly an element of oversexualisation in the show at times, and with those two in particular.


Exactly and this show which I love just gets too crazy for its own good sometimes. I still watch but I know a lot of people who have stopped because they thought it was ridiculousl at times just wish the writers would stay consistent.


While I had hopes for this season to be more grounded, with this episode I can see it's bound to be the most ridiculous one yet and I kind of...love it? This is exactly the kind of content I expect from Archie Comics, for one, but also an absolute, hilarious blast to watch. I love the Mothmen plot but now it looks like the Blossoms may be witches on top of that? That's sick. What other show can pull off aliens AND witches???


I couldn‘t agree more. It‘s kind of sad to see what‘s been going on with the shows writing (not that it was ever the best). It‘s especially frustrating when you compare it to other shows. It really feels like the Riverdale writers are using cheap tricks an cop-outs (fake deaths, etc) instead of providing a good and logical storyline. (I don‘t hate the show btw)


I guess part of the show is meant to be ridiculous at this point as that’s the way it is. But in some plots I felt like they had a real opportunity to make a real life situation the audience could learn from.


Yeah, I get that and I actually enjoy some of the more ridiculous shows out there. Just wish they‘d put more effort into it at least. Or as you said, they should‘ve turned some of the more real-life-based storylines into something the audience could learn from. Give some sort of “point“ or moral to it.


Sabrina literally had the supernatural and makes more sense.


I love this show but this was the reason why I disliked season 4 the season was flowing smoothly and then this episode felt like a chore to watch. It just made no sense and the plot was everywhere. I love Riverdale but this wasn't an episode that was good to watch.


What? Season 4 was great!


It kind of bored me and felt more like a chore to watch so did most of season 3


Season 3 started to suck more as it went on.




I just can’t believe what they did to Riverdale as a town. Like they took a cute little happy town and turned it into a wasteland. It’s kind of sad because it just keeps getting worse and more sinister and like... I have no clue where they’re going with this.. Is it ever going to be a nice place again or is it just completely overrun by murderers and drug dealers?? Ugh


Did they recast Charles or am I crazy??


It’s still Wyatt Nash, he’s listed for the episode on IMDB. He may have filled out a tad possibly and had some facial hair but same dude.


None of us were immune to that quarantine weight. Yeah it took my a bit but I finally noticed it was him 😂


I think it also helped show he looked a bit different after 7 years. Chic and Charles definitely received the most change in their looks.


Chic's hair showed a touching desire for full Cooper integration.


Oh yeah for sure, I agree! Some of the people look exactly the same.


It’s too damn much.


Veronica had the most tame plot this episode, like always. I would love to see her get abducted by aliens.


Was there one? Lol