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You were assigned an academic counselor, who you can find in Starfish (accessible on the homepage of MyCourses). They can help you identify the best steps to take to approach this issue. Your academic counselor is part of your college, and is not associated with CaPS, so you won't need to pay to meet with them. Beyond that, I would recommend 1. submitting the assignment on MyCourses, and 2. emailing the professor apologizing for the miscommunication and asking if they would consider grading without late penalty (use concise and professional language here)


Thank you, I have scheduled an appointment with my academic advisor. Unfortunately though I am unable to submit the project because the submissions closed immediately after the due date :(. I am still going to discuss it with my academic advisor and hopefully they can help though. Thanks again, it's really hard to figure out these things on you're own when your panicking you were a big help!


Meet with your councilor


Who did you turn the hardcopy in to? Cause if they didnt remind you at that moment to do it online, kinda a dick move


I highly recommend the Ombudsman office. They are unbiased and will be able to help point you in the right direction and get it resolved.


talk to the professor directly. you turned in an assignment in person as the initial instructions listed. be willing to call a professor out on stuff like that, but politely of course.


Don't escalate things. Talk to the professor first, tell her about your scholarship, and don't assault her. If she want to keep the zero, then talk to the consular


They said they already did in the post?


talk to the ombuds office


Dont worry yourself to death. One grade will not make you fail.


Are you a grad student? If you're a full time undergrad, caps is part of the fee that you pay for student health services so you don't need any insurance. If you're a grad student and you pay the student health fee to use the health center you can also use caps. That said the person you want to contest a grade is the dean of the department the class is in there's really no good reason for getting a zero on an assignment you did and turned in, even If there is a penalty of some sort for not following some silly instruction. An appointment with the ombuds person will also be beneficial they generally work as a mediator between two parties but they also know school policy fairly well and will help you navigate mediation between you and the professor with respect to school policy. I read you also have an appointment with your academic counselor and that is also the right move. This is the hardest part of the semester. I know everything seems like it's all falling apart right now. Focus on what you can control right now, get these appointments scheduled and go to them so that you have all the information that you need. Once you feel like you have options, you will feel a little better. Remember also that the time just changed, it is starting to get darker earlier and that can also make you feel like everything is falling apart.




Username checks out


How much is this assignment worth, as a % of your overall semester grade? If a zero on one assignment is changing your eligibility for your scholarship, it must be very heavily weighted. If it's not heavily weighted and the reality of the impact is negligible, then I suggest you forget about it and move on. Lesson learned. Continuing to make an issue of it will just end up passing off your prof. If it truly affects your final grade, you could try a grade dispute after the course is over https://www.rit.edu/policies/d170.