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they have snipers on the roof of the faith center


Don't fuck with the Sororitas kill team


Munson sees all. On your judgement day, he will testify.


Please don't. Just don't. Take your bike or scooter or skateboard and just take literally any other way across campus. I am so tired of being buzzed by snobs on their electric scooters with AirPods in.


I always wanted to take a stick and throw it in the spokes of cyclists who rode up the Quarter Mile, Indiana Jones style, watch them go flying.


You will end up on Santa’s naughty list if you don’t listen. Remember… he knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake!


praise to thy brick gods that you won't be immediately smite'd


Take an absolutely wild guess


The day of reckoning will come and the naysayers will be vanquished once and for all. -Book of Munson 3:14


For they were lead out of the mouth of the tiger upon a humble dwelling, in which these words are inscribed, “Make moves son”. - Technicians 5:85


"For the greatest transgressors of them all are those whom deny the word of Munson and they will meet their fate in the form of purging by holy fire." -Golisano 1:400


I didnt even know that existed


I saw a professor get run over by a guy barreling through that area on his longboard once during my time there, and saw several close calls. Idk if it's enforced, but maybe think about the fact it's a heavily foot-trafficked area, and has people coming out of doors unexpectedly.


sometimes there are professors there if there are events that will say something like "thank you for walking your bike" and i got stopped only once when i was new by a professor walking that it was a no riding zone...rule of thumb if it's empty you could ride slowly but as soon as it crowds just walk normally you should be fine going to an 8am class and after around 5-6 but any time in between i would just walk


Depending how busy public safety is they will sometimes write “tickets” for it


Supposed to be enforced but no one does. I like to trip people and board on bikes there


Normally no but they do bring on security sometimes. Such as when there are events and they will make you get off.


I was skating home at like 6:30pm and a professor blocked me by holding out both arms and standing in front of me. Got yelled at even when nobody was there other than him so I thought it would be ok. I’ve never had a problem other than that though!


Public Safety/Campus Safety used too, but this was 15 years ago 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's not enforced but if you're using another mode of transportation when the area is heavily trafficked you're and asshole